Freelance Artist

Chapter 392 Listen to Mom!

"thank you all."

When the song was over, the Frog Prince bowed deeply. He didn't say anything and stepped out of the stage. His heart was peaceful and he didn't have any regrets. He didn't even care about the final championship.

this moment.

Zhou Hanjin found out.

I realized something.

After finishing "The King of Masked Singer", his singing skills, which have been stagnant for several years, will definitely have a great breakthrough. Perhaps this is his greatest achievement since participating in the competition, and it is far more valuable than a champion!

There was a wave of applause at the scene.

Amidst the applause, Lin Zhibai also communicated with the band, then walked onto the stage and gently closed his eyes in the middle.

next moment.

The piano sounded.

The audience looked at him one after another, the final is now, what song will this ever-changing star who has brought countless surprises to everyone choose?


The voice rang out.

"Little friend, do you have a lot of question marks? Why is it that while others are reading manga, I am learning to draw and talking to the piano, while others are playing games, I am leaning against the wall and memorizing my Tale of Taoyuan..."

The audience was taken aback!

The song title on the big screen displays five words:

Listen to mom!

The name of this song echoes the Frog Prince's "I'm a Bad Boy" in a certain sense!

Lin Zhibai continued to sing.

"I said I want a big plane, but I got an old tape recorder, why listen to my mother, you will start to understand this when you grow up."

The audience is stunned again!

Not only the title of the song, but even the lyrics seem to echo the song of The Frog Prince. An inexplicable feeling rises in everyone's heart!


At this moment, the game has been sublimated. Whether it is the Variety Star or the Frog Prince, it seems that winning or losing is temporarily put aside!


"As I grew up I started to understand."

"Why am I running faster than others?"

"Fly higher than others."

"In the future, everyone will read the cartoons I drew."

"Everyone sings the songs I wrote."

Lin Zhibai's tone was relaxed, but he sang some facts. Everyone is watching "One Piece", and people have their own songs in their mobile phones.

A wonderful coincidence.

"Mom's hard work is not for you to see, and the warm recipes are in her heart. If you have time, hold her hand as often as you can and sleepwalk together!"

Sing here.

Lin Zhibai looked in the direction of his family, waved his hand lightly, and the classic and beautiful chorus melody resounded in everyone's ears:

"Listen to your mother and don't hurt her."

"I want to grow up quickly to protect her."

"Beautiful white hair sprouts in happiness."

"Angel's magic is warm and kind."

Next to the stage, Zhou Hanjin under the mask of the Frog Prince suddenly smiled. He gently waved his hands and enjoyed the song with the audience. songs can be easily controlled.

"In your future."

"Music is your trump card."

"Take the trump card and talk about a relationship."


"I don't want to teach you badly."

This line of lyrics made the audience smile knowingly, and everyone's hearts were peaceful and warm, and they didn't even think about who the final champion would be.

Enjoy the moment!

"Let's listen to my mother and fall in love later. I know your future path, but my mother knows better than me. You will start to write things in your schoolbag like other students, but I suggest that it is best to write about your mother."

Sing here.

Lin Zhibai also laughed.

"I know how to study hard. How could it come out of my mouth? I don't want you to lose, so I want you to study hard."

The audience laughed even louder.

The lyrics are very life-like, with a child's perspective. How many children do they really understand the meaning of studying hard?

Lin Zhibai thought of the sweater his mother knitted.

"You have to keep the sweater that your mother knitted for you, because when Mother's Day comes, I will tell her that I still have it."

Well, that sweater.

It's still in Lin Zhibai's closet.

"By the way, I will put on a little vest, so you can show off to your classmates, and in the future you will conquer the myth..."

Lin Zhibai changed the lyrics.

Although the changes are not very good, whoever makes this world without Chow Yun-fat is like this world without Jacky Cheung, so the following lyrics have also been changed, "I can't find the love letter I wrote when I was a child. Don't give it away after you finish writing it, because it will be two days later." God, you will pick it up on the playground, you will start to like pop songs, Chuci and Baidi are debuting!"

hear this.

The audience's eyes widened slightly!

The faces of the guests in the guessing group also changed suddenly!

You will put on a little vest, and you will conquer mythology in the future?

What do these lyrics mean? Is it the myth we thought of? Also, the debut of Chuci and Baidi, why did it appear in the lyrics, because you are a fan of the music twins?

In a trance.

Everyone suddenly realized that this song contained a lot of identity information about Mr. Variety!

Swish Swish Swish!

Everyone is turning their heads to analyze!

who is it?

Who will it be?

What exactly do these lyrics mean?

The singing gradually came to an end, Lin Zhibai raised the corners of his mouth slightly, without leaving much time for the audience to think, "Listen to my mother, don't let her get hurt, only by growing up quickly can I protect her, the beautiful white hair is sprouting in happiness , the angel's magic is warm and kind!"


Sing the Variety Star.

Frog Prince Zhou Han applauded with all his might!

I can only say that it is you who sang "I'm a Bad Boy" by yourself, and this guy told everyone to "listen to mother" and not be a bad boy.

