Freelance Artist

Chapter 405: Lord Variety Comes Back!

I have to say that Lishan in the outskirts is indeed quite idyllic. Lin Zhibai fell asleep with the sound of frogs croaking on his pillow. After the first night, he slept until dawn. It's eight o'clock in the morning, and the smell of porridge enters the tip of my nose.

Someone make breakfast?

Lin Zhibai glanced at the kitchen, and a person just came out, and it was Chu Chu who had already put on her makeup. At this moment, she was smiling and said:

"Would you like breakfast?"


"The fee is one Peach Blossom Coin."

Chuchu's eyes are bright. Although she doesn't know how to cook, cooking porridge with a rice cooker is an easy operation. As long as you get up early, you can earn peach blossom coins!


Lin Zhibai sat down directly at the dining table: "Fry me another egg, I bought it yesterday, and take out the bottle of Sichuan brand kimchi I bought together yesterday, and I'll give you two coins."

Little money.

Lin Zhibai didn't take it seriously.

But it can buy a lovely service.

Sure enough, Chu Chu didn't refuse, and happily went to the kitchen to fry eggs, although after a while, she screamed.


Lin Zhibai was startled, and got up to take a look, only to find that her hands had been splashed with oil.

Turn on the tap.

Lin Zhibai said: "Rinse with cold water."

Chu Chu quickly washed her hands with cold water, "You wait outside first, I can do it!"


Seeing that there was nothing wrong with her hand, Lin Zhibai went back to the restaurant and continued to wait.

A few minutes later, Lin Zhibai looked at the blackened fried egg on the plate, and sighed, "This egg is for you. I'll have the porridge. Are you okay?"

"It's okay, the peach blossom coins..."

"I'll give you two, but next time you fry it, don't ask for money. It's a waste of ingredients. Watch the video and learn how to fry eggs. I will always take care of your business."

All right.

The main reason was that Lin Zhibai didn't want to make breakfast, so it wouldn't be nice to sleep more if he had the time, anyway, he could direct Chu Chu to work with a little money.

Breakfast does not have any requirements for cooking skills, and it can be mastered with a little learning. He is willing to give Chu Chu a little time to grow up, as if he is training a little cook from scratch. Lin Zhibai thinks that Chu Chu has this potential. That monster is better in control.

"Thank you, Brother Bai!"

Chu Chu was so moved, she didn't expect that Lin Zhibai would pay for the fried eggs like this, "You're so good!"


Lin Zhibai scratched his head, didn't care, no matter what she called himself, just drink porridge with kimchi.

After a while, Han Yueshuang and Nightingale also got up, and they were pleasantly surprised.

"There is breakfast!"

Chu Chu smiled and said, "One peach blossom coin per person."

Nightingale looked at Chuchu incredulously, "We are good girlfriends!"

Chu Chu turned her face ruthlessly, "My sisters will settle their accounts."

"You're ruthless! Here it is!"

Nightingale gave in, and complained while paying the bill: "You have been spoiled by that profiteer!"

Chu Chu said seriously: "Brother Bai is a good person!"

"Brother Bai?" Han Yueshuang asked in surprise, "Chuchu, are you alright?"

"I'm fine."

Chu Chu sat down happily: "Brother Bai even gave me an fried egg."

Nightingale hated iron and said: "That's because the egg is burnt and he doesn't want to eat it!"

"No problem."

Chu Chu ate the uncooked part, feeling scorched and scorched.

And at this moment, Daqun was notifying again: "The [Wolf is Coming] game will start at nine o'clock, and the red team will be the wolf in the first round. Please prepare in advance!"

"We're going to play a game later."

Nightingale said: "When the time comes, we will run separately and don't get caught!"

Han Yueshuang said: "Instead of running around, I think it's safer to hide in one place. With such a wide range of activities, there are many places to hide."

Chu Chu said: "Let's form a small group first, and then the location will be shared, and we cannot communicate in a large group."


While adding friends, a few people pulled out a small blue group.

Lin Zhibai said: "Just follow Yueshuang's plan, and you will all hide it when the time comes."

If the three girls in the blue group are discovered, they will definitely not be able to compete with the male guests in the other groups if they fight for physical strength. It is best to hide.

Han Yueshuang asked, "What about you?"

Lin Zhibai smiled and said, "I'll cover for you."

The three lambs belonged to him, so they couldn't be picked up by other groups.

And when exchanging tactics, the directors in the group were all in Aite:

[Let’s talk about the rules of the game. Each group has half an hour to be wolves. If they touch their bodies, they are deemed as successful arrests. After half an hour, the yellow group will turn into wolves. After half an hour, the white group will turn into wolves, and finally the blue group will act as wolves. By the way, the wolf, the lamb cannot hide in the house. 】


Zhou Hanjin of the red group has already started calling out.

Gu Xing, who is also in the red group, declared: "I was a running champion in high school!"

Who is running with you.

The corner of Lin Zhibai's mouth curled up. Although his physical strength is not bad, he should try his best to outsmart him if he can. Chasing is very tiring.

that's all.

After dinner.

Lin Zhibai took several people to find a place to hide.

"This trash can..."

"Don't even think about it!"

The three sheep refused in unison. They are all female stars who care about their image. How could they accept hiding in the trash can? They would rather be caught!

