Freelance Artist

Chapter 424 Poems Shake Qizhou!

【Killing me! 】

[This is the first loss of the richest man! 】

[Jian Jia is really lucky, she won this wave of pure lying, and the key assist was given by her old enemy Nightingale! 】

[The singing competition before the richest man also lost. 】

[That wave is not considered a loss. After all, that group used the song of the richest man to win the first place. Isn't it a disguised statement that the only one who can beat the richest man is himself. 】

[Why do you feel that Jian Jia is not happy? 】

[Perhaps it was disgraceful to win this wave? 】

[As a person who has been in love for twenty-two times, I have to tell you that Jian Jia may be jealous, but I didn't realize that there is some ambiguity between the richest man and Yingying. 】

[You are trying to be cute to the richest man! 】

The ambiguity in this kind of program has always been true and false, and it can generally be explained as the effect of the program.


Neither Nightingale nor Qi Jianjia are the kind of masters who would take the initiative to stir up CP with others.

Since their debut, they haven't even had a scandal.

One is that the background is really strong, and the other is that the two have been deliberately keeping a sense of distance from the male artist.

However, in "A Journey to Lishan", this rule seems to be broken by Lin Zhibai, and the audience inevitably doesn't think about it.

As the person involved, in fact, Lin Zhibai also felt something strange about Nightingale. Could it be that she is interested in him?


Even if Nightingale had a crush on him, Lin Zhibai would not find it strange. Since elementary school, he had been receiving love letters and being confessed by different girls every day. He was used to such situations.


If it wasn't for the head injury and the autism for a few years, maybe now I should have a girlfriend, right?

After all, before I was injured, I was never a well-behaved personality. On the contrary, the ever-changing star when I participated in "The King of Masked Singer" was more in line with my true face. After recovering from the brain injury, Lin Zhibai has been busy with his career. Thinking about how to get revenge and other issues, I'm not interested in dating anymore, and of course I don't have that leisurely mind.

until now.

Lin Zhibai has already been able to suppress those uncles' families head-on. Although it is not enough to destroy them, he can finally let himself breathe, otherwise he would not participate in "The King of Masked Singer", let alone participate in this variety show to experience life.

"Maybe we should try to have a relationship?"

Such thoughts floated through Lin Zhibai's mind at this moment. He turned his head to look at Nightingale, only to find that the other party's eyes were also secretly looking at him.

After noticing the look in her eyes, Nightingale quickly turned her head like a frightened deer, pretending to talk to Chuchu.

The corners of Lin Zhibai's mouth turned up slightly, as if by a strange coincidence, he turned his head and glanced at Qi Jianjia again.

Interestingly, Qi Jianjia's gaze was also on Lin Zhibai at this moment.

But after noticing Lin Zhibai's gaze, Qi Jianjia did not run away quickly like a nightingale, but looked at him unconvinced.

As if whoever dodges his eyes first loses.

Lin Zhibai smiled at her, turned around and continued to play games with other guests to earn Peach Blossom Coins. After almost everyone played a round, the heartbeat game session finally came to an end.

Lin Zhibai counted the harvest.

So far, he has earned a total of about ten Peach Blossom Coins, which is quite a good harvest.

Nightingale and Qi Jianjia made the most money.

With their good looks at the level of the 'ceiling of Qizhou's entertainment industry', the two are almost invincible, are they barely out of poverty?

And when the guests were playing around, they didn't know:

On Qi Zhou's Weibo platform, the most searched topic at the moment is [Bai Ye cp]!

Under the topic, there is a screenshot of someone in the live broadcast room of "A Journey to Lishan".

Including Lin Zhibai and Nightingale biting their ears, touching each other's fingertips, and Lin Zhibai's fake confession:

"I seem to... fall in love with you..."

Of course, the highlight was Nightingale's big move at the end of the game. She hugged Lin Zhibai for a while, and every detail was presented in the live broadcast.

Not just screenshots.

Some people have made these content into dynamic pictures, and they are now in the carnival mode of "knocking life and death".

Obviously, the two have successfully attracted the attention of "knock experts".

The popular search for "White Night CP" is the nickname that everyone calls Lin Zhibai and Nightingale.

"It is too sweet!"

"This pair is locked up for me!"

"I'll swallow the key this time!"

