Freelance Artist

Chapter 403: Chef Lin Goes Online!

The program has just started recording, most people don't know each other very well, after all, they haven't had in-depth contact with each other, but everyone has a deep impression of Lin Zhibai today, on the first day of recording the program, this guy The group's big business was cut off, and now seeing Lin Zhibai calculating his teammates like this, isn't he a proper profiteer?


Nightingale sneered and said, "Then you have miscalculated. I am trying to lose weight recently. I cook some chicken breast and Chinese cabbage, and dinner is settled. The method is easier than instant noodles. Besides, you have cooking skills. It doesn't look like it." He looks like he can cook."

Fight back!

Must fight back!

Nightingale looked at Lin Zhibai proudly, how can this princess be handled by you every time?

These words reminded everyone, yes, everyone is a celebrity, in order to maintain their figure, they often eat diet meals, which is the most economical.

And well known.

The easiest way to lose weight is to cook some chicken breast and Chinese cabbage and add some salt. If you really feel bland, you can also add some salad or the like.

"As you please."

Lin Zhibai asked Han Yueshuang and Chu Chu: "You two don't need a chef either?"

The two shook their heads like flower sticks. Everything in the supermarket requires money. This has made everyone more aware of the preciousness of peach blossom coins!


Lin Zhibai didn't force it, so he simply spent another ten peach blossom coins to buy some ingredients for dinner. He didn't need to go on a diet to lose weight, because he couldn't get fat from eating at all. This probably had something to do with his physique, so there were all kinds of vegetables and meat.

"Prodigal, prodigal!"

Zhou Hanjin reminded: "Although you made a lot of money today, what should you do if you have no money to eat after spending so much peach blossom coins?"

"It can be earned."

Lin Zhibai smiled and said, "Isn't money just for spending?"

The director nodded and said: "Everyone don't have to worry about income, we will provide villagers with various jobs in the future, and these jobs can earn peach blossom coins, so in theory, as long as everyone works hard, they won't be able to earn money. Hungry."

Ye Junji asked, "What kind of work do you have?"

The director said with a smile: "There are a lot of jobs. For example, there is a sheep pen in the west. Everyone can feed the sheep and clean up the manure in the sheep pen. After cleaning the manure, we will settle the bill according to the weight."

Everyone: "..."

No one wants to do this job!

Sure enough, it is better to save some money!

Everyone started to buy their own dinners with their own calculations. Most of them chose to live frugally. Of course, there were also more free and easy hedonists who bought some ribs directly, such as Lan Ye and Qi Tianwen. They are all sons of rich families and have successful careers, so they can't live a hard life at all.

that's all.

Everyone bought good ingredients and started to go back to their houses.

The blue house is the closest, and Lin Zhibai can get there in a few steps. The white house next door is also okay. It’s a matter of walking a few more steps, but the yellow house and the red house are on the other side of the river. It takes five hundred to go around the bridge. meters or so.

"Depend on!"

Red team here.

Zhou Han looked enviously at the direction of the house: "It's a mile away, right?"

Li Xiao also reacted, "So we have to travel a mile to buy something in the future?"

Ye Zhen smiled wryly: "One kilometer back and forth, Jian Jia, if you have anything to buy in the future, I'll bring it to you."

Qi Jianjia was noncommittal.

yellow group.

Ye Junji was also confused, "Our Huang team is also on the other side of the river!"

Eiichiro looked at the river, "Didn't the program crew say they would give us the whole boat?"

Lan Ye said depressedly: "I knew that I would choose the blue team. You people in the blue and white team already knew that the blue team is close to the activity center, right?"

Ning Ling's mentality is good: "It's time to exercise."

Lin Zhibai smiled and said, "So when you choose a house, don't you look at the location and surrounding areas?"

"You have already calculated that the blue house is the nearest!?"

Nightingale stared at Lin Zhibai. She just peeked at someone's little note, and then followed to choose the blue house. She didn't expect this guy to start calculating from the time of choosing a house! ?

What a profiteer!

You can't go wrong with this guy!

The people in the red and yellow groups were also convinced when they heard this!

Why is this Lin Zhibai so treacherous!

Everyone thought it would be the same whichever house they chose, so they filled in the colors casually, without realizing the location problem, and few people even remembered the location of the house of which color.


Nightingale was stunned, especially after seeing that Qi Jianjia was in the red group and life would be very inconvenient in the future, she was very happy.

