Freelance Artist

Chapter 393: Revealing the face of glory (two in one)!

Variety Star is about to reveal his face!

All the major forums, including the Qinzhou Aurora platform, were discussing like crazy!

"The Variety Star Monarch wins the championship!"

"It's finally time to reveal the face!"

"I'm waiting for this moment, and my hair is shaking!"

"Who the hell is he!"

"We'll find out in five minutes!"

"For the first time, five minutes felt so long!"

"Variable Star Lord is really too strong. I can't even imagine that anyone in the Qinzhou music scene can match him!"

"The exploding durian will kneel three times in a row!"

"That's Ye Junji, one of the strongest singers in Qizhou!"

"Why don't you come out!"



Countless people in the music world are watching the show, and even the entire entertainment industry is paying attention!

"Look at Tianguang TV!"

"Variable Star Lord is about to reveal his face!"

"Until Lord Variety won the championship, no one would have guessed who he is!"

"It doesn't matter!"

"It will be revealed soon!"

"Now he's gone backstage to prepare the final song!"

"What else are you singing!"

"We've already won the championship, so we can't directly expose the face!"

"The program team knows how to be tricky, and I'm so anxious!"


Skylight TV here.

The staff members are all excited, the final competition is over, Variety Star won the championship, he is about to reveal his face!

At this time, someone saw Jiang Cheng passing by.

Representative Jiang!

Everyone rushed to say hello, but Jiang Cheng didn't respond, and ran all the way to make a call, his voice seemed a little anxious:


"According to the previous arrangement!"

"Yes, has the virtual image been adjusted?"


"It's fine!"

"Make no mistake!"

The staff looked at each other in blank dismay, not knowing what Jiang Cheng meant, what the hell was the avatar?


at the same time.

Many people who were watching "The King of Masked Singer" suddenly received a push notification from Liyu's live broadcast: "Chu Ci, which you are following, will start the live broadcast in five minutes!"

Is Chuci going to broadcast live?

God knows how long it has been since the last live broadcast of Chu Ci, why did he suddenly start the live broadcast at this time?

Swish Swish Swish!

Fans of Chuci clicked in!

Of course, everyone has not forgotten to watch the program of "The King of Masked Singer" and wait for the unveiling of Mr. Variety. No one wants to miss this exciting moment!

And in the Chuci live broadcast room.

The barrage has been frantically refreshed.

"Chu Ci really knows how to pick the time, why do you want to start the live broadcast at this time, I'm still watching "The King of Masked Singer"!"

"Me too!"

"I'm just waiting for Lord Variety to reveal his face!"

"Upstairs add one, after watching Jiemian, you can watch the live broadcast of Chuci!"



"Chuci will start the live broadcast in five minutes, and Baibian Xingjun will reveal his face in five minutes!?"

"Could it be!?"

"Oh my God!!!"

An incredible guess suddenly appeared in everyone's mind, is this really just a coincidence! ?


on the road.

Inside the sedan.

The exploding durian Ye Junji, who was heading to the airport, closed his eyes and meditated.


Eiichiro was also sitting in the car.

He wants to send his friend Ye Junji to the airport.

The manager of the co-driver suddenly said: "The result of the competition is out!"

Ye Junji suddenly opened his eyes: "Did the Variety Star win?"

The manager nodded and said, "It will be revealed in a few minutes, do you want to see it?"

Ye Junji shook his head.

Eiichiro next to him hesitated to speak.

One minute, two minutes, three minutes later.

Eiichiro finally couldn't hold back and said, "Why don't you take a look?"

Ye Junji was noncommittal, Eiichiro gritted his teeth, took out his mobile phone, and watched the live broadcast of "The King of Masked Singer".

Ye Junji quietly aimed his eyes at the screen.


on site.

The audience didn't know that Chuci was about to start a live broadcast.

Only fans of Chuci paid attention to the push of Liyu's live broadcast, so in just a few minutes, most people didn't know what happened.


Lin Zhibai was already hurrying up to prepare. He entered a lounge and changed his clothes. Xiao Yuyue, the temporary manager, and Jin Xiaofeng, the music director, were waiting at the door.

Three minutes later.

