Freelance Artist

Chapter 411 How do you know that I caught fifty catties of fish?

Four heavenly kings, two queens!

It can be said that the audience in Qizhou came rushing towards them. As a result, the first episode of "A Journey to Lishan" was broadcast, but Lin Zhibai stole the limelight.

Even if the kings and queens can accept this, the teams behind these superstars cannot accept it.

that night.

The managers of several stars approached the director, "The first episode of this show does not meet the original intention of our artists..."

"You have ideas to mention."

The director seems to have guessed that this would happen.

With so many top stars from Qizhou participating in "Travel to Lishan", it is impossible to just watch Lin Zhibai step on everyone's shoulders and get angry.


Even if the stars themselves agree, the teams behind them don't—

It's not that Lin Zhibai can't perform too well.

It's that Lin Zhibai can't always suppress the limelight of those top celebrities, and has more shots than the kings and queens.

"My idea is very simple."

Gu Xing's manager said: "Since it is difficult for the program group to take care of the kings and queens when it comes to allocating scenes, why don't we change the way of playing, artists will still cooperate with playing games to do tasks to earn Peach Blossom Coins, but for the scenes we You have to take care of yourself."

"How do I grasp it myself?"

"Isn't live streaming very popular now?"

Qi Tianwen's manager said with a smile: "We directly changed "Laishan Journey" into a live broadcast program, and cooperated with the live broadcast platform to set up everyone's personal channel, so that the audience can watch whoever they want to watch. Of course, the large live broadcast room of the program group, It’s the real home base of the audience.”

Huang Ting has a headache.

In fact, Huang Ting also knew that this show was not easy to do. After all, Qizhou's biggest stars are all there, and none of these people are easy to serve. I didn't expect it to be so difficult to do. It's just that Lin Zhibai had a little more in the first episode In the limelight, these people are going to make such a big change directly. If sixteen celebrities want to set up a small live broadcast room with sixteen perspectives, will anyone still watch the main live broadcast room?

"it does not matter."

This time it was Ye Junji's manager who said, "Because the main live broadcast room is the biggest base for passers-by, "A Journey to Lishan" is not a variety show in the general sense, and we don't have to stick to conventional variety show production ideas."

"I will think about it."

Huang Ting's headache became more and more serious. He said it was for consideration, but in fact he wanted the company's senior management to hold a meeting to determine the direction of the follow-up work. After all, this variety show would have some troubles, and they had been mentally prepared for it.

And the next day.

Things are settled.

The program is still recorded, but now there is an additional live channel of "Lishan Journey".

It starts at seven o'clock in the morning and ends at eleven o'clock in the evening, which is equivalent to live broadcasting throughout the day.

Some guests had already received news about this matter in advance, and Lin Zhibai only learned about it at noon, but he did not resist, anyway, even if there was no live broadcast, he would still have photographers following him all day long.

The real difference between live broadcast and recorded broadcast is:

The live broadcast is more real and intuitive, but the content will definitely be scattered, unlike recording and editing, where the essential parts are directly concentrated and played.

"Take a rest today, and we will start the live broadcast tomorrow."

Director Huang Ting said: "Everyone don't need to pay too much attention. Regardless of live broadcast or recording, we can do whatever we want. The rhythm of the program will not be affected by this. We are still focusing on a group life variety show."


The news that the program will be changed to a live broadcast also spread across Qizhou, and the first reaction of the outside world was excitement!

Because it means:

You no longer need to wait for the program group to edit, you can turn on your mobile phone to watch the situation over there at any time!


This day is September 25th, the first public live broadcast of "Travel to Lishan", Qizhou's largest live broadcast website "Tiger Shark" has already connected the live signal!


blue group.

After Lin Zhibai got up, he first turned on his mobile phone and glanced at the live broadcast room of "A Journey to Lishan".

This is a large studio.

The live broadcast room is currently broadcasting the morning exercise scene of the guests in the red group, and the current popularity is 153.22 million.

[God! 】

[This is the most popular live broadcast room in the history of Tiger Shark Live! 】

【Jianjia is so beautiful! 】

[Are Zhou Hanjin and Li Xiao a couple? They seemed to sleep in the same bedroom last night! ? 】

[God! 】

[Sure enough, the live broadcast is still very active, and you can find details that cannot be found in the recorded broadcast! 】


The phone rang, and it turned out that the director made an announcement in the group:

"Residents, there is good news below!"

"Just today, the villagers near Lishan sent us an invitation, hoping that we can help with some farm work, mainly to help uncles and aunts cultivate the land."

"Complete the farm work, you can get peach blossom coins."

"The better things are done, the more Peach Blossom Coins you can get, now let's go!"

Good guy.

Started to arrange guests to farm.

Of course Lin Zhibai was not interested, but he still followed the past to watch, because this was a group activity, and all the guests got together and set off vigorously in a certain direction down the mountain.

