Freelance Artist

Chapter 423: Modern Poetry!

Nightingale 141!

Lin Zhibai 140!

This is the result of the game.

Lin Zhibai won by a narrow margin.

However, at this moment, no one cares about the result of the game.

Seeing Nightingale pounced into Lin Zhibai's arms, the guests were stupefied, and the barrage of the audience went crazy!

【Ahhh! 】

[You are crazy! 】

【What are you doing! 】

[The last hug of the richest man is absolutely tempting! 】

[Hey, do you not care about fans' feelings at all? 】

【I'm a fan of yingying, this agrees with me! ! ! 】

【I do not accept! ! ! 】

[You don't accept yours, we knock ours! 】

[I'll move the Civil Affairs Bureau here for you two! 】

[I would say that this show is gradually becoming a romance drama! 】

[This heartbeat! 】

Nightingale is one of the two most popular singers in Qizhou. Since her debut, she has never been so close to any male artist. This girl has never worn any revealing clothes.

Other female stars have worn low-cut dresses 800 times, although sometimes they cover their chests, afraid that the poor will see them and the rich will not see them.

Nightingale always wraps herself up tightly, highlighting her conservative style.

However, the humming at this moment broke everyone's imagination, she actually took the initiative to throw herself into a man's arms!


This is a variety show.

It's a game.

But I played games with other male guests before, but there was no intimacy at all!

Why in the process of playing games with Lin Zhibai, they bit each other's ears and threw themselves into the arms at the end?

A fool can see tricks——

Just for the sake of victory, Nightingale didn't need to do this at all!

Lin Zhibai's eyes widened.

It wasn't until the guests screamed for a few seconds that Nightingale came back to her senses, pressed her hands on Lin Zhibai's chest, and raised her head blankly.


What have I done?

Nightingale blinked her big eyes, at first she was dazed and confused, then she became flustered and shy. After she regained her senses, she wished she could find a crack in the ground and sneak in.

She actually fell into Lin Zhibai's arms!

It's all because of the sour suggestions from those netizens!

Last night, Nightingale searched for how to make a boy's heart beat faster, and the first answer that came up was that the woman was a bit of a bug.

Nightingale didn't take it seriously at the time.

But today, the game was about to be lost.

Lin Zhibai also pretended to confess his love, playing tricks on himself.

Nightingale became furious for a moment, and actually tried the horse fork bug, and wanted to make Lin Zhibai's heart beat up!

Although her understanding of burning was limited, she just threw herself into Lin Zhibai's arms and rubbed hard, but doing such an intimate and even outrageous behavior in front of so many people was enough to make Nightingale feel that she was dead!

"I was careless and didn't flash."

Lin Zhibai seemed to have sensed the death of Nightingale, and he smiled to ease the atmosphere and said, "You don't talk about martial arts, but you actually sneaked up on me at the end, and almost let her succeed. Fortunately, I have rich experience, and I got five peach blossom coins."

Meaning, I was intimidated.

As for Nightingale, she went out of her way just to win the game, so don't think too much about it.


Zhou Hanjin's voice was meaningful, "No need to explain!"

Li Xiao also said in a strange voice: "It's just a game, why take it seriously, right?"


Qi Jianjia said in a deliberately contrived tone: "You don't think you like Teacher Bai, do you?"

"How can it be?"

Nightingale coughed and said, "Who told this guy to pretend to confess all of a sudden? If he dares to play so big, of course I would too."

Qi Jianjia smiled and said, "Then you should confess your confession too."

Nightingale almost rolled her eyes, "Why don't you confess yourself?"

"Of course I can."

Qi Jianjia said very deliberately: "Brother Zhibai, I like you so much."

"Me too."

Lin Zhibai smiled and said, "I really like myself."


Everyone laughed.

Interrupted by Lin Zhibai.

At any rate, this crop has been exposed.

The main thing is that there is really something between Lin Zhibai and Nightingale, and it shouldn't be exposed in this situation, it will make the entire Qizhou entertainment circle fry!

In his previous life, Lu Han announced his love affair.

The top stream position is directly lost.

In this world, if Nightingale announces her love affair with someone, no one can predict what impact it will have. After all, her fans are too complicated.

Then everyone laughed and laughed again.

