Freelance Artist

Chapter 395 Shocking Qinzhou!

"Boss, you have shocked the entire Qinzhou now. The ratings of "The King of Masked Singer" are about to break the record. No variety show has ever reached such a high level, especially when you revealed your face!"

Snack time.

Jiangcheng treats guests.

Eat half.

Jiang Cheng suddenly sighed, and then said: "Mr. Lin should not be angry, you joined Kunpeng as Chu Ci..."


Although the old man pretended to be serious and criticized him, Lin Zhibai knew that his grandfather was not angry at all, so he probably was secretly having fun.

Betray the myth?

If it were someone else, he would indeed be labeled as such, but Lin Zhibai is Lin Zhaomu's grandson, as long as he doesn't say anything, no one will dare to force Lai Lai.

At this time.

The phone rang several times, Lin Zhibai looked down, it was friends Feng Shuo and Yin Dongnuan who were in the group and Aite himself.

"You are Chuci!?"

"How could you be Chuci!?"


"Scared me to death!"

"My typing hands are shaking!"

"plus one!"

The shock of the two friends is beyond words!

Lin Zhibai replied with a smile: "For some special reasons, I kept this news from before."

"Ma Dan!"

It was rare for Yin Dongnuan to be rude, and replied: "You are going to heaven, you are so big at playing, you didn't know it in school before, you are so good at singing, you obviously have the impression that you are tone deaf."

"Really tone deaf!"

Feng Shuo also remembered: "Our classmates used to go to ktv to sing, and Lin Zhibai's singing was not on the tune. You can't play us, right?"


Family and friends all know that Lin Zhibai is tone-deaf, but now everyone feels that he has been played. It is obvious that this guy's singing skills are the king of singers!

Even a queen class!

After all, Lord Variety can sing female voices.

And when Lin Zhibai was chatting with his friends.

The news about "The King of Masked Singer" and Lin Zhibai's news on the Internet has been overwhelming!

His unveiling ceremony, the commotion in Qinzhou can be described as earth-shattering!

"King of Masked Singer ends, King Variety wins the championship!" "

"Shocking Breaking News! Baidi is Chuci! ? "

The real body of "Variety Star" is exposed, and the audience is crazy! "

The multi-year battle of "Bai Di Chu Ci" has come to an end, and the entertainment industry has suffered a major earthquake-the twin stars in the music world are both Lin Zhibai! "

"The First Singer in History Lin Zhibai! "

"Lin Zhibai's secret was exposed, Lin Zhaomu smiled! "

"Lin Zhibai: The No. 1 Person in the Qinzhou Singing World! ? "

The amazing scene in the "Chu Ci live broadcast room! "

"Arresting Lord Variety? When he reveals his face, the king of songs and the queen of songs will fall in love instantly! "

"Lin Zhibai shocked the whole Qinzhou! "

These news headlines are exaggerated, but the facts are often even more exaggerated. Many people are exclaiming that they dare not write novels like this, or shoot TV dramas like this!

The audience went crazy!

The media is also crazy!

The twin stars of the music world, Baidi and Chu Ci, are both Lin Zhibai!

If it wasn't for the exposure at the unveiling ceremony, who the hell would have believed it!

this moment.

No one is more dazzling than Lin Zhibai!

Not just at this moment, Lin Zhibai's manipulation of becoming a music twin star in the Qinzhou entertainment circle is destined to become a legend!

at the same time.

Countless people closely related to Lin Zhibai got the news.


Uncle's house.

Lin Chun was stunned!

Lin Gong trembled all over, "Chu Ci is also Lin Zhibai!"

He is in a bad situation now, and he is becoming more and more transparent in the Shinhwa Group, but he never gave up the idea of ​​wanting to come back!

can now.

Can you really turn the tables on yourself?

Lin Jing next to him is also eye-opening!

"This is impossible! Did he play some tricks! Chu Ci must be someone else, why didn't he come out to clarify! I don't believe it! This is not true!"

Already gibberish.

In fact, Lin Jing believed it, and the whole family believed it!

Because Lin Zhibai couldn't play tricks, no one dared to pretend to be Chu Ci, not to mention that Chu Ci's live broadcast room was also open at that time!

In the final analysis, the uncle's family just couldn't accept this fact, because they knew very well:

Chuci is the words of Baidi.

Then Lin Zhibai's excellence is about to rise to a new level!

The old man, who had always looked at Lin Zhibai differently, is probably liking this little grandson more and more now!

It's an exaggeration.

I'm afraid it's holding it in the palm of my hand for fear of falling, and holding it in my mouth for fear of melting!

After all, everyone knows that what the old man has been thinking about in recent years is to pick out a suitable successor to the Shinhwa Group!

Isn't Lin Zhibai very suitable?

Even Lin Chun, thinking from the perspective of the old man, felt that Lin Zhibai was the best candidate for the heir of the family!


Erbo's house.

Lin Xia, who also received the news, turned pale, "That brat turned out to be Chu Ci, it's all over now, the old man may really pass on the company to him!"

"Have you thought too much?"

Lin Hu excitedly said: "So what if he is Chuci, isn't it because he sings better and has better music talent? This has half a cent to do with the management company!"


