Freelance Artist

Chapter 391 Exploding durians, eliminated!

The moment the voting channel opened, not only the live audience of "The King of Masked Singer" took out their mobile phones, but countless netizens watching the live broadcast in front of the screen also came out one after another!


"Did you watch the live broadcast, the song of Mr. Variety is crazy!"


"Lord Variety Star has completely exploded!"

"The climax dolphin sound made me stupid!"

"This dolphin singing is too awesome!"

"Don't patronize and shout, vote for Variety Star Lord, I am not a moral kidnapper, if such a performance fails to win, then every audience present is responsible!"

"Vote, vote!"

"Our whole family voted for Lord Variety, a total of 6 votes!"

"Eiichiro said that Variety Star's singing skills are not as good as exploding durians?"


"Will Eiichiro dare to repeat himself after listening to this song?"

"Although there are still finals to come, in my heart, Lord Variety is already the champion!"

"I actually believed Eiichiro before. I really thought that the singer's singing skills were not good, but I didn't expect it to be like this. In order to express my apology and guilt, I not only voted myself, but also asked my friends to help vote."


on site.

As the votes began to be counted, Exploding Durian returned to the stage, and came side by side with Mr. Variety.


big screen.

The number of votes for the two grew wildly.

But neither of them looked back.

Lin Zhibai's eyes were still on the auditorium.

But the eyes of the exploding durian kept sneaking glances at Mr. Variety Star. He felt uncomfortable now, and even wanted to skip this link.

if you can……

Exploding Durian just wants to stay away from this monster around him!

on site.

in front of the screen.

All eyes were on the increased number of votes for the duo.

five million!

Ten million!

Fifteen million!

Breakthrough 20 million!

Rush to 21 million!

The audience opened their mouths in astonishment!

The number of votes for Variety Star King and Exploding Durian exceeded 21 million at the same time, surpassing the previous Tibetan Mastiff and Frog Prince!


When the number of votes reached this level, the data growth of Exploding Durian slowed down significantly.

on the contrary.

The number of votes for Mr. Variety Star is still rising steadily, that momentum is simply terrifying!

thirty million!

Thirty-five million!

Forty-three million!

Forty-eight million!

The breathing of the audience was gradually heavy, and the guests of the guessing group were also sweaty palms, and their faces were full of disbelief. How the hell is this going to increase? The number of votes for Mr. Variety is going crazy!

"Five seconds left!"

Huang Li has been counting the time, and at this moment, the audience is counting down: "Everyone come with me, five! Four! Three! Two! One!"


Voting ends!

The result is out!

Looking at the number of votes for Mr. Variety Star, the audience burst into thunderous cheers!

Huang Li became excited uncontrollably, feeling a rush of blood rushing straight to his forehead, and couldn't help shouting out:

"58.63 million votes!"

Huang Li didn't even realize that he was a little crazy at the moment, "Mr. Baibian Xingjun's performance this round won a total of 58.63 million votes. A new record for the highest number of votes obtained by an individual!"


Huang Licai suddenly realized that he couldn't patronize Mr. Variety Star, and quickly continued: "At the same time, congratulations to Mr. Exploding Durian, who won a total of 23 million votes for this performance..."

In all fairness.

Under such a disadvantaged situation, Explosive Durian still managed to get 23 million votes, which is pretty amazing!

But there is no way!

The Variety Star Lord is so evil, he actually won more than 50 million votes, more than twice that of the Exploding Durian, directly creating a new record for personal votes!


Pure crushing!

The last glimmer of hope for the exploding durian was completely wiped out. His right hand trembled slightly, and he lifted the mask that he thought he would only uncover after winning the championship, revealing an uncontrollable wry smile.

It's him!

Ye Junji, one of the Four Heavenly Kings of Qizhou!

Some viewers who knew Ye Junji had already exclaimed. Although someone had already guessed the identity of the exploding durian before, this person was one of the four heavenly kings of Qizhou after all, and he was blown away by the Variety Star King A street, the number of votes was directly crushed by double!

this moment.

Ye Junji, one of the four heavenly kings of Qizhou, has more achievements in the music scene, the more terrifying the Variety King will be!

"It really is you."

