Freelance Artist

Chapter 413 Botany expert Lin Zhibai!

"Look at what I found. This is the famous Jianshouqing in Lishan."

Lin Zhibai showed the wild fungus he had just discovered to the cameraman following behind him.

"Seeing that there are a large number of species of hand green, which belong to the family Boletaceae, most of them belong to the genus Boletus, and of course there are some other genera, such as Boletus yellow handle, Boletus versicolor and Boletus powder, etc. , Of course, when I say this, you must find it very boring, when we Blue Stars see this kind of wild mushroom, the first thought that flashes through our brains must be whether it can be eaten or not?"


Lin Zhibai smiled and said: "There are only a small number of green boletus that cannot be eaten, such as fine mesh boletus, yellow powder boletus and green yellow boletus, etc. The one in our hand is powdery boletus, which is completely edible. Yes, but there is one thing that must be reminded everyone, that is, the premise that this thing can be eaten is that it is cooked properly, otherwise, if you eat it, there is a high probability that you will see elves dancing in the air..."

That's why the audience was amazed!

Everyone was worried that Lin Zhibai's random picking of wild mushrooms would lead to problems.

As a result, Lin Zhibai was actually in the live broadcast, and the audience was talking about wild mushrooms!

The most important thing is that this guy seems to really understand it. He is not the kind of simple science popularized by locals, and he will tell you the conclusion directly. As for why they can’t explain it themselves, anyway, it is the life experience passed down by the old people from generation to generation——

Lin Zhibai's science popularization is very professional and hardcore!

It's so hardcore that many people can't even understand it!

And Lin Zhibai also seemed to know that some people couldn't understand what family or genus, so he quickly talked about the issues that everyone cared about.

For example, can I eat it.

"The so-called proper cooking means that you must wash it before cooking, and then during the cooking process, you must use a lot of oil and ensure a high temperature throughout the process, otherwise it is easy to see the little people. Although it is not fatal, you'd better not It’s good to see such an illusion.”

Lin Zhibai saw a piece of news some time ago.

It is said that a certain man had hallucinations after eating "Jianshouqing", thinking that he had hit a little boy with his car on the road, so he rushed to the police.

This buddy would rather believe that he hit someone, but he didn't realize that he was poisoned.

[666666666! 】

[The richest man has a lot of knowledge! 】

[Haha, Jianshouqing, we have a lot of them here, you can eat them, but you have to be careful when cooking them. Once I finished eating, I saw a dog on my dad’s head. 】

【Pretend to him! 】

[It should be that the blind cat met the dead mouse, so it just happened to know the hand green better? 】

[Jianshouqing is super delicious! 】

Although Lin Zhibai's science popularization is very hard-core, with a posture of understanding, most viewers think that he is a blind cat meeting a dead mouse, and just happened to encounter a strain he knows.

"Let's keep looking."

After putting Jianshouqing into the basket he brought, Lin Zhibai said with a smile: "In fact, there are many treasures hidden in nature. What we need is a pair of eyes that can discover treasures. For example, do you know this one? "

Lin Zhibai pointed to a small yellow flower on the road.

"That's right, this is a dandelion, but in many local dialects, they like to call it Grandma Ding."

【Hahaha! 】

[Is it revealed? 】

[Who doesn't know dandelion? 】

【I was really stunned by him just now. I thought I was a master, but I turned around and showed off Dandelion. Who doesn't know this. 】

Lin Zhibai couldn't see the barrage.

He now regards himself as an outdoor live broadcast.

"Grandma Ding has many functions, but we are going to eat it today. Whether it is blanched in cold water or fried directly, it should taste very good. It can also be used to make tea to clear away heat and detoxify. It is a treasure. "

[Can dandelions be eaten? 】

[Everything is edible, right? 】

[The rural people proved that the richest man was right. 】

[Mother-in-law Ding Zhuo water cold salad, the taste is really good, and you can also make tea, just take care of it, the richest man is right. 】

Take out the small shovel.

After Lin Zhibai dug out some mother-in-laws, he said, "You say this fried food is just for eating, how many peach blossom coins can you cheat her?"