After changing his clothes, Lin Zhibai came out. He was wearing a more casual white coat and trousers, only the mask of Mr. Variety Star was still on his face.

"Teacher Variety Star is in good shape!"

Xiao Yuyue subconsciously said that Lord Baibian Xing's previous clothes wrapped her figure tightly, and she couldn't even tell if she was fat or thin.

I can see it now.

Long legs, thin and tall!

Jin Xiaofeng was excited: "There are still two minutes, you can go out, the band is ready!"

Lin Zhibai nodded.

At this moment, Jiang Cheng suddenly ran over and said out of breath, "All arrangements have been made, and the announcement of the live broadcast room has also been sent."


Xiao Yuyue and Jin Xiaofeng looked at each other, what did Jiang Cheng mean by this?

Before the two could think about more details, two minutes passed in a blink of an eye, and there was already a burst of prelude music at the scene.


Listen to music.

The audience in the audience froze.

Why did it suddenly start playing music?

Hasn't Lord Variety come out yet?

And in the collective daze, everyone saw the name of this song, a simple word: "I"!



under the stage.

Zhou Hanjin stood up!

Zhang Xiyang also stood up!

Li Xiao followed and stood up!

They are all the sufferers who have been cheated by the Variety Star Lord!

Also, Lin Shouzhuo and Luo Yan, who came to watch the final at the same time today, looked eager to fight, and even Qin Lian, who hadn't been tricked by Variety Star Lord, joined in the fun, as if to help arrest people at any time!

All have it!

Get ready for arrest!

Only Variety Star has yet to reveal his face, and the audience has gone crazy with anticipation. They want to know who he is, and want to see him arrested on the spot by the suffering masters led by King Singer!

next moment.

A figure stepped out of the Moon Gate, it was the Variety Star Lord who had already changed his clothes and was walking and singing, his singing voice resounded throughout the stage.

"Happiness is..."

The moment the three words fell.

The sky above the stage flickered suddenly.

With a burst of brilliant lights flickering, an illusory figure gradually solidified, and with a voice familiar to everyone at the scene, Lord Variety sang:

"There's more than one way to be happy."

The audience caught off guard and looked at this figure. The virtual projection of this airborne figure was thin and thin, and his face was wearing a mask that was exactly the same as Lord Variety...


Although this avatar is wearing the exact same mask as Mr. Variety, and I can't see what his face looks like, why does it feel so familiar?


Everyone thinks of one person!

Zhou Han's voice trembled: "He is!"

Li Xiao shivered: "What do you mean!"

Zhang Xiyang's eyes were dull: "Impossible?"

Qin Lian couldn't help exclaiming: "This image is him!"

A certain person that appeared in his mind instantly matched the virtual image on the stage, with exactly the same clothes and the same voice!

Chu Ci?

Chu Ci! ?

Seeing the image of Chu Ci condensed into the airborne stage, Lin Zhibai smiled. This is the unveiling session designed by him and Jiang Cheng, and the main focus is technology and hard work!

And on the carp platform.

The pitch-black Chuci live broadcast room also lit up instantly, and all the audience in the live broadcast room suddenly widened their eyes, faintly aware of something!


Shown in the live room!

It was the stage of "The King of Masked Singer". As for that virtual figure, wasn't it exactly the image that Chu Ci had always used for live broadcasts!

"The most honored thing is..."

Lin Zhibai continued to sing the last song.

The virtual image on the opposite side continued to sing: "Everyone is the glory of the creator."

Lin Zhibai walked towards the virtual figure slowly: "Don't dodge, live for the life I like."

The figure of the virtual Lord Variety actually walked towards Lin Zhibai at the same time: "You don't need powder and ink, just stand in a bright corner."


two steps.

three steps.

Go both ways.

Until the two were close at hand, the virtual figure gently stretched out his hand, and Lord Variety also stretched out his hand, and the palms of the two touched each other in the air.

The moment of touch.

The two of them suddenly withdrew their hands again, and made the exact same simultaneous movement, that is to tear off the mask on their faces fiercely, completely exposing their true faces in front of the camera, reflected in countless sharply contracted pupils!

Swish Swish Swish!

This moment!

