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The plot continues.

The negotiation is over.

Next is the signing of various treaties


The first one, of course, is "Xx Article_About". ,

And here, it’s different from the first

The details here are also lighter.

A complete map of flower growers has also been added to the background here. Every time a block of territory is ceded, the map will turn black.. This allows the audience to clearly realize that the flower grower’s

What a terrible loss.

The seal is the jade seal representing the ruler

The "Treaty" is also very clear. It is so clear that the audience can easily see the word ten on it.

However, Gaming's speed slowed down. It gave everyone time to read the treaty.

Even people who don't understand these sections of history clearly see the content of the treaty.

"(1) 2 Ceded Xiangjiang. (2) _ Compensation for a total of 21 million silver. (3) Trade ports, _ (4) Flower-planting customs have no right to set tariffs independently..." __

this moment.

These humiliating orders.


Like slaps one by one...slammed on all the faces of Guan Gong

If they didn't understand the "Situation Map" at the beginning, they didn't know how humiliated it was at that time. Four

but now

Seeing Xiangjiang’s planting flowers that have gone dark

Everyone knows., all know. All understand.

this moment.

They have forgotten the prosperity of the current flower growers. I forgot everything I have now, and I have already invested in it.


Everyone changed their sense of that-just hiding behind the door, looking at all these rabbits.

All the audience is a resentment

What makes everyone uncomfortable is that. Humiliation is not over.

The humiliation of the "XX Treaty" is not over yet, the next second. There was another humiliating treaty

the same as above.

The treaty is still clearly visible.

?. Increased the opening of business opportunities. 3. Allow foreign countries 4. Allow preaching. 5. Compensation for military expenditures of 2 million West silver each, compensation for continued losses: 0 million taels of silver. "industry

This jade seal is covered.

Everyone is silent


Humiliation 1⊥

Pain in limbs ⊥.⊥」


At this moment, there is no word to describe the intent of all the audience.

And things. it's not finished yet.

The "Yenching Treaty" appeared occasionally.

"1. Recognize that the last treaty is valid up to 800 taels of silver. 5. Ceded about 400,000 square kilometers of territory east of the U.S. Suri River, including Sakhalin Island."

Maybe, the crowd

People do not have this concept for 40 industry square_km.

With the cover of Yuxi, the map in the background, the territory of _ block, which accounts for about 4.1% of the total area rent, quickly turned black.

In this stark contrast.

Everyone is silent

Everyone is: angry, no one shouts in their hearts,

"No more, don't cut the mountain anymore(Read more @ mtlarchive.com)

"Rebel 1!"

"You resist"⊥l! "

Only... the reality is so cruel.

Haven't waited for the crowd


Screen turn

Still going on.

"Aihui Treaty" r.

"Ceded over 600,000 square kilometers of territory south of Waixing'anling."

The big seal falls.

It's another map. It quickly turns black

40W+60W, that's it.-Millions.


And now the total area of ​​the planting community is only 9,609, which accounts for 10%


this moment.

Everyone is covered with tears in their eyes


The country back then, was it a huge name?

However, it turned out to be someone else’s fish l⊥L

The picture turns.

It's still a new treaty.


The X Treaty:

"1x three islands and their affiliated islands to Tinghong. 2. Compensation for Tinghong's military expenditures of 200 million West...".

The big seal falls.

The map of Mishima turned black again.

It was stamped five times, just like a sharp knife L stabbed in the hearts of all the audience so fiercely.

Both heartache and bent


Everyone is like the rabbit behind the door, with tears in his eyes and painful pain.


They can’t wait to rush into the TV and tear the powers alive.

Even the little girl had tears on her face and shouted at the braid with the stamp.

"You resist, resist!"

If usually.

When she is watching TV, so rude, the old man will definitely train her.

but. At that moment.

The old man has also been stitched and his eyes are dim.

Watching one humiliating jump. He also clenched his fists, his veins violent.


Although there are many disasters for flower growers, they have never lacked the heroes who came forward in times of disaster.

Therefore, just when all A felt extremely desperate.

The grandson of Meng appeared and roared out the words that everyone was holding in their hearts.

"Don't you think you can't live like this? Let's get to the plate together!"

next moment.

He got rid of the braids.


Countless viewers are like drinking a cold drink in a hot summer day. Refreshing and invigorating. It's like making a set of horses and chickens, all over.

Even. Most of the audience is involuntarily roaring L

"Good job. 1 1.

Especially when he said, "The head is changed, and the rules are also supported." Everyone is also one-sweep the haze from the beginning


Not scary,

The scary thing is that I don't know how to resist!!


Everyone hasn't relaxed for a moment.

The Luan exhibition of the plot made them confused

A turned bunny actually fought with Moe 2


Fortunately. After Jiang Han's reminder. 1 We have improved the distinction between Xiuzi and Moe a lot.


After being surprised, many viewers also recognized it. This is not Mr. Meng. But another existence, Jiang Guangtou⊥_⊥

And this time, it was the first time to react. This is the civil war.


Although it is reflected v

but. Everyone still

Don’t be curious about the fight like _'throwing bricks'.

To know.

All anti-Japanese dramas now. Nothing-it's not because of the severity of the war.

After all, only a tragic war will make the watcher shed tears. Only then can the box office and ratings...

People who are more fond of thoughts are even more speculating,

"Mystery should be made in this way so that people of all ages can accept this animation, and it might not have allowed everyone to remember history. Instead of simply remembering hatred

For a time.

The opinions of many critics on this work have been raised to a higher level.


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Read more @ mtlarchive.com. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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