[Hahahaha, profiteer! 】

[Nightingale: You, the richest man, miss my little money every day? 】

[Be a person! 】

Lin Zhibai was joking, and everyone could hear that the atmosphere in this small studio was quite good.

After all, Lin Zhibai was no stranger to this method of communication after having done a live broadcast as Chu Ci for a while.


Lin Zhibai continued to get up and search, "There are many treasures in nature. Since we are here, let's find more food."

found it!

Lin Zhibai gestured to the photographer for a close-up: "Hey, this is shepherd's purse, a very representative wild vegetable!"

[This is shepherd's purse? 】

[We call it shepherd's purse. 】

[Oh, the richest man seems to know a lot. 】

【I often see this too. 】

【Can you eat it? 】

"There must be people who are curious about whether they can eat it. Of course they can, and it is safer than seeing hand greens. There is no risk of seeing a villain, but we can't just eat it. You may not know that shepherd's purse itself has a certain cultural nature. For example, our blue There are shepherd's purse in the two oldest collections of poetry, "The Book of Songs: Valley Wind" and "Chu Songs: Sad Return Wind". Forbearance is low-key and unassuming, and many literati and ink writers have written poems for it..."

This is popular science, but also a show off.

But this kind of popular science show off, no one will be disgusted, because most of the audience don't know what he said, and this knowledge can really broaden everyone's knowledge!

[It's a bit of a show! 】

[The richest man has a huge amount of knowledge. 】

[Find a wild vegetable, even the Book of Songs and Chu Ci are brought out! 】

[Hahahaha, you don’t know, the richest man’s stage name is Chuci. 】


After digging the shepherd's purse, Lin Zhibai found several wild vegetables.

When every wild vegetable is found, Lin Zhibai will do science popularization with everyone.

"This is called lettuce, a wild vegetable with high medicinal value. After simple fermentation, it can be made into sauerkraut. After drying, it can also be used as bitter vegetable tea and dried vegetables. I will show you how to do it later. Pick some first and then talk about it." .”

【hiss! 】

[The richest man knows everything! ? 】

[It's simply a botany expert! 】

It's okay to do it once or twice, but when Lin Zhibai encounters many kinds of plants one after another, he can tell the rules, which is terrible!

Ordinary people go up the mountain and can call out three or two plants, which is amazing!

Even if it is a local, it is estimated that the recognition ability may not be stronger than Lin Zhibai!

"This is purslane."

Lin Zhibai abruptly turned his live broadcast into an outdoor science popularization program, "Purslane is very tenacious in vitality, and it is also the most common wild vegetable in the field. It tastes a bit sour, and cold salad is the best. Besides eating , Purslane can also be used as a medicinal material.”

Viewers don't feel bored, either.

On the contrary, everyone found it very interesting and knowledgeable!

"That's why we ancients said that we rely on mountains to eat mountains and rely on water to drink water. Those who swim in the water running on the mountains have too many delicious foods, but not everything can be eaten, such as this..."

Lin Zhibai looked at a fungus.

This wild fungus has a red umbrella body and a white stem. It looks quite bright and gives people a very delicious feeling——

It's obviously better to look good than to look green.

There are already barrages asking, is this delicious?

Lin Zhibai took out his mobile phone, took a picture of the red mushroom, and sang:

"Red Umbrella

white pole

Let's lie down together after eating

sleeping coffin

buried mountain

The whole village eats at home

There are red umbrellas in rice

After eating all of them, they will be buried in mountains..."

This song is called "Red Umbrella, White Pole". Many people have heard it in previous lives, but this is the first time it has appeared in this world, and the audience is stunned!

【puff! 】

【Come to Yangjian, okay? 】

[What a song from the underworld! 】

[Is the deck board okay? 】

[So this can't be eaten? 】

[Laughing to death, what song is this? 】

[Scary nursery rhyme? 】

[This live broadcast is okay, it is estimated that the official edited version will definitely be cut. 】

[So this wild fungus is poisonous! 】

"I made up the song, but you can understand the meaning. This is called Amanita muscaria, also known as Fly Agaric. It hasn't rained recently. If it rains, the white spots on the red umbrella will disappear and become It must be similar to the edible mushroom Amanita aurantium, so if you go to the wild, don’t pick mushrooms casually, this thing is very toxic, and about 15 flowers can kill a person.”

