Freelance Artist

Chapter 352 Male and female are indistinguishable, perfume is poisonous!

The results of the second round of draw will be out soon!

Frog Prince One.

Tibetan Mastiff No. 2.

Cuckoo Three.

Variety King No. 4.

on the stage.

Host Huang Li announced the result of the draw.

Then the Frog Prince came on stage and started singing.

Perhaps it was because the four advanced contestants in this round only competed for rankings, and no one would be eliminated, so the Frog Prince chose a song this time boldly, and even sang a very niche song, but the response from the audience was surprisingly good. It was so explosive in the last round, but judging from the overall applause, there is no problem.

Immediately afterwards.

The Tibetan mastiff came on the stage and sang a song that was not so suitable for the competitive stage, but it was very immersive. The whole was very distracting. Lin Zhibai was a little sad when he heard it, and suddenly felt a little familiar.

"This singing style is very unique..."

Although the voice is not so familiar to him, but this way of singing, Lin Zhibai feels like an old friend of his, "Could it be Zhang Xiyang?"

The thought flashed into my mind.

Recalling the feeling of the previous few games of the Tibetan Mastiff, it seems that this kind of vague familiarity has always existed, and Lin Zhibai's eyes gradually brightened!

"It might be him!"

Lin Zhibai is 60% sure.

In fact, Lin Zhibai can directly ask the system to search for the singing skills of other singers. After comparing the data, he will know. Of course, he can directly ask Jiang Cheng to tell him who is who, but that would be boring. Or the very subtle atmosphere of "please close your eyes when it gets dark", you can only feel a sense of accomplishment if you guess it or try it out!

And then.

Here comes the cuckoo!

This cuckoo, suspected to be Luo Yan, hid it very well this time, and used that slightly neutral voice again, but Lin Zhibai had already noticed him in the last issue——

This person is probably Luo Yan!

After all, he was personally selected by Lin Zhibai in "The Voice" back then, and he is still very familiar with Luo Yan, "I can't recognize who it is just Chu Liuxiang. The results are pretty much the same."

When the cuckoo finishes singing.

Huang Li looked at the restless audience, and said: "Next, let's give warm applause to welcome today's last masked singer to perform on stage, he is Variety Star!"


The audience is now excited when they hear "The Variety Star", and the smile has already appeared on the face in advance, as if the other party is some kind of comedian!


"It's finally him again!"

"The number one scam in the music world!"

"The first person to make a prank!"

"What will he do next?"

"There shouldn't be any new work. First of all, Zhang Xiyang can't pretend anymore. Lin Shouzhuo has also personally cracked down on fake rumors. He has imitated Zhou Hanjin's voice twice. Even if he continues to imitate, there is nothing new."


"I don't think there's much new work on the voice. After all, he has already imitated three voices, which is probably at his limit. Otherwise, he wouldn't have imitated Zhou Hanjin and Lin Shouzhuo's singing twice."

"Should he only have Ben Yin useless?"

The audience has been counting. The Variety Star has sung a total of five songs so far, using three voices respectively. Among them, Zhou Hanjin's voice was used twice, Lin Shouzhuo's voice was used twice, and Zhang Xiyang's voice was used once In view of the fact that Zhou Hanjin and Lin Shouzhuo's voices were used twice each, many viewers felt that this was because the Variety Star Lord had no new tricks.


There are also some viewers who are looking forward to the fourth voice of Lord Variety, because there will be a high probability that it will be his real original voice!


The curtain fell.

Variety King walked to the stage.

There were waves of cheers at the scene, which made several other masked singers envious. The audience popularity of Variety Star is really great!

Just because Mr. Variety Star is too good at working hard!

Ninety percent of the show's effects are on him!

It can even be said that the popularity of "The King of Masked Singer" is so high, and the existence of Variety Star is absolutely indispensable. Obviously, in terms of the hard power of stage performance, Tibetan Mastiff and Frog Prince are stronger than Variety Star Go to the front line!


Lin Zhibai motioned for the band.

The stage lights dimmed suddenly.

And the moment the stage went dark.

All eyes were on the big screen at the same time!


Because everyone wants to know the name of the song that Mr. Variety will sing this time!

This is a wonderful person who can start from the title of the song in every performance!

Looking at Qinzhou's so many music talent competitions over the years, only a character named Variety Star can do it——

Just the name of a song can make the audience scratch their heads with anticipation!