Nightingale tried her best to hide her abnormality by drinking water.

During the game just now, Lin Zhibai confessed to himself. Even though he knew it might be fake, Nightingale was still too nervous.

It was an indescribable feeling.

A little happy and sweet, a little inexplicably looking forward to it, and at the same time a little scared, a little apprehensive and flustered.

How should I respond?

She was so entangled that the CPU was about to burn.

And if it wasn't for that moment, when Lin Zhibai couldn't help showing a "successful" smile in the end, when Lin Zhibai couldn't help but show such a complicated mood, he wouldn't be instantly stimulated into anger.

But why?

Nightingale felt that she was not like herself anymore. For the first time in her life, she experienced a roller coaster of worrying about gains and losses.

He obviously only regards Lin Zhibai as an interesting friend.

Did I fall in love with him?

When did it start?

Has this friendship of mine gone sour?

Nightingale couldn't tell the difference, she just knew that she seemed to care about Lin Zhibai's every move right now.

Observing each other secretly.

While the crowd was frolicking, Ning Ling suddenly laughed and said, "Jian Jia, why don't you compete with Lin Zhibai? It's obvious that you have to compete with anyone before."

"I don't care."

He said it doesn't matter, but a certain emotion was ignited in his heart. Qi Jianjia smiled lightly and said, "Mr. Bai, do you want to compare?"


Lin Zhibai said: "But we still compare five peach blossom coins, after all, you and Yingying are both queens."

"No problem."

Like Nightingale, Qi Jianjia won a lot of Peach Blossom Coins before, but now he can still get out the bet of five coins.

"Jian Jia also overturned, right?"

Chu Chu smiled and said, "Our richest man is very good at flirting."

"Try it."

Qi Jianjia sat on the seat where Nightingale had just sat, and Lin Zhibai's eyes intertwined.

Nightingale was still watching secretly, her fingers were entangled, if Qi Jianjia won, she would definitely make fun of her!

"Mr. Bai, your clothes are messed up."

Qi Jianjia gently adjusted Lin Zhibai's skirt.

Jian Jia!

Ye Zhen seemed to hear the sound of his heart breaking.

Nightingale doesn't get close to male artists, so why not Qi Jianjia?

Although this circle is very chaotic, Ye Ying and Qi Jianjia are both the top second generation of Qi Zhou's entertainment circle.

These two real princesses don't need to be like most female stars, who want to be in the top position and have to wait for others with all kinds of unspoken rules.

But at this moment.

Qi Jianjia was gentle, and straightened Lin Zhibai's collar.

That green finger, clearly intentionally or unintentionally, scratched Lin Zhibai's neck.

This is not in line with Qi Jianjia's character, even if it's for playing games, she will take care of the scale and distance.

Anyway, no one in this circle can force her to do anything.

But why is she doing this now, Ye Zhen's heart aches.

But immediately, Ye Zhen comforted himself, it's okay, Jian Jia only breaks through her ego, puts down her burden and plays with Lin Zhibai every time she wants to win her arch-enemy Nightingale—

Just for fun!

In fact, Ye Zhen's self-comfort can't be said to be wrong, Qi Jianjia really worked so hard to prove that he is more attractive than Nightingale.

At least that's one of the reasons.

As for the other reason, it was probably because Lin Zhibai ignored him last night, which somewhat aroused Qi Jianjia's competitive spirit.

Maybe there are other reasons?

Qi Jianjia couldn't tell, but anyway, she had a good reason to "seduce" Lin Zhibai.

"Oh, Lin Zhibai's heartbeat hasn't changed!"

Chu Chu continued to serve as the commentator, and Lin Zhibai was as steady as an old dog.


Qi Jianjia didn't feel frustrated, but wanted to win even more. Before, he touched Lin Zhibai's collarbone vaguely, but now he directly touched his face.

It's the stroking kind.

Accompanied by Qi Jianjia's Yujie's voice unconsciously: "Your skin is very good, and you don't even wear makeup on camera."


Lin Zhibai suddenly stretched out his hand, lifted Qi Jianjia's chin, looked at it carefully, and said calmly:

"You're not bad either."

The moment Lin Zhibai raised Qi Jianjia's chin, Ye Zhen almost couldn't help shouting: "Let go of your dirty hands!"