Lin Zhibai said so.

The red umbrella and the white stem have finished eating the lying board. The most representative mushroom in this song is the agaric agaric.

"Except for the toadstool..."

Lin Zhibai continued to search nearby, and finally saw a white mushroom.

"This one is also very dangerous. It comes from the Amanita family. It's called the cracked skin poisonous amanita. You can tell it's not a good thing just by the name, right?"

Lin Zhibai said: "The Amanita family is notorious in the mushroom world. They are very common in rural areas, including this mountain."


Lin Zhibai wandered around.

Mainly for everyone to popularize the Amanita family.

"This one is called light red poisonous capita... this one is called gray-patterned poisonous capita... this is yellow-capped poisonous capitol... this one is very similar to shiitake mushrooms, and it is white poisonous capita...There are not many good people in the capita family ...Although it cannot be killed with a single blow."

【Oh my God! 】

[These are all natural poisons! 】

【Fortunately, I don't have the habit of eating mushrooms indiscriminately. 】

[What is this amanita, it grows a lot behind my house! 】

[The richest man is so powerful, I can't remember the names of these things, how did he correspond to each of them! 】

[The richest man is really a botanist? 】

[Botany experts are nothing more than that! 】

Lin Zhibai said: "If you eat these poisonous caps by mistake, it usually takes two or three days before you feel unwell and weak, just like a cold. Generally, it takes four or five days for those who eat it by mistake to feel that the cold is getting worse before going to the hospital for medical treatment. It's too late, the molecular structure of the toxin in the poisonous capita is very stable, and it can't be destroyed by cooking in a pressure cooker for a week, so people must keep their eyes open and refrain from eating any unknown fungus. "

There was another pause.

Lin Zhibai said: "I almost forgot that we came out to look for food. Although there are many poisonous mushrooms, in terms of proportion, most of the wild mushrooms on this mountain are still edible."


Lin Zhibai continued his "science popularization" of picking wild vegetables and mushrooms.

"Next, let's look for chicken fir. This fungus has the smell of chicken and is very fragrant. I went fishing with my uncle for a while in the morning. He said that it is on the mountain. If we are lucky, we can find it. But do you feel it? It seems a bit foggy?"

After frowning slightly.

Lin Zhibai said, "We have to go down the mountain as soon as possible, it's going to rain."

【How to judge? 】

[Is the weather forecast? 】

[Why didn't I see that it was going to rain? 】

[The richest man just said that the mountain is foggy, which is indeed a precursor to rain. 】

[So that's the judgment. 】

[Suddenly, I feel that the richest man's ability to survive in the wild should be very strong! 】


And the other side.

Eiichiro, Ye Junji and Lan Ye were fishing.

Nearly an hour had passed, and the three vats brought by the three of them were still empty.

"Where's the fish!?"

"Why can't I catch it!"

"Did Lin Zhibai fish in this river before?"

The three looked at each other.

The three people's live broadcast perspective made the audience yawn.

【What the hell? 】

【Have you caught a fish for so long? 】

[These three are pure novices! 】

[Even the novice protection period has not been triggered. 】

[Of course it can't be triggered, and you don't even think about how much Lin Zhibai fished alone this morning, the whole river was bald by him. 】

[I went to see Lin Zhibai's perspective. 】

[I'll go, Lin Zhibai's place is so exciting! 】

[The richest man dug up a lot of fungus and wild vegetables, and while digging, he gave science to the audience, so fucking hardcore! 】

[What the hell, he knows popular science? 】

[Don't brag or criticize, the richest man has the level of a botanist expert, there is nothing on the mountain that he doesn't know! 】

Live streaming is flexible.

How many people are assigned, how many live broadcast rooms will be assigned.

There are three live broadcast rooms at this time.

Even if Lin Zhibai was alone, he was assigned to a live broadcast room.