Qi Jianjia glanced at Lin Zhibai.

Half of the celebrities in this circle are giant babies. It is rare for Lin Zhibai to be so treacherous and cunning. He must be on guard in the future, especially after Nightingale and the other party get mixed up.


The blue house has two floors. There are two bedrooms upstairs and downstairs. The layout of the rooms is similar, but the decoration colors are different. Everyone directly chose their own bedrooms according to the decoration style they like.

Lady first.

Lin Zhibai was the last one to choose, and ended up living in a certain bedroom downstairs, and Han Yueshuang also lived downstairs.

"We cook."

Nightingale and Chuchu bought chicken breast and lettuce, and planned to make a diet meal. They hugged their mobile phones and studied how to cook for a while.

"I'll eat later."

Han Yueshuang only bought a pack of instant noodles, and she wanted to make do with it tonight.

Lin Zhibai also walked into the kitchen. Anyway, there are two stoves, and everyone is busy with their own work.


Looking at the ribs and beef he bought, Lin Zhibai was in a dilemma for a while, he had never cooked, what should he do with these things?

"Ms. Lin can cook?"

Seeing Lin Zhibai lost in thought on the ribs and beef, Chu Chu beside him couldn't help asking, "Do you want to check it online?"

"Can you please?"

Seeing that Lin Zhibai hadn't moved for a long time, Nightingale couldn't help showing a smile: "Actually, you don't know how to cook at all, right? What kind of cook are you pretending to be?"

"I'm thinking about what flavor to make."

Lin Zhibai glanced at Nightingale, then decisively summoned the system, opened the mall and directly exchanged for an advanced cooking skill book.


Scalp a little itchy!

You have to grow your brain!

A few seconds later, Lin Zhibai felt enlightened, and countless ways to make ribs and beef appeared in his mind instantly. Now he is equivalent to a five-star chef!


Today, let’s make sweet and sour pork ribs and stir-fried beef with hot peppers. I bought a lot of ingredients myself, and the basic seasonings are also ready.

Get started!

First steam the rice, then marinate the beef, blanch the pork ribs, prepare the seasoning while waiting, chop the onion, ginger and garlic, Lin Zhibai has already made all the plans in his heart.


Chuchu and Yeying looked at Lin Zhibai's operation, and couldn't help but look at each other. Although they didn't know how good he was, he seemed to have a good appearance.

never mind.

do not care.

Even if it is the simplest boiled chicken breast, the two have to check the method and do it. This is a bit messy. For example, in the pickling process at the beginning, the two discussed various things: "How much is a spoonful of salt? Let's There are three spoons, large, medium and small..."


The method of chicken breast meat is really simple. Although the two had various difficulties, they finally finished it. There is no big problem with the appearance, but it has been almost half an hour since everything was done. The efficiency is really low. The two more difficult dishes are almost in the final stage.

"Let it cool first."

"And tear it apart."

The two sat in the restaurant on the first floor and were busy working while wearing gloves. Han Yueshuang next to her was boiling water for instant noodles. She offered to help and asked:

"Where's Teacher Baidi?"

"I'm busy in there."

Nightingale asked curiously, "Why do you call him Baidi?"

Han Yueshuang said: "This is Lin Zhibai's stage name. I'm used to it. He is one of my bosses."

Lin Zhibai has shares in Kunpeng, so he is indeed Han Yueshuang's boss.

Chu Chu smiled and said, "Is it the emperor's emperor? What a cute stage name."

Nightingale nodded: "My stage name should have been Empress, how domineering!"

Han Yueshuang laughed.

Just chatting and working like this, the chicken breast was finally torn.

Nightingale said: "Yueshuang, are you eating instant noodles? Why not eat with us and add some shredded chicken."

"Okay, thank you!"

"Then let's start, let's starve the profiteer inside." Nightingale smiled and said, "The taste is not bad!"

Shredded chicken entrance.

Nightingale is very satisfied with her cooking skills!

Chu Chu smiled and said: "After learning this dish, three meals will be settled!"

Han Yueshuang smiled and nodded. She ate it with instant noodles, which felt very comfortable.

And at this moment.

Lin Zhibai's dishes were also ready. Wearing heat-resistant gloves, he brought out the rice and two dishes.