Almost all the audience jumped up from their seats, because the collective action was so great that it was as if an earthquake had occurred on the stage of "The King of Masked Singer". Almost everyone in Qinzhou didn't recognize these two faces!


Why are there two faces!

Why are there two faces!

An incredible idea emerged!

Zhou Hanjin's face was full of horror, and he covered his temples with both hands!

Zhang Xiyang's face turned red suddenly, and he roared loudly. His handsome face was distorted in shock!

Qin Lian was stunned!

He lost his voice at this moment!

Li Xiao next to him went soft!

He slumped back to his seat as if he was exhausted!

The others were not much better, Luo Yan jumped up violently, Han Yueshuang's eyes rounded, and Lin Shouzhuo's mouth couldn't close at all. This group of people counted as one, and all the celebrity guests in the entire guessing group were stunned!


This moment!

Whether it's the masked singers, the guests of the guessing group, or the audience at the scene, or even the netizens watching the live broadcast, they are all crazy!

Completely crazy!

What does it mean!

What's happening here!

Why does the virtual character reveal the image of Chu Ci after revealing his face, but the real Baibianxing Lord reveals the face of Baidi again! ?

Could it be that……

you two……

You two are not...

The roaring stage, the boiling scene, the crazy shouts, the extreme screams, all in Lin Zhibai's eyes and ears at this moment!

who I am?

I am Baidi!

I am Chu Ci!

Still don't get it?

Then let's sing louder!

The virtual Chuci and Baidi on the stage raised their microphones at the same time and sang a song that many people will never forget in their lifetime:

"I am who I am!"

"It's fireworks with different colors!"

"The sky is vast!"

"Be the strongest foam!"

"I like myself!"

"Let Qiangwei produce a result!"

"In the lonely desert!"

"Naked in full bloom!"

The mother in the auditorium had burst into tears at some point, and her voice was hoarse. How could she not understand, "Mr. Baibianxing is Xiao Hei, that's my son!"

"Who is that virtual image?"

Dad's voice trembled, he already understood a little bit!

Lin Shengtian was shocked and said: "It's Chu Ci, Chu Ci and Xiao Hei!"

Lin Xi's gaze was filled with horror, so Chu Ci was Xiao Hei's vest, and this was the information hinted at in the lyrics of his previous song "Listen to Mother's Words"! ?


Lin Zhaomu was still sitting, but the crazily trembling decree lines on his face showed that his heart was not at peace at the moment, but he pretended to be calm and said: "Don't you understand this? My grandson must tell you Shall I pick it out?"

Lin Zhibai was smiling.

He clearly had the face of a Baidi, but he waved to the audience and said, "Hello everyone, I'm Chu Ci!"

Chu Ci was also laughing.

With Chu Ci's face clearly on his face, he announced to the world: "Hello everyone, I am Baidi!"


The figures of the two.

Overlapping and interlacing in real and virtual.

two voices.

sounded at the same time.

"Hi everyone, I'm Lin Zhibai!"

"Hi everyone, I'm Lin Zhibai!"

If until Baidi and Chuci revealed their faces at the same time, there were still some audience members who didn't understand, and their minds were almost blank, then everyone knew the true meaning of this self-introduction at this moment!

Chu Ci is Lin Zhibai!

The White Emperor is Lin Zhibai!

Variety Star Lord Lin Zhibai!


Like a missile washing the ground!

Like a nuclear bomb explodes!

Everyone's face changed!

It was pure shock and horror!

It was not until this moment that everyone understood the true meaning of "Variety Star"; it was not until this moment that everyone understood the hidden message of the lyrics in "Listen to Mom"!

Thunderous applause!

Blow off the roof!


Merge into the ocean!

The blood rushed to the top of everyone's head, everyone stood up at this moment, everyone was in a huge shock, with incredible written all over their faces!



"Am I dreaming!"

"Chu Ci is also Lin Zhibai's vest!?"

"The twin stars in the music world are actually the same person!?"

"My God!"

"I'm going crazy!"

"How can this be!"

"So there has never been any twin stars in the music world. Lin Zhibai has always been fighting each other. The two most dazzling Xiaoqu fathers in the music world are basically the same person!"

"White Emperor!"

"Chu Ci!"

