Freelance Artist

Chapter 414 Give the people of Qi a little musical shock!

This is Lin Zhibai's first time drinking ginger tea. Although it is often called "ginger soup" in TV dramas, in reality, not many people drink ginger tea, because the taste is really hard to describe, especially for For a person like Lin Zhibai who doesn't eat ginger at all, but considering that it was specially cooked by Qi Jianjia, Lin Zhibai and the fishing trio still drank it up, and they can't live up to the concern of others.

It was still raining outside.

Obviously everyone can't continue to work today, but they can't just sit and stare at each other, so someone suggested playing poker, but no one would carry this thing with them.

"Or let's sing."

Qi Tianwen said with a smile: "The most indispensable thing among the sixteen of us is a singer, so how about each singing a song related to rainy days?"

"A song about rain?"

Ning Ling immediately said: "There is no problem, but those of us who are not singers must sing first, and you are not allowed to repeat it. If anyone can't sing, just do ten push-ups."


Everyone had no objections, and then Ning Ling sang a climax.

"Raindrops fall to the ground, clouds cover the sky, and the clouds and rain are separated at this moment, just like me and you..."

It's rare that it wasn't a Qi language song, but the song was indeed composed by Qizhou people. Then several other non-singers also sang a song related to rain.

"Let Qin Zhou's friends come first."

Qi Tianwen said with a smile: "Just to let the audience experience Qin Zhou's music style, I brought the guitar."

"Let me do it."

Zhang Xiyang took the guitar and sang a song about rain with a smile, followed by Zhou Hanjin and others, all singing Qinzhou pop songs.

【listen well! 】

【Qin Zhou's music style is similar to ours. 】

[What is the name of this song that Zhou Hanjin sang, I want to find resources to download it. 】

[This atmosphere is really good, a group of people sing and play on a rainy day! 】

[Qin Zhou seems to be the queen of singers, their voices are really not good enough, they can sing casually! 】

At this time.

It was Lin Zhibai's turn.

Lin Zhibai took the guitar, played it casually a few times, and then opened his mouth: "What should I do when it's raining? I miss you so much, and I dare not call you. I can't find the reason why the voice of insomnia has become so familiar. In the silent scene, be your substitute, accompany me until the rain stops..."

The song is called "Rainy Day".

Lin Zhibai sang in his original tone.

[The voice of the richest man is so nice, I love this tone! 】

[What's the name of this song? It's very nice. Is it the richest man's own song? 】

[I remember that the richest man's profile says he is a singer-songwriter who can both write and sing! 】

[Singing is really good! 】

The audience couldn't fault it, and the guests of Qizhou listened to Lin Zhibai's singing, and they couldn't fault it either. The other party's song was not only very nice in itself, but the lyrics also conformed to the rules of the game. Everyone thought that this was a certain song from Qin Zhou. A famous pop song or something.


Qin Zhou's friends, that is, Zhang Xiyang, Zhou Hanjin and others all showed extremely strange expressions after hearing the song sung by Lin Zhibai.


Zhou Han couldn't hold back anymore, he couldn't laugh or cry and said, "Is this okay?"

Qi Jianjia said a little strangely: "There is no problem with singing, why not?"

Zhang Xiyang glanced at Lin Zhibai helplessly, "Of course there is no problem with singing, but the song Mr. Baidi sang just now may have been created by him temporarily. Anyway, we in Qinzhou don't have this song at all."


"Qin Zhou doesn't have this song?"

"Lin Zhibai's temporary creation?"

"I don't believe it, maybe it's the new song, but the live creation is too exaggerated." Lan Ye shook his head repeatedly: "Although I am not a singer, I know that music creation is not that simple."

The Qizhou guests didn't believe it at all.

The audience didn't believe it either, how could it be created temporarily!

Nightingale stared at Lin Zhibai with a smile, "You still want to deceive us and bully us because we don't know Qin Zhou's songs, do you do push-ups!"

"Why do push-ups?"

Lin Zhibai was dissatisfied, "Don't worry about whether Qin Zhou has this song, anyway, I sang the song for rainy days, the rules of the game don't say that originals are not allowed."

"Originality also depends on quality."

Nightingale smiled slyly and said, "Who knows the quality of your song, I just sang a few lines."

"Then keep listening."

Lin Zhibai plucked the guitar, and continued the previous singing: "Expectation makes people more and more addicted, whoever can't wait for her like me, falling in love with you, I always learn the feeling of loneliness, holding an umbrella alone, alone Wipe away my tears, I'm so tired by myself."

Everyone present listened carefully.

Regardless of whether this song was written by Lin Zhibai a long time ago, at least one thing everyone has to admit is that the melody of this main song is very nice.

At this time.

