Freelance Artist

Chapter 410 The first episode airs!

"Hasn't it aired yet?"

"What time does the trip to Lishan air?"

"I'm so anxious, I want to watch it!"

"My goddess Jianjia!"

"Qi Tianwen don't know what happened?"

"Do you think it's impossible to fight with so many big names together?"

"That depends on how the program team arranges."

"I don't know what this program is mainly recording."

"It seems that there has never been a program that has attracted the attention of the whole people like "A Journey to Lishan"!"

As the evening gradually came.

The "residents" of Lishan who are busy with their lives do not know:

In fact, the outside world is already crazy about this program that has officially started recording, especially after the official announcement that an episode will be released tonight, the entire Qizhou network is in a sensation!

that's all.

Amid all the expectations, "A Journey to Lishan" is officially broadcast!

that night.

Countless people in Qizhou are watching the TV.

The show didn't have too much nonsense, it just talked about some chicken soup for life, and then released a scene where guests from all walks of life gathered and went to Lishan.

Some are awkward and unfamiliar;

Some are polite;

Some are active and enthusiastic;

Whether the guests in each group are familiar or unfamiliar with each other is reflected in the camera.

And at this time.

Lin Zhibai and Nightingale also met.

Many viewers in Qizhou are not familiar with Lin Zhibai.

However, Lin Zhibai's coquettish operation of asking Nightingale to settle the fare with Peach Blossom Coins still surprised many viewers.

For example, Chen Yun.

Chen Yun is just an ordinary audience from Qizhou.

Also a fan of Nightingale.

"What's the matter with this Lin Zhibai?" She looked at the girl beside her, "It's a fake peach blossom coin!"

"Your family doesn't look very smart."

The girl next to her is Chen Li, who is Chen Yun's twin sister and also a fan of Qi Jianjia.

The idols of the sisters are rivals.

"It's Lin Zhibai who is so messed up. How can there be such a cheater? This car belongs to the program team, not his!"

Chen Yun's first impression of Lin Zhibai was not very good.

However, the passers-by and the audience burst into laughter after seeing Lin Zhibai's operation.

"This Qin Zhou star is so handsome!"

"Doesn't he know who Nightingale is?"

"Nightingale is our top queen in Qizhou!"

"Then do you know who Lin Zhibai is?"

"He is the number one calligrapher in Blue Star!"

"A real artist!"

"Is there such a skinny artist?"

"It's interesting that way. I don't like to see everyone take care of female guests on the show. It's so boring."

"To participate in a variety show, you have to be able to afford it. I like this Lin Zhibai."

In the midst of discussions.

Lin Zhibai was driving and encountered some accidents. After braking suddenly, he returned a peach blossom coin to Nightingale.

Seeing Nightingale's happy appearance, Chen Yun, a fan, was heartbroken, "Hey! Be sober! He's puaing you!"

What a big stick with sweet dates.

This Lin Zhibai is too treacherous!

Ordinary viewers are more happy to watch it!

This Lin Zhibai directly took advantage of Nightingale!

But that's not all the fun.

The most interesting thing is that the two ran into Lan Ye and Qi Jianjia on the road.

Nightingale asked Lin Zhibai to catch up with them, but the Qinzhou star said directly:

"I have to pay more!"

The effect of the program is instantly full!


"Lin Zhibai is a role model for me!"

"This star Qinzhou has a personality!"

"He looks so handsome, but he turns out to be a straight man of steel!"

"Nightingale is so beautiful, he doesn't care, he only has peach blossom coins in his eyes!"

"But this guy himself is super handsome!"

"This buddy will be dumbfounded for a while, Lan Ye has practiced before!"

"Yes, Lanye's driving skills are very powerful!"

"I go!"

Just when many people thought that Lin Zhibai would never be able to catch up with Lan Ye when driving, he started to exert his strength.

It even started to overtake all the way!

Several times it feels like I'm about to hit it!

But every time it can be interspersed with extreme success!

"Is this a variety show?"

"Not a racing movie?"

"This guy drives so handsomely!"

Lin Zhibai's speed is not fast, even in traffic jams, but those interspersed and distance control highlights a beauty!

"I can't catch up."

Lan Ye watched Lin Zhibai go away helplessly.

Qi Jianjia, the co-pilot, was a little sulking as he stared at the car in front of him.

Fan sisters spend this way.

Chen Yun laughed loudly, "Lin Zhibai is so beautiful!"

Although Lin Zhibai doesn't know how to pity and cherish jade, but for the sake of helping him win Qi Jianjia, he doesn't care about the previous things.