The audience didn't know who started to shout first, and then the audience shouted these two names, one after another in the real sense, as if it was a collective solitaire!

"White Emperor!"

"Chu Ci!"

"White Emperor!"

"Chu Ci!"

At this moment, the world belongs to Chuci!

At this moment, the world belongs to Baidi!

At this moment, the world belongs to Lin Zhibai!

Host Huang Li has given up controlling the field!

Because the scene is completely out of control!

But what is out of control at this moment is far from the scene!


A university dormitory.

The dormitory manager downstairs was dozing off when he was suddenly awakened by a deafening roar. He trembled and almost thought that something serious had happened. After waking up, he realized that all the student dormitories were convulsing collectively!

"Chu Ci!"

"White Emperor!"

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!!"

"It turns out that Chu Ci is Baidi, and Baidi is Chu Ci. The so-called twin stars in the music world are actually the same person, Lin Zhibai, the ever-changing star!"


"I'm crazy too!"

"Such a shocking secret, who the hell can't be crazy, I'll just say why Lord Variety is so awesome, it turns out that's how it is!"



Someone's jaw dropped!

Someone dropped their glasses in shock!

Everyone felt a deep sense of disbelief, all the major chat groups were blown up, especially everyone in the music scene was blown up!



"How is it possible that Bai Di and Chu Ci are the same person, so this is the true meaning of Lord Variety!?"

"My God!"

"No wonder he keeps singing new songs!"

"What kind of twin stars in the music industry, who is strong and who is weak, is the truth that has been fighting for several years inside and outside the industry!?"

The White Emperor is Lin Zhibai!

Chuci is also Lin Zhibai!

Lord Variety is Lin Zhibai!

The amount of information is too large, and many people in the industry have their cpus burned dry. It takes a while to realize what this means!


Inside a business car.

Eiichiro, who was watching the live broadcast with his mobile phone, suddenly turned pale, and the manager next to him even chattered his teeth!

"What's wrong?"

Ye Junji is one of the four heavenly kings of Qizhou. He doesn't know Lin Zhibai, so he doesn't know what the unveiling of Lord Variety means.

"I am done!"

Eiichiro wanted to die already!

Ye Junji was impatient, "What's wrong!"

Eiichiro's eyes were glazed, he was really desperate at this moment!

Ye Junji became angry, "Can you say something, what does it mean!"

The manager next to him was desperate and said: "Master Baibianxing is Baidi Lin Zhibai, the grandson of Lin Zhaomu of the Shinhwa Group, and he may also be the future heir of the Shinhwa Group. In addition, he also has a vest called Chuci. This vest is the same as Baidi Also known as the twin stars of the music industry..."

"What the hell?"

Ye Junji still didn't understand.

Eiichiro said in a weak voice: "You have four heavenly kings in Qizhou, and Qinzhou has twin stars in the music scene, so you can understand that the four heavenly kings in Qizhou are actually the same person, and this person may be Qinzhou in the future. One of the most powerful figures in the entertainment industry, anyway, I might not be able to survive in Qinzhou, so I will develop in Qizhou in the future."

Ye Junji:?

Are you kidding me?

So who am I fighting against?



Kunpeng Company has developed a large scale now!

At this moment, Kunpeng's company group is completely boiling!


"Teacher Chuci turned out to be Baidi!"


"What are you talking nonsense about!"

"Watch "The King of Masked Singer", he lost his horse!"


"So Baidi actually owns shares in our Kunpeng? At the same time, he still has the opportunity to become the future successor of Shinhwa Group?"


Chuci live broadcast room!

At this time, the stage of "The King of Masked Singer" and Chuci's live broadcast room can also be watched!

All the fans of Chuci felt like there were billions of horses trampled on in their hearts!


"I just knew it!"

"Suddenly start a live broadcast at this time!"

"It turned out that I planned to live broadcast the loss of the horse!"

"So Chuci is Baidi, and Baidi is Chuci?"

"Then, for the sake of Chu Ci, I fought with Baidi's fans for 300 rounds in the past, and I drew everything!"

"Dare to love is so in vain!"

"What the hell is it that Chuci Baidi is fighting left and right!?"

"All right."

"I'm relieved. Actually, I really like Baidi, but because of Chuci, I never dared to admit it."