The chorus comes.

Lin Zhibai used a little high-pitched voice, "What kind of rain, what kind of night, what kind of night can I make you miss you more? How much rain does it take and how dark the day is to be able to have your thoughtfulness?"

Everyone's expressions changed slightly.

Lin Zhibai's voice raised again:

"Actually, you can't tell the difference without me, how obvious the ending would be! Don't say you will be sad, don't say you want to change—change—"

After a prolonged transition.

Lin Zhibai sang: "The loved one doesn't need to apologize."

When it's over!

The barrage in the live room exploded instantly!

[Ahhhhh, this chorus is so good, it's original by the richest man! ? 】

【This song is great! 】

[I really like this song! 】

[The richest man's creative ability is so strong! 】

[What is the name of this song, I want to download it! 】

[It’s said to be original, the one that hasn’t been released yet. 】

【Hahaha, you Qi people know nothing about Baidi. As a Qin person, I can tell you responsibly that his creative ability is top-notch in our Qinzhou, and it is not a problem to write songs on the spot. 】

[Is the song writing exaggerated on the spot? 】

[No exaggeration, I have been studying in Qinzhou for three years, and I have been paying attention to Baidi. His musical talent is really strong. Of course, you must think it is a fan filter or something, and everyone will understand in the future. 】

This song is so good!

The audience likes it very much!

The guests from Qizhou were also fascinated by hearing it!

Nightingale's eyes lit up and said, "Is this song your original, the one that hasn't been released yet?"


Lin Zhibai said, "Do you still want me to do push-ups?"

Nightingale smiled and said, "There's no need for push-ups, what's the name of your song?"

Lin Zhibai said: ""Rainy Day"."

Nightingale nodded and said, "The title of the song fits the occasion, but this song is obviously more suitable for a cute girl like me. How about this! I'll give you five peach blossom coins. How about giving this song to me?"

"You're thinking about shit."

Lin Zhibai rolled his eyes and said, "At least ten peach blossom coins."

"It's so expensive!"

Nightingale was about to say something more.

A voice suddenly came from the side:

"make a deal."

Lin Zhibai looked at it, and it was Qi Jianjia who spoke, and he wanted to laugh in his heart. This queen is quite knowledgeable, and she knows the gold content of the song "Rainy Day".

No kidding.

Qi Jianjia actually took out ten peach blossom coins, and handed them over with a serious face.


Nightingale became impatient, "I just said it was expensive, but I didn't say no, so don't try to cut me off."

Speaking of which, Nightingale took out ten peach blossom coins, and she also recognized the value of "Rainy Day", and couldn't bear Qi Jianjia's cutting off her beard at all!

"I offer fifteen."

Qi Jianjia glanced at Nightingale lightly.

Nightingale got angry, "I'll give you twenty!"

Qi Jianjia still said calmly: "I will offer twenty-one coins."

Nightingale took a deep breath and said, "I'll give you thirty peach blossom coins."




Nightingale: "38!"

Qi Jianjia frowned and said, "Why are you cursing?"

Nightingale sneered and said, "I said thirty-eight peach blossom coins."

Everyone at the scene looked embarrassed, no matter whether Qi Zhou or Qin Zhou's guests dared to speak.

Even a little brain can see that the conflict between the two queens, Qi Jianjia and Nightingale, broke out.

Lin Zhibai's song is the introduction.

But in the final analysis, it is because there are many contradictions between the two.

Even without this song, as long as the two are on the same show, sooner or later such conflicts will erupt.

In the strong smell of gunpowder, everyone looked at Lin Zhibai with sympathy, so who is he going to give the song to?

Sandwiched between two queens of Qizhou.

Lin Zhibai's song is not suitable for anyone, and it will definitely offend another.

While watching the live broadcast, Qi Jianjia's fans and Nightingale's supporters also started arguing.

[Nightingale is too much! 】

[That is, how do you scold people? 】

[Hehe, Qi Jianjia is not too much? 】

[Obviously the song was the one we fell in love with first! 】

[We are negotiating the price, Qi Jianjia suddenly wants to give out peach blossom coins to cut off the Hu, are you angry with you? 】

【Why, only Nightingale can buy that song, and no one else can bid? It's not about falling in love, so why come first come first? 】

[This day is still here, the poor richest man was involved in the women's war, but he is a real cow, this song actually caused the two top queens in Qizhou to compete! 】

[Support Nightingale! 】

【Support Qi Jianjia! 】

The barrage was divided into two distinct factions.

Of course, Lin Zhibai already knew that Yeying and Qi Jianjia would not deal with each other, but the last time they climbed the mountain, they seemed to have no problem getting along, why did they suddenly get along today?

Now that's all.

The song is not suitable for anyone.