The sweet and sour pork ribs are bright red in color, and the tempting meaty aroma is exuded, wafting over the restaurant. Even the thick thickening of the juice at the bottom of the plate is just right, and a few green onions are dotted on the top, making the flavor even richer.

Beef tenderloin with hot pepper on the side.

The thickness of the beef tenderloin is very moderate, and the peppers are cut evenly. The color of the soy sauce wraps the meat strips, which gives a very tender feeling. It is full of juice at first glance, and the unique aroma of pepper penetrates into the nose, which instantly makes people feel Taste buds are wide open.

It looks pretty good.

Lin Zhibai took a photo to commemorate his first cooking, and then took a bite of beef tenderloin, and instantly felt that the salty aroma had permeated the whole mouth. Become a kind of extreme enjoyment.


He hummed in satisfaction.

Lin Zhibai picked up another large piece of ribs.

Due to limited time, a pressure cooker was used in the middle, and the pork ribs had already been stewed, and the flesh and bones were separated after lightly peeling. The sweet and sour taste in the mouth is basically different from the taste that Lin Zhibai ate in a five-star restaurant. any difference.

"The fragrance is confused!"

Lin Zhibai commented on himself.

Xiaowei'er came up after scratching it.

Chu Chu looked at Lin Zhibai's plate of oily and shiny pork ribs, her face was full of shock, this guy really knows how to cook, and his level seems to be quite high!

Just these two dishes.

No matter in terms of appearance or taste, it is very good as a chef. Eveningale didn't eat it, so I feel that the taste must be the same!


Nightingale, who was eating the chicken breast, couldn't hold back any longer. She looked at the pepper beef tenderloin with her eyes salivating. She is a serious chili lover, and she couldn't resist the temptation of this kind of spicy, even with the sauce that she originally thought was well seasoned. Shredded chicken, the more you eat, the less it tastes!


Han Yueshuang looked at Lin Zhibai desperately, and couldn't swallow a mouthful of instant noodles. The food gap is too big!

Dickinson said:

I could have borne the darkness if I had not seen the sun, yet the light has made my desolation a still more dreadful desolation!

This sentence also applies to the three girls.

Without Lin Zhibai's two delicious dishes beside them, they wouldn't think there was any problem whether they ate instant noodles or chicken breast.

can now.

In sharp contrast, they felt that their instant noodles and chicken breasts were not delicious in an instant!

Especially the nightingale.

Just like the children next door, they are about to cry. After all, everyone is busy on the road today, and there is no oily water in their stomachs. What they eat at night is chicken breasts that are obviously burnt because they have been cooked for too long...


Han Yueshuang's voice was suddenly sweet and greasy, which made Lin Zhibai break into a sweat.

"What's wrong?"

"Give me a piece of ribs, will you?"


Lin Zhibai was very straightforward.

Han Yueshuang was overjoyed, and was about to stretch out her chopsticks, when Lin Zhibai suddenly blocked her: "These ingredients cost me ten Taohua coins."

Han Yueshuang played dumb, "So?"

Lin Zhibai said: "I will charge you five peach blossom coins for this meal. As for the service fee for my cooking, I will waive it for you today, but I will not make an exception."


Han Yueshuang is in a hurry, five peach blossom coins! ?

Lin Zhibai smiled and said, "You can try a piece to see if the peach blossom coins are worth it."

"It's a deal!"

Han Yueshuang immediately grabbed a piece, thinking that she would run away after eating, but her expression changed just after taking a few bites. The juice from the ribs burst in her mouth, and the huge sense of satisfaction instantly filled her brain, and even The IQ has dropped to a negative number!


too delicious!

She finished eating quickly, and wanted to sandwich again, Lin Zhibai reminded: "Five."

"Deal deal!"

Han Yueshuang didn't hesitate at all this time, she was completely conquered, and she actually felt that this plate of ribs was the most charming delicacy in the world!

For this pork ribs, she is willing to pick up sheep dung tomorrow!

Lin Zhibai smiled. In fact, a star like Han Yueshuang must often go to five-star restaurants, and she must have eaten dishes of a similar level.

However, once people are hungry, their sense of taste will be infinitely magnified, which is why they feel that the ribs are so delicious!

"I also want!"

Han Yueshuang is like a living advertisement, just eating a meal, like taking an aphrodisiac, who can bear that expression of enjoyment?

Anyway, Chu Chu couldn't take it anymore.

