After everyone clicked into station B. -

Sure enough, on the skylight of Station B, I saw the poster of Mysterious Ji, which was "Under Luo Shengtang".

certainly. three

These are not important, the most important thing is that they even saw a young man! 1 1

Everyone who saw this enzyme report. They almost shed tears.

Countless people have been swayed by the appearance of the young man since the release of "Sutu no Hama".

He Yan Ling Ji was even named "Qin Shi & Goddess." I

Many fans accumulatede

There is even a lot of iron powder every day. Under Xuanji Weibo, they kept crying for their goddess to appear on stage.

However, seeing mystery and iron-hearted.

They didn’t ask Xuanxiang for the next best thing, "A few more sets of skins, even if they are expensive. They all buy...

It is conceivable how deep is Shao Si Ming's position in the hearts of many Qin fans.

And this time, Xuanji intentionally used the young man as a poster propaganda, and naturally there must be a scene where young man was on the scene.

They are naturally extremely excited.

There are even classmates who are not girls. It’s not like this for "Qin Shi 2"

Fascinated, but when I heard that Shao Si Ming was about to appear. They also took out their mobile phones one after another. Joined the team chasing 30 chews. 8

Even if they have no feeling for "Qin Shi". But he is still very interested in this mysterious young man.

For a time.

Throughout the school, those classmates who had rushed to the cafeteria. They all sat quietly in their seats. Looked at the drama.

And those canteen aunts, looking at the few people in the canteen two, are naturally a little confused.

what's going on?

Isn't it time for dinner?


What about the army of eating in the past that was vying to get hot first?

Aunt, began to doubt life.

As for Tian Liang.

After he notified him, he found "Under Luo Shengtang" for the first time.

After clicking in,

He was also taken aback.

This wooden release is less than five minutes a

There is the data of recent + good clicks. It's horrible.

After sighing, he also clicked in immediately. Then he took out the earphones. Slowly appreciate it.

The picture goes black.

Is densely packed

Barrage of hemp.


"The tongs Liu Ming!"

"Born for many years"

"My room hair, you can watch the moon.

"Oh my God, here is the opportunity.../You finally have a conscience."


"Grabbing my wife!"

"Chong, for my young commander's life.

Barrage that fills the screen. It obscures the screen and there is no way to see a


To this.

Tian Liang naturally closed the bomb tomb without the slightest accident, and enjoyed it quietly.

After the familiar mystery 1050, there is an inexplicable sentence:(Read more @

"A yin and a yang are worn like jade, under Luo Shengtang, Qiulan will live a long life

See here,

Tian Liang frowned slightly.

He feels... these words. It's a bit sudden.

Looks like the first plot. Doesn't match 2?

Could it be that the mystery has been broken for a long time, and I have forgotten the first plot?

After thinking, thinking, he can walk again,

It's impossible.

However, no matter what. He continued to watch.

"Under the Luosheng Hall of Taishi Mingyue: After the appearance of several big characters, accompanied by the slightly weird piano siege BII, two butterflies slowly fly on a deep road.

Behind it is followed-z purple heads

The young man's lifestone hammered L~

It was shocking to see such Qu Liang

Fortunately, I never felt that my goddess appeared on the stage. There was a mysterious conscience.

After the surprise, it was a deep bewilderment

As xuan

The hardcore fan of the machine,

He was not surprised when he saw the appearance of Shao Si Ming from the poster.

After all, the fans urged every day, even if the mystery is hard-hearted, they should be moved. The third season will release their young commander.

but. . After several civilians have understood the mysterious urinary nature, Tian Liang estimated that even if the second season of Shao Si Ming appeared,

Mystery will be hidden slightly. Dangle everyone's appetite.

But the first episode will be released.. This bold approach is not in line with the mysterious style.

Moreover, sharp-eyed him... 2 first

Time found out, Shao Si ordered this-sound costume.

. It seems to be inconsistent with "Rate + Coast".

Lavender and white dress, short skirt, and white knee socks. Yinon's beautiful long legs.

With the sound of high-heeled shoes

Tian Liang was immediately taken prisoner.

However, Tian Liang seems to have seen some clues.

It seems to be...casual?,

Seeing this, Tian Liang had a faint feeling in his heart. There are some problems with this "Luo Niu Tang Xia Xi Ping".


See the familiar style of painting..., the familiar modeling. It is mysterious, and there is nothing wrong with it.

So after the thinker moment, he gave up and prepared to take a look first.

And the subsequent plot, Fadian, has completely exceeded his expectations.

The appearance of the Water Spirit. 2 Inexplicable battles. Let him see a shock. I can't understand what the mystery wants to express at all.

However, although full of doubts.

However, seeing the heroic posture of the company's fate. Seeing Wanye Feihualiu for the first time to perform the beautiful Jie-yin gesture, with the ultimate special effects. ,

Suddenly the machine was amazed.

One after another incarnates as a fan of the brain, 2 care about his plot. Regardless of his doubts, just lick it first!

And as the plot goes into court.

Xiao Ling kept talking. Although Shao Siming didn't speak from beginning to end, he could still see the emotional fluctuations in those purple eyes.

Here, Tian Liang is still a little confused

Then, Luo Shengtang was mentioned.

It even made him confused.

Obviously, this Luo Shengtang refers to this Luo Sheng

And seeing this here, Mita Liang felt


Question 3 so early

When is the mystery, is it so simple? 2

How did the five spirits become the same?

Afterwards, some of the looming clues mentioned above hurt his head.

However, when the young secretary turned his head to look at the beautiful picture of Luo Shengtang, all his troubles disappeared immediately.

There is only one word left in my heart, "好’⊥⊥

After that, Shao Si ordered Niu Qiulan to have an extremely beautiful style of painting. Make him look dazzled

However, see here e

He also knows. He also seemed to know a terrible fact.__

That is, it looks like this "Under Luo Shengtang". It's not the second part of "Qin Shi" that they guessed, but it looks like a special chapter of Shao Si Ming, and more. It seems to be the story before the young man became the young man

After all, the plot cannot be continued at all!

Thought of this.

Tian Liang was angry and angry.

Mysterious old thief, ruining my youth, Damn it extremely ⊥1

He also never expected that the mystery would be played, such a handy operation.

However, even



He has no choice, e

They can only buy instant noodles without seasoning packages. Keep watching

Hey. can only say. Correct

This animation is damn good-looking, there is a goddess, he can’t help but watch I

Moreover, he was also very curious about the existence of the story of Shao Si Ming.

With this mountain state.

He was not struggling with the problem of incoherence in the plot. He wholeheartedly began to analyze every clue in the animation.

Fei Lu Jian wake you up

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