"I've been fond of yingying for so many years, this is the first time I've seen her treat a boy like this!"

"It's hard to accept this!"

"Of course I choose to forgive her!"

"The richest man is also tempted by Yingying!"

"Nightingale fans, don't deceive yourself. Lin Zhibai wasn't tempted at all. The last heartbeat was because of her sudden attack."

"that is."

"The richest man obviously likes Jian Jia!"

"At the beginning I said that Jian Jia is the most beautiful."

"Then why don't you say that Jian Jia won the game in the end, and Lin Zhibai's heart beat faster because of the huh?"

The situation is complicated now.

Nightingale's fans were unknowingly divided into two factions.

The faction with more people firmly cannot accept that Nightingale and Lin Zhibai are so close to each other.

The other faction felt that Lin Zhibai was one of the few, if not the only, men who were worthy of Nightingale.

Of course, more passers-by CP fans.

I just like to find sweets in the interaction between the two, and I don't care what the fans of the two think.

at the same time.

Qi Jianjia's fans were very upset, they couldn't see Lin Zhibai and Nightingale being marked as CP.

All kinds of yin and yang weirdness.

Emphasize that Lin Zhibai doesn't like Nightingale at all.

In the eyes of Qi Jianjia's fans——

Lin Zhibai should like Qi Jianjia.

After all, before the game started today, Qi Tianwen asked Lin Zhibai who was the most beautiful, and he said "Qi Jianjia" without hesitation.

But Qi Jianjia's fans are also conflicted.

Although these people were not happy about Lin Zhibai and Nightingale being a couple, they also felt upset when they saw that Qi Jianjia also seemed to show a little affection for Lin Zhibai.

In the eyes of fans, the goddess Jian Jia should be beautiful!

Lin Zhibai must like the goddess, but the goddess cannot like him!

Of course, not all Qi Jianjia's fans can't accept Lin Zhibai getting close to the goddess.

Some of Qi Jianjia's fans even want to see Lin Zhibai and his own goddess group CP!

all in all.

The two sides are like a map of nine palaces, from lawful good to chaotic evil, fans' opinions are beginning to diverge and contradict each other!

As for why this contradiction occurs?

It's actually very simple, because Lin Zhibai's excellence is obvious to all.

Anyone who watched this show knew that Lin Zhibai did have a special charm.

In the past, fans would not allow their idols to fall in love, and they always liked to say that so-and-so was not worthy of their master.

But who dares to say that Lin Zhibai is not good enough for Qi Jianjia or Nightingale?

Regardless of family background, appearance, ability and talent, Lin Zhibai seems to be perfect.

Even if Lin Zhibai's current coffee position is not as good as the two queens...

Everyone can see that as long as this program continues to air, as long as Lin Zhibai's performance does not slow down, his popularity will continue to rise!

And in today's episode, when Lin Zhibai and Qi Jianjia were playing games, they created two very excellent modern poems!

The first one is fine.

Similar to the creative technique of "The crab is peeling my shell", it is playing with the text design, and the wit seems to be more important than the talent, which can only show that Lin Zhibai is an interesting person.

But the second song is really talented!

A large number of people who have watched the show are repeatedly studying the passage "you look at the scenery on the bridge, and the people who watch the scenery look at you upstairs".

The more you study, the more exciting it is!

Some people even sent this sentence to Moments for the first time, and even used it as a personal signature.

This is the classic charm!

Even if Lin Zhibai read it out in a variety show, it wouldn't diminish her charm in the slightest!

On the contrary, it is the classic charm, which has been providing feedback to Lin Zhibai, so that he has been appreciated and accepted by more and more people——

Including fans of Nightingale and Qi Jianjia.

It was between repeated pulling and pulling, and under the stimulation of hot searches, the barrage style of Lishan's live broadcast room gradually became a battlefield for debate on "Who Lin Zhibai likes".

Qi Jianjia's fans: "The richest man likes Jianjia!"

Nightingale's fan: "The richest man obviously likes ying ying!"

It seems that which queen Lin Zhibai likes can prove which queen is better and more feminine.

Passers-by are happy to see.

Why do fans of Qi Jianjia and Nightingale seem to be robbing men?

Didn't it mean that most of the fans of the two divas couldn't accept idol love?

