From Ants To Demon Gods Of The Abyss

015 The Lost Saint Laurent Continent! [Second More Full Order! 】

015 The Lost Saint Laurent Continent!

Anriel Continent.

Westin Continental.


Cologne mainland.

When Su Bai used his authority as the Lord of Desolation to open the gate of the plane, a series of options appeared in front of him.

There are literally hundreds of options.

Each option represents - a prime material world.

However, after looking at all the main material worlds that can be invaded from top to bottom, Su Bai was stunned.

Among them, there is no target he wants to invade.

Saint Laurent Continent.

There are risks in abyssal wars, and there are even greater risks in plane wars.

If you invade rashly without knowing the strength of a main material world, you may encounter extremely fierce resistance.

What's more, if the strong in the main material world are strong enough, they can counter-invade the abyss world through the gate of the plane after destroying the abyss army, and directly kill the abyss lord!

At that time, launching a plane war is not to gain benefits, but to seek death.

As it happens, Su Bai just happens to know a world suitable for invasion.

It is Saint Laurent Continent!

Su Bai was born in Saint Laurent mainland.

Long before he fell into the abyss, he had almost slaughtered the top powerhouses in the main material world.

In addition to the Ant Queen, the Emerald Demon Butterfly, and the Dragon-eating Ant Army in the Earth's core world, even if this invasion occurs, he, Su Yiyi, Mordos, and the Dragon-eating Ant Army that fell into the abyss first will be attacked by the main material world. Bai also has absolute confidence to win this war of planes!

It even directly dragged the Saint Laurent continent into the abyss of desolation!

In fact, most of the powerhouses who fell into the abyss, after becoming abyss lords, the first plane they attacked was the plane they were born in.

Because it is the most understanding and the most certain.

The only thing Su Bai didn't expect was that he opened the gate of the plane as the Lord of Desolation, and there was no Saint Laurent continent in it!

Perhaps the will of the abyss has long anticipated this situation.

Or maybe this is a transaction and compromise between the will of the abyss and the will of the supreme.

When Su Bai opened the gate of the plane option, a piece of information suddenly appeared in his mind.

"One year, the ban will be lifted."

"One year period?"

"Is it the protection of the players again?"

Su Bai sneered.

Apparently, the skin shielded.

Perhaps, not only Saint Laurent Continent, but all worlds with weak energy levels like Saint Laurent Continent are within the range of this shield, and the shield will be lifted only after the one-year ban is over.

Obviously, this is the protection of the player by the Supreme Will.

There can be a devil worm emperor who almost destroyed the whole world in the Saint Laurent continent, and there may not be a devil dog emperor, devil wolf emperor, and devil dragon emperor in other continents.


What makes the supreme will guard against the most is the return of the monster emperor who fell into the abyss!

At that time, there is really no possibility of saving Saint Laurent Continent.

The simple aborigines are fine, the abyss invasion is a link in the world chain, even if the Saint Laurent continent is really dragged into the barren abyss by Su Bai, it will only become one of countless abyss worlds.

It's different when it comes to players.

A main material world that obviously has no ability to resist has encountered the invasion of the abyss army. I am afraid that tens of millions of players in it can only die in battle and delete their accounts.

The will of the abyss and the will of the supreme are in a relationship of opposition and competition.

This does not mean that there is no cooperation between the two, or the possibility of a transaction.

Perhaps there was some price paid, the Supreme Will sealed off the Saint Laurent Continent, and the Abyssal Will also agreed to this ban, making Su's plan to invade the Saint Laurent Continent come to naught.


All this is just Su Bai's guess based on that message.

But he can be sure that there is an 80% chance that the truth is like this!

For a moment, Su Bai could only sneer.

"It's just a one-year ban!"

"It has been nearly a month since this king fell into the abyss!"

"I want to see how much the players in Saint Laurent Continent can grow in one year!"

In less than two years, Su Bai has grown from a meager-level ant to the present, and has become the legendary Lord of Desolation who slaughters a dog like a dog. In another year, Tu Shen dare not say that he can at least grow to The level that even the overlords look up to!

And the players?

0 for flowers...

For nearly two years, the mainstream of players has remained at the hero level.

Players who break through the hero rank and enter the epic rank are very rare!

With less than a year left, I am afraid that the mainstream of players will still remain at the hero level, and only the top players will have the opportunity to break through the epic boundary and be promoted to legend.

Even if so many legendary heroes among the aborigines have been slaughtered, even the golden dragon king who has stood on the top of the continent for thousands of years has been slaughtered, how many legendary players will Su Bai be afraid of?


From another point of view, this is not only not a bad thing, but a good thing!

This year is enough for Su Bai to grow to the Sanctuary, or even to a higher level.

One year is enough for players to grow further, enough for a larger number of players to enter the Saint Laurent continent.

Wait until the ban period is over...  

What awaits Su Bai may be more experience points, evolution points and soul points!

At this time, the Saint Laurent continent is like a fruit tree.

The ban of the Supreme Will made Su Bai temporarily only able to watch, but not to approach.

But as time goes by, more and more fruits will be produced on this fruit tree, and they will become more and more mature!

When the period of embargo is over, the fruit on this fruit tree is fully ripe.

At that time, it will be Su Bai's harvest time!

From this point of view... It seems that the Supreme Will was also tricked by the Abyss Will?

After closing the option panel, Su Bai no longer struggles with the war of planes.

Since Saint Laurent's continent is temporarily blocked, let's put the plane war aside.

There are countless monsters in the barren abyss, and these monsters can be used as experience points and food for Su Zhong, Su Yiyi, Mordos, and the dragon-eating ants.

When these monsters are almost cleaned up, their strength will increase again.



The path from man to God has been taken.

Next, it's time for Su Bai to elevate his rank again, stepping into the sanctuary realm above the legend!

PS1: Ahem, there is a foreshadowing, now is not the time to invade the Saint Laurent continent. When the protagonist's strength improves again, this continent will be of great use...

PS2: For the second update, please order in full! Please subscribe automatically!.

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