Freelance Artist

Chapter 394 Lin Zhaomu: What a system!

At the scene of "The King of Masked Singer" tonight, countless people were hoarse from shouting, but no matter how loud they shouted, no matter how warm the applause, they couldn't express their feelings at the moment!





At the same time, there is also fanatical worship. How could there be such a monster in Qinzhou? How could there be such a god in the world? You have already started playing with the entire entertainment industry, but when the truth was revealed, Nobody feels like they've been duped!


In a shocked mood!

No one can imagine so much!

Even the host Huang Li couldn't control his mood like a fire cooking oil. For the first time in his many years of hosting career, he couldn't control the trembling in his voice: "You have successfully concealed the truth from the whole world, why did you choose to be here today? Declare the truth?"

"Because it's time."

As Lin Zhibai said, when he uncovered this secret, he felt more relaxed than ever. Although there were still bigger secrets in him that he had not revealed to the public, such as the true identity of Marquis Bu Yehou, such as the secret that he was King's Landing, I can't say these things for the time being, I always have to consider the acceptance of the world, and I always have to keep some cards in my hand.

"I see."

Huang Li joked, "Are you afraid that if you let things go on, there will be a war between Chu Ci and Baidi's fans sooner or later?"

The audience laughed!

you do not say!

The fans of Baidi and Chu Ci have been fighting for several years. Although no huge conflict broke out, the whole circle knows that the two sides are at odds with each other because of the competition between their own idols. It's the same person!


What is this all about?

Reminiscent of Lin Zhibai playing tricks on the audience and digging pits for other singers again and again as the ever-changing star king, everyone suddenly realized that this grandson of the Shinhwa Group seems to be born to play pranks and play tricks on everyone In applause!


Huang Lidao: "During the unveiling ceremony, those songs were composed by you yourself, including the vest of self-explosion of Chuci, was it something you had planned a long time ago, because we noticed that your family members also came to the scene today... ..."

"That's right."

Lin Zhibai waved to the audience, and shouted with a smile: "Father, mother, brother, sister, and my grandfather are all here today."


The eyes of my parents, my brothers and sisters were already red, and they waved vigorously at Lin Zhibai. Others don't know why Xiao Hei concealed Chu Ci's identity, and they can still guess some of the reasons!

"Speak up."

Huang Li smiled and said, "Today is the first time I saw Director Lin come to our "King of Masked Singer". Do you have anything to say to him?"

Lin Zhaomu looked at Lin Zhibai.

Lin Zhibai said: "Actually, I didn't know that grandpa would come today. I want to tell grandpa that you have always been the goal I have worked hard for."

This is true.

Lin Zhibai never shy away from admitting that he is an ambitious man, no matter what the reason is, he always wants to achieve achievements beyond the old man.

Lin Zhaomu's face was full of benefits.

He has so many children and grandchildren, and he has actually heard a lot of similar things, and usually he doesn't take them to heart. Only Lin Zhibai's words make Lin Zhaomu happy.

"I hope."

Lin Zhibai looked at the old man and said seriously: "In two years, or many years later, people will say, I am your grandfather."


What seems wrong?

Lin Zhibai quickly changed his words and explained: "No, no, I hope that one day people will say that Lin Zhaomu is Lin Zhibai's grandfather..."


The scene burst into laughter!

As expected of you!

Only Lin Zhibai, the rumored beloved grandson of the Shinhwa Group, dared to make such a joke with Mr. Lin Zhaomu, right?

What is the system?

Lin Zhaomu wanted to put on a serious face, but he couldn't hold back his laughter after all. Although he doubted that Lin Zhibai did it on purpose, he was really the only kid who dared to make such a trivial joke with him. If another person said this, even if it was really spitting, it would have to be over.

on the big screen.

A close-up of Lin Zhaomu's smile appeared, and the audience laughed even louder. A character like Lin Zhaomu originally gave people a sense of unattainable distance, but at this moment he seems to have only one identity, that is Lin Zhibai's grandfather.


Even a boss with a higher status than Lin Zhaomu, with such an excellent grandson as Lin Zhibai, would he be spoiled by heaven?

This is a fact.

Lin Zhaomu knew very well in his heart how much those old friends in his circle envied him to have such an excellent grandson as Lin Zhibai as his heir!

Lin Zhibai was a little embarrassed.

In fact, when the words came to his lips, he already realized that something was wrong, but he still said it. There was indeed a slight element of deliberate joking. Seeing that the old man didn't seem unhappy, he laughed along with him.

"You are this!"

Huang Li gave a thumbs up, really brave, and then he smiled and said, "Since Chu Ci's identity has been made public, do you have any future career plans?"


Lin Zhibai said: "I will probably go to Qizhou to develop for a period of time. Shinhwa and Kunpeng have established a joint venture company in Qizhou. I will be the representative of that company."

Qi Zhou?

The audience was taken aback!

Lin Zhibai is going on an expedition to Qizhou! ?