Chen Li became angry.

"Didn't this Lan Ye say that he has great driving skills? Why can't he drive a car better than Lin Zhibai!"

But this is just the beginning.

There were things that made Chen Li even more angry.

That is, the narrow bridge designed by the program group was passed by Lin Zhibai!

However, Lan Ye failed to pass the narrow bridge, and was severely deducted peach blossom coins together with Qi Jianjia!


Except for the fans of Lan Ye and Qi Jianjia who were upset during this episode, all the audience laughed like crazy!

"This Lin Zhibai!"

"He really likes peach blossom coins!"

"Hahahahahahaha, he earns all the money from the show crew!"

"The director of the program group is completely confused!"

"How did he develop his driving skills!"

"too strong!"

"Look how happy the Nightingale is."

"Hey, don't forget how he cheated on you before!"

"Obviously I forgot."

Many Qizhou people came to watch this show because of the two queens and the four kings.


After watching the show, most people's attention, unknowingly, has focused on Lin Zhibai!

This is not because Lin Zhibai has too many shots.

It's because Lin Zhibai always has the most program effect in the camera!

Includes access to the supermarket in the event centre.

The other guests were planning all kinds of calculations and were reluctant to spend money, but when Lin Zhibai went shopping with the peach blossom coins he just earned, how could the show not show him?

This contrast!

It is too strong!

"Suddenly realized why Lin Zhibai only recognized peach blossom coins before!"

"It's too prescient!"

"It's hard to move an inch without peach blossom coins in this show!"

"Others have a refugee style of painting, but when it comes to Lin Zhibai, he is directly rich in the second generation model."

"The key point is that even if he spends so much, Lin Zhibai is still the richest."

"It seems that this show will not be available for a while."

"This group of people have problems in their lives, so how can they have time to fight?"


"Whoever you are, a king or a queen, a penny can beat a hero in Lishan."

see this.

Everyone has gradually understood the gameplay of "A Journey to Lishan".

What the program group did was obviously conscious, cutting off the star halo of these people and making them feel the hard work of ordinary people.

In fact.

If there is no Lin Zhibai, probably this will be a top star, self-reliant in a remote rural area, experiencing the hardships of life...

Life documentary program?

With the presence of Lin Zhibai, the style of painting seems to have deviated a little.

It is true that other stars are suffering, but Lin Zhibai enjoys life a bit, and he can even cook!

The key is to make food, which has been strongly sought after by Nightingale, Chu Chu and Han Yueshuang!

“I think this shredded beef is delicious!”

“Sweet and sour pork ribs too!”

"It's great just to look good!"

"Chu Chu is so cute!"

"Yiying is the cutest!"

"Chef Lin!"

"Lin Zhibai is so interesting. He drives so well. I never thought he could cook so well!"

"I thought this guy was a straight man of steel."

"Looking at it now, Lin Zhibai seems to be quite outstanding."

Because Lin Zhibai used to recognize money but not people, and even the Queen of Heaven didn't pay attention to him, which really meant a straight man of steel.

But how can an ordinary steel straight man know how to cook?

No matter driving or cooking, Lin Zhibai seems to have achieved the ultimate, leaving a deep impression on people.

And of course the show is still going on.

The guests have their own shots.

For example, Nightingale posted the food photos made by Lin Zhibai in the group, which aroused all kinds of envy, jealousy and hatred.

For example, Lin Zhibai is like a young master of a landlord's family, doing all kinds of work around Chu Chu.

For example, a few people in the blue team played tricks, wanted to hide the work of collecting garbage to make money, and finally joined forces with the white team and so on.

The audience laughed from time to time!

But what everyone is looking forward to the most is the game called "Wolf is Coming" the next day!

When Lin Zhibai used Zhou Hanjin's voice to fool Qi Jianjia and Li Xiao, the Qizhou audience was stunned!

"I wipe it!"

"Did I hear wrong?"

"Lin Zhibai can imitate Zhou Hanjin's voice!"

"The imitation is exactly the same!"

"How did this guy do it!"

"Damn it, Qi Tianwen is really not wronged!"

"Hahahaha, Qi Tianwen hates Zhou Han so much!"

"Zhou Hanjin is so miserable, Lin Zhibaikeng made a big fuss!"

"This Lin Zhibai is too coquettish!"

This is the first time for audiences in Qizhou to feel the charm of ever-changing voices!

After all, no one in Qizhou has watched "The King of Masked Singer".

