From Ants To Demon Gods Of The Abyss

034 I, Su Bai! Abyss Demigod! (Part 1) [Fifth Update Begging For Full Order! 】

034 I, Su Bai! Demigod of the Abyss! (Part 1)

Neither of the two paths to become a demigod at the peak of the sanctuary is applicable to Su Bai.

He doesn't need to comprehend his own power system, so as to raise his strongest power to the limit, and then give birth to his own divinity.

Nor does he need to kill demigods and gods, plunder their divinity, and integrate them into his own body.


Even if Su Bai killed demigods and gods and plundered the divinity within them, it would be difficult for him to integrate them into his body and transform them into his own divinity.

The divinity he plundered will only be swallowed by his own blood!

Su Bai is the Lord of Desolation.

The power of desolation he possesses is not only one of the original powers of the endless abyss, but also a kind of authority!

Even if it is not the divine power possessed by gods and demon gods, it is not far behind.

Su Bai is also a Demon God.

After raising his bloodline to the extreme, Su Bai himself is a weakened version of a demon god! Have you ever seen that the divinity of a demon god needs to be plundered from other demigods or gods?

Even if it is really plundered, the divinity from the plunder is not used to integrate into oneself!

Instead, he was swallowed by his own blood, giving birth to 140 real, completely his own, unique divinity!

He is on an unprecedented path.

Even those who have achieved the existence of gods and demon gods countless years ago have never walked the road!

The Endless Abyss has the Desolate Abyss.

But there is no Desolate Demon God.

When Su Bai fell into the abyss and advanced his race from the abyss to the demon, the blood of the barren demon appeared.

When Su Bai merged the demigod-level skill [Desolation Devour] with various powers, the concept of Desolation Demon God appeared in the endless abyss!

This is a very mysterious question.

In the future, Su Bai will become the Demon God of Desolation, a Demon God that has never appeared in the endless abyss.

at the same time.

Because the Demon God of Desolation will appear in the future, Su Bai at this time has the blood of the Demon God of Desolation, and the skill [Desolate Devour] can make him become the Demon God of Desolation for a short time.

The concepts of time and cause and effect seem to be reversed in him.

At this time, Su Bai still had no access to these concepts.

He just knows.

Improve the power of barrenness! Purify the blood of the barren demon god in his body! He will naturally give birth to his own divinity! He will naturally be promoted from the peak of the sanctuary to the demigod realm!

As for how to improve...

very simple.

Devour other original powers!

The power of silence from the silent abyss has been swallowed by Su Bai and merged into the power of desolation.

The scorching power from the scorching abyss has also been swallowed by him and merged into the barren power.

The integration of these two kinds of original power has raised the power of desolation to a very high level! As long as there is a little more, he can successfully raise the power of desolation again, let his body give birth to divinity, let his body Promoted to a demigod!

The power of death.

The power of lies.

The power of chaos.

This is the original power that Su Bai obtained after the end of the three abyssal wars.

Eager to devour these three abyss worlds, after Su Bai obtained these three original powers, he did not directly swallow them, but simply merged into the power of barrenness.

after all.

In a state of war, it is indeed not a good time to devour the original power and demigod.

Now the war is over.

Only then can he calm down, devour these three kinds of original power, and officially raise his rank from the peak of the sanctuary to the demigod realm!

The mind sinks into the body.

Attention is focused on the soul.

Su Bai drives the power of barrenness to devour the power of death.

The first kind of original power was integrated, and the barren power that had already reached the critical point instantly crossed that critical point and was elevated to a new level! Su Bai also felt that there seemed to be some barrier in his body that had been broken.

The first bit of divinity born in the body!

That is (caei) at this moment!

Su Bai's rank is from the peak of the sanctuary to the advanced demigod!

The difference between a sanctuary and a demigod is that the first point lies in divinity, the second point lies in divine power, and the third point lies in skills!

Su Bai has already possessed demigod-level skills.

Divinity is something that every sanctuary powerhouse who wants to advance to a demigod wants to obtain.

It was also after possessing the first bit of divinity that Su Bai knew the source of the demigod's divine power.

The supernatural power of the demon god comes from its authority.

The power of the gods comes from their beliefs.

So how can a demigod who has no authority and no faith gain divine power?

The answer is divinity!

Divinity can be regarded as the gene of the gods, and it can also be regarded as the blood of the gods.

When the first bit of divinity was born, it began to absorb the energy and blood in the body, purified it and fed it back to the body. Every time this process is carried out, the energy of the demigod will be purified, and its body and soul will be strengthened.

The power purified by divinity is the demigod power possessed by demigods.

And the tempering of the body and soul by divinity... is the process of a demigod condensing his soul into a divine soul, and tempering his body into a divine body!

It's just that the tempering of the body and soul by divinity is passive and is carried out all the time!

A demigod can take the initiative to speed up this process, take the initiative to temper his body and soul, so that his soul can be sublimated into a god soul faster, and his body can be tempered into a god body faster!

When the soul is completely tempered into a divine soul, and the body is completely tempered into a divine body, that is when a demigod truly reaches the limit of this rank!

At this time.

This existence who has reached the limit of a demigod can advance to a demon god or a god as long as he obtains the authority or priesthood that is compatible with himself!

From this point of view, how much divinity a demigod possesses has little to do with whether he is a lower demigod or a middle demigod.

As long as it exists for a long enough time, even if it only has 1 point of divinity, it can completely refine its soul and body into a divine soul and a divine body, reaching the peak of the demigod realm.

In theory it is.

It's actually quite difficult.

There are also struggles between demigods.

It is even said that the war between demigods is more tragic than the war below this realm!

A demigod whose very existence is a precious resource.

Divinity can be plundered by other existences, allowing the existence at the peak of the sanctuary to break through the limit and be promoted to the realm of demigods, and it can also allow other demigods to grow and give birth to more divinities

The soul can be devoured to increase the strength of one's own soul, and it can also be refined into equipment to increase the power of the equipment.

The divine body can be tempered to extract its essence, or it can be directly forged into equipment to enhance the strength of other existences.

PS: The fifth update asks for a full order! Please subscribe automatically!.

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