When male celebrities approached, they all wanted to step on their feet and curse "Don't get involved". Why do they have to prove that the richest man likes his boss?

that's all.

The morning game is over.

At noon, everyone went back to their houses for dinner.

Lin Zhibai cooks three dishes and one soup, including two meat and one vegetable, the portion is usually just enough for four people to finish.

But today Nightingale didn't know if she wasn't hungry, but she still wanted to lose weight. Anyway, she didn't finish a bowl of rice, so she wanted to get up and sit on the sofa.


Lin Zhibai said, "It's best to finish the meal."

"All right."

Nightingale left the dining chair, but sat back after hearing this, silently poured some soup into the bowl, and continued to eat with her head down.

Chu Chu was shocked!

When did you become so obedient?

Others don't understand, but Chuchu, a best friend, knows very well that although Yingying has a good personality, the eldest lady is born without princess disease, but she has some bad habits.

Such as eating.

Occasionally there will be some food left over or something.

Even if her parents told her to finish eating, she would never listen.

But today, when Lin Zhibai asked her to finish eating, she actually sat down obediently and continued to eat, and she didn't seem unhappy from her expression.


Of course, Lin Zhibai didn't think it was a big deal, he just subconsciously didn't want to waste food, and always had to finish the rice, even if he was a little full.

It's like obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Probably because he had received a lot of education on "don't waste food" in his previous life, so he subconsciously said something when he saw that Nightingale had left some rice.

Seeing Yeying's cooperation, Lin Zhibai smiled and said, "There is a poem that is well said."


Lin Zhibai said: "It's noon on the day of hoeing, and the sweat drips down to the soil. Who knows that the food on the plate is hard work."

"There is this poem?"

Han Yueshuang is half from Qinzhou, but she has no impression of this poem.

"Not before."

Lin Zhibai said: "Now there is."

Han Yueshuang smiled and said, "I knew it was the boss's poem, it's so well written, what's it called?"

"Pity farmers."

"I want to know who He He is right now?"

Chu Chu blinked her eyes and asked innocently.

Nightingale almost didn't say anything on the spot, "Then should I ask who is that afternoon?"

"Hahahaha!" Han Yueshuang laughed and said, "Don't shoot this part, don't shoot this part."

This is meaningless, because it is a live broadcast at the moment, and the audience in front of the screen has seen and heard it. It can only be said that when the main film is broadcast, this part cannot be cut.

[Laughing to death, Chu Chu drives suddenly! 】

[This wheel is directly printed on my face! 】

[The richest man's poem is so good, Chu Chu's words changed in an instant! 】

[I also asked who it was in the afternoon, it seems that I understand it very well! 】

[Playing, playing, playing, I feel that the richest man's poem is a bit awesome! 】

[That's awesome, but you've heard that Mo Chou has no confidant in the future, and everyone in the world doesn't know the king? 】

【This is? 】

[Lin Zhibai's poem! 】

[Introduction, the person in the live broadcast room, surnamed Lin, named Zhibai, nicknamed Baidi, and styled Chu Ci, is the number one talented scholar in our Qinzhou, and he is a master of both poetry and poetry! 】

Lin Zhibai read the poem again.

This time it was an ancient poem.

Although the text of "Compassion to Farmers" is very simple, the literary talent in it still shocked some people through the live broadcast.

the most important is.

Everyone became more and more curious about the level of Lin Zhibai's poetry. This is not an occasional display, and the details can be fully seen.

And in the live broadcast room.

There are more or less Qin people who are in Qizhou because of work or school.

These Qin people know Lin Zhibai very well, so they worked hard to popularize Lin Zhibai's information in the live broadcast room.

But after all, the barrage in the live broadcast room passed away as soon as it floated.

Even if there are people who popularize science, the audience won't care too much.

But today seems different.

Following Lin Zhibai's recitation of "Compassion for the Peasants", the audience thought the poem was very good. Just as they were savoring it, such a post suddenly appeared on the most popular forum in Qizhou.

The person who posted the post is called [Kun Kun].

"I'm an international student from Qinzhou, and I'm also a big fan of Lin Zhibai. After seeing everyone watching "A Journey to Lishan", I seem to be very curious about Lin Zhibai's poetry level. Let me show you a video today, and you will know Lin Zhibai's poetry. How is Zhibai's level in this aspect? Of course, if you are not interested in watching the video, you can directly watch the poems and vocabulary, which are all works created by Lin Zhibai before!"