After a while.

Everyone stopped at the entrance of a village.

This village is called Lishan Village. A large number of villagers gathered here, looking at this group of stars, but there was no excitement on their expressions.

Because the uncles and aunts in the village don't know these celebrities at all.

They only know that these people are celebrities, handsome men, beautiful women, with thin skin and tender flesh, they don't look like they can work.

"Then, those who are willing to do farm work can learn to do it from aunts and uncles."

"I come!"

"I can too!"

"For peach blossom coins!"

Everyone didn't know what to do at all, but when they heard about peach blossom coins, they rolled up their sleeves and planned to do it.

The director assigned tasks to each group, and then the elderly in the village demonstrated.

They are all cropping methods, such as clearing and digging, and basically teach everyone to go through them.

Then, everyone started to work!

Lin Zhibai didn't want to work in the field, so he decided to wander around.

"Lin Zhibai, why are you going?"

Nightingale, who was digging the ground, noticed that Lin Zhibai turned around and asked a question.

"Just turn around."

After Lin Zhibai finished speaking, everyone looked at him with envy.

[Hahaha, resolutely not to do farm work, the richest man in Lishan is so tough! 】

[Why do I feel that this guy is lazy? 】

[That is, everyone else is working in the fields, but he is the only one who relies on himself to have a lot of peach blossom coins, like an old man. 】

[Seeing that your idol is troubled, I know you are in a hurry, but Lin Zhibai worked hard to earn Peach Blossom Coins just for the sake of ease now? 】

Broadcasting is different.

Bullet screens flashed across the live broadcast room every moment.

And Lin Zhibai naturally didn't have time to read what the barrage was thinking. He saw an old man carrying a self-made fishing rod at the moment and was about to go fishing, so he immediately became interested and said:

"Master, are you going fishing?"

"That's right." Seeing Lin Zhibai's well-dressed clothes, the uncle knew that he was also a star.

"Can we go together?" Lin Zhibai smiled and said, "Lend me some earthworms, and then I'll fish and share them with you."

Fishing in rural areas here relies on earthworms or dough.

The fishing rods are basically homemade, but there is no such thing as fish food.

"Let's go together, and you don't have to share the fish with me. I'll get you a pole when I go home." The uncle smiled and said, "Young man, the fish here is not easy to catch."

"Try it."

Lin Zhibai just seemed bored and had to do something.

And taking advantage of the time when the uncle brought him a fishing rod, Lin Zhibai called out to the director: "Are there any peach blossom coins for fishing?"

It doesn't matter.

Lin Zhibai can sell fish directly.

He believes that there will be guests who are interested in wild fish.

But the director said straightforwardly: "Of course it can be exchanged, a catty of fish can be exchanged for a peach blossom coin."


Lin Zhibai silently summoned the system to exchange for advanced fishing techniques.

【Lin Zhibai can fish? 】

[Fishing is indeed easier than farming. 】

[Lin Zhibai will suffer a lot in this wave, and only one catty of fish can be exchanged for one peach blossom coin. 】

[Professional fishermen tell you that fishing seems easy, but if you don't have the skills to catch one in half a day, it's not bad. 】

Fishing does require skill.

Especially this kind of rural wild fishing.

Without a foundation, it is difficult to gain anything.

At this time, the uncle came back and brought Lin Zhibai a fishing rod. Lin Zhibai looked at it and said in surprise, "This fishing rod is very professional."

The uncle smiled and said, "My son bought it for me."

Lin Zhibai was a little moved and said, "Then I must give you more of the fish today."

"Let's talk about it if you can catch it, young man."

The uncle smiled and said, "Why don't we compare?"

"Okay." The uncle saw that he was a seasoned fisherman.

The two came to the river in this way.

With Lin Zhibai's departure, the live broadcast room of "A Journey to Lishan" also created a separate perspective for him.

Swish Swish Swish!

Separated from the main force, Lin Zhibai's popularity was obviously diverted.

Most of the audience choose to stay in the big live broadcast room.

After all, the vast majority of people still prefer to watch a dozen celebrities farming.

Not many viewers go fishing with Lin Zhibai's perspective.

But Lin Zhibai didn't care.

Standing by the river, Lin Zhibai looked at the standard rural river in front of him. It was quite big, but the aquatic plants were a bit messy, and it was not as easy and barrier-free as a professional fish pond.

He picked a spot, put on a bait and threw it into the river.

I sit by the river, and I don't care if the mud on the ground will stain my pants, fishing will always get dirty.

There is also a plastic bucket next to it, which was also given by this uncle.

The word "chemical fertilizer" was written on the bucket, and Lin Zhibai scooped some water into it, otherwise the fish he caught would die easily.


The old man over there opened the shop within a few minutes, and he caught a small crucian carp, and the other party grinned at Lin Zhibai, showing the pride unique to fishermen.