As for right or wrong, there is no right or wrong, it's nothing more than two people falling in love with the same song.

But Lin Zhibai quickly thought of a solution, and he smiled and said, "Don't quarrel, you two, isn't it just a song?"

"that is."

"Speak up if you have something to say."

"There's no need to quarrel."

"They're all friends."

"Let's talk about it."

As Lin Zhibai spoke, everyone tried to persuade them to fight, but there was no obvious side to anyone. After all, the show was broadcast live, and no one wanted to get angry.

"Then who are you giving it to?"

Qi Jianjia and Nightingale looked at Lin Zhibai at the same time, their eyes were a little red, and they didn't know whether they wanted to arouse the sympathy of the audience, or they really felt wronged.


Lin Zhibai comforted him: "Be quiet, both of you, how about listening to me sing a song, music is the best medicine to soothe your emotions."

Everyone was taken aback.

What time do you still want to sing?

Or is music the best medicine to soothe your emotions?

Chicken soup is not used in this way, or do you want to strive for more performance in the shot?

Everyone had different thoughts, but Qi Jianjia and Nightingale really didn't continue to quarrel, they just turned their heads away from each other, feeling sullen.

This is the moment.

Lin Zhibai strummed the guitar and sang:

"The weather outside the window is like your changing expression. It's raining, and the rain is crying with me. I can't see clearly, and I don't want to see clearly."

The song is called "Rain Love".

Regarding rainy days, this song is also very classic.

Qi Jianjia and Nightingale, who were sullen, couldn't help looking at Lin Zhibai.

"Leave you and I quietly withdraw, I can't bear to reveal the plot, my tears flow in my heart, learn to give up..."

Lin Zhibai looked at the two of them.

The guitar in his hand was accompanied by music. Although he didn't have the conditions to make a gorgeous arrangement, the melody and lyrics were exceptionally clear.

"Listen to the sound of the rain drop by drop clearly."

"Your breath seeps into my love like raindrops."

"I wish the rain wouldn't stop."

"Let miss continue to make love transparent."

"I fell in love with Rainielove who gave me courage."

"The raindrops outside the window accumulate drop by drop."

"The moisture in the house is like storing the memory of loving you."

"I wish the rain wouldn't stop."

"Rain's love's secret can last forever."

"I believe I will see the beauty of the rainbow."

Qi Jianjia and Yeying didn't know when their eyes had completely fallen on Lin Zhibai.

Of course, everyone else looked at Lin Zhibai, this song is great, not weaker than his last song!

new song!

Another new song!

Qin Zhou's guests finally guessed Lin Zhibai's intentions.

Perhaps only the other party can think of this kind of operation, and only the other party can realize this kind of operation!

This is the highest state of Duan Shui!

Zhang Xiyang explained with a smile: "It's also a new song that has never been released before."

The guests from Qizhou could not help opening their mouths.

Could it be that Lin Zhibai wanted to...

Amidst everyone's stupefaction, Lin Zhibai smiled and said: "The song just now is also about rain, and the song is called "Rain Love", so do you two still insist on the first song? I think it's more appropriate for each of you to sing one song." , anyway, the two songs are new songs that have not yet been released."

That's true!

Everyone was shocked!

The audience was also shocked!

[The richest man in Haoniu actually came up with another high-quality song related to rain! 】

[I think the second song sounds better! 】

[Is the first one better? 】

[Each flower is in each eye, the styles of the two songs are different, but they are both very good! 】

[The richest man is amazing. Normally, it would be good to write one such good song, but he actually has two, and they both use "rain" as the theme! 】

[The richest man: It's too difficult for me, it's not easy to serve water! 】

[What is Master Duan Shui? This is the master of Duan Shui. Without the creative strength of a master, this bowl of water cannot be leveled! 】

[Wait, these two songs are related to rain, so they are really created by the richest man temporarily, right? 】

[Impossible, there is simply not enough time, it takes a lot of effort, it must have been written long ago, it just happened to be raining today. 】

Both new songs are great!

Now it feels like:

No matter which one Qi Jianjia and Nightingale choose, they won't lose money!

Of course, Lin Zhibai is not at a disadvantage, although on the surface, he used high-quality songs in exchange for some peach blossom coins in variety shows.

But in fact, you have to understand that these two are, after all, the two most popular queens in Qizhou.

Lin Zhibai writing songs for the two of them will also benefit his future career development in Qizhou.

However, things did not develop in the direction Lin Zhibai expected.

Nightingale suddenly said: "I still want "Rainy Day", the second one is for her."

Qi Jianjia said: ""Rain Love" is here for you, I want the first one, and I can give you some peach blossom coins."

Nightingale said coldly: "I don't care about your peach blossom coins."