The big screen lit up.

This time, Variety Star still did not disappoint the audience, just the title of the song made many people laugh to the ground!

Because the name of the song is:

"Perfume is poisonous"!

"Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha what the hell is the perfume poisonous!"

"The name of the song of Lord Variety is always unreasonable!"

"Is it the perfume that is poisonous or you, Mr. Variety Star?"

"This guy is really poisonous. He just finished singing "You Are Poison" and now he is poisoning again!"

"The toxicity is very violent."

"This is playing Li Xiao's poisonous tricks!"

"You may not know that Li Xiao recently signed the endorsement of the international first-line perfume brand Fran, which was officially announced last month."


"Then this is Chunchun playing tricks on Li Xiao!"

Many people's eyes immediately shifted to Li Xiao, the eldest sister of the guessing group.

"What a broken song name!"

Li Xiao didn't know whether to cry or laugh for a while, didn't he just say that Mr. Baibianxing is poisonous a few times!

Why do you write songs with such rotten memes?

The key point is that I wrote two songs. The song "You Are Poison" in the last issue is not enough?

"Hahaha that's too much!"

Everyone in the guessing group laughed wildly, "Sister Xiao, I suspect that he is targeting you!"

"What do you call it?"

Li Xiao snorted and said, "You also said he was poisonous."

That's right.

When everyone was thinking like this, the prelude of a guitar sounded, and then they heard Lord Variety sing:

"I once loved such a man."

"He said I was the most beautiful woman in the world."

"I keep that innocence for him."

"Close the door on loving others."


The guests are dumbfounded!

The audience is stupid!

The other participating singers were also stunned!

The moment Variety Star's singing resounded on the stage, everyone's scalps were numb, and they were so shocked that they had goose bumps all over their bodies!

Li Xiao's voice!

This is Li Xiao's voice!

Of course Li Xiao herself heard it too, she stared at Lord Variety in astonishment, and didn't realize it for a long time!

how so?

He...or she...

How could this Variety Lord make the same voice as me! ?

Variety Star imitates the voices of other singers, everyone has already seen this!

Even if he made a fourth sound in this song, even if everyone was surprised, it was definitely within the acceptable range!

But! ! !

This does not include the voice of a female singer, even the voice of Li Xiao, a female singer!

"It's also the man I love deeply."

"Turn me into the dumbest woman in the world."

"I mean everything he says."

"He said he loved my lips the most."

Lin Zhibai perfectly used the ever-changing voice, and sang this song exactly like Li Xiao's voice.

Pure female voice!

Pure Li Xiao's voice!

Li Xiao felt his brain was in a mess, and murmured unconsciously: "How could this be..."


how so?

Everyone was so dazed that they even forgot to scream!


This is too scary!

At this moment, Li Xiao really experienced what it was like when Zhou Hanjin heard Lord Baibian imitate his voice before!

But this is a song sung purely from a female perspective!

Every line of the lyrics of Variety Xingjun shows this point!

Li Xiao's voice, singing "Perfume is Poisonous", has no sense of disobedience!

If it wasn't for Li Xiao sitting in the guessing group seat at the moment, the audience would have almost thought that Variety Star is really the Queen of Li Ge!

The singing continues.

Lord Variety looked at Li Xiao, at the guessing group, and at the audience, and at this moment he looked like a woman who was hurt in love.

His/her voice is so sad and painful!

"My requirements are not high."

"Treat me as well as ever."

"But one day you said the same thing."

"Wrap someone in your arms."

The woman's grievances are completely presented through the voice of Lord Variety Star!

Ying Wei's expression seemed constipated, it was a distorted expression that only appeared after being overly shocked!

"Is Lord Variety a male or a female!?"

The corners of Han Bo's eyes were also trembling: "Can a male singer make such a voice?"

Tian Wei's heartbeat almost missed a beat: "Impossible, even Luo Yan's female voice is not so feminine, it's exactly the same as Teacher Li Xiao's voice!"

"She might be a female singer!"

Li Xiao finally recovered, and at this moment, the chorus came!

Variety Star Lord raised his head high.

The voice cried like weeping:

"You smell of her perfume!"

"My nose is to blame!"

"Shouldn't smell her beauty!"

"Erase everything and sleep with you!"

There is one thing to say, this song "Perfume is Poisonous" that was popular in the previous life, ordinary male singers can't sing with the original key at all!