But he finally held back.

The other guests made weird noises of "Oh oh oh oh", everyone was shocked, Lin Zhibai dared to fight back like this!

Normally speaking...

When a female guest touches a male guest, the audience will feel that it is a gift.

When a male guest touches a female guest, the audience will feel that it is taking advantage.

Don't be shivering, and don't ask anything, let alone when the man will be able to stand up, anyway, that's the truth.

That's why everyone was so shocked when Lin Zhibai made a move!

Also shocked were the audience, especially Qi Jianjia's fans!

[My heart can't take it anymore! 】

[Don't do this, Jian Jia's chin is pinched by a man! ? 】

[Why didn't Jian Jia resist! 】

【Lin Zhibai, don't take the opportunity to eat tofu! 】

[What do you eat tofu? It was obviously Qi Jianjia who met the richest man first! 】

[The richest man is buzzing! 】

[Qi Jianjia pretends to be a mistress! 】

【What the hell, the richest man belongs to Nightingale! 】

Lin Zhibai couldn't see the messy barrage, and neither could Qi Jianjia. Although she could guess what her fans would say, she couldn't care about it now. Who can explain what happened?

Lin Zhibai pinched his chin.

Lin Zhibai looked at him lightly.

Qi Jianjia felt a little uncomfortable, even a little humiliated, the other party's eyes seemed to be looking at a piece of exquisite porcelain.

At the same time, Qi Jianjia actually felt numb again, and his body felt a little weak for no reason. He even forgot to dodge immediately, and he didn't even know whether he should tuck his chin to signal the other party not to go too far.


You can't just throw in the towel!

Qi Jianjia resisted the strangeness in his heart, looked at Lin Zhibai lightly, and asked coldly, "Is it pretty?"

This is Qi Jianjia's trick, pretending to be cold!

This trick is usually invincible, and men will retreat when they see it.

But today, Lin Zhibai seemed to be a bit ineffective. He actually nodded seriously and said, "Of course, you have to have confidence in yourself. If you weren't so beautiful, I wouldn't fall in love with you unknowingly."


Fall in love with me?

Do you think I'm a nightingale?

The tricks used by Nightingale obviously didn't work this time. Qi Jianjia was indifferent, but everyone laughed and said, "Lin Zhibai, can you change your routine?"

"This time it's real."

Lin Zhibai pretended not to hear what everyone said, he let go of Qi Jianjia's chin, and grabbed her hand instead.

Don't burn it?

Qi Jianjia immediately scratched Lin Zhibai's palm. She also checked the information yesterday, and she might have found the same website as Nightingale.

Lin Zhibai's palms were itchy.

Heartbeat started to speed up slightly.

Chu Chu shouted: "Lin Zhibai, your heart beats faster!"

Lin Zhibai smiled and said: "Because I like Jian Jia, of course my heart beats faster when I meet someone I like. By the way, Jian Jia, I wrote a love poem for you."

Love poems?

Want to tease me with your talent?

Qi Jianjia smiled and said, "Then read it."

Lin Zhibai looked at everyone, then at Qi Jianjia, and said softly:

"The crab is peeling my shell."

"The notebook is writing me."

"I fell on the maple leaves and snowflakes all over the sky."

"And you're thinking of me."

Everyone knew every word of these sentences, but when they were combined together, everyone was stunned and didn't understand the meaning at all.

"What the hell are you talking about so badly?"

Ye Zhen spoke suddenly, speaking in a joking tone, but it still made people feel a little aggressive.

【Ye Zhen's words are harsh. 】

[Is this jealousy that the richest man and Jian Jia are too close? 】

[I'm a bit disappointed, Ye Zhen. 】

【Ye Zhen is right, this so-called poem is really nonsense. 】

[What is "the crab is peeling my shell"? 】

[It sounds weird. 】

[Shouldn't I be shelling the crab? 】

[The whole poem is inexplicable. 】

[I understand the last sentence. 】

Qi Jianjia also laughed and said, "Your love poem doesn't seem to be very smooth, but it's quite smooth on the contrary..."


in turn?

Qi Jianjia suddenly understood the meaning of this poem!

