From arms dealer to king of war

Chapter 912 Fierce Big Fish

This was Qiao Liang's first time riding a vessel like an inland river rapid response vessel...

He was extremely curious about ships like the Blue Whale!

Since he was out of sight of his family members, Qiao Liang began to walk around the ship, trying to understand the internal structure of such a big guy.

The four-story building on the foredeck occupies about half of the entire deck.

The area inside the building is not large, but the internal divisions are well done, enough for 60 soldiers to eat and rest at the same time.

Two cranes are installed on the rear deck, and two rubber boats can be lowered into the water at any time.

Compared to the powerful-looking patrol boats at the rear, the Blue Whale looked simple and honest, because Qiao Liang didn't see any weapons on it until...

Qiao Liang took a tour inside the ship, and then returned to the back deck to talk to his brother. He saw Ayou leading several particularly fierce-looking Eastern Europeans, each carrying an M2 heavy machine gun. Walked out below decks.

Watching Ayu walk to the side of the ship, lift up a machine gun rack and fix it, then put the machine gun rack up and load ammunition...

Qiao Liang counted the number of machine gun mounts, walked to Boss Qiao who was trying to assemble the fishhook in awe, and said, "Brother, don't be so exaggerated, right?"

Qiao Jia is actually not very good at fishing. He is a bit clueless about assembling lures. This is when he is busy with work...

After hearing Qiao Liang's question, Qiao Jia looked up, then said with a smile: "Do you think this is too much?"

Qiao Liang pointed to the 'guards' behind him and said, "Of course, with them here, will anyone come to attack us?"

"Without them, no one would attack us..."

Qiao Jia lowered his head and hurriedly tied up a lure. He picked up a hand pole and tried it before throwing the lure into the river. Then he shook the spinning wheel to adjust its position and said with a smile: “I’ve learned something since starting this business…

‘Intimidation’ and ‘deterrence’ can sometimes avoid most trouble!

And it’s better to be prepared than not! "

Qiao Liang ‘Huh? ’ made a sound, then sat next to Qiao Jia, and said curiously: “Are there so many machine guns to scare people?”

Qiao Jia nodded and said: "It's mainly to scare people, and it can also be used to hit people when necessary.

The same goes for your business. Don't pretend to be a pig and eat the tiger. It's boring!

Showing off your capabilities will not only gain the respect of your collaborators, but also prevent some unclear and idiots from causing trouble.

Low-key is used in life and dealing with others, not in work! "

Qiao Liang is not very used to his brother's behavior, because he is used to keeping a low profile in China...

Anyone who knows him knows how powerful he is!

But people who don’t know him can hardly imagine how many resources this young man who has not yet graduated from college can mobilize.

Qiao Jia turned his head and glanced at Qiao Liang, who was not used to it. He smiled and said, "You have to follow me. Since you are here, you should adapt to P·B's style.

Just look at me and I'll send you to the hospital. This is our style! "

Qiao Liang looked at Qiao Jia, who acted like a gangster brother, shook his head and said, "Brother, everything you did around Sangha Town is a good thing..."

Qiao Jia sneered and said: "That's because I killed all the people who were in the way, so that I can do good things with peace of mind.

Xiao Liang, it is much harder to be a good person than a bad person in this world!

Don’t blindly believe in ‘goodness’!

As long as you are "kind", you will be vulnerable to "evil"! "

As he spoke, Qiao Jia looked at the thoughtful Qiao Liang and said with a smile: "You should stay in Afika for a longer time. The primitiveness, wildness, and cruelty here can make you experience another side of the world.

My old friend once said a very classic saying, "Kindness is meaningful only if it is supported by violence."

I have always remembered this sentence, and then engraved "humane and controlled violence" into my bones.

Then you see, your brother and I have killed many people, but no one in Central Africa thinks that I am a madman or a murderer. "

When Qiao Jia spoke, the power he naturally showed made Qiao Liang a little uncomfortable.

He looked at his brother who exuded a tyrannical aura, nodded and said, "I probably understand."

Qiao Jia lifted the fishing rod and found that there was nothing on it. He threw the bait into the river again, then looked at Qiao Liang and said: "I don't want you to imitate me. If you imitate what I do in China, then you can You have to sit through the bottom of the prison.

What I actually mean is that when facing enemies or people who are in the way, you should be more arrogant.

Don't waste your time on these people because you won't be able to convince them to side with you.

If you want to make someone who cannot communicate obedient, it is better to go to the gym and sweat for three months than to study for three years! "

Qiao Liang looked at his brother who had been encouraging him to "learn bad things". He said funnyly: "Brother, I understand. I will ask my bodyguard to go to the gym for three months..."

Qiao Jia was stunned for a moment, then laughed and said, "It's not wrong if you do this.

I'm worried that if you are too soft-tempered, you will suffer a disadvantage when facing some problems in the future.

Xiaoliang, you are not alone now, you have to take care of Tongtong and his family...

Occasionally showing your teeth to outsiders will help Tong Tong and his family avoid a lot of trouble, and it will also free up enough time for you to run the business you want.

If Dr. Yang and the director of his hospital knew your identity, he would not embarrass Dr. Yang at all.

Why are we working so hard?

We were incapable in the past, but now we both have families...

It's okay to be tactful when doing business, but when it comes to family, there's no need to be tactful.

