As the time of the King of the Century War is getting closer, the topic of the King of the Century Contest is also getting higher and higher throughout Gaia.

Not only the six poles of the world, but other member states of the Human Alliance also focused their attention on the battle of the king of the century.

Although most of these countries are of mediocre national strength, and the star refiners may not be able to make up much, but...

To be able to establish a nation and be recognized by the Human Alliance as a member, which one doesn't have a great star refiner sitting in it?

In the special joint team formed this time, any country in the Human League will have at least one great star refiner, and the great star refiner is related to the rise and fall of these small countries, and involves the battle of the century king of the commander of the special joint team. They naturally deserve full attention.

And under this kind of high attention, the information of each martial saint has been unearthed and known to the world.

Since there are only a few days left in the King of the Century War, and it is too late to assassinate a certain martial artist, countless people have posted the list of the most promising champions of the King of the Century War.

The one ranked first is naturally Li Mi, the number one martial sage who has made a lot of noise in Tianyuan territory!

He was almost alone in first gear.

Has already been dubbed the title of the king of the century in advance.

Below him, there are peerless martial sages who possess special talents and surpass the limit martial sages.

Among this group of peerless martial saints, the one who ranks first is neither Wang Liancheng, who was famous in Tianyuan, nor the killing machine Ten Thousand Tu, which was specially trained by Dashang for the war of the king of the century, but he was born in the war-torn area of ​​Da Yue Okukaigawa in China.

Before the turbulent period, the Great Moon Kingdom had a population of several billion and an area of ​​tens of millions of square kilometers. It was a well-deserved top power in the world.

It's just that they haven't caught up with the age of the star gods. In order to maintain their rule, the domestic royal family suppressed the star refiners with wrong decisions, causing all the star refiners to flee.

With the advent of the turbulent era, the Great Moon Kingdom suffered from a large number of fierce beasts and monsters, and the national power was greatly damaged. In addition, a group of star refiners who were persecuted, suppressed, and expelled before had achieved success and returned to the Great Moon. Otsuki overthrows.

The Great Moon Kingdom, which was originally ranked as the world's top in terms of economy, population, and land, was expected to become the seventh pole of the world, and it was directly split into more than 300 warlords and lords.

There are endless wars between warlords and warlords, and there is no peace.

The brutal war environment forced people in Dayue to practice martial arts to protect themselves, and the martial arts was extremely prosperous.

Although it is still difficult to produce top experts due to lack of good resource training, but the number of warriors is large, and some mutant individuals will always be born.

Okukaikawa is one of them.

He was originally the strongest Martial Saint in the southern part of the Great Moon. He was carefully cultivated after being excavated by the Riyao Empire. Up to now, it is said that his blood has exceeded 55.

Directly broke the upper limit of Wu Sheng.

Of course, being able to achieve this value has something to do with Riyao's unremitting efforts in training.

It is said that in order to increase the upper limit of the strongest martial saint's blood, Riyao gave him a treasure that can transform the body's physique and make it compatible with star power.

Relying on this treasure, others were slow in refining the Ju Lingzhu, but he refined it not only with extremely fast results, but also broke the original limit.

Under Ohaichuan, the Star Alliance has cultivated a top warrior named Tailong who has been genetically optimized. There is a man named Ximi in the thirty-six countries of the East China Sea who can even cross the sea and is famous.

After these three, it was the turn of the Great Merchant to massacre and the Empire's bloody teeth.

With the publication of this list, the names of several people on the list spread all over the world.

Except for the war-torn areas that don't even have TVs or the Internet, the few of them have become stars that no one can match.

Before the end of the Great War of the Kings of the Century, not even the Star Refiners can cover up their brilliance.

Among all the people, Li Mi, who is young, handsome, powerful, and full of legends, is the most popular.

The few of them will take a boat with the remaining hundreds of Ultimate Martial Saints to board a large island called Chiyan located 800 miles away in the West Sea, and fight randomly on that island. .

Until one person defeats all opponents and no one can stand up to challenge him, he will be the king of the century finally determined.

At that time, there will be special satellites and instruments to broadcast the battle live as much as possible.

In addition, in order to prevent star refiners from interfering in the competition, no star refiner is allowed to approach the island where the war broke out within a radius of three hundred miles.


As this list is made, some people are happy and others are sad.

As for Tian Yuan, the morale is naturally high.

People who don't know the truth see that Li Mi is listed as the only one on the list, and they are all proud and proud.

And the martial saints of other forces are also gearing up, waiting to soar into the sky in this world-famous battle.

Of course, most people have a special mission, or accept the mission to assist someone, or to intercept someone.

Although the final results of these missions will cost them their lives, they have no regrets and embarked on the journey of the king of the century, thinking of the promise of the country and the forces behind it.