But this "A Journey to Lishan" seems to be able to show the practicality of the ever-changing voice.

When Lin Zhibai imitated the director's voice.

The barrage of the program has completely exploded!

"Lin Zhibai is too lazy!"

"I kneel!"

"How can Nima do this!"

"It's not enough to imitate Zhou Hanjin's voice, but he can even imitate the director's voice!"

The program is interspersed with postscripts.

Zhang Xiyang explained to the audience: "This is Teacher Baidi's unique ability. It can imitate other people's voices. Even people who are familiar with it can't tell the difference."

"Superpower, right?"

"Indeed, if I didn't look at the face, I wouldn't be able to distinguish that voice!"

"I've seen imitation shows where some people imitate the voices of celebrities, but none of them are as exaggerated as Lin Zhibai!"

"This is really awesome!"

"This guy seems to have a lot of flirtatious things!"

Lin Zhibai can always bring surprises to the audience, endless surprises!

With such a short recording time, he has performed operations that shocked the audience more than once!

And the shock is not over yet!

When Lin Zhibai pretended to be a staff member and almost single-handedly caught everyone, the audience didn't know what to say.

"God man!"

"This trick can be imagined!"

"No wonder you insist on following Lin Zhibai, these are super thighs!"

"To participate in a program like "A Journey to Lishan", you must hold Lin Zhibai's thigh tightly!"

"This teammate is too reliable!"

"Lin Zhibai is a super human!"

"What are the four heavenly kings and two queens? There is only Superman Baidi here!"

"No wonder people from Qinzhou call Lin Zhibai the White Emperor!"

"Only the wrong name, no wrong nickname!"

And at the end of the program, it was the scene of Lin Zhibai after going up the mountain today.

He looks into the distance and paints.

That painting, under the close-up of the lens, although it has not been colored, already has a full charm!

In the sunset.

Lin Zhibai, who was descending the mountain, was covered in rosy clouds.

Nightingale and Qi Jianjia followed behind him, each carrying something, and took the initiative to talk to him.

I don't know what to say.

Because it's a vision.

However, the audience in Qizhou suddenly felt that there was an indescribable sense of mystery about Lin Zhibai, and people couldn't help but want to explore it curiously.

"It's compelling."

After watching the show, Chen Li said thoughtfully: "There seems to be an indescribable force in Lin Zhibai's body. It's about when everyone else is in a state of embarrassment, but this guy is so leisurely and unaffected." In the end, even Jian Jia in our family had to take the initiative to give him a massage."


Chen Yun said: "To be precise, it should be calm. The blue team will also encounter problems, but every time Lin Zhibai can solve them calmly, and the method is beyond the imagination of ordinary people. Even if they want to, they can't learn it. For example, his voice The ability to imitate..."

The two looked at each other.

They are all star-chasers, so how can they not realize that Lin Zhibai's performance in "A Journey to Lishan" is the rhythm of becoming popular?

In fact.

After the show was broadcast, this rhythm quickly set off!

"He ran after the four heavenly kings and the two queens, and in the end he paid attention to Lin Zhibai's operations the whole time!"

"I really like Lin Zhibai!"

"Lin Zhibai is amazing, car god! Master chef! Master painter! Voice imitation master! Lin Zhibai is really versatile, and the key is super good looks!"

"Haha, after watching "A Journey to Lishan", Lin Zhibai became a fan of everyone."

"I didn't, this guy is too embarrassing!"

"I also can't understand Lin Zhibai, who actually let a female guest serve him!"

"It's a mess at the beginning, and it's all kinds of conspiracies and tricks later on. It feels too black-bellied. I still like to be simple."

"Hehe, playing some routines in variety shows won't make it go online, right?"

"Some people are just jealous that Lin Zhibai is too showy, anyway, I like him very much!"

Someone is a fan!

Someone black!

This is the sign of the beginning of popularity!

In Lishan at this time, many guests also took advantage of the evening to watch the broadcast of "A Journey to Lishan".

Mainly, I want to know how my performance will react to the audience.

And then found out...

There are not as many discussions about the four heavenly kings and two queens of Qizhou as Lin Zhibai!

Even if there is some discussion, the titles are mostly "stupid", "miserable", and "poor".

Celebrities have no distaste for such headlines.

But if there is Lin Zhibai in the same show who is praised as a high-quality man, and his performance is called "stupid and cute", it will be difficult for people to accept.

this moment.

All the guests who are participating in "Laishan Tour" have an idea of ​​"not admitting defeat"!

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