From Ants To Demon Gods Of The Abyss

035 I, Su Bai! Abyss Demigod! (Below) [Sixth More Full Orders! 】

035 I, Su Bai! Demigod of the Abyss! (Part 2)

To some extent, every demigod is a hostile relationship.

Every demigod wants to devour other demigods, devour their souls, seize their divinity, and refine their divine bodies, so that they will be one step closer to the peak of demigods, and to the level of gods and demon gods!


It is more cruel than the realm under the demigod~!

In this sense, it can also explain that the undead demigod Yong Ye Maharaja had already reached the peak of demigod, but only possessed 125 points of divinity; while the six-winged Balrog was only a median demigod, with the amount of divinity he possessed But it is twice as much as the Maharaja Yongye!

Not only was the six-winged Balrog from the Balrog family, but his talent and potential surpassed that of the Skeleton Mage family from Yong Ye Maharaja.

It is also because of being in the endless abyss, the number of battles and demigods that the six-winged Balrog has experienced far exceeds that of the Eternal Ye Majesty!

that is it.

From a demigod to a god and a demon god is the process of refining the soul and body.

The ranks of this realm are also divided according to the degree of refinement of the soul and god.

If the degree of tempering of the soul and body is below 30%, it is a lower demigod.

The tempering degree of the soul and body is between 30% and 60%, which is the median demigod.

The tempering degree of the soul and body is between 60% and 90%, which is the upper demigod.

The tempering degree of the soul and body exceeds 90%, which is the peak demigod.

When a demigod's soul and body are completely tempered, reaching 100% [that is, the demigod extreme state!

Whether it is in the endless abyss or the main material world, or in the interlayer world between the endless abyss and the main material world, those who have reached the demigod state are collectively called the strongest!

The strongest, the supreme!

In the godless age when all the gods and demons are asleep, these supreme beings are the real supreme beings!

With just one kind of authority, or one kind of priesthood, these powerhouses can immediately advance and become real gods or demon gods!

The Lord of the Burning Abyss, Balor, was the first supreme being Su Bai encountered.

It is precisely because he has reached the extreme state of demigods and completely tempered his soul and body to the level of the soul and body of the gods, that Ballow is qualified to challenge the gods and demon gods!

As for the purpose of the challenge.....

Part of it comes from the disposition of the Balrog clan.

The biggest reason is that the Barlow Balrog wants to obtain a kind of authority or priesthood, so that his rank can be promoted from the demigod extreme to a real demon or god!

The power of death is swallowed.

Then the first divinity was born, and Su Bai's rank also successfully advanced from the peak of the sanctuary to the demigod realm.

Immediately afterwards.

This bit of divinity begins the transformation of body and soul.

In the field of vision of Su Bai [Breaking Demon Eyes], this first bit of divinity is like a light spot born from his body, which continuously absorbs the barren power in his body into it, and after some purification and transformation After that, it was released again and returned to its own body.

During this process.

Su Bai vaguely noticed that his body and soul... seemed to have grown a little bit stronger.

This, again, is the little difference between Su Bai and the other demigods.

The divinity of other demigods is purified and transformed into the power of demigods that match their attributes, while Su Bai's divinity is purified and transformed into the power of barrenness.

Not only tempering his body and soul towards the divine body and soul, but also tempering the barren power towards the barren divine power!


The authority or priesthood that a demigod desires most, Su Bai has already obtained it as early as the end of the eighth evolution!


This is his authority.

Desolate Demon God.

This is his advanced direction.

If Baloo and other supreme beings who have reached the demigod state know Su Bai's current state, they will be jealous to the point of madness!

As one of the original powers of the endless abyss, after the power of death is swallowed, naturally Su Bai will not only give birth to 1 point of divinity, this is just the beginning!

After the first point of divinity was born.

As the power of desolation devours the power of death, the purity of the power of desolation is getting higher and higher, and the number of divinities born in Su Bai's body is also increasing!

1 o'clock.

10 O'Clock.

50 points.


Alfonso devoured a complete demigod corpse, looting more than fifty points of divinity from it.

Su Bai devoured the power of death with the power of desolation, but gave birth to a full 167 points of divinity in his body! More than three times that of Alfonso!


The divinity obtained by Alfonso was obtained by plunder after all, and it would take a long time of refining to turn those divinity into his own divinity.

0 Seeking flowers………………………

The divinity in Su Bai's body was completely born by himself!

It is truly his own divinity!

With 167 points of divinity, it has surpassed Alfonso, and also surpassed the former undead demigod Yongye Maharaja.

For Su Bai, this is just the beginning.

After the power of desolation completely devoured the power of death, Su Bai activated the power of desolation and began to devour the second original power he possessed, the power of lies!

After a few minutes.

The power of lies is completely swallowed.

The power of desolation controlled by Su Bai has been purified again, which is one step further away from the level of divine power of desolation.

His divinity has also increased from 167 points to 385 points, a full increase of 218 points!



It is the third and last original power he possesses, the power of chaos!

The power of chaos is stronger than the power of lies and the power of death.

After devouring this powerful original power, Su Bai's divinity increased again, from 385 points directly to as much as 600 points!

This amount of divinity has surpassed the six counting Balrog, two or three times more than the demigod he beheaded!

A full 600 points of divinity, like 600 small engines, are distributed in every part of Su Bai's body, strengthening his body all the time.

every second.

Both his soul and body are strengthening towards the soul and body.

every second.

The barren power he possessed was moving towards the barren divine power.

From this time on.

Even if Su Bai doesn't do anything, his soul will slowly sublime into a divine soul; his body will be tempered into a divine body, and the barren power he controls will also be advanced into a barren divine power!

When all this is completed, he will become a complete and real barren demon god!


This requires a very long process!

So long, Su Bai can't wait for the automatic completion of these three evolutions!

Take the initiative!

It is Su Bai's pursuit to complete the sublimation of his soul, body, and desolate power as quickly as possible, and to be promoted to the Desolate Demon God at the fastest speed!

PS: The sixth update asks for a full order! Please automatically subscribe!.

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