Lin Zhibai smiled and said, "You have five too!"


In order to seduce these three misers, Lin Zhibai has learned cooking skills, so he has to pay back!


The most important thing is that Lin Zhibai can't finish this dish, and his appetite is not too big.

"Five is five!"

Chu Chu gave in, and she came up and gnawed on the ribs.

After entering the food, Chu Chu suddenly understood why Han Yueshuang fell so completely. It's not that she has never eaten sweet and sour pork ribs, but why Lin Zhibai's cooking is so delicious!


Chu Chu ate faster and faster, she even forgot her manners, and even gnawed on her hands directly, not caring that her hands were stained with oil.

Nightingale was dumbfounded.

Do I want to eat dry chicken breast and watch these three people feasting on it?

Is it really so delicious?

She swallowed, and said with some difficulty: "Let me try..."

"Give money."

Lin Zhibai smiled.

Nightingale reluctantly said, "Let's try it first."


Lin Zhibai directly refused, "The portion is limited, five peach blossom coins, not one less."

"A profiteer! You've lost your money..."

Nightingale complained crazily, but finally couldn't hold back, her stomach was growling unbelievably.

"I'll give it to you after eating!"

Nightingale said viciously, and then quickly picked up a large chopsticks of beef tenderloin with sharp pepper.

This girl really can eat spicy food, she stuffed beef tenderloin and hot pepper into her mouth together, and when the spicy taste filled her mouth, Nightingale immediately became happy!

"Do you still doubt my cooking skills?"

Lin Zhibai teased her.

Nightingale swallowed her food and snorted, "Just make do with it."


Continue to pick up vegetables.

The speed is getting faster and faster.

He also ate and said "the taste is okay".

Chu Chu couldn't stand it anymore, "Eat slowly!"

Han Yueshuang also became anxious, "Save some for us!"

Nightingale turned a deaf ear: "It's alright, I'll just deal with two casually..."

Are you dealing with two games?

The staff in charge of filming began to feel uncomfortable, and they didn't have dinner yet!

But it does taste good.

In ten minutes, the four of them were full, and there was not a drop of food left on the two dishes.

Instead, it was instant noodles and shredded chicken, almost no one ate it, so Lin Zhibai tried it reluctantly, so as to save less food wastage.

finish eating.

The four of them sat on the sofa, wiped their mouths, and looked at the ceiling, like the emptiness after an orgasm.


Suddenly, Nightingale jumped up, staring at Lin Zhibai with sparkling eyes: "Did you take a picture?"



"made a bid."

"In the group!"


"Fat group, starve them to death!"

Today, when the room was divided, the director pulled a group, and the guests of each group were in it, this is for the convenience of communication.

And Nightingale may have been drenched in the rain by herself, so she wanted to tear up other people's umbrellas.

Lin Zhibai felt that there was too much hatred, so he directly added Yeying as friends and sent them privately.

"Hey hey hey!"

Nightingale smiled, skillfully used PS technology, directly added some effects to the two dishes, and then sent them to Daqun.

next moment.

The crowd exploded!

Zhou Hanjin: [? ? ? ? 】

Qi Tianwen: [Don't poison the group! 】

Ye Junji: [The rattan pepper flavored instant noodles are suddenly not fragrant. 】

Ning Ling: [Hey, do you know that you are going too far, who did it! 】

Chuchu: [Of course it's Chef Lin! Thief is delicious! Fragrant and confused! 】

Lan Ye: [They are all hard dishes, why do you think they are more powerful than my steak? 】

Zhang Xiyang: [I chose the wrong group! 】

Gu Xing: [Your blue team still lacks cleaning? 】

Li Xiao: [! ! ! ! 】

Qin Lian: 【Stop talking about martial arts, right? 】

It's meal time now, and almost everyone in each group is having dinner.

Thinking about the ingredients that most of them bought, the food must be very poor.

Suddenly seeing that the blue team ate so well, everyone felt unbalanced, and they couldn't even eat their own dinner.

Looking at the complaints in the group.

Nightingale laughed wildly, and slapped Aite back. Qi Jianjia: [Did Jian Jia eat instant noodles tonight? What flavor do you like? I personally recommend the braised beef flavor. 】

Three seconds later.

Qi Jianjia replied: [Oh, how many peach blossom coins? 】

Nightingale shut herself up for a moment.

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