Huang Li said earnestly: "Maybe some viewers are not familiar with it. This is Mr. Ye Junji, one of the four heavenly kings of Qizhou. He traveled thousands of miles to our Qinzhou to participate in "The King of Masked Singer". gave one wonderful performance after another, although this game..."

Ye Junji's wry smile froze.

Huang Liyang bragged about Ye Junji's personal achievements for several minutes. In fact, there was nothing wrong with every sentence, but he only found it harsh and noisy, as if the other party was reading a "eulogy" to him.

I lost!

Not dead!

Of course, Huang Li didn't mean that, and Ye Junji also knew that the other party didn't mean that, but his mentality was out of balance and he was in a dazed state.

Until Huang Li finished blowing.

Li Xiao in the audience went on to blow: "It's been a long time, Teacher Ye. I like every song of yours very much. You are indeed one of the four heavenly kings of Qizhou!"

"I even sang Teacher Ye's song!"

Qin Lian also started bragging. Of course, she also knew that Ye Junji was getting more and more bragged at this time, and it seemed that the King of Variety was more powerful.

at last.

Finally it was Ye Junji's turn to deliver his elimination speech.

As one of the four heavenly kings of Qizhou, Ye Junji still maintained his dignity in the end. He was a little moved and proud: "Hello, everyone in Qinzhou at the scene and in front of the TV. I have learned a lot from participating in this competition. There have been glories and troughs..."

Speaking of which.

Ye Junji felt bitter, and even felt aggrieved.

In fact, there is no low point, obviously I have been winning in the process of participating in "The King of Masked Singer", and only lost three duels!


The opponents in those three matches were all Variety Stars!

This person seems to be his nemesis!

If he sang Qi Yu himself, he would sing Qi Yu;


Ye Junji said: "Someone wins and someone loses. How do those who have never lost before learn to win? Thank you all, and thank you, Mr. Variety Star, for letting me know that I still need to work hard. I am Exploding Durian, Ye Junji... "

Barely finish the elimination speech.

Ye Junji directly bowed and exited.

His footsteps were fast, Ye Junji wanted to leave the stage immediately!

Leave this sad land of Qinzhou!

If you have to go out, you can go, train tickets and plane tickets are fine, anyway, you will never stay for half a second, Ye Junji doesn't even want to watch the finals!

As he swore before:

If he can't win the championship of "The King of Masked Singer", he will never set foot on Qin Zhou's land again in this life, because there is a person Ye Junji never wants to meet again in his life!

that's all.

Ye Junji left.

It was Eiichiro who left with Ye Junji.

He couldn't stay in this place any longer, he felt like he was sitting on pins and needles, like a thorn in his back, like a thorn in his throat, it would be a torment if he stayed for a second longer, there were many fans of Variety King at the scene, and their eyes seemed to be able to eat him alive!

But the Internet has a memory.

Some reckoning with Eiichiro is doomed to escape, his remarks before the game once affected the audience popularity of Variety Star.

can now.

Backlash appeared!

In the Aurora comment area, countless netizens ridiculed that the imposing intercontinental superstar actually overturned because of some remarks, and his image was greatly damaged!


"Someone's face was swollen!"

"Is this the judgment of an intercontinental superstar?"

"Go back to Chuzhou, don't embarrass yourself in Qinzhou!"

"With the rhythm of the Variety Star Lord, the face was slapped!"

"Evidently endorsed Ye Junji's platform, and said that he was just discussing the facts, hypocrisy!"

"Lord Variety Star can't sing well?"

"Thanks to the fact that I liked you so much before, let's not talk about anything else, just this "Opera 2", can you sing?"

"Let me tell you a joke: Mr. Variety Star's singing skills are not good, and it's all thanks to the master behind the scenes to help write the song. So how do you evaluate today's song?"


There must be many fans of intercontinental superstars. Fans of Eiichiro have defended idols in the comment area!

"Look how proud you are."

"It's the Variety Star himself who has been hiding his clumsiness. If he sang this song earlier, would Mr. Eiichiro question it?"

"that is."

"Furthermore, Lord Variety does have expert help."

"Isn't that a fact?"

"You can't say that those songs were created by Mr. Baibianxing himself, right?"

"If these songs are written by Mr. Variety himself, then I will accept it, but is it possible?"

"Fans of Mr. Variety, why are you so hard on Mr. Eiichiro?"

"A dignified intercontinental superstar deserves to step on our Ichiro?"