Lin Feng said coldly: "The point is not at all how talented he is in music, the point is that Chuci has shares in Kunpeng, that is to say, if Chuci inherits the Shinhwa Group, then Kunpeng will also completely turn to Shinhwa. The point of the question!"


Lin Bao didn't speak, and couldn't recover for a long time. After a long silence, he said quietly: "My phone is full of songs from Chuci."

This is no coincidence.

Many people have songs from Chuci in their mobile phones!

Chuci's fans are all over Qinzhou, and it's normal for Lin Bao to be one of them, he can definitely be regarded as the other's fan.

It's just that Lin Bao didn't expect it!

I have liked Chu Ci for so long, and it turned out to be Lin Zhibai, the number one enemy in my family!

At this moment, Lin Bao's mood was not so awkward. When he thought of how many times he fell asleep listening to Lin Zhibai's songs in the past few years, he felt that his whole body was not good!


Well, it's not disgusting, anyway, it feels weird and uncomfortable. It's probably a state of mind similar to "a collapsed house", but it's more complicated.

That's all.

Can't listen to this guy's songs anymore!

Let's continue to be a fan of Buyehou, as expected, there can only be one idol!

"Now is the time to care about that?"

Lin Feng was startled, what kind of idiots are these men in his family, "We are going to be in great trouble, really wait for Lin Zhibai to inherit the family business, can he give our family a living!"

"It's really not good, I apologize."

Lin Bao muttered, "We bullied him before, but someone secretly pushed his head against the wall. The one who killed him secretly should be the person Lin Zhibai hates the most, right?"

Are you sorry?

Lin Feng was silent.

If it is useful, it may be considered.

Lin Hu furiously said, "I won't apologize even if I die!"

Lin Xia took a deep breath and looked at her three children: "Do you know who pushed Lin Zhibai back then?"

Lin Hu patted the table: "It's not me anyway!"

Lin Bao shook his head: "I don't know, it was very chaotic at the time."

Lin Feng narrowed his eyes and said, "Maybe it's Lin Gong, or Lin Mu or Lin Sen from Sanbo's family. At that time, their position is the best shot."


Sanbo's house.

Lin Qiu sighed and said, "The old four families have completely turned around."

Lin Liu was full of despair, "Chu Ci is Lin Zhibai, and he still has shares in Kunpeng..."

Lin Mu narrowed his eyes and said, "I don't know the exact shareholding, but 0.1% is considered a shareholding."

Lin Sen gritted his teeth and said, "I'm afraid the shares will not be low. Chu Ci is in Kunpeng, but he is one of the tridents, and is at the same level as Bu Yehou and King's Landing."


Lin Qiu looked at his children: "You really didn't push Lin Zhibai back then, did you?"

Lin Mu smiled and said, "It's definitely not me."

Lin Sen hesitated and said, "It's not me, but..."

Lin Qiu's eyes narrowed: "But what?"

Lin Sen shook his head: "It's nothing, I just feel that if this account is still unclear, then all of us will be finished. If Lin Zhibai has mastered the Shinhwa Group, he will not pursue any evidence, and kill them all." It was the choice he would have made, and I would have done the same if I had changed it, I would rather kill a thousand by mistake than let one go, that kid can hold grudges very much, last time the old man had his birthday, you should all remember how ruthless he was."


Lin Liu gritted his teeth and said, "If that person keeps denying it, he will kill us all. This guy has to admit it, so that we can be saved!"


Sanbo's family has already made up their minds to look at Lin Zhibai in the future, unless the old man does not intend to hand over the Shinhwa Group to the grandson.


Lin Mu said with a stiff face, "Someone has to admit it, and I suspect it's Lin Gong."


Naturally, Lin Zhibai didn't know that the three uncles' families were in dire straits.

However, he knew that when Chu Ci's identity was exposed, the focus of the outside world's attention must be his musical talent.

And the industry.

Especially what Shinhwa Group is concerned about is Chu Ci's status in Kunpeng!


How many shares does Chu Ci have in Kunpeng, and how much right to speak!


Although the entertainment industry is divided into three major groups, Kunpeng has a tendency to become the fourth largest!

Because Kunpeng is so special!

"No one would have thought that Kunpeng is my company."

Lin Zhibai has done the math, he is indeed the grandson of the Shinhwa Group's emperor now.

Dad has basically controlled Shinhwa Entertainment.

In addition to the Kunpeng he owns, and Lin Zhibai's stake in Tianguang TV Station in the name of Kunpeng.

Once he really inherits the Shinhwa Group, Lin Zhibai can really surpass Lin Zhaomu in the future and become the real king of Qin Zhou's entertainment circle in the future!

The old man's dream is to unify the three major.

Lin Zhibai felt that he was more likely than the old man to realize this dream.

Don't think about these for now.

Lin Zhibai didn't come home until early in the morning. He turned on the computer immediately and looked at the celebrity rating list.

The main reason is to know how much his rating will rise after Chuci's identity is exposed.

However, the leaderboard has not been updated yet, and it is estimated that the results will not be known until tomorrow morning.

In fact, the entire Internet is now staring at the celebrity rankings. Now Chuci is still in the second tier, and Baidi is also in the second tier.

Everyone also wants to know.

After the identities of Chuci and Baidi are merged, what height will Lin Zhibai reach?

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