Not for!

Because this is exactly what Zhou Hanjin wanted to express in that song!

Lin Zhaomu in the audience laughed heartily. He understood the phrase "You will conquer the myth in the future", because his grandson didn't run away!

Lin Zhibai's family's location!

Dad suddenly felt something!

My mother was also suddenly shocked!

Lin Xi and Lin Shengtian looked at each other, and then looked at the figure on the stage in disbelief!


After Variety Star's singing ended, Huang Li walked onto the stage. He said with emotion: "I suddenly feel that the theme of "The King of Masked Singer" has been sublimated at this moment. Maybe what we want to choose is not a The so-called kings of songs, because they are the kings of songs, the real meaning of this competition is to let everyone understand that as long as you sing with your heart, you can be the champion, so no matter what the result is today, at this moment, I think that King Variety has already won , The Frog Prince did not lose either, they are all champions in the singing world!"

The audience applauded!

Yes, neither the Frog Prince nor Variety Star chose the most competitive song in the end!

Do not pursue treble!

Don't pursue bombing!

Just sing what you want to sing!

Express what you want to express!

And this sincerity is precisely the most touching thing in the world!

The most important thing is that the excitement that everyone wanted, the fierce confrontation that everyone wanted to see, in the semi-finals, they have actually been fully satisfied!

final final.

The theme is actually "Love"!

No one was disappointed, and even felt that the finals held in such an atmosphere were different and commendable!


Huang Li said with a smile: "The rules are the rules. There are winners and losers in every game. The voting channel has been opened. Let us wait and see who is the real champion!"

The voice fell!

The audience began to take out their mobile phones to vote!

All the audience in front of the screen also voted one after another!

The Variety Star and the Frog Prince stand together on this stage.

Infected by the atmosphere, the Frog Prince put his arms around Lin Zhibai's shoulders and whispered, "Why don't you come up with a song that blows up the audience like in the semi-finals?"

"Let me let you."

Lin Zhibai smiled lightly.

"It doesn't matter who wins or loses." Zhou Hanjin was still stubborn, but Lin Zhibai didn't argue, because facts speak louder than words!


The votes are out!

Frog Prince, 49 million votes!

Lord Variety, 62 million votes!

Although the performances of the two are not as good as the semi-finals in terms of competitiveness, burning, and bombing.


The final is the time when the audience votes with the highest enthusiasm!

And the songs of the two, although they didn't blow up the audience, still touched everyone. The audience didn't just look at the treble and skills. A really good song, no matter what style it is, can sing to people's hearts!


Both of them created new highs in personal votes!


As the result appeared, the scene cheered wildly!




What is more worth looking forward to than who is the champion is the unveiling of Variety Star!

Huang Li saw that the audience was about to lose control again, so he quickly opened his mouth to control the field, but everyone seemed to be crazy, shouting crazily!


Lord Variety Star's hand suddenly blocked his mouth.

The voices of the audience froze suddenly, wanting to know what Lord Variety had to say at this moment.


Huang Li was dumbfounded.

Is it necessary for me, the host, to exist?

How come Lord Variety can control the field at will, but no one cares about him?

"I need a little prep time."

Lord Variety smiled and said, "According to the rules, it should be Zhou...cough, I mean the frog prince should reveal his face first."

Everyone laughed.

You all said "week".

It's true that everyone still doesn't know who the Frog Prince is?

Huang Li said, "Mr. Frog Prince, are you going to reveal your face?"

"Of course I want to expose it, and he has to expose it anyway!"

As the Frog Prince said, he tore off his mask fiercely, revealing the face that everyone was very familiar with, and then stared at Lord Variety with ill intentions:

"Let's do the math today!"

I have imitated my voice more than once, and molested you Zhou Gewang in various ways, I have not forgotten, this matter can't just be left alone!

"Zhou Hanjin!"

The audience in the audience burst into laughter. Sure enough, this guy was exposed early on, and he has never seen such a stupid and cute singer!

This is just great!

Zhou Han has revealed his face!

Lord Variety is about to face liquidation!

Fortunately, Huang Li opened his mouth to make a rescue at this moment!

"Congratulations to Teacher Baibian Xingjun for winning the championship of "The King of Masked Singer"!"

"He is the king of trickery on this stage!"

"He is the most dazzling one among the masked singers!"

"His show effect always makes everyone laugh!"

"Perhaps he is unknown under the mask!"

"Perhaps he is also radiant under the mask!"

"No matter what, we all want to know what kind of face and what kind of person is behind the mask of Lord Variety Star!"

"And next, Lord Variety will reveal his face!"

"I believe everyone is as anxious as I am at the moment, but please take it easy!"

"As the overall champion, Mr. Variety Star still has one last song to sing!"

"And during the last song, he takes off his mask!"

"The moment of revealing the glory is coming!"

"Mr. Variety Star, please change into your own clothes. For the last five minutes, please prepare!"


ps: There is another song, which will be revealed tomorrow.

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