From arms dealer to king of war

Chapter 913 Terrifying Hands

The 'tiger fish' is not dead yet. It is struggling desperately on the deck, its terrifying big mouth is opening and closing up and down, making "click" and "click" sounds...

Qiao Liang was startled by the thing in the fish's mouth. He stood up and turned the picture back, and exclaimed: "It's a human hand, this thing eats people..."

Qiao Liang's words stunned the people around him. The boss of Team D, Big Bad Wolf, picked up an iron rod and wanted to end the life of 'Tiger Fish', but was stopped by 'Capybara'.

This guy asked Dorian to hold the rope at the tail of the 'tiger fish', then he reached into the gills of the tiger fish, exhaled and forcefully straightened the one-meter-two-meter-long fish.

Then the Bajau man pulled out a triangular spike from his calf, made a gesture at the joint between the tiger fish's head and body, and then stabbed it in hard.

It's really different when professionals kill things. If Qiao Jia was to handle such a big fish, it would be messed up. But the 'capybara' just stabbed it down with a knife. The tiger fish felt like it had received an electric shock, and its body instantly twisted and stiffened...

When the 'capybara' pulled out the three-edged thorn, it brought out a pool of red blood. Then the tiger fish seemed to be relieved, and the muscles on its body completely relaxed, and there was no movement anymore.

Qiao Jia also didn't understand the principle of "capybara" killing fish, so he thought "capybara" was particularly high-end.

He squatted down and supported the upper and lower jaws of the tiger fish with both hands. After pulling the tiger fish's terrifying big mouth open, he shouted to Dorian: "Take out the things inside and take a look..."

Dorian, who was named, walked around to the front in frustration, squatted on the ground and looked at his hands and the terrifying big mouth in front of him. He said helplessly: "Boss, why don't we just disembowel this fish..." …

I also saw it, it was indeed a hand, and it belonged to a white man. "

Dorian stretched out his hand and said, "If your hand slips later, there might be an extra hand in its belly..."

Qiao Jia was amused by Dorian's timidity. He suddenly let go and let the tiger fish's big mouth close...

"Crack!" An explosion made Dorian sit on the ground in fright...

The 'Capybara' was amused by Dorian's appearance. He picked up a scratching hook and walked to the tiger fish, and once again signaled the boss to open the fish's mouth...

Qiao Jia understood and opened the tiger fish's big mouth again...

He thought the 'capybara' wanted to use a scratching hook to take out the human hand. Unexpectedly, the 'capybara' inserted a one-meter-long scratching hook from the tiger fish's mouth into its belly, and then stirred it vigorously. While pulling outward, the entire internal organs of the tiger fish were actually pulled out.

As the 'capybara' dragged the red and green things, they spread all over the deck with a splash.

Most of the people here are people who have seen the world, and they don't think it is particularly cruel.

But when the tiger fish's internal organs were pulled out, the moment the contents of its stomach came into contact with the air, it began to emit a peculiar smell...

It can't be said to be smelly, the strong fishy smell is mixed with a putrid sour smell, and it has a stimulating feeling that goes straight to the brain.

Qiao Jia was fine. Qiao Liang, who was shooting with his mobile phone next to him, was shocked by the strange smell. He swallowed subconsciously, then retched, turned around and rushed to the stern of the boat to send all the food he had eaten in the morning into the river. inside.

Qiao Liang vomited for a while. In order not to be too embarrassed, he walked along the side of the ship to the wind, then pretended to be calm and walked over, holding up his mobile phone to continue filming...

As a result, when I first walked into the crowd, I saw the 'capybara' squatting on the ground, rummaging through the internal organs of the tiger fish with a dagger, and said with a smile: "This smell is not good...

Malay gangsters have a way of destroying corpses and eradicating traces, which is to boil people in a large pot, then pour out the soup and pour in strong acid to soak the cooked meat...

I destroyed one such workshop when I was in the army, and it smelled just like this.

Please pay attention later, the ground must be washed carefully, otherwise the paint surface will be corroded..."

Saying that 'Capybara' found a man, he picked it up with a dagger, gave Qiao Liang a look, and said, "This is it..."

Qiao Liang looked at the severed hand that had been soaked to pieces, and thought about what the 'capybara' had just said. He swallowed, and just as he was about to speak, he was hit by the smell...


Qiao Jia watched his brother vomit out the bile. He bumped his fists with the 'capybara' with a smile and said, "I told him to let him feel it. There is no need to make up stories to scare him.

Everyone is dead, why should they be boiled and soaked first? "

After the 'capybara' cleaned the tiger fish's belly, he packed up the mess in a bucket, and then pushed the tiger fish's internal organs into the river...

Looking at Boss Qiao who was disapproving, ‘Capybara’ smiled and said, “Boss, do you think I made it up?”

When Qiao Jia heard this, he said in disbelief: "Don't tell me is it true?"

'Capybara' walked to the stern of the boat and turned on the water pump. He rinsed his hands first, then rinsed the tiger fish's belly with a water pipe, and said with a smile: "It's true, because the DNA of the boiled human body is destroyed." broken.

There is no murder case without a body, and it is the same if the body is found but cannot be identified.

This kind of work has a special name in many places...

