From Ants To Demon Gods Of The Abyss

041 Make Up For The Shortcomings, Dream Skills! [Eighth More Please Subscribe! 】

041 Make up for the shortcomings, dream skills!

The third effect of the title of "King of Demonic Insects" is not so much an effect, but a warning from the system.

The text description on the property panel is very elegant and subtle.

If it is converted into a language for normal communication between humans, Su Bai estimates that this text should look like this...

"You're being watched by me!"

"Hurry up and leave the world of humans (including humanoid races) and go to the territory of monsters! If I see you wandering in the world of humans again, I will send more powerful adventurers

Kill you!"

The rule of the system is balance.

Before that, even the system had no choice but to take Su Bai.

But after Su Bai slaughtered the Rhine King City, created a massacre event, and brought a series of follow-up effects, the system used various methods to attract a legendary hero to attack him. It is really possible...

After all, even in the real world, a monster like Su Bai is likely to attract the initiative of legendary heroes.

Stronger adventurers = legendary 20 heroes.

That's for sure.

Nerod and Albert, who have one attack and one defense, are extremely well-known among high-level epic heroes. They teamed up and wiped out Su Bai. They can be called "more powerful adventurers" by the system. There are only legendary heroes.

However, Su Bai is not too nervous.

After all, the slaughter of the Rhine King City triggered an epic plot mission. According to the rules of the game, when this mission ends, the impact of the mission will continue, but the punishment has already ended.

As long as Su Bai hides the whereabouts of himself and the gold-eating ants, does not actively expose himself to humans, and does not launch new monsters to attack the city, there will be no legendary heroes to attack him.

The purpose of the system is to expel himself and let himself leave the human world as soon as possible, so as to ensure the normal game progress in the Duchy of the Rhine.

As for Su Bai wanting to stay in the human world...

two ways.

The first one, the strength of Su Bai and the gold-eating ants grow stronger again! When Su Bai is enough to kill the legendary heroes, and the gold-eating ants can easily wipe out cities and countries, let alone appear in the human world, even if Su Bai wants to Conquering the world, destroying the world, I am afraid the system will be helpless.

However, at that time, what he will have to face is the legendary heroes from all over the world, as well as the coalition forces of various races.

The second is to wait!

When the game develops to the middle and late stages, and the players grow up completely, the battle between monster races and players, and the battle between various races may become one of the themes of the game.

At that time, I am afraid that the system will take the initiative to drive all kinds of powerful monsters to appear in the human world. When Su Bai appears again, it will not be against the system, but conform to the system.

"The system is still biased towards the player after all.

"The so-called warning is also a way for the system to protect players!"

"However, this also shows that my strength is not strong enough! If I have grown to the epic level and legendary level, what can I do if I am attacked by legendary heroes?"

"Come one and kill one! Come two and kill one pair!"

Letting out a long breath, he closed the description interface of "King of Demon Insects", and Su Bai looked at the mission panel again.

The epic plot mission brought three kinds of rewards to Su Bai.

The first kind of reward is fame. With 179 points of fame, Su Bai successfully passed the path of being promoted to legend.

The second type of reward is the epic title, which shows how powerful the "King of Demon Insects" is.

The third reward is skills!

However, as one of the rewards for the epic plot mission, general skill extraction is not eligible. The skill extraction this time is completely different from the skill extraction after each evolution and advancement.

When Su Bai chose to receive the third reward, a complex option that he had never seen before appeared in front of him.

【Active skill】

【Passive skill】

【Status skill】

After each option is clicked, there are more options inside: attack skills, defense skills, buff skills, debuff skills, displacement skills, auxiliary skills...


It is impossible for all skills in the game world to appear on a skill selection panel, but all skills and classes appear.

Su Bai can arbitrarily choose a type of skill to draw as his third reward for this epic mission.

Simply put, this is an opportunity for Su Bai to make up for his shortcomings!

Looking at the option window that appeared for the first time, Su Bai thought for a while.

At present, with his current strength and skills, he is almost developing in the direction of omnipotence.

With the existence of various passive skills, each of his normal attacks is equivalent to the skills of other professions, dealing tons of damage, it is difficult for anyone to block it.

When facing a heavy armored unit with strong defense, he has the [Sunder Armor] skill, which can deal armor-sundering damage that ignores defense.

When facing a mage with powerful attack power, he has [Magic Breaking Strike] and various top-level elemental resistances, which are enough to withstand the mage's violent bombardment and strike close to him, and deliver a fatal blow.

When facing archers, knights, swordsmen and other professions, he also has [Dragon Transformation Scale Armor] that combines top physical resistance.

It can be said that so many skills appeared in one person, making Su Bai a monster that should never appear in the game world!

But he still has shortcomings.

That's anti-air ability!

Legendary heroes can fly, as can wind mages with levitation and other professions with flying mounts.

When facing this kind of enemy, Su Bai, who has no flying ability and no flying mount, is at a huge disadvantage, almost passively beaten and unable to fight back.

Then, it is extremely important to make up his anti-air ability or simply get a flying skill of 550.

After carefully studying the options in the skill window, Su Bai finally chose the displacement skill.

With his choice, the originally complicated skill option window disappeared, and four displacement skills appeared in his field of vision instead.

[Charge]: Active skill. Consume half of the stamina, cross a certain distance at the speed of agility attribute*2, and quickly appear in front of the enemy. The current maximum charging distance is 20 meters.

[Jump and Slash]: Active skill. Consume half of the stamina, lock on a target and jump, when you successfully jump to the vicinity of the target, the next attack will be accompanied by physical damage of strength attribute*2. The current maximum jumping distance is 50 meters.

[Blinking]: Rare skills, active skills. Consume 100 mana points to perform a random movement within a range of 10 meters. When the end point of the displacement is in mid-air

You will get a short-term airborne effect, and you can consume an additional 100 magic points to perform a second displacement.

[Phase Shift]: Rare skills, active skills. Consume 100 magic points, lock an enemy, exchange the position of the enemy with your own, and the initial transfer distance is 20 meters.

Four displacement skills, or skills with displacement effects.

After viewing these four skills, Su Bai selected the third skill at a glance, flashing!

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