Lin Zhibai sighed in his heart, these two girls are quite difficult to serve, to put it bluntly, they were actually held back by the atmosphere, so they insisted on the first song as if they were angry, even in their hearts, they might feel that the second song is the same very good.


You like to be angry, don't you?

It seems that there is only a trick.

Lin Zhibai said: "Jian Jia, I have a song here, which is especially suitable for you."

A look of disappointment flashed across Qi Jianjia's eyes, "So you want to give her that song?"

"We'll make a decision after we hear it."

Lin Zhibai said with a smile that he knew the music styles of Nightingale and Qi Jianjia.

To be honest, the song "Rainy Day" is not suitable for Qi Jianjia, but Nightingale is more suitable.

Then how to make Qi Jianjia change his mind?

It's very simple, come up with a song that suits Qi Jianjia very well and is of high quality.

Think of it as tailor-made.

Lin Zhibai gently tapped the guitar in his arms.

next moment.

The singing sounded.

Lin Zhibai sang to Qi Jianjia: "How can I best describe you?"

this song...

Qi Jianjia's complexion moved slightly.

The guests present also showed expressions of surprise and anticipation.

Just the first sentence of this song makes people feel a Qi Jianjia style.

"What is special compared to you?"

Lin Zhibai watched Qi Jianjia's expression change little by little, and knew there was something to it, so he sang with a smile:

"I feel strongly about you."

"But I don't know much about it."

"Only by intuition."

"You are as comfortable as nestling in the quilt."

"But it's like the wind that can't be grasped."

"Smells like perfume on your wrist."

"Like the red heels you can't put it down."

The song is called "Red High Heels", and Lin Zhibai sang it with a smile on Qi Jianjia's face, with a bit of laziness.

Qi Jianjia felt a little unnatural, avoiding Lin Zhibai's gaze.

Everyone didn't notice Qi Jianjia's strange expression. Everyone was listening to the song seriously, especially the singers from Qizhou, which caused waves in their hearts.

Qinzhou guests are fine.

Zhou Hanjin, Zhang Xiyang and others are all too aware of Lin Zhibai's ability to write songs!

In terms of music, there is no one that Baidi can't conquer, so the conflict between Qi Jianjia and Nightingale, Qin Zhou's guests have no doubt that Lin Zhibai can solve it smoothly!

Isn't it?

The problem has basically been solved.

Even the audience could see Qi Jianjia's crazy heartbeat!

[Ah, the richest man is a god, I have already been conquered by his charm! 】

[This song is typical of Qi Jianjia's style. It is completely tailor-made. Could it be that the richest man wrote it specially for her? Does he have a crush on us Jianjia? And I remember that Jian Jia did have a very out-of-the-box photo, wearing red high-heeled shoes, it seems that the richest man understands it very well! 】

[I also suspect that Lin Zhibai really has some ideas about our Empress Qi Tian! Don't forget this song, the richest man sang to Jian Jia the whole time, it feels so ambiguous, ahhhhh! 】

[The lyrics sound like the richest man is confessing to Jian Jia? 】

[Hehe, it’s because you Jianjia’s fans are obsessed with obscenity. The secret love has come out. The richest man’s wave is obviously to leave "Rainy Day" to Yingying, so he took out this song to send Qi Tianhou off. Jian Jia sings, nonsense, the song is for her, if you don’t sing it to her, will you sing it to you? Even if the richest man really has someone in his heart, it must be us, he is obviously more partial! 】

[Hey and the richest man have the same face! 】

[I'm very annoyed that you are speculating about cp, but if the target is the richest man, we Jian Jia fans don't mind. 】

[Don't mess around representing Jianjia powder, I don't agree! 】

[This song is really nice, the richest man is a talented songwriter, and the way he sings is so charming! 】

The barrage is very lively.

But everyone in the variety show didn't watch the barrage.

Everyone either looked at Lin Zhibai, or at Qi Jianjia, and some peeked at Nightingale's reaction.

Lin Zhibai had a smile on his face, he was still in a good mood today.

Qi Jianjia said softly after a little hesitation: "What's the name of this song?"

"Red high heels."

"Then...I want this one..."

Qi Jianjia coughed, changed her mind, and stopped competing for "Rainy Day".

Nightingale didn't speak, her eyes were gloomy, and she didn't know what she was thinking. She didn't seem to be very happy because she successfully obtained "Rainy Day".

Has the problem been solved?

It can only be said that it is resolved.

Whether it has been solved or not, if so.

Anyway, Lin Zhibai was satisfied, he narrowed his eyes, and stretched out his hand to the two queens: "Okay, according to the price, you two need to give me thirty-eight peach blossom coins each."

The audience laughed instantly!

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