Freelance Artist

Chapter 404 Hide and Seek?

Nightingale shut herself up.

In fact, Qi Jianjia was a little bit off guard.

She was indeed eating instant noodles, and she was indeed eating braised beef flavor.

But as we all know, there is really no beef in the braised beef-flavored instant noodles!

However, in the picture sent by Nightingale, it was genuine beef tenderloin with green peppers, which looked like it was crunchy!

Although I know...

That profiteer named Lin Zhibai would definitely kill Nightingale, but looking at the instant noodles in his hand, Qi Jianjia would rather be slaughtered!

Just haven't had a chance yet.

According to Chuchu, Lin Zhibai made the dishes?

It's Lin Zhibai again!

What's going on with this Lin Zhibai!

It doesn't matter if you have good driving skills, but you can also cook well! ?

Even if someone has some cooking skills, it is difficult to make Lin Zhibai's dishes look good!

Damn it!

This made that little girl proud again!

The other groups of guests were actually in a similar mood.

Everything is not limited but uneven. If it is normal, even if they find delicious food late at night, they will order a takeaway to satisfy their cravings.

But here is Lishan!

It is more desolate than the suburban countryside!

Let alone takeaway, they can't even afford meat!

Even if they can afford it, for example, Lan Ye and others spend a lot of money, but their cooking skills are limited!

However, there is Lin Zhibai in the blue team, who knows that his cooking skills are good just by looking at the photos, which made everyone's dinner tasteless in their mouths.

And on the blue team side.

Chu Chu watched the crowd crying and howling, and couldn't help laughing and said, "Hey, you're out of your mind."

"I'm obviously sharing food!" Nightingale laughed and trembled.

It is true that Lin Zhibai is very tricky.

But Nightingale suddenly felt.

The grievances she suffered at Lin Zhibai's place can always be found in others, such as the sense of superiority brought about by this meal, which gave her a very delicate psychological balance!


Where is Lin Zhibai?

Nightingale turned her head to look, and began to feel uncomfortable again.

Because Lin Zhibai came back after cutting a fruit plate, which contained apples and cantaloupes, and was crunching and eating.

Ah, there are fruits after meals!

Unlike others, in order to save money, I am not willing to buy any fruit at all!

"The profiteer!"

Nightingale envied and hated it, but she didn't clamor for it, because she knew that this guy would give it and would definitely charge for it.

"Rich, self-willed."

Lin Zhibai imitated Nightingale's complacent appearance. Although he spent ten peach blossom coins for this meal, the three teammates each gave him five peach blossom coins.

It is equivalent to earning five for nothing in the end!

The little bit of labor paid is nothing, after all, I have to eat.

For those who cook, it takes the same effort to cook more and less.


Chu Chu was a little jealous, and only when she was full of wine and food did she start to feel sorry for her five peach blossom coins.

"I can be more prodigal."

Lin Zhibai said: "Who goes to the refrigerator and brings me my yogurt, and I'll give her a peach blossom coin."

"Sir, please sit down, this servant will bring it to you!"

Chu Chu moved like a rabbit, rushed into the kitchen immediately, and took out the yogurt from the refrigerator.

"Tear it open for me, and bring me the spoon."

Lin Zhibai looked like a boss, with his legs crossed.


For the sake of a peach blossom coin, Chu Chu worked hard without complaint.

"Okay, I'll find you later if I need something."

Lin Zhibai was satisfied, took a sip of yogurt, digested his food, and thought about going out for a walk after a while.

Han Yueshuang and Nightingale next to her were shocked!

Can it still be like this?

Under normal circumstances, as the only man in this "family", shouldn't you hold up a piece of sky and shelter the girls from the wind and rain?

How come it looks like the three of us are slaves, and we have to serve this rich master well!

And this Chu Chu!

Really spineless!

After all, you are also a first-line female star in Qizhou, how could you give this guy a saddle for a peach coin——

It would be nice if we didn't come after this kind of thing! ?

All right.

Although Nightingale and Han Yueshuang wanted to complain, they were somewhat greedy, and they only blamed themselves for being too slow to react.

After all, you can get a peach blossom coin with a yogurt!

How easy it is to make money!

As everyone knows, everything Lin Zhibai planned was premeditated.

Lin Zhibai could still tell the difference after this meal.

I have exploited my teammates into paupers, whose wool will I get in the future?

It is not good to go fishing in a dry lake, and we must give them some feedback so that funds can circulate.

As it is now, everyone is happy, right?

With this in mind, Lin Zhibai took out one of the fifteen peach blossom coins he had just harvested and handed it to Chu Chu, and praised:

"Chuchu is so diligent!"

Chu Chu's eyes narrowed into a smile, "Do you need any more services?"

Lin Zhibai thought for a while, "Would you beat your legs and squeeze your back?"


Are you crazy, you want my wife to give you a massage! ?

Chu Chu suppressed her depression and said, "Then I'll go pick up sheep dung tomorrow."

"Then you have to be early."

Lin Zhibai kindly reminded: "According to my judgment, the number of people required for this job is not large, and it is almost enough to recruit two or three people at most."