And Eiichiro, Ye Junji, and Lan Ye shared a live broadcast room because they were together.

Viewers are free to choose what interests them.

There must be many people who are interested in fishing, but because the three of them really have no skills, everyone gradually lost their patience, and because there are many barrages saying that Lin Zhibai's side is fun.

As a result, many viewers who watched fishing went directly to Lin Zhibai's live broadcast room.



The liveliest one must be the largest farming live broadcast room of the program group, after all, more than a dozen celebrities are digging soil in the field.

If there are many stars, there will be many fans, and naturally there will be many audiences.

"So tired!"

Nightingale was crying bitterly. She was weeding, and her clothes were soaked with sweat.

Qi Jianjia was sowing vegetable seeds, but she didn't know what kind of seeds it was, anyway, sow it first.

Han Yueshuang and Chu Chu are in charge of watering.

The work of the girls is already considered easy, but the most tiring ones are the male guests, who have to do all kinds of physical work.

"Suddenly I feel that picking up sheep dung is more suitable for me."

Chu Chu sighed, picking up sheep feces is actually not tiring, it's just a matter of overcoming psychological obstacles.


This trip to "farmhouse fun" made everyone unable to "joy".

But at this moment.

The sky suddenly darkened.

There was thunder, and then heavy rain fell.

"It's raining?"

"Hurry up and hide from the rain!"

"The weather forecast says there will be no rain today."

"Hey, the weather forecast is sometimes inaccurate."


"Lin Zhibai seems to have entered the mountain?"


"Eiichiro and the others also went fishing by the river."

"They didn't have umbrellas, did they?"

"Don't catch a cold."

Everyone was discussing to find a place to shelter from the rain.

Zhang Xiyang said suddenly: "I'll go up the mountain to pick up Lin Zhibai, and give me an umbrella."

"I'll accompany you."

Zhou Hanjin also said that he was a little worried about Lin Zhibai.

"Let's go too."

Several stars in Qinzhou planned to find Lin Zhibai.

But at this moment.

Everyone saw Lin Zhibai running back in the rain, and there were three people behind him, and they were Ye Junji Rongichiro and Lan Ye.

Big live room.

The barrage suddenly increased.

【Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! 】

【strong! 】

[Suddenly I feel that this scene is so handsome! 】

[If the richest man hadn't told Lanye and the others, he would have come back early! 】

What do you mean?

The audience in the big live broadcast room didn't know what happened.

But those viewers who followed Lin Zhibai's live broadcast all the time knew what happened.

turn out to be--

After Lin Zhibai found out that it was going to rain, he prepared to go down the mountain.

As a result, in the middle of the walk, I remembered that Lan Ye and the others seemed to say that they were going fishing.

A few people didn't have umbrellas, and they couldn't judge that it was going to rain, so they might suffer in a while.

Although Lin Zhibai doesn't like Eiichiro, and doesn't have a good impression of Ye Junji, but if he has no grievances with Lan Ye, he can help.

So I directly informed Daqun that it was going to rain.

As a result, the signal on the mountain was not good, and the news had not been sent out for a long time, so Lin Zhibai could only go to the river to find them in person.

"Actually, if they are smarter, they will find that the fish are starting to jump out of the water, which is also a sign of rain in nature."

Lin Zhibai was talking to the audience.

"However, I feel that the three of them may not be able to realize this, so let's inform them, and hope that time will come."


When Lin Zhibai arrived at the fish pond, the three of them were still tossing, but there were only three or two small fish in the bucket, not enough to fit between the teeth.

"What are you doing here?" Eiichiro asked.

"Go back, it's going to rain." Lin Zhibai said.

"The weather forecast says there will be no rain." Ye Junji next to him was puzzled.

"Trust me and follow me." When Lin Zhibai said this, he looked at Lan Ye.

"Go back, go back!"

Lan Ye chose to trust Lin Zhibai. Although he didn't get along with him for a long time, he felt that this person seemed very powerful.

"Let's go back."

Ye Junji also decided to go back.

Eiichiro muttered, "How could it be raining, it really is."

Still, he left.

