Freelance Artist

Chapter 425 I, Qi Jianjia, Wrong to Lick Dogs!

Lu Yan is a die-hard viewer of "A Journey to Lishan", the kind who watches the live broadcast non-stop every day.

Anyway, her family is rich, and the company is her own, so she goes to work and plays computer games.

As for why you like this show?

Because Lu Yan's idol Qi Jianjia participated in this program.

But what made Lu Yan feel distressed was that she felt that the goddess Jian Jia seemed to have moved Fanxin! ?

In the heartbeat game session.

Lin Zhibai made Qi Jianjia's heart beat faster!

Even in Qi Jianjia's fan base, some heretics began to praise Lin Zhibai for his excellence.

Some people are even knocking on the cp of Lin Zhibai and Qi Jianjia!


Absolutely not!

Lu Yan is a big fan of Qi Jianjia!

It is simply unacceptable for idols to fall in love!

Because she feels that few men in the world are worthy of Qi Jianjia——

Neither can Lin Zhibai!

Of course, Lu Yan has no prejudice against Lin Zhibai.

She also admitted that this big star from Qinzhou was very handsome, even talented, and his ability was quite good.

But Lu Yan just felt that he was not good enough for Qi Jianjia.

Lu Yan did not target Lin Zhibai, she simply believed that no one in the entertainment industry was good enough for Qi Jianjia.

"Maybe I'm a fan of the legend."

Lu Yan's cognition in this aspect is very clear, she knows that Qi Jianjia may not be that good, she is purely influenced by idol filters.

But it doesn't matter, star chasing is like this.

What I chase after is not necessarily the star itself, but a dream.

Watching the live broadcast of "A Journey to Lishan" today, Lu Yan opened Qi Jianjia's fan group as usual to see what everyone is talking about.

As a result, as soon as I entered the group, I saw someone saying:

"Lin Zhibai's "Compassion for Farmers" is pretty good. No wonder Jian Jia has a crush on him."

As Lin Zhibai continued to show himself in the show, among Qi Jianjia's fans, there seemed to be more and more heretics who wanted to see the goddess and Lin Zhibai together!

"You are alarmist!"

Lu Yan typed angrily and retorted: "Why does Jian Jia have a good impression of Lin Zhibai?"

"Ha ha!"

"Little Lu is happy again!"

"Sister Lu is the ultimate only fan!"

"But Jian Jia will marry sooner or later."

"As a fan, you can't just watch your idol die alone."

"I do not care!"

"Anyway, Jian Jia can't fall in love!"

"How do I feel that you kidnapped her in the name of a fan?"

"In short, I don't accept it!"

Lu Yan's ID in the group is "Xiao Lu".

Because he is more active in the group and often gives out red envelopes in the group, Xiao Lu can barely be regarded as a group favorite.

All the friends in the group know that Xiao Lu hates others to set up CP for Qi Jianjia.

But at this time.

Suddenly someone posted a video in the group.

People asked, "What is this?"

The group member who posted the video said: "The video clip of Lin Zhibai participating in the poetry meeting in Qinzhou, so handsome!"

"What are you doing in this group?"

Lu Yan was very angry, "What are your intentions?"

The man explained: "I think Lin Zhibai is very handsome, please share."

Lu Yan typed: "You are handsome!"

The more angry Lu Yan clicked into this video, she wanted to see why Lin Zhibai was so handsome.

The video begins.

It was Lin Zhibai, who was slightly drunk, reciting a poem accompanied by a famous bgm from Qizhou.

"I am Shanshui Lang in Qingdu. Tianjiao pays and Shukuang. I once granted rain and wind coupons, and left clouds to borrow moon chapters when I was tired. Thousands of poems and thousands of cups of wine. I have set my eyes on the king several times. Let's go, let's plant plum blossoms to make Luoyang drunk..."

Lu Yan suddenly froze.

Lin Zhibai in the video is wild and unrestrained, with a kind of chic wantonness, his eyes seem to be able to see through everything in the live camera.

Lu Yan suddenly understood the feeling of that group member just now.

The Lin Zhibai in front of me is the same person as the Lin Zhibai I saw in "A Journey to Lishan", but it doesn't look like the same person!

This Lin Zhibai is indeed "so handsome"!

At least Lin Zhibai's domineering willfulness when he is slightly drunk, this kind of willful display of talent, and the attitude of not taking everyone into his eyes, cannot be seen in variety shows!

that's all.

Watch the video.

Until nearly twenty minutes later.

When the video ended, she woke up suddenly.

Recalling Lin Zhibai's poems, Lu Yan suddenly felt deeply shocked, and she found that her skin was getting goosebumps!

The last time Lu Yan felt this way was when she was with her friends when she went to see Qi Jianjia's concert tour for the first time.

At that time, Qi Jianjia was like a goddess.

a song.

a dance.

Since then, Lu Yan has been a fan of it for three years.

But now, just watching a video, Lu Yan had this feeling for the second time. She felt that she had fallen in love with the man in the video.

Lin Zhibai!

To put it vulgarly, Lin Zhibai is handsome.

But that kind of handsome is very extraordinary, it is full of talent, set off by the unruly character, it is the charm that is blessed on the perfect skin!

Very long time.

Lu Yan came out of her emotions.

The group members are still chatting.

The group of friends who posted the video was asking, "Where's Miss Lu?"

"I seem to have been mad at you."

"Don't post it next time."

"She can't see it at all."

"I support Miss Lu, Jian Jia is beautiful!"

you support me?

Is Jianjia uniquely beautiful?

I can't support myself anymore!

