"To the Palace Master."

Li Mi greeted her.


Immediately said to the sky.

At the same time, he kept looking around sharply.

As his gaze swept across, everyone around felt a kind of unspeakable fear rising up by themselves, and suddenly they froze on the spot as if they had been hit by a body spell, with uncontrollable panic emerging in their eyes.

During this process, Xiang Tianxing carefully observed the reactions of these people, and only quickly retracted his gaze when he didn't see any disguise or abnormality.

"That's not necessary. If the star refiner is approaching, wouldn't Palace Master Xiang be able to detect it early?"

Li Mi put her large and small bags of salute on the car, and got into the car herself.

"The Star Refiner is not to be feared, but the Martial Saint is to be feared!"

Xiang Tianxing still maintained his vigilance: "Maybe it's because you have been practicing in the wilderness during this period of time, and you don't understand the changes in the outside world. You don't even know how chaotic the situation is during this period. All the peerless martial saints are afraid to go out now. , As far as I know, there have been no fewer than ten assassinations."

As he said that, he glanced at Li Mi: "If the peerless Martial Saint is like this, let alone you, the recognized 'King of the Century'?"

"So, you are afraid that a martial sage will come to assassinate me?"

Li Mi understood.

Xiang Tianxing nodded cautiously.

A star refiner can sense other star refiners, but if a martial saint deliberately restrains his breath to hide, who can tell the difference between him and ordinary people?

Li Mi took a look at the pedestrians who were gasping for breath and still in shock...

After some people reacted, their hands and feet became weak, and they couldn't even stand up, so they sat directly on the ground.

This is just a star refiner looking at it with stern and guarded eyes.

Not only did he not show any anger or murderous intent, but the time was very short.

ordinary people...

In front of the star refiner, it is really too fragile.

No wonder star refiners seldom show their faces in front of ordinary people.

To them, ordinary people are probably like some delicate porcelain dolls, which may be broken or damaged accidentally.

However, the law in Tianyuan still has strong protection for ordinary people, and star refiners cannot do whatever they want and kill indiscriminately.

Under such circumstances, they simply broke away from the circle of ordinary people, so as not to accidentally kill an ordinary person around them and bring trouble to life.

"Actually, Wu Sheng's assassination is no longer a threat to me."

Li Mu said.

"Heh... I'm familiar with your words."

Xiang Tianxing chuckled: "It should be during the period of the last king of the century. A peerless martial sage claimed to be invincible in the world. As a result, the war of the king of the century has not yet started, and he offended a top martial arts force. Martial Saint led the two top martial saints and killed him directly, and his dying counterattack even failed to drag any of the three to die together."

After finishing speaking, he glanced at Li Mi: "I know that you have cultivated a life force field, and ordinary martial arts saints are indeed not worth mentioning to you, but...you have to remember that the human body has limits."

"So, we chose to open up a new path and break this limit, didn't we?"

Li Mi also responded with a smile.

"But you haven't become a star refiner yet."

Xiang Tianxing said, and took a look at Li Mi: "Unless you are wearing the Ring of Nothingness, one of the six god rings, otherwise, no star refiner can hide from another star refiner face to face. "

"It's true that I haven't become a star refiner, but...not the top..."

As Li Mi spoke, she seemed to feel a little too high-profile.

He still can't sweep all the high-level star refiners.

After all, some heavily armed high-level star refiners are powerful enough to confront top star refiners who have not revealed their astral bodies.

"It's not a high-level star refiner or above, so I don't think it's a big threat to me."

Li Mu added.

"Arrogance is a big taboo for warriors."

"I'm just stating the facts."

As Li Mi said, she patted her backpack: "Get rid of these spoils for me?"

Xiang Tianxing could feel the star power escaping from it without looking.

"Star device? And high-level star device?"

"Well, all of them are replaced with Lei Magnetic Yuan Crystals, as much as they can be exchanged."

Li Mu said.



"You don't need to thank me, if you can listen to what I say, that is the best thanks."

Xiang Tianxing said, with a rare serious expression on his face: "Li Mu, I must say that your character needs to be changed, otherwise, if you continue like this, you will suffer a big loss sooner or later."

"Change personality?"

Li Mi looked at him and said with a smile: "If my personality can be changed, am I still me?"

"That's because you haven't had the experience that has necessitated a change in your character."

Xiang Tianxing said as if thinking of something: "No, your personality has changed. According to our understanding, you were not like this before."

Li Mi listened and didn't say anything more.

Seeing this, Xiang Tianxing also knew that his persuasion was difficult to convince him, so he could only sigh: "You have become the center of everyone's attention now, for your safety, I will contact Su Mai and ask him to escort you to Longmen Pavilion , Of course, it would be great to go to the special training base in Tianyuan Royal Capital."

