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The plot continues.

When the civil war was in full swinge

The foot pot chicken took Weizi., and touched it surreptitiously, behind the bald.


Then he gave it to the bald-down

See here in

The old man also explained

"Here is Xiahong's invading and planting flower family. The pigtail is the puppet of the pseudo-Manchurian. 2 neon."

Xiuzi stepped forward to resist, and was directly beaten up by a pot chicken.

The rabbit stepped forward to protect.

Or was killed in seconds by the foot pot chicken.

After that, the zero machine appeared. Even more, the rabbit and Xiangzi could not be found in the north.

Watch this take

The audience who had just relaxed began to pick it up again.

And at this time.

The rabbit and Xiangzi united.

Unity: Anti-Japanese War e

We are in the front, the rabbit is in the back, bald in the light, and the rabbit is in the dark, cooperating perfectly.

Especially the guerrilla warfare of the rabbit. It is also very obvious in an animation.

Let the "eight to ten" of the foot pot chicken suffer a lot,


Then countless bricks flooded in... alluding to the details of the "Hundred Regiments Taizhan", which made all kinds of military fans and history fascinated.


There is no scene of bloodshed. There is no incitement of all kinds. Instead, this slightly relaxed way explains the most difficult war.

In the past, it was absolutely unimaginable

After every director received the anti-Japanese war drama

I am afraid that the first beer room will think of how sensational. Ruxiang moved.

But "The Rabbit" is the opposite

By the way

These conventional methods are completely abandoned.

In a peaceful way, a period of war was described.

However, this approach makes it easier for everyone to accept, especially those young children.

The way, though peaceful.


However, everyone knows that in it, there must be blood drops.” ↓

And with the addition of eagle sauce

Foot pot chicken announced C

Rabbit and Xiangzi said softly. At the same time, all the bricks are hidden behind the back.

See here.


The audience all looked at the two lovely people with smiles like the name of the tomb.

The battle is also on the verge of

rabbit. Won the victory of the battle.

So far. three

That period of Qu Po's calendar is over.


The flower planters have stood up!!

in particular. Correct

In the rabbit's time,

"Let’s not forget the original agreement, use our hands to create

A well-fed, well-dressed flower grower who is not looked down upon by others!"

open the door

,(Read more @ mtlarchive.com)

It is a flower grower that celebrates the whole country.


Accompanied by the famous opening ceremony.

And see this string


Tears in the eyes of everyone

The old man even tried to stand up with his hands. 0s This shocked his son and daughter-in-law for 3 hastily calmed down.

However, the old man even ignored the electricity and stubbornly threw away his supporting hands.

Then. With perseverance, he forcibly propped up his upper body. A trembling salute to the founding ceremony.

, And then shouted in his loudest voice,

"Salute 1. Within,

It lasted for three seconds before he ran out of strength and then he was still sitting in the wheelchair L all of a sudden.

See here.

The little female cow also hurried over to see the situation of the old man.

However, the old man is very happy at the moment, and even the surroundings of his face are trembling.

"This prosperous age, as the ancestors wished to open and go","


And his couple

At this moment, he also sighed at Monovision with emotion on his face.


"Yeah, nowadays airplanes don't have to fly twice again⊥"

After speaking, the father and son gave a glance, and then laughed heartily together.

Accompanied by-photos of Zhang Zhangming engraved with history.

The ending song of "Following My Heart" also sounded.

"Run forward, facing cold eyes and ridicule. How can you feel the vastness of life without suffering 2"

"Fate cannot make us kneel and beg for mercy, even if the blood and wine are in our arms!,

"Keep running, with pure pride, how can you see the sparkle of life when it is not strong?"

"Rather than delay the remnant asthma

It's better to indulge in burning your helmet, one day it will sprout again!"

Four lyrics.

The roaring voice s pushed all the atmosphere down to the highest peak. Everyone’s anger and blood was vented with this song. L

All the puzzles and confusions have disappeared

I also know. Why did the flower growers start broadcasting this anime regardless of the cost?

Without him.

Its value is L⊥⊥

Completely put aside dog blood routines. In a relatively relaxed and humorous way1, a section of heavy history is described.

This move


What he told me he remembered was not hatred. It's in that period of the calendar, but each one at that time, when Duhua's family was destroyed. The deeds of the pioneers who came forward.

Hatred can be remembered.

but. These first deeds must not forget their stories. Need to spread L_!

This time a

No one is going to say anything, this is not a mysterious work.

Everyone believed it.

Only mystery can make this kind of failure

Grid., but an anime that gives people a wake-up call

Only mysterious and great works.

To dry image quality,

There must be a reason why mystery adopted this image quality and style.

one is. In order for children to accept

Well the first one. Of course, let us ignore a certain person, but instead focus on this: skirt person. Because, each rabbit L does not represent an individual but the second category A... etc.

Various reasons were also thought of by the mystery of various brain supplement emperor gangs.

no way,

As long as you become famous_whatever you do, they can find the cause.

In fact, the most fundamental reason. It's not that he has no money

Because hemp has no money. 2 All there is no good picture quality because there is no good picture quality. All "The Rabbit" looks like this.

Because "That Rabbit" looks like this. Jiang Han moved here, naturally it is like this.

Although he also has the ability to change the style of painting.

But Sanhe still didn't

One is that I am used to it. If I change it, I always feel that the reason is weird, Jiang Han said that it is very NIC_E. I don't need to edit the explanation. _

And at the same time e

The first episode is over


There was no delay in the second episode, and I immediately followed.

With the Cold War as the background, I began to talk about the stick country.

Because, the previous things are basically sticks, and if we don't plant flowers or anything, everyone sees it loosely.

Even Song Longqi broke free in 1&. XP

Yes. This guy also found a place to watch "The Rabbit". 3.5_

As for the reason. I

Because the ratings of "That Rabbit" went crazy

He thought it was a quality issue, so he went to one place to look at the central set of &

lt;That Rabbit".


Enter at a glance

Wait until the second episode of the battle. Only then broke free.

After breaking free, he also thought that L himself had not reported the ratings of the first episode to it.

therefore. He also hurried to the data monitoring room.

Then, one opened the door.

He saw that the red line that represented the ratings was soaring as if taking medicine.

Has risen to the necessary L L_


Song Longqi was dumbfounded~

A question suddenly popped up in my mind

"That... when I left. What was the audience rating? 3. What was the 4%?",

-Fei Lujian wake you up, read one thing m.htyk.com hot push resource library high-speed first to see the watermark Jing moved hot push

Read more @ mtlarchive.com. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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