"Makes sense."

Chu Chu nodded approvingly.

After drinking the yogurt, there are still some fruits left, which won't be fresh if left out, Lin Zhibai said:

"Do you want to eat? It's free."

Before waiting for an answer, the three of them had already stuffed the fruit into their mouths.

Lin Zhibai: "..."

He got up and planned to go out to see what opportunities to make money in the future.

In this show, making money is the number one priority. If you don't use your brain, you will be exploited by rich people just like these three people.

"Why are you going?"



All three have this meaning.

So the four people in the blue team walked out of the house and walked around the surrounding area.

The program team probably thought it would be convenient to record something at night, but the outside was brightly lit.

Quack quack.

It seemed to be the cry of frogs, coming from the river.

Lin Zhibai smiled. He felt that there should be fish in the river, and he noticed a little movement during the day, which might be raised by the program crew.

"Hey, here's a sign!"

Walking to the side of the activity center, Han Yueshuang suddenly noticed something.

Lin Zhibai and the others looked at it, and the sign said: [Recycling plastic, cardboard, cans, etc., can be settled at the activity center. 】

Chu Chu understood.

"Picking up trash can make money! It's easier than shoveling shit!"

Lin Zhibai came up with an idea, "Others probably haven't discovered this brand yet, come here, let's take it home, so that only we can pick up the trash."


The staff following the shoot were really impressed by Lin Zhibai's capitalist mindset. How could there be such a weird star in a variety show, and you have to monopolize the job of picking up junk!

"You can cover it up, but you can't take it home."

"That's it." Lin Zhibai felt a little regretful, and then saw that Nightingale had already started looking for straws. She really wanted to cover up the sign!

"You're covering up too clearly, trying to cover up."

Lin Zhibai looked around and said, "There's a sign over there."

There was indeed a sign that said "Laundry room, one peach at a time".

It turned out to be laundry.

If you want to save money, you can wash it yourself, but it is estimated that most people do not have the ability to do it.


Lin Zhibai said: "You put the signboard for picking up broken pieces together with this signboard, and it will be difficult for other teams to find it if they don't pay attention."

"good idea!"

Nightingale immediately started to attack.

The sign was hanging on the wall, and the two signs were hung together, so it was really difficult for anyone to notice.

The staff of the program group did not stop it this time.

Because this is a variety show with a very high degree of freedom, it depends on how many tricks the guests can play.

A black-bellied guy like Lin Zhibai who is full of intrigues actually likes the show crew very much, because with him, the show effect is indispensable!

Let's put it this way.

The program group has been recording up to now, and they can probably guess that when "Journey to Lishan" is broadcast, Lin Zhibai must be the one with the most shots in the first episode!

Because he has the most things to watch!

And when the partners in the blue team were doing bad things, a voice suddenly came from the side:

"What are you doing?"

It turned out that the people from the Bai group also came out for a walk, Zhang Xiyang, Qi Tianwen, Gu Xing and Qin Lian were all there.

"No... nothing..."

Chu Chu felt guilty, but Qi Tianwen thought it was weird, so he checked it out.

After this inspection, the evidence was caught: "Okay, you guys want to hide this, it's too immoral!"

"Want to play with poor information?"

Qin Lian smiled and said, "Hiding the sign and picking up garbage, your team has contracted it. It's a bit uninteresting."


Qin Lian changed the subject: "We have to contract together!"

Everyone laughed.

Gu Xing stepped forward and said, "Your hiding is not tight enough, it has to be tightly stitched, without any traces leaking, who has the glue?"

Lin Zhibai: "..."

You are more ruthless than me, this is a chance for you not to leave the two groups on the opposite side!

It seems that these people are aware of the importance of Peach Blossom Coins, and have already begun to use them to the fullest.

However, Lin Zhibai is not interested in picking up garbage, and has no interest at all. He just wants to make more money for the team members.

Only in this way can we continue to pluck the wool.

And at this moment, the program team made an announcement in the big chat group.

【Tomorrow morning all of us will play a group game, the name of the game is 'Wolf is coming', each group has a chance to be a 'wolf' to catch members of other groups, every time we catch a 'sheep', we can Get three peach coins, paid by the person who was caught. 】


Lin Zhibai's eyes lit up!

This is an interesting way to make money!

Isn't it a hundred times better than picking up trash?

And the group chat suddenly became lively!

"Wolf is coming?"

"Each group has one chance to catch?"

"Isn't that peek-a-boo?"

"I'm good at this!"

"Hey, I have been training for a long time, no one can catch me, no one can escape from my grasp!"

"Tomorrow I will not show mercy!"

"The red team will win!"

"Our yellow team will definitely win!"

“ @Lin Zhibai, I’ll spend money then, please cook me a meal, okay?”

These people are full of confidence.

Those who work in the entertainment industry have good physical fitness. After all, they all have a foundation in fitness, especially the male guests who are gearing up.

But brute force is not enough to play games.

Lin Zhibai narrowed his eyes, he had to find a way to make a lot of money, so that he could continue to enjoy life and not have to suffer so much.

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