It turned out that this person recorded the video of Lin Zhibai participating in the poetry meeting.

Below the video, this person also summarized all the poems written by Lin Zhibai before and after the Poetry Conference.

He even posted some couplets written by Lin Zhibai before, as if he was a diehard fan of Lin Zhibai.

However the fact is:

This person is a "sitter" specially arranged by Jiangcheng.

The main reason is to bring rhythm, so that Lin Zhibai can continue to rise to the top.

After all, the more Qi people understand how powerful Lin Zhibai is, the more people will like him and the greater his fame will be. Such a virtuous circle can make Lin Zhibai a first-tier or even super-star in Qizhou.

No publicity?

The smell of wine is also afraid that the alley is deep sometimes.

And the timing of this promotion is undoubtedly very good.

Because at this moment, Lin Zhibai was at the top of the search list with Nightingale.

Even for the sake of Nightingale, when everyone suddenly sees this kind of post analyzing Lin Zhibai's literary talent, they will immediately click on it.

And after clicking in.

Many people can't get out.

Because the characters written by Lin Zhibai are so beautiful!

For example, "One piece, two pieces, three pieces, four pieces" by Yong Xue.

At the beginning, it was obviously inexplicable, but at the end, it was instantly elevated to highlight the artistic conception!

And if this poem is suspected of playing with words, then Lin Zhibai's other poems are all really talented!

For example, "I want snow in the evening, and I can drink a glass of nothing"; There is no confidant in the road, no one in the world does not know the king", etc., and even some poems, such as "Bu Suanzi Yongmei", no matter the poems, each capital can be called a classic among the classics, and those who laugh and curse are all articles. The couplets are used as embellishments...


Many people who like poetry and couplets are fascinated by Lin Zhibai at this moment!

There are also a large number of netizens, after reading these poems, they couldn't help but click on the video of the Qinzhou Poetry Conference!

in the video.

You can see how Lin Zhibai passed the test in a chic way, trampling all the literati in Qinzhou under their feet!

You can also see Lin Zhibai's sudden superb calligraphy, which shocked all the literati present at that time to their dumbstruck!


The Qizhou netizens in front of the screen were also stunned by the shock!

It even produced a "cool feeling" as strong as a popcorn movie!

After all, that poetry meeting.

Lin Zhibai picked out any of the literati who slapped Qinzhou in the face, and they all had the taste of "famous scenes", so handsome!


"Fuck, the richest man is so fierce!?"

"I had a good impression of the richest man after watching "A Journey to Lishan", but now the favorability has exploded!"

"I love the richest man!"

"It turns out that the richest man still has such a strong time to pretend!"

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, I suddenly regret that the richest man is not from Qizhou!"

"These poems are not inferior to those of the ancients!"

"I always thought that contemporary people would never be able to write poems that surpassed those of the ancients!"

"It turns out that in the world, there are still Lin Zhibai, a true master of poetry!"

"Too awesome..."

Wow, this post is on fire!

There are more and more messages, and the popularity is getting higher and higher!

Just like the stage of "Opera 2" by Mr. Variety was widely circulated on the Qizhou Weishu platform, with the popularity of this post, the poems of Lin Zhibai suddenly began to spread wildly on the Qizhou Internet!

In fact.

Without "A Journey to Lishan", even if Lin Zhibai's works were excellent, the publicity effect would not be so good.

If he and Nightingale hadn't been on the trending searches together, and got to know the popularity of this queen, netizens wouldn't be so crazy, wanting to explore and understand Lin Zhibai.

Because this era is very impetuous.

If there is no special reason, people usually don't read the poetry works of a certain literati to understand his various works.

Everyone is impatient.

Can rely on the communication power of variety shows and entertainment circles;

Leveraging everyone's curiosity about Lin Zhibai;

Lin Zhibai's poems and works have been successfully promoted in Qizhou!


At the beginning, the place where these poems and works spread the craziest must be among the audience of "A Journey to Lishan".

nightingale fan;

Fans of Qi Jianjia;

Fans of the Qizhou guests like Lishan have all noticed this hot spot!

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