Freelance Artist

Chapter 406: Lin Zhibai's Showdown!

"Hateful Zhou Hanjin!"

Qi Tianwen didn't know that he was cheated by other "sheep", and ran away wheezingly, shouting "Zhou Hanjin" resentfully.

"Don't run!"

"Let's talk!"

Qi Jianjia and Li Xiao chased after her madly, but the girl's physical strength was still a bit weaker than the male guest Qi Tianwen after all.

And just when the two were about to give up...


Zhou Hanjin appeared on the opposite side, and he was also attracted by the shouts!

"Qi Tianwen!?"

Zhou Han was so excited that he ran straight towards Qi Tianwen, his physical strength was well preserved.

"Old Zhou?"

Seeing Zhou Hanjin appearing in front of him, Li Xiao rubbed his eyes, almost thinking that he was wrong.

"Didn't Lao Zhou just say that he went to the west?"

Qi Jianjia was also confused, even if Zhou Hanjin did not go to the west as he said, there is no reason for him to appear on the opposite side!

This guy flew over with wings! ?

Qi Tianwen was dumbfounded, Zhou Hanjin actually appeared in an impossible place!

"Why are you here!?"

"Why can't I be here?"

Zhou Hanjin didn't know what happened, he stepped forward with a smirk, and patted Qi Tianwen on the back.

"Qi Tianwen, eliminate!"

The three members of the red team surrounded, and Qi Tianwen couldn't escape at all.

Hearing that he was eliminated, Qi Tianwen gritted his teeth and said, "I will definitely take revenge, Zhou Hanjin!"

You offended me!

Zhou Han was stunned for a moment, wouldn't it be, brother?

Even if I catch you, I won't be so angry, can't I afford it?

"Old Zhou."

After the three met, Li Xiao wondered, "Isn't you at the trash can?"

"What trash can?"

"You were still there with us just now..."

Qi Jianjia was talking, when he suddenly saw another "sheep", which was being chased by Gu Xing, and immediately rushed over without caring about other things.

"Fat sheep!"

Li Xiao and Zhou Han stopped talking, and quickly chased after them.

that's all.

The chase lasted for half an hour, and the red team reaped a lot, catching five sheep in total!

And what all the guests don't know is.

In the activity center at this time.

Several staff members of the program group who observed the situation of all the guests through surveillance were laughing like crazy, and even the director slapped his thighs wildly!


"This Lin Zhibai!"

"He actually pretended to be Zhou Hanjin and got away with it!"

"This guy is too evil, he can imitate Zhou Hanjin's voice!"

"How did you do it? The voices are exactly the same. The key point is that the red team didn't realize that they were being tricked!"

I was almost going to reveal my stuffing.

In the end, another sheep appeared, which interrupted the communication of the red team, causing Lin Zhibai to pretend to be Zhou Hanjin in a disguised way, which has not been exposed yet!

"This is Lord Variety Star."

The director smiled and said, he has watched "The King of Masked Singer" and knows the ability of Lin Zhibai, the "King of Variety"!

It's just that he didn't expect it!

This ability was actually used by Lin Zhibai in the game, creating a super variety show effect!

Now director Huang Ting has no doubts:

When the first episode of the program is edited and broadcast, Lin Zhibai will definitely attract the attention of countless viewers in Qizhou!

Suppress the waves in my heart.

Huang Ting opened the mic in his hand and said, "From now on, Team Huang will be a wolf!"

In the loudspeaker at the entrance of the village.

As soon as the director's notice came out, the yellow team's sheep immediately screamed!

Ye Junji stretched his neck, "It's our turn!"

Eiichiro: "Yoshi!"

Lan Ye was gearing up, "East, west, north and south act separately!"

Ning Ling: "I can only try to catch some ewes. The rams run too fast. You should catch them."


A new round of the game begins here!

The most dangerous team in this round is the red team. They had just caught people, and before they had time to dodge, their offense and defense were instantly switched!


blue group.

Lin Zhibai said, "Your positions haven't been revealed yet, so hide them where you are, and I'll go do something."

"Where are you going?"

Nightingale was a little nervous, but also a little excited, her little face was blushing, Lin Zhibai was too reliable, she felt very insecure without him!

"Go to the activity center."

Lin Zhibai smiled and said, "If there are no accidents, you will be able to move around freely in a while."

"free time?"

Chu Chu's face was full of confusion, and Han Yueshuang next to her didn't understand what Lin Zhibai meant.

"It's not fun to say it."

Lin Zhibai gave a smirk, and ran towards the activity center, he was going to make a show of it this time.

What do you mean?

Seeing Lin Zhibai running away alone, the three girls trembled.

Lin Zhibai was very careful, avoiding the sight of the wolf all the way, spent ten minutes, and finally entered the activity center.

"Do not enter the house."

Director Huang Ting, who had seen Lin Zhibai coming through surveillance, blocked the entrance of the activity center.

"I won't go in."

Lin Zhibai walked towards the director: "I want to borrow something from you."


Huang Ting took half a step back, Lin Zhibai was too dark-hearted, he even took advantage of the program crew at the narrow intersection yesterday.

"What are you afraid of?"

Lin Zhibai smiled, "I'll borrow your wheat."

"Borrowing wheat?"

Huang Ting was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said:


As he spoke, Huang Ting handed the wheat to Lin Zhibai.

Lin Zhibai cleared his throat, turned on Huang Ting's microphone, and said seriously:

"Nightingale, eliminate."

Huang Ting's eyes widened suddenly, and Lin Zhibai imitated his own voice, announcing the elimination of Nightingale! ?

The staff next to me were also stunned!

This guy, how can he imitate the director's voice so much!


That's not the point!

The point is, what do you mean by announcing the elimination of Nightingale? ?