The result is what everyone sees.

When Lin Zhibai brought the three of them back to the entrance of the village, it started to rain heavily.

If it wasn't for Lin Zhibai's prediction in advance, not to mention the possibility of catching a cold and fever, it might be dangerous to stay on the mountain during a thunderstorm.

[It's on fire! 】

[This clip is absolutely amazing! 】

[The richest man is really the best, it's impossible without him! 】

[If the richest man doesn't notify, Eiichiro and the others will be ruined right now, and the program team will have to send someone up the mountain to pick them up. 】

[The richest man is in the rain. 】

【He could have come back alone, but the time was delayed by three novice fishers. 】

This one is really cool.

Lin Zhibai "saved" the three anglers, and Eiichiro was severely slapped in the face, and kept muttering that the weather forecast didn't say rain.

The audience is annoyed.

Lan Ye was especially grateful, and thanked again and again: "Thanks to Lin Zhibai for pulling me back, otherwise who would have thought that it would rain today!"


Ye Junji next to him also nodded, and then asked curiously, "How did you know it was going to rain?"

"There is fog on the mountain."

Lin Zhibai smiled and said, "Also, you didn't notice the fish jumping in the river?"

"I found out, I thought we were scared." Lan Ye scratched his head in embarrassment.

Eiichiro didn't speak.

While chatting, Qi Jianjia's voice suddenly sounded from behind:

"Lin Zhibai."


"Sit here and dry your body, or you'll catch a cold. I'll make you some ginger tea." Qi Jianjia called Lin Zhibai from the kitchen.

Lin Zhibai turned his head to look.

It turned out that Qi Jianjia had already lit a fire at the stove and made ginger tea.


Lin Zhibai sat by the stove, the flames reflected on his face, and his body felt warm.


Lan Ye was anxious, "Jian Jia, you only made ginger tea for Lin Zhibai?"

Qi Jianjia was taken aback for a moment, and said, "Of course I boiled all of you who got wet in the rain."


Lan Ye smiled and said, "That's good, I thought you only had Lin Zhibai in your eyes."

【Poor Lan Ye, Jian Jia just told Lin Zhibai that I made ginger tea for you. 】

[This means that she cooked it for Lin Zhibai, and the others just did it incidentally. 】

[Pfft, love story, right? 】

[Qi Jianjia probably fell in love with the richest man, right? 】

[Don't talk nonsense, Jian Jia is just kinder, she said she would not find a boyfriend in the circle. 】

[It's just a variety show, maybe it's a script arranged by the director. 】

[That is, how could Jian Jia like the richest man. 】

[One thing to say, although the richest man feels very good and knowledgeable, he is obviously a straight man of steel. 】

Qi Jianjia's fans don't accept ambiguity at all.

But variety shows are full of variables. Just as Lin Zhibai was warming up to the fire, a towel suddenly covered his head, and he rubbed it in various ways.


It turned out that Nightingale had found a towel from nowhere to dry Lin Zhibai's wet hair, but the action was really rough.

"We live together. If you catch a cold, you must pass it on to me."

Nightingale groaned, but her movements slowed down, and she dried Lin Zhibai's hair seriously.

Ye Junji, Eiichiro, and Lan Ye sat by the door, watching Lin Zhibai being taken care of in various ways, and couldn't help but fell into deep thought——

Obviously they were also in the rain!

[I still care about the richest man. 】

[What's the matter with being a little arrogant? It seems to have a sour smell of love! 】

[Don't worry, it doesn't look like you can fall in love at first glance, and you won't like the richest man. 】

【Do you think the richest man has any feelings for Nightingale? 】

[The richest man has more feelings for the peach blossom coins. 】

[Hahahahaha, are you a devil! 】

Nightingale's personality is quite out of the ordinary, so she and Lin Zhibai had a fight, and everyone didn't think it was a big problem.

Although the audience faintly felt:

Whether it's Nightingale or Qi Jianjia, Lin Zhibai, the "richest man", seems to be different from other people.


Lin Zhibai seems to be different from the others. His painting style is always very special, as if he participated in a different variety show than the others...

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