Yunya Port.

From Dashang 1, you can take a boat to the seaport of Chiyan Island.

At this time, in a villa not far from the port, Cang Shengdao, known as a legendary mage, looked at the man standing in front of him with frighteningly cold eyes.

But the man didn't say a word in the face of his cold eyes, silently protesting his oppression.

This scene……

Apart from making Cang Shengdao angry, he also felt a deep sense of powerlessness.

After a long time, he finally said: "If someone hadn't told me that you also participated in the King of the Century War, would you have planned to set foot on Chiyan Island without even a set of top star equipment!?"

"I practiced martial arts at the age of thirteen, and it has been thirty years now! During these thirty years, I have enjoyed the top treasures of heaven and earth, supplemented by a set of rare star tools, and practiced the most powerful secret arts! I have refined more than one copy of the Nebula Essence that Hai Chuan refined. He only has 55 qi and blood, but my qi and blood have already exceeded 60. Martial Saint!? Let alone a martial sage! Even a star refiner, I You can also fight head-on!"

The man said in a deep voice, "Why can't I participate in the King of the Century contest!?"

"This time the King of the Century Contest is completely different from the past! Do you think you can win if you are strong? I can tell you clearly that almost every country has cultivated several or even dozens of killing teams! They don't use the ultimate Sublimation, attacking the star refiners is the first goal, they have only one purpose in the competition! Kill people! Kill all opponents who can hinder the person behind them who can climb to the top!"

Cang Shengdao said in a low voice: "You are powerful, you can be called the strongest among the peerless martial saints, but you can win one or two, and you can also win the siege of three or four people!?"

"Why should I fall into their siege!? When I am far superior to other martial saints in terms of strength, speed, defense, and physical fitness, why do I have to fight with them when three or four of them stay together!? "

The man looked at Cang Sheng and said, "Since I have come to participate in this King of the Century Contest, it proves that I have enough confidence and enough awareness..."

"What kind of consciousness do you have!? Are you going to die!?"

The common people roared angrily.

"Over the years, I have grown up under the protection of your wings. You have invested so much in me, and it is time for me to repay my brother. No matter how dangerous the process is, I will not hesitate."

The man said calmly: "The King of the Century War has entered the stage of entry. According to the unspoken rules, if you, as a star refiner, take action against me at this time... even the big businessmen can't afford the consequences, so..."

He looked at Cang Sheng and said, "Let me also fight for you and for Dashang."


Cang Shengdao's eyes shot with anger.

Xin De is a legend of the star palace system who calls himself a legend, if it is a real legend...

Under the rage, the man in front of him might not even be able to stand up.


After the rage, deep powerlessness flashed in his eyes.

He looked at the man in front of him for a long time...

"If you must go..."

Cang Shengdao waved his hand.

Soon, someone outside the villa carried a box in.

"Wear these..."

He opened the box.


It is indeed a set of star equipment.

"A ring made of the power gem, a bracer made of the heart of a knight, and a necklace made of chrysoprase..."

The man swept over them one by one, and then his eyes focused on a weapon that was somewhat similar to the "Hydromic Dragon Mace".

Immediately, his pupils shrank: "The Judgment Divine Soldier!?"

"Put it on!"

Cang Sheng said in a deep voice.

"Such a precious and rare star tool, giving me a martial saint to use it is simply a waste of money, I..."

"Either wear it, or I will directly order a team to eliminate you as soon as you come to the island, you choose."

Cang Shengdao said in an unquestionable tone.

Rare star artifacts are much more precious than top star artifacts.

But for Wu Sheng...

It can't exert its true power at all.

The rare star artifacts in their hands may not be much stronger than the top star artifacts.


Faced with the entrustment of the eldest brother, the man still stepped forward silently, and put on all the star instruments.

"Put it on, especially..."

Cang Shengdao stuffed a blue jade tablet that didn't look like a star vessel into his pocket, and said solemnly: "Take it with you, and you can't throw it away at any time, understand!"

"What's this?"

"Don't ask too much."

Cang Shengdao looked at the man: "All the teams of Dashang, including Wantu, are at your disposal!"

Then, he paused: "I only have one request for you..."

"I will get the highest honor of King of the Century..."

"Come back alive!"

The two spoke almost simultaneously.

Hearing what the man said, Cang Shengdao couldn't help but sternly said again: "Come back alive! Did you hear that!"


The man smiled freely: "I will get the highest honor of the king of the century, and I will naturally come back alive!"

Cang Shengdao did not speak again.

Just looking at him like this, he turned around and headed towards the port.

There, next to a large number of ships, the participating teams of Dashang, and the ultimate martial arts saints are ready.

They will land on the island tomorrow, and at that time, the King of the Century Contest will officially start.

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