However, Lin Zhibai hadn't finished yet. After waiting for more than ten seconds, he said in Huang Ting's voice, "Han Yueshuang, get eliminated."


Lin Zhibai temporarily closed the wheat, but did not return it to Huang Ting.

Huang Ting stared at Lin Zhibai in astonishment, and suddenly burst out laughing, and the other staff even laughed so hard!


So flirty!

Everyone reacted!

The announcement of Lin Zhibai's elimination immediately made Nightingale and Han Yueshuang safe.

The yellow team won't catch them anymore, because the "director" has announced that these two are eliminated!

But who would have thought...

Is this director actually a fake?

Unless the yellow team communicates with each other now, but now that the yellow team members are busy catching sheep, they probably won't look at their phones much!

"You are too bad!"

Huang Ting admired Lin Zhibai's brain circuit, what a fool, even he was being tricked!

"Anyway, I didn't break the rules."

Lin Zhibai shrugged, waited for a few more minutes, and then turned on the microphone again, announcing in Huang Ting's voice:

"Chuchu, eliminated!"

Now all three of my teammates were "eliminated". Even if the wolves of the yellow team saw them, they would not arrest them, because they could not earn peach blossom coins.


Unless the yellow team communicates well within the team.

And Lin Zhibai's bet is that they will not seriously communicate in the small group unless the four of them meet.

But catching sheep is scattered.

The four must be responsible for one direction, and it is unlikely that they will get together.

If there is an accident, there is no way. Anyway, Lin Zhibai has tried his best, and the game should be played with a smile. The greater the risk, the greater the reward.


Near the trash can.

When Nightingale heard that she was eliminated, she suddenly got out of the straw pile.

"How did I get eliminated? Who did I get eliminated? No one has ever touched me!"

"I seem to be eliminated too!?"

Afterwards, Han Yueshuang was also stunned, and suddenly thought of something, took out her phone and looked, it was Lin Zhibai who sent the message in the small group.

"You can move freely now, don't be nervous, try to be as natural as possible, I imitated the director's voice to announce."

"The boss imitated the director's voice!"

Han Yueshuang was stunned, there was such an operation! ?

Nightingale was stunned: "This profiteer can actually imitate the director's voice!?"

"what about me?"

Chu Chu, who was hiding, was dazed, and then heard the sound of her being eliminated.

"I've been eliminated too!"

Chuchu got out of the plastic bag excitedly, dancing happily!


yellow group.

Ye Junji was catching a sheep, and after hearing the director's voice, he said in surprise, "The blue team was eliminated by three!?"

He took out his mobile phone and made a voice call in the small group:

"Which one of you caught the blue team?"

"It's not me." Eiichiro replied in the small group: "Maybe Lan Ye or Ning Ling?"


Ye Junji became excited: "We have already caught three sheep, and if we catch three more sheep, we will surpass the red group!"

Eiichiro was also very excited: "Only Lin Zhibai is left in the blue team!"

A few minutes later, Ning Ling bubbled up in the group: "I didn't catch it either, it seems that Brother Lan caught it."

The three were shocked!

Lan Ye was too fierce, he even caught the three members of the blue team by himself, so he almost wiped out those people in one go?

"It seems that we have to work hard!"

After chatting for a while in the group, the three of them started to speed up their actions, but they really caught the sheep.

the other side.

Lan Ye didn't look at his phone because he was chasing Lin Zhibai madly!

"Can't catch me!"

Lin Zhibai was looking for the wolf of the yellow team on purpose, wandering around the activity center for a while, and then met Lan Ye.

Seeing Lan Ye's enthusiastic appearance, you can tell that this guy is focused on catching sheep now!

It must be seduced.

Although I don't know if the other three have communicated, I can mislead these people as long as I ensure that one of the yellow team is not looking at the phone!

"Provoke me!?"

Seeing Lin Zhibai's arrogance, Lan Ye immediately ran after him with all his strength. I can't drive as fast as you, but I can't run as fast as you! ?

"Come on, profiteers."

Suddenly, the voice of a nightingale came from the side.

Lin Zhibai turned his head to look, and almost vomited blood on the spot.

Nightingale, Han Yueshuang, and Chuchu were sitting on the same step bragging.

Especially Nightingale, who still had some yogurt in her hand.

I don't know if I stole the yogurt I bought, and I am drinking it happily, and I am perfunctory to cheer myself up.

Let you move freely, you really have fun!


There is no such thing as a quiet time, but someone is helping you carry the burden forward.

Lin Zhibai gritted his teeth and fled all the way.

Facts have proved that Lin Zhibai's plan was very successful.

Anyway, Lan Ye doesn't even look at Nightingale and the others. In his narrow information cocoon, these three swaggering girls have already been eliminated by his teammates. Next, he only needs to catch Lin Zhibai and let him The blue team is wiped out!

Recommend a friend's new book, "Two Realms: From the Opening of the Eyes of Guan Gong", Huang Huai, who has the ability to travel through the two realms, watched countless ordinary people in this world rely on worshiping various gods, and cast gods with faith to fight against demons and evil spirits.

A village of hundreds of people can protect itself by enshrining the unknown tiger-headed human body god, and a family can protect the family inheritance for hundreds of years by enshrining ancestors in the ancestral hall.

At this moment, Huang Huai's heart was moved. If he wanted to take the Buddha in Longmen Grottoes in Longmen Grottoes, the statue of Avalokitesvara in the South China Sea of ​​Putuo Mountain, the statue of Wudang Zhenwu Emperor, the statue of Emperor Guandi in Yuncheng, Shanxi, and even the Three Emperors and Five Emperors in his own world, Many statues of gods and Buddhas, such as the Jade Emperor, the Daozu of the Sanqing, etc., have been moved to this world. I am afraid that this world will be fried!

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