Huang Li nodded and didn't get entangled in this topic. The live broadcast was already overtime, so he concluded: "This is definitely the craziest show I've ever hosted, but there is no feast that lasts forever. When we say goodbye, thank you for your company all the way, the first session of "King of Masked Singer" is over, let us once again congratulate Teacher Baidi and Teacher Chu Ci for winning the championship crown with applause!"

Clap clap!

The applause is like a wave!

Keep screaming!

Everyone understood Huang Li's joke. After comparing "The King of Masked Singer", in the end, Baidi and Chuci tied for first place!


Countdown is on!

The live broadcast is over!

When the live signal of the last episode of "The King of Masked Singer" was cut off, Lin Zhibai returned to the backstage, and all that should come soon came!

"What should we call you?"

Zhou Hanjin's face was full of resentment: "Teacher Baidi, teacher Chuci?"

Lin Zhibai said casually, "You can call me whatever you like, you can also call me Xiaolin."

Zhou Hanjin: "...I'd better call him Teacher Baidi."

Call you Kobayashi?

Then when I see Lin Zhaomu, do I have to call him Lao Lin?

Good guy.

I still want to live a few more years!

Zhang Xiyang smiled and said, "Since when did your singing skills become so strong?"

Lin Zhibai smiled and said, "The bracelet taught me."

Lin Shouzhuo also slipped to the backstage, and couldn't help but smile wryly when he heard this: "Uncle, don't blame me, you should teach me how to sing in the future."

Back then, I taught my uncle how to sing.

But now, compared with my uncle's singing skills, my own singing skills are completely heaven and earth!

"The bracelet taught you!?"

Li Xiao's eyes widened: "The bracelet taught you how to imitate our voice?"

Speaking of this, Luo Yan who sneaked in couldn't help interjecting: "How can you imitate any voice!"

Qin Lian followed and said, "I made up for the previous games last night. Your ability to imitate is amazing!"

"It's talent."

Lin Zhibai smiled and said, at this time, his father, mother, brother and sister were also let in, and when they came up, they surrounded him.

Dad: "Good boy! You are hiding deep enough!"

Mom: "Everyone in the family is hiding it!"

Brother: "That's it!"

Sister: "Trick us all around!"

Zhou Hanjin and the others found the backbone in an instant: "Uncles and aunts have to make decisions for us! We have been screwed!"

Is this the start of asking questions?

Lin Zhibai blinked, and suddenly shouted into the distance: "Grandpa!"


"Can your grandfather come to save you?"

Everyone didn't believe it, so they still looked back, and then they were like a deflated balloon, afraid to speak loudly.

Lin Zhaomu is really here!

Secretary Jin led the secretary to clear the way.

Lin Zhaomu in the back looked like a big guy.

Lin Zhibai took a step forward: "Grandpa, let's go have supper together!"

Can't stay here.

Lin Zhaomu looked at Lin Zhibai in surprise, "You joined Kunpeng as Chuci, violated the rules of the myth, and still have the face to eat with me?"

Lin Zhibai: "..."

Lin Zhaomu snorted: "Just beat him up, if you don't care about this kid, he will be lawless, huh? What are you doing?"

"Aren't you going to beat him?"

Lin Dong held a chicken wool blanket that came from nowhere, and handed it to Lin Zhaomu: "It's better for you to do it yourself, Dad."

Lin Zhaomu: "Learned from your son?"

Don't learn from the good and learn from the bad, don't you think you are very humorous?

Everyone held back their laughter.

Almost suffocated.

Unexpectedly, Dong Lin would show such a side when facing his grandson.

Seeing that the situation is not good, Lin Zhibai immediately put oil on the soles of his feet: "If you don't eat it, I will eat it myself."

As he said that, he ran away quickly, but there was a smile on the corner of his mouth. The old man who was unsmiling and even unreasonable in his impression was becoming more and more humane now.

Everyone did not chase.

Lin Zhibai slipped all the way to the door, and suddenly saw a figure.

"Lin Zhibai."

"Su Chan?"

Lin Zhibai said, "Did you watch the match?"

Su Chan nodded: "I'm also at the scene, sitting in the back row. Your performance today is wonderful, in every sense."

Lin Zhibai smiled, "It's okay."

Su Chan stared at Lin Zhibai, and suddenly said: "Why do I think you have a bigger secret?"

"Have it?"

Lin Zhibai said: "You are good at everything, but you like to be suspicious."

"I'm drawing inferences."

Su Chan said: "There is a line in the song "Listen to Mom" ​​that says, everyone reads the cartoons I know how to draw cartoons?"

"It's called artistic processing."

Lin Zhibai said: "I have a song called "I'm a Girl", why don't you suspect that I'm a woman?"

"It's not right anyway."

Su Chan's sense of smell is very keen, she approached Lin Zhibai to smell it, and said, "It smells."

"I took a shower."

"It's the smell of lies. I have a good nose."


"Why don't you answer?"

"Back, back to silence."


Jiang Cheng's car arrived at the gate and sent Lin Zhibai a message.

Lin Zhibai retreated resolutely, away from Su Chan, and left in Jiangcheng's car.

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