In Mexico they are called 'soup makers', in Colombia they are called 'cleaners', and in Malaysia they are called 'meat cooks'. I don't know if there are similar ones in other places..."

After hearing this, Qiao Jia shook his head in disbelief and said, "What are these people doing this for?"

‘Capybara’ shrugged his shoulders and said: “These places actually have police and order.

Gangsters and drug dealers are two professions. If gangsters want to make money, they have to be cautious.

The nature of gangsters is different from that of drug dealers. The more cautious gangsters, the longer they will exist.

People who do bad things will always be eliminated and liquidated one day, so they will definitely be willing to spend some money to find professionals to clean up the bodies, so that their guilt after being caught may be smaller.

The disappearance or death of those people's enemies will have different weight in the final reckoning. "

Qiao Jia has seen a lot of evil, but the industry that 'Capybara' talked about still makes him feel a little creepy.

If the body is not found, there is no murder. If the bones are found and DNA cannot be obtained, the identity cannot be confirmed. Even if the police catch the criminal, there is no way to connect him with the bones!

Qiao Jia did not expect that the criminal industry chain in this world had reached this point.

There are actually people doing this job!

He understood how to destroy corpses and eliminate traces, but being so professional that he even had to deal with DNA was beyond his understanding of gangsters.

This kind of thing does not exist in Afika, because most countries here do not have DNA testing equipment, and people in some countries here have completely different attitudes towards death than other countries.

At this time, the original benefits are shown. Compared with the evil that is forced into the darkness by rules and laws, the evil under the sun does not seem so unbearable.

It’s obvious that everyone is evil, and whoever has a bigger fist can speak louder, which is a pleasure!

In most countries, when you encounter gangsters or villains who know the law, the law cannot punish them. If you do it yourself, you will end up becoming a wanted criminal.

The cost of ‘justice’ has thus been raised a lot!

Qiao Jia laughed, kicked the bucket filled with messy things, and said: "This hand belongs to a white man. I don't think a white man will die silently in the Congo, unless they 'do not exist'..."

As he spoke, Qiao Jia pulled out the dagger and pierced his half-rotted palm, threw the severed hand next to the bucket, then fiddled with the dagger in the bucket and picked out a metal nameplate...

Looking at the shape and format of the nameplate, Qiao Jia frowned and said: "This is a bit like the nameplate of a British soldier, David Maxson...

Someone from Night Tiger once gave me a piece of information. He said that a group of mercenaries entered the Congo very early and were responsible for cultivating anti-government guerrillas. Their financial backers were a company called 'G·I·D' .

This guy should be one of the mercenaries. How do you think this guy died?

Is there anyone else in Central Africa and Congo fighting against suspicious foreigners besides us? "

Faced with Qiao Jia's question, most people around him spread their hands and said they didn't know...

P.B.'s people have been in Afika for a long time and are used to rough actions. Without natural enemies, they can win with their fists alone. No one is really willing to do the fine work.

P·B has several unmanned airships floating in the sky, which is the limit of Afica's technical information.

This shitty place throws James Bond into the jungle, he can't even get into a Bond girl, and he's talking about bullshit intelligence work?

Just when everyone was staring at each other, the old monster 'Spider' who had been silent for a long time came over and directly reached out from the bucket to pick up a spike that Qiao Jia didn't notice and put it in front of his eyes to look at...

This guy showed a creepy smile to Boss Qiao, threw the spike in his hand to an old monster whose body was covered with plaster every day, and then said to Boss Qiao: "Boss, this is the 'Mud Man Clan' The arrow, 'silt' is from the clay man tribe.

The Mudmen are all fierce warriors, maybe these people met them in the jungle..."

When Team D's 'Gray Wolf' heard this, he frowned and said, "Can't mercenaries defeat primitive people?"

‘Spider’ grinned and said: “Look at the bones of the severed hand. They were not broken by biting, but by being chopped several times with a stone axe.

Someone dismembered the mercenary and threw it into the river...

‘Silt’ once chopped a guy with a stone ax for 4 days. Every time he chopped something, he threw it to the wild beast in front of the opponent.

This is what happens when people from the Mud Tribe are angered! "

As he said this, 'Spider' picked up the half-rotten hand, put it in front of his nose, smelled it, and then said: "It's still fresh. If we can find the Mud Man Clan quickly, maybe this guy is still alive."

When Qiao Jia heard this, he looked at the silent 'silt' and said, "Can you find it?"

'Silt' nodded and said: "I can't guarantee that guy is alive, but if there are mud people nearby, I can find them."

After hearing this, Qiao Jia said decisively: "Then stop the ship and go look for it. The people we killed in the past two days were all guerrillas. We didn't see any mercenaries. Now we have clues. It's worth trying... …”

'Silt' listened and grinned, the plaster on his face cracked and deformed...

He dipped his finger in water and drew a simple river map on the ground, then pointed to a U-shaped curved river channel and said: "Boss, there is no need to stop the boat. I will disembark from here. You guys wait for me here. If I find them, I will meet you here..."

Counting 'silt', he took off his clothes and hung a dagger and a machete on his chest and back respectively. He smiled at the 'grey wolf' who looked down on primitive people, ran for a few steps and then plunged into the water. inside……

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