"Me too."

"Hahahahahahahaha, why don't you be so real, you guys!"

"So how do we get along with Baidi's fans in the future? It's so embarrassing, so embarrassing!"

"Don't worry, Chu Ci is more embarrassing than you!"


Baidi fan group!

Chuci's fans are stunned!

Baidi's fans were even more confused!

"Meow meow meow?"

"There must be something wrong with the world."

"I was arguing with Chuci's fans just now, who has the higher musical talent, Baidi or Chuci, but now you tell me that they are the same person!?"

"Depend on!"

"I'm stupid!"

"I didn't know whether to be happy or sad for a while!"

"Well, I'm very happy. Now that things have come to this point, let me tell you a secret. In fact, my alias has been following Chu Ci for a long time, and I'm still the emperor of his live broadcast room."


"Me too!"

"All of you, you have betrayed Baidi long ago, traitors! I am just a trumpet and joined Chuci's fanbase!"


Aurora platform!

The hot search has exploded!

The first is # Chuci is Baidi # This topic actually rushed to the top of the hot search in less than a minute!

The Aurora platform has been established for so many years, and there has never been a topic that has rushed into the hot search so quickly, in "seconds"!

"I lost you Rem!"

"Bai Di is Chu Ci, so Lord Baibian Xing is able to come up with one after another new songs on the stage of "The King of Masked Singer"!"


"Didn't it mean that Bai Di can't sing, and Chu Ci's singing skills are not strong?"

"What the hell are you telling me, how did Lord Variety come to the conclusion that his singing skills are not high!?"

"You have to ask Eiichiro about that."

"Eiichiro? Hehe, he's gone. If he offends the grandson of the mythical emperor, even if he is an intercontinental superstar, he won't be able to mess with Qinzhou in the future!"

"So what is this?"

"This means that the only one who can defeat Lin Zhibai is himself?"

Something is wrong with this world!

There must be something wrong!

Until this moment, many people have a feeling of unreality!


Stage scene!

The audience is still chanting!

From "Bai Di" to "Chu Ci"!

Then from "Chuci" to "Baidi"!

Standing on the stage, Huang Li felt like a transparent person. How long have you been shouting, your voices are all hoarse!

I can only turn to Lord Variety for help!



At the end of Huang Li's words, he changed his words again: "Chu Ci..."

Still not right!

Huang Li broke down and said, "Mr. Lin Zhibai, help control the field, the live broadcast is going to time out!"

Lin Zhibai said: "How to control?"

Huang Li didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "You just need to squeak!"

Lin Zhibai smiled, stretched out his hand, and pressed down in the void.

next moment.

As expected, the audience quieted down, but Lin Zhibai could clearly feel the burning gaze of these gazes!

Think about it.

Lin Zhibai looked at Zhang Xiyang, Zhou Hanjin and the others, and said with a smile, "Are you still arresting me?"

Li Xiao: "..."

Qin Lian: "..."

Zhang Xiyang: "..."

Zhou Hanjin: "..."

Variety Star Jun Jie in front of the King of Songs and Queens strikes hard!

After the Variety Star Lord reveals his face, the singer kings and song queens are obedient and dare not speak!

You are noble!

You are amazing!

All of us together don't have the guts to arrest you!

Who would have thought that you were Baidi, who would have thought that you would be Chuci!


Everyone takes a step back!

Only Zhou Han did not retreat, he looked around foolishly and was stunned.

Good guy!

What are you refunding!

Looks like I'm going to arrest him!

The audience laughed wildly, but Zhou Gewang felt that he was not well!

I originally thought that Lord Variety Star would go up and bully him as soon as he revealed his face, but now seeing Lord Variety Star's true face, his calves are shaking, how dare he bully the other party, it is obvious that he has been unilaterally abused all the time!

Bullying honest people!

Don't bring such a bully!

Why do you like me to take second place so much!

I've been eliminated, and you still want to revive me, just to keep me taking second place! ?

Killing is so heartbreaking!

Don't say you are the grandson of the Shinhwa Group!

Even if you don't have such a heavy identity, the twin stars in the music world fit together, how can you walk sideways in the Qinzhou music world!

this night!

The whole Qinzhou was shaking!

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