From NPC To Overlord

Chapter 796: sea ​​area

A few of them were chatting at the bow of the boat, while the other Emei disciples gathered at the back of the flying boat to chat, but unfortunately Rong Yunyi didn't come this time.

The speed of this flying boat is very fast, flying in the high altitude of tens of thousands of meters, passing through the thick clouds quickly, and occasionally you can see a flash of light in the distance, that is a cultivator on the way.

Gu Chong didn’t pay much attention to the trip to Ziyun Palace. Although the three daughters of Ziyun Palace occupy the Immortal Palace, there are countless immortals and deep blessings, but their virtues are not enough, killing countless, and countless brain-dead manipulations will exhaust the blessings. Abruptly surrendering this top treasure in the world of Shushan is simply speechless.

You must know that throughout the world of Shushan, in addition to Lingqiao Immortal Palace, there is only one Ziyun Palace. In addition, even the Emei Ningbiya opened up is only called Wufu instead of Wugong.

Ziyun Palace goes deep into the sea and is blessed by two generations of true immortals. It is also one of the nine spiritual palaces. It is rich in spiritual energy and countless exotic flowers and plants. It is the top treasure in the world of Shushan.

The three daughters of Ziyun Palace are afraid that even Li Yingqiong and Qi Jinchan can't compare with each other. When they were mortals, Jin Mu gave a white and a green two swords that were not inferior to Tianlei's double swords. When they were teenagers, they got two sets. As for the top-level Taoist method of Jiutian Xuanjing, Ling Hun and Er Lao already had two sets when they were still compiling the Taoist book. Although one set was flown later, another set of Tianmo secrets was added. In order to prevent them from not understanding, they also They found a servant with high mana, a subordinate who cultivated Buddha and dispelled demons.

Later, maybe they felt that it was not enough, and the two elders emptied the Lianshan treasure house for them.

The two generations of true immortals have already told them very clearly that they should retreat for two or three hundred years, practice Taoism, and then come out to accumulate foreign skills for a hundred years. fairy.

However, such an indescribable celestial predestined relationship is equivalent to a first-hand king bombing at the beginning, but it still made them smashed to death.

The three daughters lived in the Ziyun Palace when they were little girls, and they grew up to avenge their parents' revenge. Ersanfeng couldn't live without a palace, so they had to be the native chiefs. As a result, only Chufeng returned to the Ziyun Palace by himself, without even a helper. .

Chu Feng saw the Jinting Jade Pillar shining brightly, knelt down and prayed, and obtained the Dique Golden Seal and Zifu Secret Book, two top-level Taoist books that were not inferior to Jiutian Xuanjing and Shaqishu, and two immortal swords that were not inferior to Ziying Qingsuo. Tianyi True Water, all kinds of top medicinal herbs, all kinds of exotic treasures...

If other cultivators see this, they don't say they hold it or let go, but they should pray every day and make an oath. As a result, this person's heart is really big, and he will put the scriptures in his own room and leave it alone.

It seemed that this was the only time Chu Feng had knelt down, and she has never knelt again in the future, so there is nothing wrong with being the master of the palace.

When I met Jin Xunu, my father had a dream from the fairy world. Seeing the ugly appearance of Jin Xunu, he was afraid and refused to let him enter the palace. He let him refine the Heavenly Book and Jade Box outside the Bishui Arch, but the secret of Zifu ran away.

This can be said to be a turning point. Without the secrets of Zifu, it means that there is no luck in inheriting the Taoist line of Tianyi Jinmu, and this Ziyun Palace is destined to be lost.

After the Lianshan treasury was emptied, the second old man warned that he would be in retreat for 2 or 300 years, and that others would never enter or listen to Ziyun Palace.

It's nothing to come out. I have a little incense friendship with the second old man. I can also use the master Lianshan to develop a relationship with the Emei faction. It's not difficult for Ruan Zheng to make friends, but in the end, except for Xu Feiniang, the only ones who made friends were those who couldn't get on the table.

When Daoism was first completed, it was time to accumulate good deeds. According to the era, it was the late Ming and early Qing dynasties, and the world was in chaos. Relying on the spiritual medicine and immortal grass of Ziyun Palace to save the world and save people, good deeds were readily available. Jin Xunu and Huizhu probably didn't do anything good, let alone Xuanmen's willingness to promise millions of good deeds.

In the end, Emei went to beg for water, and the second old man helped to evacuate the Lianshan treasure house 400 years in advance. Just for this favor, he did not agree. It can only be said to be ungrateful, not to mention that Emei also hinted that it could help defend against the catastrophe.

Therefore, the people of Ziyun Palace did not do anything right. After living in Ziyun Palace for 500 years, they enjoyed their blessings to the end. When their blessings were exhausted, they ran away and died.

To be honest, knowing what the three daughters of Ziyun Palace had done, Gu Chong was really speechless. It was estimated that their parents were disappointed in the fairy world at the end, and the mud could not support the wall.

The speed of the flying boat was very fast, and it soon entered the East China Sea and flew to the depths of the boundless sea.

The topography of the world of Shushan is very different from the earth. The East China Sea is the boundless sea, and the end of the sea is the Guixu Abyss, and there are no other continents.

The sea is full of spiritual energy, and there are many exotic flowers and plants. Many monks can't get along in the mainland, so they come to the sea to find a place with abundant spiritual energy to open up a cave, and it is also good to be a free and easy fairy.

Most people don’t know where the Ziyun Palace is. If Gu Chong and the other Emei juniors didn’t give guidance from their elders, they would not be able to find the Ziyun Palace after spending their whole lives on the sea. Moreover, they came to the Purple Cloud Palace ahead of schedule. At the end of the day, the gate of the palace is not easy to open, even if there are elders instructing, it will take a lot of effort to find Ziyun Palace.

The flying boat flew straight into the sea, and stopped at the crescent-shaped island half a month later. This is not the famous crescent island, but an unnamed crescent-shaped island. According to the instructions of the elders, the Ziyun Palace is there. In the sea near here, but the exact location has not yet arrived, and the elders cannot calculate it, so they can only find it on their own.

The flying boat landed on the top of a hill in the middle of the Crescent Moon Island. Qi Lingyun took out something the size of a slap and threw it, turning it into a small building cluster on the mountainside, and everyone walked in.

After a short rest, Gu Chong and Zhou Qingyun convened their fellow disciples to discuss the charter and assign tasks.

It wasn't a big task, it was to let the disciples spread out and dive into the sea to search for the sea area designated by Qi Shuming.

When they set off, Qi Shuming designated a sea area for Ziyun Palace is very likely to hide there, but because the three phoenixes of Ziyun Palace have not yet finished, Ziyun Palace has not yet been born, the elders of Emei It is also impossible to directly calculate the location of Ziyun Palace, so they can only find it by themselves.

However, because the three phoenixes of Ziyun Palace went backwards to refine the Shensha Yongdao, the sins were heavy, and this blessing was exhausted in the blink of an eye, and Ziyun Palace may appear in the world at any time.

After the disciples left, Gu Chong said to Zhou Qingyun, Qi Lingyun and Qin Ziling:

"It's rare for junior brother to come to the depths of the sea. I want to go to the sea for a while. Would you like to go with the senior sisters?"

Seeing his incomparably handsome face in front of him, Zhou Qingyun blushed slightly, turned her head and said:

"I'm not going, Junior Brother, go with Lingyun and Junior Sister Ziling."

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