I have gotten to this point just to make life better for myself and my family.

Is there any trouble?

Just because of your status, anyone who has a fucking opinion has to tolerate it! "

Qiao Liang lowered his head and thought for a moment, then nodded firmly and said, "I understand, brother!"

"As long as you understand..."

When Qiao Jia was talking, he suddenly felt the fishing rod sink. Then he exclaimed and lifted it hard, and then shouted happily: "I caught a fish, go get the net quickly, I feel it is a big fish..."

Qiao Liang rushed to the side of the boat and picked up a big net, then looked at the river in the distance and shouted: "Pull it, pull it, it seems like a really big fish..."

Qiao Jia seldom fished, but once in a while, he actually caught something in a short time, which made him so happy...

He turned the spinning wheel vigorously, trying to pull up the big fish faster, but the inexperienced Boss Qiao soon encountered Waterloo...

After a "pop" sound, the fishing line broke...

At this time, the big fish has been pulled to a distance of 17 or 18 meters, and the back of the big fish can already be seen...

Qiao Jia yelled in annoyance, and when he was about to take back the fishing line, a black shadow rushed out from beside him and jumped off the side of the ship more than 5 meters high and plunged into the water.

Qiao Jia was startled. When he looked over, he only saw a slight splash of water...

The water in the Ubangi River was still quite turbid. Just when Qiao Jia was observing and wanted to inform the Blue Whale to stop, a hand suddenly rested on the pedal at the stern of the boat...

Qiao Jia looked at the Malay Bajau capybara with a bright smile on his face. He held the stern pedal with one hand and a rope with the other. He rushed to the stern of the ship and stretched out his hand to pull the capybara up, and said helplessly : "I'm just catching a fish, you don't have to work so hard, right?"

The 'Capybara' did not immediately respond to Boss Qiao after it came up. He motioned to Boss Qiao to grab him, then knelt on the stern pedal and pulled the rope hard...

Soon Qiao Jia felt his hands tighten. He quickly squatted down and grabbed the belt of the 'capybara' to prevent him from being pulled into the river.

"Let me go, what kind of fish is this, so strong?"

The movement on Qiao Jia's side attracted everyone's attention. When Qiao Liang was holding the net and wanted to go down to help, Dorian grabbed him...

The Italian smiled at the second boss and said: "It's a bit dangerous down there. You stay here and I'll go help..."

After saying that, Dorian went down the gangway to the tail step, and then used two safety ropes to connect the 'capybara' to the boss. Then he grabbed the safety rope tightly and shouted loudly: "Boss, What did you catch..."

When Dorian was shouting to add to the fun, the water surface not far away suddenly started to roll...

Qiao Jia and Dorian, who finally saw the big fish in full view, exclaimed...

"Oh shit, what is this?"

A barbed harpoon sank into the gills of the big fish. The huge pain allowed the 'capybara' to easily pull the big fish out of the water...

The big fish is about 1.2 meters long, with a dark golden body. It looks a bit like a large grass carp, but this guy has crocodile-like teeth in its mouth...

During the struggle, the big fish's mouth kept opening and closing, making "click" and "click" sounds. Just hearing the force made Qiao Jia feel cold sweat on his back...

He looked at the 'capybara' that was pulling hard and said in disbelief: "You actually won?"

The 'capybara' turned back to Boss Qiao and grinned its yellow teeth, and said happily: "Boss, this is the 'tiger fish', also called the Congo piranha.

There is an aboriginal man in Sangha Town who can make armor from the scales of tiger fish, and that thing can be sold for a lot of money in Ndele..."

Qiao Jia was stunned for a moment, then shook his head and said: "Brother, your salary is quite good. Do you have to work so hard? Being bitten by this thing is no less serious than being bitten by a crocodile."

As he said that, Qiao Jia took the scratching hook handed over by Ayou on the boat. When the big fish came close to the side, he hooked it hard by its gills, and then dragged it to the edge of the pedal with all his strength.

'Capybara' pulled out his dagger and gestured, but in the end he was not willing to smash 'Tiger Fish''s head. He signaled to the captain of the boat, 'Gray Wolf', then looked at Boss Qiao and said: "Fish scales are made The finished armor can be sold for 60,000 yuan, and the fish heads made into handicrafts can be sold for 10,000 yuan..."

When Dorian next to him heard this, he bravely knelt down on the pedal and put the rope loop hanging down from the 'Gray Wolf' on the tail of the 'Tiger Fish'. Then he motioned to the people on the boat to pull hard while facing the 'Capybara' said: "Man, I helped. Remember to give me some money after selling..."

‘Capybara’ smiled at Dorian, shook his head decisively and said, “No!”

Qiao Jia followed the big fish back to the deck. He picked up a scale half the size of a palm and felt it in amazement. Then he looked at the giant thing and said in disbelief: "This thing is so scary!

Why is there such a thing in the Congo River? "

As he spoke, Qiao Jia looked back at the 'capybara' that came up, and said with a smile: "This thing looks like it eats meat. Is its meat delicious?"

'Capybara' smiled and shook his head, saying, "I caught one in the past, and it tasted very ordinary..."

Just when Qiao Jia was a little disappointed, Qiao Liang, who was squatting on the ground with his mobile phone to take pictures of the big fish, suddenly exclaimed: "What is that?

There seems to be something in the fish’s belly…”

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