As long as I read it all in reverse, I peel the crab shell, I write a notebook, and the snowflakes and maple leaves fall on me——

I miss you! ?

Not only Qi Jianjia realized it, but Li Xiao also realized it. She said a little excitedly: "Read everything in reverse and you will understand!"


Everyone tried it, and it was really like this, which clearly expresses the theme of "I'm thinking of you"!

"Miss Ye, are you convinced yet?"

Han Yueshuang looked at Ye Zhen with a smile.

Ye Zhen curled his lips and said, "Isn't it just reading it in reverse, it's nothing special."

"It's not just about reading it backwards."

Zhang Xiyang said: "This poem has a second meaning, because we know that the first three sentences are impossible to happen, the crab can't peel my shell, the notebook can't write about me, and I can't fall on the maple leaf. and Xuehua, so the fourth line of reasoning is..."

"You can't miss me!?"

Zhou Hanjin understood the second meaning!

Zhang Xiyang nodded and said: "It's common sense to go upright, but it's a novelty to go upside down. I think you're right and right, but you think I'm unbelievable."


Zhang Xiyang glanced at Qi Jianjia and said, "This poem expresses unrequited love... What Teacher Baidi wants to say is that maybe you will think of me only if you turn the whole world upside down?"

[66666! 】

[Zhang Xiyang is so smart! 】

[Full score in reading comprehension! 】

[This interpretation is not too much, it should be the original meaning of the poem! 】

[The richest man is strong! 】

[This poetry writing level is really not bad! 】

[It can only be said that you people of Qi know nothing about the poetry level of the richest man. 】

[This poem is so-so, just think about it the other way around. 】

[It's really unusual. This is a writing method in which the subject and the object are inverted. Professionals don't analyze it with you, but just say that the two meanings are beyond the imagination of ordinary people! 】

No matter what netizens say.

This special love poem really surprised all the guests.

Ye Zhen couldn't help being stunned, but what made him feel the most uncomfortable was not that he was severely slapped in the face.


Qi Jianjia's heartbeat is accelerating!

As soon as Chu Chu found out, she yelled as if she had seen the New World: "Look, everyone! Jian Jia's heartbeat accelerated for the first time!"

As soon as this word came out.

Qi Jianjia's heartbeat was actually a little faster, and it had reached ninety, on par with Lin Zhibai. You must know that her normal heartbeat is more than sixty!

No way, this poem is indeed a bit flirtatious!

Qi Jianjia couldn't help wondering whether he was narcissistic, or Lin Zhibai was taking advantage of the game to confide in himself?

Does he really like me?

After all, he has come up with such a powerful poem!

Such a powerful poem seems to have been specially prepared!

Coughing, Qi Jianjia tried to calm his heartbeat, stared into Lin Zhibai's eyes and said, "When did you start to like me?"

"On the bridge that day."

"On the bridge?"

"You stand on the bridge and look at the scenery."

"Then what?"

"The viewers are upstairs looking at you."

"You were upstairs?"

"The bright moon adorns your windows."


"You decorate other people's dreams."


Qi Jianjia suddenly fell silent.

She murmured something softly.

Everyone didn't quite understand it, why did they start using rhetoric all of a sudden when they said something well?


Qi Jianjia stopped thinking about it, but her pupils shrank for a while. She looked at Lin Zhibai suspiciously, but just happened to meet his pair of dark eyes, and the deer started to slam into it!

Boom boom boom!

"Jianjia's heartbeat!"

"Ah, it has reached a hundred!"

"One hundred and one!"

"what's the situation?"

"Jian Jia, what's wrong with you?"

This time Qi Jianjia's heartbeat accelerated without any warning, and everyone didn't understand it!

But Zhang Xiyang's eyes suddenly lit up, and he laughed loudly: "I see, Teacher Baidi just read another poem."

"Recite poetry?"

"What poem?"

Everyone felt baffled.

Qi Jianjia suddenly looked at Lin Zhibai, and said softly, "You stand on the bridge to see the scenery, and the people watching the scenery look at you upstairs. The bright moon adorns your windows, and you adorn other people's dreams..."

I go!

This poem!

Li Xiao reacted!

Everyone reacted accordingly!

The beauty of this poem is so strong!