Even for many female singers, the difficulty is not low, because the key is too high!

However, Lord Variety can sing!

At the beginning, everyone thought that he was a male singer, and now he is using Li Xiao's voice to sing such a high-pitched female tune!

The chorus is not over yet.

With a slight pause, Mr. Variety Star once again pulled up the long and bright singer-level high-pitched voice:

"You smell of her perfume!"

"It's the inferiority complex you gave me!"

"The love you want is too perfect!"

"I'll never learn!"

The audience couldn't help screaming, and some people even got up straight away. Lord Variety went crazy with Li Xiao's voice!

The audience went crazy too!

In fact, the shock of this song itself is really not to such a degree, but Variety Star sang this song with Li Xiao's voice, matching the feeling of this song itself, directly stimulated all the audience to go numb!

"My God!"

"How did this happen!"

"It's outrageous!"

"I'm stupid!"

"This is Li Xiao's voice, and Lord Variety can even imitate a woman's voice!"

"Is it possible that Lord Variety is a woman!"

"It's just that we were all preconceived and subconsciously thought she was a man?"

"Don't forget that "The Voice" has a female singer who can make a man's voice!"

"The Variety Star Lord is indistinguishable from male and female!"

For other masked singers, the more the audience listens, the easier it is to guess the voice of the other party. After all, there are always times when there are several songs in a row.

Only this Variety King!

Not only has the identity not become clearer, but it has become more confusing. This time the audience can't even distinguish the most basic gender!

Who dares to say that Lord Variety must be a man?

No one dares to say it!

Which man can sing Li Xiao's voice?

But Li Xiao himself was a little dizzy and dizzy.

It seems that the stage is her own Li Xiaofenxiao?

Even Li Xiao felt that he might not be able to perform like this.

This song is too hard!

Can a woman who has not been divorced several times sing to this level?



Zhou Hanjin under the Frog Prince mask felt like he was diving in the deep sea.


Even the voice made by Lord Variety, which is exactly the same as his wife's, can't be heard clearly.

True Monarch Ever-changing?

Only at this moment did the frog prince truly understand the true meaning of "variety"!

Can you believe that Ya can become my wife?

Also, this song is so fucking ruthless, Mr. Baibianxing sang it with Li Xiao's voice.

Zhou Han listened, it seemed that Li Xiao was accusing himself of being a scumbag looking for women outside!

I do not have it!

I don't smell like other women's perfume!


Is this Variety Star gentleman male or female!

Where did it come from!

It's fine if you play tricks on me, why don't you even let my wife go!


next door.

Under the Tibetan mastiff mask, Zhang Xiyang was full of bewilderment!

The Variety Star finally uttered the fourth voice!

Everyone was expecting before, if this guy made a fourth voice, would it be his original voice...


The fourth voice came out, but the fool believed it was Yaben's voice, it was Li Xiao's voice!

Men can imitate!

This guy, a woman, can also imitate! ?

Or is this cheater really a woman! ?


Next door again.

The cuckoo stood up because he was so shocked, his face was almost stuck to the TV!

"Did I hear it wrong?"

Under the cuckoo mask is Luo Yan's face, but all the muscles on this face are tangled together at the moment!

"I can also imitate Teacher Li Xiao's voice, but I absolutely can't achieve this similarity..."

What if Variety King is a woman?

That's terrible!

What if Mr. Variety is a man?

That's still scary!

Where did this evildoer come from!


on the stage.

Variety Star is about to cry.

"You smell of her perfume. It's the inferiority complex you gave me. The love you want is too perfect. I'll never learn it..."

This is the feeling of singing.

Sing to the depths of the soul.

Even when he spit out the last line of lyrics, Mr. Variety's voice was crying: "I will never... never learn..."


Those who don't know really think that Baibian Xingjun is a woman with hurt feelings!

The hearts of the audience were also broken!

Only a few people including Li Xiao stared round their eyes!

Li Xiao doesn't believe this is true, Mr. Baibian Xing must be a singer similar to Luo Yan, that's why he can give off a woman's voice in a man's body...


Luo Yan! ?

Li Xiao's eyes widened even wider!

Is that you, Luo Yan? Don't pretend, I know it's you! !


ps: Wubai here recommends everyone to listen to a small version of "Perfume is Toxic", I cried (dog head)

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