The rivalry on the Internet has always been that whoever has the most fans has the loudest voice. As an intercontinental superstar, Eiichiro really can't lose to anyone in this area.

Anyway, Eiichiro's fans killed a little bit:

The songs sung by Variety Star are all written with the help of others!

His singing skills are very good, Eiichiro misjudged, but at least there is nothing wrong with that!

Variety King's fans are itching their teeth with anger.

At this time, Lin Zhibai didn't know about the online rivalry, because the finals were about to start!

He and the Frog Prince have already played rock-paper-scissors.

Lin Zhibai is scissors.

The frog prince is cloth.

A smile bloomed under Lin Zhibai's mask: "You first."


The Frog Prince guessed this was the result.

Variety Star just likes to play second hand!

The characteristic of this guy is that he chooses the corresponding work according to the opponent's song. First of all, Yan Yuge must not sing by himself. Who knows if the other party will come up with another work similar to the song just now, and Qi Yu is absolutely Can't sing, although I know a little bit, but Mr. Variety is obviously better at it, that Mandarin song...

Depend on!

Under the mask of the Frog Prince, Zhou Han was about to cry, why did he feel that there was no hope for singing anything, was he destined to only take second place?

never mind.

The more powerful he is, the more terrifying the response song of Mr. Variety Star is. This is the opponent's style, and Zhou Hanjin has figured it out!

That being the case.

Then change your mind.

Zhou Hanjin's previous criteria for selecting songs, the first thing he considered was whether he could win or not, and whether he was suitable for the competitive stage, which was more utilitarian.

But now he feels that he is not safe no matter what he sings, so why not forget that this is a competition, and simply sing a song that he simply wants to sing today?


Zhou Han made his decision.

"The last song, dedicated to my dead mother."

Because the last match happened to be during Parents' Day, Zhou Hanjin had a problem with his throat.

Although Zhou Hanjin also sang a song dedicated to his father and mother that day, he performed very poorly, which made him feel worried all the time.

The song for my father is alright.

After all, my father is still alive.

But the mother has passed away.

I haven't sung a song for her yet.

In this issue, his voice finally got better. In the last performance on this stage, Zhou Han tried his best to sing a song for his mother.

With that in mind.

The audience saw that the Frog Prince communicated with the band, then stepped onto the stage and sang the last song.

Song Title: "I'm a Bad Boy"

As the prelude sounded, Zhou Hanjin's singing followed.

"I was not sensible when I was young."

"I'm a bad boy."

"I always complain that other people's children have candy."

"Mom, why doesn't our family have a big house?"

"It's only when I grow up that I start to miss those days."

"I still remember the narrow living room and two rooms."

"The bowl of braised pork ribs you made is my favorite."

"But you on the hospital bed are gradually losing consciousness."

"Daddy said you went to heaven."

"I didn't know that direction until I grew up."

"It's a place we'll never reach."

"But I still wake up every day with hope."

"You'll hear me sing."

Zhou Hanjin's singing resounded across the stage, and the audience sighed.

Qin Lian sighed and said, "This song must be the one he wants to sing the most right now."

Zhang Xiyang nodded lightly: "Even though this song is in the finals, it's really hard to win."

Li Xiao said with some relief: "At this moment, I believe that he has really grown up. He is obviously such a competitive person, but he let go of his paranoia about winning or losing during the final."

this moment.

No one felt that the Frog Prince was deliberately sensational.

Because of this song, although the lyrics make people feel sympathetic, the tone of the Frog Prince is not sad, and his singing is still full of hope for life.

He wants his mother to see:

I have had a good time these years!

He hopes that his mother can rest assured in heaven!

Listening to this song, Lin Zhibai understood Zhou Hanjin's thoughts. He was a little surprised, but also a little emotional.

I didn't expect King Zhou Ge to have such an emotional side.

This song is advising everyone to cherish their family members.


Plain and plain.

There is no hoarse treble, but it is particularly moving.

When the frog prince finished singing, the audience applauded enthusiastically. Lin Zhibai also clapped his hands, but couldn't help looking at his mother.

The song dedicated to my mother, I have already sung a song "I Really Love You".

But it was a Qi language song.

Lin Zhibai suddenly wanted to sing another song in Mandarin for her, which could be regarded as a special echo with Zhou Gewang's song.

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