Lu Yan was very free and easy, directly slapped herself in the face, and typed: "I suddenly feel that Jian Jia and Bai Di are quite suitable..."

? ? ? ?

The whole group sent win numbers wildly.

Everyone asked Lu Yan if her brain was stimulated.

Ask her why she made a sudden 180-degree turn in her attitude, and she still rarely called Baidi?

You must know that on Qizhou's side, only those who really like Lin Zhibai are willing to call him "Baidi".

Because this stage name is too arrogant and domineering, many people who have no feelings for Lin Zhibai feel that he should not use these two characters as his stage name.

Lu Yan did not break up with the group members.

Now her mind is full of Lin Zhibai.

For Lin Zhibai, Lu Yan directly contacted one of her girlfriends in Qinzhou and asked him:

"Do you know Lin Zhibai?"

She wanted to have a more comprehensive and in-depth understanding of Lin Zhibai, and generally speaking, this was the way to start chasing stars.

My girlfriend replied very excitedly:

"There should be no one in Qinzhou who doesn't know Lin Zhibai. He is my male god and my idol for a lifetime!!!!"

"Then tell me..."

Lu Yan and her best friend inquired about Lin Zhibai's situation.

The girlfriends are very fanatical, and they are very familiar with Lin Zhibai's affairs, and they are Lin Zhibai's hardcore fans.

But the group member who posted a video clip of Lin Zhibai's poetry meeting not long ago suddenly reacted and said triumphantly:

"Hahahaha, Xiao Lu must have watched the video I posted and changed his mind about Lin Zhibai. I won't lie to you, everyone, take a look, Lin Zhibai is really handsome!"


"Let me see."

"Why is the video so amazing?"

More and more people click into that video.



After finishing the live broadcast, Qi Jianjia took a shower, lay comfortably on the bed, turned on her trumpet, and entered the latent fan group.


After entering the group.

Qi Jianjia couldn't understand what the fans were talking about tonight. She felt that the world was suddenly unreal.

"Jian Jia has to work hard!"

"The White Emperor must be captured!"

"Such an excellent man, could it be possible to make Nightingale cheaper!?"

"Nightingale's eyes are drawn when she looks at Lin Zhibai, she's definitely harboring evil intentions!"

"The shortcoming of Jianjia's character is that she is not active enough. How can there be stories if she doesn't take the initiative!"

"It can't go on like this. Jian Jia must take the initiative. If Nightingale wins, her fans will definitely die of pride. Bai Di is a top-notch male god. Then we may not know how to laugh at us."

"I believe in Jianjia!"

"Jian Jia will definitely find a way to win Teacher Baidi's heart. If Nightingale snatches her away, then this variety show will lose its meaning!"

Qi Jianjia:?

Is it the way I came in?

What are these people talking about?

You didn't seem to have this attitude yesterday!

Even Qi Jianjia was wondering:

Is this your own fan group, or the Baidi fan group?

Why does it feel like this group of people are Lin Zhibai's hardcore fans?

Fortunately, there are people in the group who seem to be at the stage of being confused about the situation just like Qi Jianjia. As soon as they opened the group chat, they were shocked by the chat content of these people, and they directly turned into Qi Jianjia's mouth substitute:

"What's your situation?"

"Yesterday I was scolding the netizens for pulling Lin Zhibai and our Jian Jia's cp, but today you guys are doing it yourself?"

"Are you still begging Jian Jia to fall in love with Lin Zhibai?"

"You don't have a fever, do you? How can there be fans like you in the world?"

that is!

Qi Jianjia agreed and typed: "Don't you guys hate Jian Jia's relationship the most? Why do you all seem to be urging marriages now?"

"You do not understand."

The most active group pet in the group, Qi Jianjia remembered, seemed to be called Xiao Lu, and the other party suddenly sent out several resource packs.

"This is all the songs Baidi wrote for others—"

"This is all the songs that Baidi himself composed and sang—most of them use the stage name Chuci."

"This is the stage collection of Baidi participating in "The King of Masked Singer" as the ever-changing star—"

"Here are all the poems written by Baidi, as well as the poem meeting video—"

"Here are all the couplets of Baidi, and the video of him participating in the couplet competition—"

"This is the video of Baidi's calligraphy "Lanting Preface" at the charity dinner—you may have seen this before."


After sending out resources.

Lu Yan typed:

"I have been looking at these things for a day, and I will collect and share them all."

"After reading all this, I don't believe that any of you can stand up to the charm of Baidi. He is a true national idol in Qinzhou. If you look around on the road, you probably won't find a few people who don't like him. In addition, I also know a lot of gossip about Lin Zhibai, for example, his grandfather gave him a publishing house, and Lin Zhibai made him number one in Qinzhou!"

"Of course there are many, many things."

"Anyway, Bai Di is really outstanding. Such an excellent man, after much deliberation, probably only our family, Jian Jia, is worthy of him."

"I hope that Jian Jia can work hard and don't miss her Prince Charming!"

What the hell?

Let me pursue Lin Zhibai?

Isn't that a licking dog?

Although that guy is not bad in all aspects, but if he is her boyfriend, then...

Also acceptable?

But how can I take the initiative to chase him?

Shouldn't the man take the initiative in this kind of thing?

What I don't know is that Lin Zhibai's attitude when playing games is somewhat true and somewhat false, and he is so provocative that he is confused.

He should like me, right?

He still praised me for being the most beautiful today. This must be some kind of signal, but I was acting too high and cold, so he was a little hesitant?

But Gao Leng is all fake.

It's just a little camouflage.

Forget it, let's not think about him for now, but these messy resource packs in the group seem to be quite interesting?

Qi Jianjia couldn't help but clicked in curiously.

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