After Jiang Han returned to the office.

I thought about it

Luo Tianyi and Hatsune’s singles are still pretty good

ibe worker

It didn't take long for him to choose the Western Song.


Luo Tianyi's two songs are already in the air.

"Snow Thousand Years" and "Yi Mingqi"

Xishou is very nice, with a little old style tune.

And Hatsune Miku's songs are naturally the "Song of Drugs" and "Girls of the Deep Sea" by the devil. The western songs are very representative songs of Hatsune.

Especially "Song with Green Onions" was her famous song in the last world.

Its magical sea law. At that time, it almost became the performance ceremony of the Mid-Autumn Festival.

So, when he handed the composer and arranger to Liang Bing. Speed ​​with a face of regret


She did not understand the lyrics of "Song with Onions" at all..__

It is her knowledge reserve. I didn’t even notice which language the lyrics are--

but. .

Seeing that the ring of the street is pretty good "Six, Eight Three"

So although she is reluctant to force it.

Is it still going to be the voice library of the two little princesses? Attracted the support of one or two Taibo fans.

In a short period of time, it was set on the best-selling charts of major music platforms.

This kind of popularity naturally makes those traffic fans startled.

After the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala. They know it. The new songs that appear in the Mid-Autumn Festival are all made by everyone.

This disappearance is to make many traffic stars jealous and hate and Zhou Fen began to find out who is so talented and able to write these popular songs in such a short period of time.

Huo Zun naturally won't leave this

matter. So they just knew that Shang Xuan Ji had a talent against the sky.

There are also many media companies who want to find a mysterious song. , But they were all turned away by Cai or

And seeing that Xuanji intentionally gave these four highly sung masterpieces-z virtual singers, they also shouted violently.

However, even the hard work is very similar. The country has any way.

After solving this re-clearing. The rest is the game. 9

Alternative options for travel z. On the 80v three bungee. Zhanyang division,

They are all big money-sucking households, cash cow level

It's just that Cai Lin knocked on the door again while he was thinking about it. And brought good news,

"Luo Shengzhangxia". The fifty-minute plot, after two music productions, has been completed, waiting for him to be the dubbing!

Regarding this. As every male voice, Jiang Han is naturally righteous Li Rongci.

Abandoning these questions, I went directly to the dubbing room.

but. This time with the chapter. Jiang Han is still very helpless.

After all, it turned out that he was dubbing. Basically, they answer with their opponents one by one.. Although they are often self-answering, they still match up with Honglian and others.


And this time, the protagonist of "Under Luo Sheng Tang" is Shao Si Lu. The strong crowd of the women watched. From the beginning to the self-signing to the solution--

Although, during the dubbing process, he seemed to be schizophrenic, and the girls in the audience couldn't help but laugh. Look at Xiao Wu and Hong Lian who are not afraid of face secretly taking photos.

But the overall effect is naturally without any problems.

Dubbing in less than half an hour

o so far

"Luo Sheng's Palm 2 has been completely finished. :

"Publish it" Jiang Han glanced through it, and found no problems. Right

Zhu Cai said. C

"Well, then I'll pass it on," Cai Lin said little by little. Then he went into work.(Read more @

Four p.m.

Xuanji Weibo continued to update one


""Qin Shi Mingyue: Under the Luosheng Hall" has been put on the shelves at station B, all fans are welcome to watch

After this Aibo was published.

Strange things happen. Scene: Tong Ran surprisingly disappeared as if the mystery was co-opted by many fans. Five minutes passed. The number of comments on this Weibo is just as white as a third-rate celebrity.


A phenomenon. Naturally, many manufacturers who pay attention to the mystery have been surprised and happy

Although, I don’t understand why it suddenly becomes

Like this.

But the data will not lie.

With them, they also reached an amazing conclusion. That is, the heat of mystery finally drops to the relationship L1

Is the mystery cold? 9

Many self-media also startled their jaws

Somewhat irresponsible. Every day you want to earn clicks is the first time to post.

"The sequel to "Tai Shi" pre-cooling 9 mystery has begun to go downhill 9"

"The mystery is undermined, and the data is pre-cooled

"Crazy, mystery has done such a thing and silenced thousands of fans. Go"


Smell for a while. 3

All kinds of headline parties are emerging.

Don't say it.

The topic of giving mystery is to attract attention.

So these self-media really rely on these fictitious titles. Don't earn

And many manufacturers moved to tears

However, Xuanji opened up the Wei animation market _ let them follow behind and made a lot of money.


However, a cook who does not want to be a general is not a good talent.

So they naturally hope that the mystery will fall, allowing them to take advantage of the situation and fill the emptiness. therefore.

See Xuanji's new work pre-cooling. And it is the most representative sequel to "Qin Shi". They are naturally Xitaibenxi"

They shouted slogans, "Mystery is dead, Huang Tian is a guest!"

Then I am ready to take its place.. 0_

And for this kind of thinking clearly, it is naturally not like cutting off the tube.


They see

The mysterious micro-blog looked up.

There's still time to leave a message...

Among many fans, Tian Liang serves as a mysterious missionary iron research fan. Definitely a single tree

Because last time he taught the comics section into 1.. So he got a lot of fans in school

Encouraged by the stop.

He will also go to Xuanji Weibo when he is free to see if there are any new works. So as to inform in time.

The same is true today

The bell rang at lunch break in the afternoon.

He actively took out his cell phone. Opened Xuanji's Weibo.

Correct. This is his daily operation.

Especially recently, he is thinking about it.” Xuanji said, “Luo Sheng

So he pays special attention to diligence.

As usual, habitually use the shortcuts to directly enter the official account of Xuanji. A new activity has been added.

"Fuck, won't "Under Luo Shengtang" come out 2"

To this order. He also didn't have any hesitation, immediately clicked in

I also ignored the teacher who had just packed up and was about to leave the classroom and let out an exclamation 24

"My dear." Qin Shimingyue

Under Luoshengtang"&updated, go to station B and watch it

The name dear. The previous life was Taobao body. 4.2-

And this life, naturally, is "The Rabbit

And his voice is not small


Not only the classmates in their class heard it, but the whole building... the classmates in the next building also heard clearly,

To know. again

After the last successful mission, his voice was basically the same as the whole school.


After he came out of this noise bar.

I was so sleepy because I had a meal after class

The school suddenly fell silent.


After most of the classmates were stunned for a moment

Suddenly thinking of something, he immediately sat down. Then he took out his mobile phone at the same time. Click to stop B.

Of course, it was accompanied by the ‘fuck up. My phone’s down, my phone’s out of power. "-‘F*ck. Who and I-let’s see it!"

Passed quietly in the school. The same plot was staged in this school again.

PSL259 words.


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