Not long, however.

The old man couldn't laugh anymore.


Lin Zhibai also opened his shop. It is also a crucian carp, but it is obviously much bigger than the one he just had!

【Wow! 】

【Lin Zhibai can do it! 】

[This fish must be half a catty in size! 】

In the live broadcast room from Lin Zhibai's perspective, there were scattered bullet screens.

Most of them are viewers who especially like Lin Zhibai, or who are simply interested in fishing.


The uncle seemed a little unconvinced, and his expression obviously couldn't hide what was on his mind.

It's just that this dissatisfaction lasted for less than 20 seconds, and Lin Zhibai opened again.

Although this time it is a yellow bone fish, which is smaller in size, but the meat of this stuff is very tender and delicious.

There is something.

The old man scratched his head, trying to find his way back.


Lin Zhibai moved for the third time.

It was a grass carp, estimated to weigh a pound. After Lin Zhibai lifted it up, he threw it into the bucket, and his movements became more and more proficient.

The system produced is reliable!

Lin Zhibai's fishing skills now feel similar to that of a fisherman named 'Deng Gang' in his previous life, and he can catch fish with ease.

"You are amazing!"

Uncle couldn't bear it anymore, where did this young man get his skills, how could he be so good at fishing!

After all, I was the number one "fishing tyrant" in Lishan Village, but I didn't expect to be suppressed by a young man from the city?

"There are a lot of fish here."

Lin Zhibai smiled modestly: "I'll catch a black fish for you later."

"There's no way to catch black fish, it's all in the grass."

"If there is a way, you have to pay attention to some skills."

As Lin Zhibai spoke, he continued to work, but within a few words, another fish was hooked!

The barrage in the live broadcast room gradually increased!

【I go! 】

[Why do I get more and more wrong the more I look at it! 】

【Lin Zhibai is pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger! 】

【His fishing skills are really good! 】

[I have been fishing for more than ten years, and I can tell you responsibly that this is a master, and Lin Zhibai is definitely a master! 】

【Lin Zhibai knows a lot! 】

[Lin Zhibai's fishing is quite interesting! 】

After all, many people like freshness. Even if the vast majority of viewers choose a large live broadcast room to watch celebrities farming, it is inevitable that some people will be curious about what is going on in Lin Zhibai's place.

Then switch perspective.

As a result, as soon as they switched to Lin Zhibai, many people were immediately shocked by Lin Zhibai's terrifying fishing efficiency!

I saw that the white plastic bucket that the uncle gave Lin Zhibai was half full of fish now, and Lin Zhibai picked up the fishing rod almost every once in a while to collect the fish!

Seeing this, many people are a bit reluctant to go back!

Some viewers simply split the screen manually, using their mobile phones to watch Lin Zhibai's side, while using their computers to pay attention to the star farming side.

The situation here is obviously not good.

The stars holding hoes were sweating profusely, their waists were sore and their backs ached, but the results of their work did not satisfy the villagers.

Two hours later.

The director and the villagers combined, and according to the work efficiency of these people, each person only earned two Taohua coins on average.

"Depend on!"

"This money is only enough for me to eat instant noodles!"

The big stars are really exhausted. The tiredness of doing farm work does not seem to be the same concept as the tiredness of their usual fitness.

And the other side.

Also two hours.

Lin Zhibai has already caught a bucket of fish.

In order to continue fishing, he directly gave half of it to the uncle. After all, the fishing rod, bucket, and earthworms were all provided by him.


Fishing doesn't seem to be tiring.

Because they are all small and medium-sized river fish, Lin Zhibai feels that the fun is greater than the fatigue. This is the first time he has experienced the joy of being a fisherman since he was a child.

Fish for another hour.

When the bucket is full, go to the director for Peach Blossom Coins.

Lin Zhibai reckoned that if he fully fired, he could catch about 100 catties of fish a day.

But forget it.

There's no need to be so ruthless, otherwise the director might not dare to do business with him in the future.

Then catch a few dozen catties, which is very interesting.

that's all.

More than an hour passed.

In the field at the entrance of the village, the other guests were facing the loess and their backs were facing the sky. They had no image at all, and they were all slumped on the ground.

But at this moment.

Lin Zhibai and an old man came back with a big bucket.

Seeing everyone looking at him curiously and looking at the bucket in his hand from a distance, Lin Zhibai couldn't help but smile, and said loudly:

"How do you know that I caught fifty catties of fish?"


audience:? ?

director:? ? ?

What are you bragging about, fifty catties of fish, how can there be in this small rural pond...


It seems to be true! ?

Under the shocking eyes of countless people, Lin Zhibai dumped all the fish on the side of the road, and said to the director:


Let’s change the leading film of the last chapter to the first issue.

Then the cough has not recovered, and my head has been foggy these days. Does the new crown really have brain fog?

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