From Ants To Demon Gods Of The Abyss

042 Last Wave, Leave! [Ninth Update Please Subscribe! 】

042 Last Wave, Leave!

[Charge] and [Jump Slash] are directly ignored.

【Phase Shift】Although it is also an extremely powerful displacement skill, even comparable to a magic skill in some cases, it is not suitable for Su Bai.

In comparison, the [Blink] skill seems to be tailor-made for him!

Without hesitation, he chose the third skill. Seeing the newly appeared [Flickering] skill on his panel, Su Bai directly opened his second panel to upgrade this skill with soul points.

With 1 soul point invested, the consumption of the [Blink] skill is doubled, and the displacement distance is also doubled.

2 points of soul points are invested, the skill consumption is doubled again, and the displacement distance is also increased again.

3 o'clock, 4 o'clock, 5 o'clock....

A full 10 points of soul points were invested to upgrade this newly acquired rare skill to an unimprovable level!

10 soul points, this is the skill that consumes the most soul points among all the skills acquired by Su Bai.

If it wasn't for beheading "Tearing Wind" and "Fearless Sword", he obtained 10 soul points respectively, and the soul points he had saved before would not be enough to consume this retribution.


With such a huge investment, the effect brought about is also extremely powerful.

The [Flickering] skill that has been promoted to the top level can be called a fantasy magic skill!

[Blinking]: Rare skills, active skills. Consume 1000 mana points to perform a random displacement within 100 range. When the end point of the displacement is in mid-air, you will get a short-term airborne effect, and you can consume an additional 1000 magic points to perform a second displacement. The highest number of continuous displacement, 9 times.

Huge investment and mana consumption bring fantastic effects!

Looking at the description of the finalized [Blinking] skill, Yin Bai couldn't help but be overjoyed.

After being upgraded to the top level, among the movement skills of [Blink], I am afraid that there is only one of the ultimate skills of the mage, [Teleportation] can be compared!

The maximum nine-stage displacement not only allows Su Bai to cross a distance of a thousand meters in a very short time, but also makes his fighting methods more flexible and changeable, making him unexpected!

It can be said that the appearance of a [Blinking] skill made Su Bai's fighting power surge again!

If he meets the combination of Nerrod and Albert again at this time, I am afraid that Albert will not even have a chance to stop him, and Nerrod will be killed by himself!


The dreamlike effect comes with a huge mana consumption.

Each stage of displacement consumes up to 1000 mana points, and with Su Bai's current maximum mana value, he can only complete seven stages of displacement.

This is also a full distance of 700 meters!

At this time, Su Bai can say that if he encounters monsters and heroes with the ability to fly again, as long as they have not been promoted to legend, as long as they dare to approach within 500 meters, he can quickly approach them with a displacement of up to seven stages, and surpass them kill!

Before that, the lack of anti-air ability was Su Bai's biggest shortcoming.

【Blinking】Although it is not an anti-air skill, it also gives him an anti-air ability! And it is more powerful, more suitable for Su Bai!

so far.

Su Bai fills in the last short board!

Time flies.

In the blink of an eye, five days passed.

With the shattering of the stele in the center of the city, the Rhine King City was finally turned into ruins.

As time goes by, if there are no aboriginal nobles and heroes to rebuild, this originally prosperous city will eventually become a gathering place for various monsters.

None of this has anything to do with Su Bai.

During these five days, Su Bai did not allow the queen to continue laying eggs, but started to retreat with the worker ants, the queen, and the more than 40,000 gold-eating ants that survived the war.

Yes, retreat.

With a reputation of up to 179 points, Su Bai is also famous among the monster bosses in the game world.

His current popularity, not to mention the epic monster bosses, even some legendary monster bosses can't match.

How can I not get wet shoes when I often stand by the river.

Just like the warning in the title of "King of Demon Insects", he continued to wander around the human world with gold-eating ants. Maybe that day he met a legendary hero who "passed by by chance" and was crusaded.

When you have enough strength, you can be reckless.

When you are weak, you have to develop insignificantly.

This has always been Su Bai's creed.

Su Bai's strength is strong enough to crush high-level epic heroes. But the reputation he obtained far exceeded his strength and rank, which made Su Bai's strength look weak.

Because this means that his next enemy is a legendary existence!

The road to the legendary level has been opened, and what he needs to do next is to hunt, hunt, and hunt again!

Promote from the lord level to the epic level, from the epic level to the legendary level!

In this process, hunting in a world full of monsters is obviously more cost-effective than risking hunting in a human world.

Moreover, the growth and growth of gold-eating ants also need the emperor's prey.

Finding an area with a sufficient number of monsters and a sufficiently high level as a new territory has become Su Bai's current top priority.


After taking a look at his second panel and the race panel of the gold-eating ants, Su Bai made a decision: before leaving the human world, make a last grab!

Gray Rock City.

Another few days passed, and the players in Gray Rock City were still busy.

The existence of the debuff state of "Exile" makes every player feel aggrieved. If it wasn't for the high cost of deleting the account and restarting, there would probably be countless players who would choose to delete the account after seeing this debuff state.

Among the players in the Rhine Principality, if the players in Rhine King City are the worst, then the players in Gray Rock City are the luckiest.

Not that they don't have the "Exile" debuff.

As a member of the Principality of the Rhineland, players in Gray Rock City also get this debuff status, which cannot be removed.

But when all Rhineland players have nothing but losses, the Gray Rock City players who have made a lot of money by relying on large-scale regional missions are undoubtedly the luckiest.


When the plague of monsters and insects broke out and the Rhine King City fell, Gray Rock City relied on its previous extremely sufficient preparations to not only block the attack of the more than 3,300 gold-eating ants, but also to prevent the attack of the ant leader who was the leader of the ant colony. The warrior-level gold-eating ants were killed.

Without Su Bai's joining, without gathering enough numbers, the gold-eating ants are far from being as tough as they imagined.

The completion of large-scale regional tasks makes every player who participates in the task get a lot of rewards.

The player with the highest contribution in the mission (be well) even directly obtained a piece of gold-quality heavy armor—a golden heavy armor made from the carapace of the warrior-level gold-eating ant.

Compared with the miserable situation of other players in the Principality of Rhine, the players in Gray Rock City naturally have a sense of superiority.


Their superiority did not last long.

On the seventh day, when the players in Gray Rock City continued to be busy with quests, experience, and improving their own strength, a black wave surged from the endless wilderness, quickly approaching the place closest to the dark forest. City!

The destination of the last wave, Su Bai still chose Gray Rock City!

PS1: Regarding the heroine, please rest assured that you will not follow the harem route, and you will not accept vase girls. Moreover, in the early stage, we will not consider accepting women for the time being. The author can only reveal that most monsters can only transform into human form after being promoted to legend, and some monsters with high aptitude can only transform into human form after reaching the level of legend~ Hey, just for a look~

PS2: Please subscribe for the ninth update! Please subscribe automatically!.

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