Because what Lin Zhibai read was Bian Zhilin's "Broken Chapter", which was a super classic modern poem in his previous life. Even people who can't appreciate modern poetry can instantly read the charm in it. Basically, all modern poems , there are not many love poems that can stand out. If he didn't want to show himself well in this show, Lin Zhibai would not be willing to come up with it easily in order to get promoted in the future.

[I wipe! 】

[People are stupid! 】

[I'll give the richest man a knock for this wave! 】

[Patriarch, please accept my worship, this poem is even more amazing than the previous one! 】

[Lore! 】

[I asked myself that I was not weaker than others in picking up girls all my life. I didn't expect to meet a real master today. The key is that he doesn't rely on skills or appearance! 】

[No technology, all talent! 】

[I'm Jian Jia and I can't stand it, this talent is too strong! 】

[The poem just now is already very good, and this one is even more classic! 】

The audience was shocked!

The guests were shocked!

Qi Jianjia and Xiaolu run wildly!

Did Lin Zhibai compose this poem for himself?

In fact, Qi Jianjia really keeps in mind all the time that this is just a game, and Lin Zhibai's confession and the like are all fake.

My own temptation, or the seduction of Lin Zhibai, was also a play on the spot, and by the way, I put on a variety show effect, and the ultimate goal was to win Nightingale.

So Qi Jianjia barely resisted the first poem!

But after hearing Lin Zhibai's second modern poem, Qi Jianjia couldn't help it!

Sometimes, people will still have false hopes even when they know it is false.

When other guests watched Lin Zhibai, they could even see the flaws in his acting skills, but Qi Jianjia was in the middle of the game, but he was in a daze in the two poems. After all, maybe this is true?

Others flirting with girls are all rhetoric.

Lin Zhibai flirts with her younger sister with her talents.

To deal with a "Her Royal Highness" like Qi Jianjia, Lin Zhibai believed that all the tricks of picking up girls in the world were no match for talented love poems.


Lin Zhibai looked at Qi Jianjia and said, "Can you be my girl?"


Chu Chu broke the atmosphere and shouted: "One hundred and two... one hundred and three... almost one hundred and four... the deer won't be killed!"

Is it okay to kill a deer?

Qi Jianjia blushed and bit her lip, not knowing how to answer.

The director suddenly reminded: "The countdown has officially begun...five four three two..."


At some point, Nightingale had appeared behind Lin Zhibai. When the director read out the countdown, she suddenly put her hands on Lin Zhibai's shoulders excitedly, but because she was too happy, she accidentally lost her footing and landed on her feet. A slippery man fell to the ground.

Lin Zhibai was taken aback.

Almost instinctively, hugging a fallen figure.

Even so, Nightingale's butt also fell to the ground hard, screaming in pain.

"Hey, be careful!"

"As for being so excited."

Everyone saw that Nightingale seemed to be fine and not too worried.

"Still up?"

Lin Zhibai looked at Nightingale, their postures were somewhat ambiguous.

"Butt hurts."

Nightingale blushed and said pitifully, "I can't get up."

You blush with a bubble teapot.

Lin Zhibai directly pushed Nightingale towards Chuchu.

However, Qi Jianjia, who was facing Lin Zhibai, suddenly felt a little uncomfortable, and returned to his usual aloofness, grabbing all the peach blossom coins.

"Hey hey!"

Lin Zhibai said: "I won, right? What are you doing with my money?"

"See for yourself."

Qi Jianjia's voice was muffled.

Lin Zhibai turned his head to look, his face turned dark immediately, he looked at the director and said, "There is something wrong with the machine, how could I be 146?"

Qi Jianjia is only 140!

The director smiled and said: "It's not bad, it's just that I accidentally fell down, and when you subconsciously hugged it, your heartbeat instantly went up."

Fog Grass!

It turned out to be the pig teammate's pot?

Lin Zhibai lost so many Taohua coins for the first time in the show, and shouted viciously:


"Ass hurts."

Nightingale was still pretending to be pitiful, looking at Lin Zhibai with her big eyes blinking, her hands curled up under her chin like a kitten.

"It hurts like hell."

Lin Zhibai said unhappily.

Looking at this scene, Qi Jianjia was suddenly at a loss. He was obviously the one who won the game, so why didn't he feel happy at all?

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