"Then use this..."

Lin Zhibai saw a huge black plastic bag next to the trash can.

"I can accept this."

Chu Chu opened her mouth, Lin Zhibai smiled, "Then I'll put it on for you."


Lin Zhibai put a garbage bag on Chuchu.

"It's still a bit conspicuous."

"I'll carry you behind that pillar?"


Lin Zhibai picked up Chuchu and put her behind a shelter, so it would be difficult to find unless someone was very close.

"Here you two are, and I'll cover you with straw."

There were many straws nearby, Lin Zhibai directly covered the two of them, he didn't want to keep the girls too far away, it would be difficult to take care of them.

Follow the rules.

The team with the most points can be rewarded, so Lin Zhibai had to take the initiative to protect them.

"Be careful."

The girls were worried about Lin Zhibai.

Lin Zhibai smiled and said, "I'll just guard here, and if it doesn't work, I'll lure them away."

that's all.

Nine o'clock comes.

The four members of the red team have started a carpet search.

One minute.

two minutes.

three minutes.

Five minutes later, Lin Zhibai saw a sneaky figure walking towards him. It was Qi Tianwen. This guy was really brave enough to jump directly into the trash can that Nightingale and the others disliked. —

This round Qi Tianwen is also a sheep.

Lin Zhibai wasn't too worried, but he didn't take the initiative to go out to say hello, he was hiding behind the obstacle at the moment.


"Let me go!"

There was a cry in the distance, apparently there was a chasing battle between wolves and sheep, Lin Zhibai peeked at it, it was Qi Jianjia who was chasing Ning Ling of the yellow group.

"Ning Ling, eliminate!"

There was a sound from the loudspeaker, similar to the sound of a loudspeaker at the entrance of a village, and everyone heard it.

It turned out that Qi Jianjia and Li Xiao cooperated to arrest Ning Ling.

"Where did anyone else go?"

Qi Jianjia and Li Xiao got together, searched around, and walked towards Lin Zhibai as soon as they saw it.

The three teammates were all behind Lin Zhibai.

When these two people came over, they were definitely flying like chickens and dogs.

The three girls in the blue group had their hearts beating in their throats, especially Ye Ying, who was so nervous that she was short of breath. The most unacceptable thing for her was to be caught by Qi Jianjia!

what to do?

Will Lin Zhibai lure them away?

Seeing them getting closer, the girls who hid were frightened, and their faces turned pale.

Why didn't Lin Zhibai lure them away!

At this moment, Lin Zhibai suddenly said: "Xiaoxiao, Jian Jia, go and look at the trash can, I just saw Qi Tianwen wandering there."

"Old Zhou? Where are you?"

Li Xiao was obviously taken aback when he heard this voice.

But the strange thing is that I clearly heard Zhou Hanjin's voice, but I didn't see where he was.

But she subconsciously walked towards the trash can.

Qi Jianjia was also taken aback for a moment, and while walking towards the trash can with Li Xiao, he asked, "Zhou Hanjin, didn't you go to the east?"

"There was no one there, so I went around. Just now I saw a sheep that seemed to have gone to the west, so I went after it first."


Qi Jianjia and Li Xiao talked and walked towards the trash can, but they always felt that something was wrong.

But at this moment, the trash can suddenly made a movement, and then Qi Tianwen jumped out, laughing and running wildly into the distance.

"Qi Tianwen!"

"How dare you hide the trash can!"

Qi Jianjia and Li Xiao were a little surprised, and immediately chased after Qi Tianwen without caring about anything else.

"Zhou Han waits for me as much as you can!"

Qi Tianwen didn't know when Zhou Hanjin found him, and ran away after leaving a harsh word.

He holds grudges very much, and is secretly ruthless. When he becomes a wolf, he will catch Zhou Han to death!

that's all.

Several people ran away.

And behind Lin Zhibai.

Covered by the straw, Nightingale's eyes widened in astonishment, staring at Lin Zhibai in disbelief!

Chu Chu who was hiding in the black plastic bag was also full of confusion, almost wondering if there was something wrong with her ears!

Even the staff who were also hiding in the dark and were in charge of filming the blue team were dumbfounded, looking at Lin Zhibai with unbelievable eyes!

Because they all know--

Zhou Hanjin is not here at all!

It was clear that Lin Zhibai was talking to Qi Jianjia and Li Xiao just now!

But for some reason, Lin Zhibai imitated Zhou Hanjin's voice, which not only deceived Qi Jianjia, but even Li Xiao didn't suspect it!

How can it be!

how so!

How did Lin Zhibai do it!

Everyone's expressions looked like they had seen a ghost!

Only Han Yueshuang, who was also hiding behind the straw, showed a smile. This is the unique "super power" of Lord Variety!

"The profiteer!"

Even though Nightingale knew she shouldn't make a sound at this time, she still couldn't help being shocked and said, "How can you imitate Zhou Hanjin's voice!?"

"too crazy!"

Chu Chu couldn't help but said, "Brother Bai, are you a monster?"

Lin Zhibai smiled and said: "If I were a monster, the three of you would be female goblins, obediently hide it for me, and today I will take you three to lie down and win!"

Lord Variety is back!

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