"I won't go to the special training base. I've explained it. I have my own way of training."

Li Mu said.

"I know that my words are a bit preachy, and you don't like to listen to them, but potential is always potential! Even if you can become a legend in the future, so what? Theoretically, the more legends, the more natural it is for our human race. Okay, but, if this legend is completely out of control, and we are not of the same mind at all, is such a legend really beneficial to the human race?"

Xiang Tianxing looked at Li Mi with a calm expression: "It's like the worship of gods... Although they don't have legends, the existence of this sect can restrain the energy of more than one legend for Tian Yuan! One plus and one minus, they The damage is twice that of the legendary beast. If I had known that a legendary seed would grow like this, you should destroy him first, or spend a lot of energy and resources on him according to the original plan? "

Li Mi understood the meaning of Xiang Tianxing's words.

He is so maverick.

Maverick has the potential to be as powerful as a legendary seed, but no one is willing to invest in him.

Just like the county head of a county, even if someone in the county under his jurisdiction has become the champion of the college entrance examination and has a bright future, but he is rebellious and does his own way...

Will the county head spare no effort to cultivate him and support him?


It would be nice to be able to maintain the surface.

If the student is still full of hostility and shows an anti-social personality...

It will make people respectful.

Li Mi understood what Xiang Tianxing meant.

He also understood the reason why Xiang Tianxing said this to him.

After sitting in the car for a while, he spoke again.


He smiled: "Is it beneficial to the human race and the world if everyone must stay in their positions honestly and follow the path they arranged to advance and grow?"

"The world has its inclusiveness, and everyone has their own unique plasticity...but at least...we have to maintain this roughly correct direction."

Xiang Tianxing said, looking at Li Mi: "I only saw you in the direction you chose, and I didn't see anything other than you."

"You're calling me selfish."

Li Mu said.

Xiang Tianxing shook his head: "It's right to be selfish. Practice itself is a very personal thing. However, one should not only practice purely in this life. At least, you have to have the purpose of practice, the meaning of practice, and the meaning of practice. Or, you have to know what is supporting your practice and not...just for practice."

"I thought we would be the same."

Li Mu said.

"We have similarities, but not quite the same."


Li Mi looked at him, and he knew that the Lord of the Guarding Mansion had obviously received some kind of order from the upper echelon, and at this moment he was in some kind of struggle.

"I understand that the position you are in affects your vision, the world you come into contact with restricts your thinking, and the edges and corners you have been smoothed affect your heart, but... when we are used to this After everything, don't even try to break it to get rid of this shackle."

"Break it..."

Xiang Tianxing gradually said seriously: "What you said, I can understand it as values, world outlook, and outlook on life... As an adult, any choice should be paid for everything you choose... If you really want to put all these break in……"

He looked at Li Mi: "Then, the price, what price do you plan to pay for this?"


Li Mi thought of his original intention of embarking on the road of martial arts...

Life is so small.

Not to mention the opponents who were killed by him.

Lives taken away by natural disasters and chaotic wars.

Even a small wound infection may lead to death.

But he could only stand by, watching helplessly, and asked inexplicably why they died.

this life...

Vulnerable as duckweed.

Can't stand any rain or wind.


I really want him to become such a life...


he responded.


Xiang Tianxing narrowed his pupils.

"Time will prove everything."

Li Mi said again.

After finishing speaking, he smiled, as if nothing had happened just now: "Stop the car."

Xiang Tianxing looked at him, as if he wanted to see clearly what he said just now, whether it was youthful spirit, or...

A true portrayal of his heart.


Li Mi spoke again.

Xiang Tianxing was silent for a moment, then waved his hand.

At the moment, the driver drove the vehicle to a stop on the side of the road.

Li Mu pushed open the door and got out of the car.

But when he got off the car, Xiang Tianxing suddenly called out: "Li Mi!"


"I'll put the things you want in your villa in half a month."

Xiang Tianxing said: "And..."

He paused, looking at his back.

"Don't die."

Li Mi waved her hands with a smile, got out of the car openly, and strode away.

Seeing the back of Li Mi leaving, Xiang Tianxing sat in the car, silently.

"Mansion Master, it says that as long as Li Mi shows up..."

The driver opened his mouth.

But before he finished speaking, he was stopped by Xiang Tianxing.

He watched Li Mi's disappearing figure until he disappeared completely, but he still didn't say a word.

One step ahead of the world is a genius.

The one who is two steps ahead of the world is the lunatic.

Li Mi...

Is it crazy...

Or, is he really on a more advanced and correct path?


as he said.

Time will prove everything.

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