From Ants To Demon Gods Of The Abyss

014 I, Su Bai! Abyss Lord! [The First Update Asks For A Full Order! 】

014 I, Su Bai! Lord of the Abyss!

"Ding! You have obtained the complete mark of the barren lord, and you have become the lord of the barren abyss. You have obtained the legendary title 'Lord of the Barren'

Along with the integration of the last third of the mark of the barren lord, the system's prompt sounded in real time.

At this moment, Su Bai suddenly felt that something had changed in him.

His thinking was connected with the entire barren abyss.

With a thought, in addition to his own field of vision, Su Bai found that he had another field of vision.

This vision is the vision given to him by the barren abyss.

It's as if the entire barren abyss has become a part of his body. As long as he wants, he can use this connection at any time to check every inch of land in the barren abyss, as well as every monster living in the barren abyss.

at the same time.

After becoming the lord of the barren abyss, Su Bai sensed the will of the abyss again!

It's different from when you fell into the abyss.

He cannot directly talk to the will of the abyss, but he can convey the meaning he wants to express to the will of the abyss. As for whether the will of the abyss will respond...that is unknown.

"Lord of the Abyss......"

"Lord of the Desolation!"

Feeling the feeling of holding the entire barren abyss in his hands, Su Bai murmured: "It turns out that this is the real abyss lord.

After a long time, Su Bai disconnected from the barren abyss.

Review the mark of the barren lord that you have obtained.

[Mark of the Lord of Desolation]: Legendary level, the symbol of the Lord of the Desolation Abyss.

Effect 1: Lord of Desolation. As a lord, the Lord of Desolation has complete control over the Desolation Abyss, and has a strong suppression effect on the monsters living in the Desolation Abyss. When the Lord of Desolation appears in front of a certain monster, the monster has a higher chance of surrendering directly and becoming the Lord of Desolation's subject. When the Lord of Desolation is an enemy of a certain monster, the monster will be suppressed by the entire Desolation Abyss, and all attributes will be reduced by 30%.

Effect 2: Abyssal War. As the lord of the barren abyss, the barren lord is qualified to start a war with the deeper abyss world. After the war is won, the Lord of Desolation can plunder the lord mark of the hostile abyss world and bring it under his control (that is, rule the two abyss worlds), or he can plunder the resources of the hostile abyss world to increase the energy level of the abyss world.

Effect 3: The gate of the plane. As the lord of the barren abyss, the barren lord is qualified to open the gate of the plane and invade the main material world.

Effect 4: The Power of Desolation. When opening the gate of the plane and invading the main material world, the Lord of Desolation can control the unique power of desolation in the barren abyss to erode the main material world. When the scope of erosion reaches a certain level, the Lord of Desolation can use the power of the will of the abyss to drag the entire main material world into the abyss and integrate into the abyss of desolation.

This is the Abyss Lord!

After checking the effect of the barren lord's mark bit by bit, Su Bai had a general understanding of the authority he possessed after becoming the barren lord.

Effect 1, very simple, is to give Su Bai absolute control over the barren abyss!

Every abyss lord has countless armies, and Su Bai is no exception.

As long as he is willing, he has a great chance to take all the monsters in the barren abyss under his command and become his subordinates.


After owning the dragon-eating ants family as his family, Su Bai looked down on these abyssal monsters instead.

He would rather use these abyssal monsters as food and experience to further enhance the strength of the dragon-eating ants.

Effect 2 is similar to effect 3, both of which are wars.

The former is to launch a war against other abyss worlds, and the latter is to launch a war against the main material world. The difference is that when the abyss war is launched, the two abyss worlds will end in endless death.

The winner can obtain everything, plunder everything, and even the level of the abyss world can be closer to the bottom of the endless abyss; the loser can only become the opponent's prisoner, and even become the experience and support of the opponent's further strength (caca )point.

Launch a war against the main material world, but there is no limit to immortality.

Of course, just as non-abyssal species will be suppressed when entering the abyss world, abyssal species will also be suppressed by the world itself when entering the main material world.

Plane wars are not easy to fight.

But as long as you win the battle, the benefits you get will be far beyond the comparison of Abyss War!

Abyssal wars can only be launched to the deeper abyss world.

Even if they worked hard to win an abyss war, the benefits they gained were nothing more than ruling one more layer of abyss world or moving their own abyss world down ten layers.

If we win a war of planes...

Even with the power of barrenness of effect 4, directly dragging a main material world into the abyss and integrating it into the abyss of barrenness, the benefits obtained will be great!

Not to mention how many energy levels can be raised, how many levels the barren abyss can advance in the endless abyss.

The reward of the will of the abyss alone is enough to make people look forward to!

This is the work of expanding the soil!

Even if the attitude of the will of the abyss towards the monsters of the abyss is to let go and evolve on their own. This kind of behavior of dragging the main material world into the endless abyss and expanding the area of ​​the abyss world will also get extremely generous rewards!


How do you think the main abyss world of the entire 99th floor and the countless small abyss worlds came about?

In general.

After becoming the Lord of Desolation, except for the first effect, the remaining three effects cannot directly increase the combat effectiveness of Su Bai and the dragon-eating ants, but they provide several opportunities for them to continue to become fishy.

Even if he doesn't use the authority of the Lord of Desolation, after possessing the Lord's Mark, Su Bai will not be suppressed by other abysses when he leaves the Abyss of Desolation.

Even if he doesn't launch an abyssal war or a plane war, the mark of the desolate lord can offset the suppression effect brought by other lords' marks, and Su Bai can challenge other abyssal lords on a fair basis.

This is also an opportunity to continue to become stronger.

Of course, this kind of challenge will not allow Su Bai to obtain other lord marks.

After learning about his own changes, Su Bai closed the property panel.

His eyes flickered slightly.

"Abyss War, there is no need to start it for the time being."

"The dragon-eating ant army I brought to the barren abyss cannot be replenished for the time being, nor can it withstand the consumption of repeated abyss wars.


"Plane wars may not be like this!"

With a sneer on the corner of his mouth, Su Bai directly used his lord authority to start checking the main material world that he could invade!


that world!

PS: The first update asks for a full order! Please subscribe automatically!.

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