From NPC To Overlord

Chapter 797: travel together

Looking at Qi Lingyun again, her beautiful face also appeared red, but she did not refuse, just nodded lightly, while Qin Ziling's eyes swept across Qi Lingyun's full face, her eyes dimmed, and she shook her head:

"I want to stay here with Senior Sister Qingyun to meet the brothers and sisters, so I won't go."

Gu Chong nodded, did not force it, waved to the two women, and hung in the sky above Crescent Moon Island. When Qi Lingyun followed, he pointed to the front and said:

"Brothers and sisters, look for other directions, there seems to be no one there, let's go there."


She hummed softly and stopped talking.

Gu Chong smiled slightly, flicked his long sleeves, and a layer of rays of light gushed out and wrapped the two of them. A light thunder sounded, and the two of them turned into a beam of rays of light that flashed away, like a long rainbow piercing the sun, and instantly crossed the distance of dozens of miles. to the sea.

This is the escape method of spiritual light. It is an escape method recorded in the Nine Heavens Xuanjing. It is known as the second escape method in the world of Shushan.

With Gu Chong's current mana, and with the blessing of the Taiqing Huang Tingyuan Jingjing, his maximum flying speed is close to the speed described by Dunguang. Time is really a way of killing people and setting fires, chasing and fleeing.

The two stayed on the sea for a while, turned into a ray of light and disappeared into the sea.

Under his protection, a layer of anhydrous cavitation with a diameter of nearly zhang expelled the sea water. The two of them stood in the cavitation, and they could clearly see the surrounding sea conditions through the sea water.

A big, slender, shuttle-like fish rushed from the front, its sharp mouth pierced with vacuoles, and the big fish shook violently, then turned its belly and floated to the sea.

The fish didn't die, it was just too fast to be stunned for a while, and woke up before it floated to the surface.


Qi Lingyun covered his mouth and chuckled lightly:

"This fish is so stupid, it swims so fast without looking ahead."

Gu Chong smiled and said:

"I can't blame her for being stupid, it's because you are so beautiful that she was temporarily confused."

The smile on Qi Lingyun's face suffocated, and when he turned his eyes, he saw his beautiful indescribable face and dazzling eyes like stars.


Speaking of this, Gu Chong knew that he couldn't say anything more. It's fine for the beautiful senior sister to tease and flirt, but she can't go too far. Now that she has reached the limit, she may not be able to bear it and run away.

It just so happened that they had already sunk by thousands of meters at this time. The strong water pressure made the cavitation opened by his mana shrink a lot. The water pressure here is already extremely terrifying. Even a piece of steel ingot can be born here. Press into a disc.

Here, the sun can't shine, and can only rely on the fish in the sea to emit light. Gu Chong's consciousness spread to a radius of 20 kilometers, and he immediately sensed the countless sea creatures in the deep sea.

The sea in the world of Shushan is not very full of aquatic monsters in people's imagination. Although it is true that most of the sea creatures are large in size and spirituality because of the abundant spiritual energy in the sea, they are still far away from becoming a demon. It is already very powerful to become a demon. .

Within the scanning range of his consciousness, he sensed several extremely large sea creatures, but they were all giant underwater beasts with empty bodies and no mana, not monsters.

The spiritual consciousness within a range of 20 kilometers has directly touched the seabed of tens of thousands of meters, but due to the extremely strong pressure in the sea, even the invisible consciousness has been affected and shrunk greatly, and it can only barely reach the seabed of tens of thousands of meters deep, and it is as deep as the seabed. The depth of the sand is less than ten meters, and it is powerless to go down.

And under the strong water pressure, his consciousness consumption is ten times more than usual, and his consciousness is strong enough to last for a long time, and the average person can't last long.

The two quickly swam across the seabed. Gu Chong carefully sensed the ground on the seabed. According to legend, the Ziyun Palace is located in the sea eye.

What surprised him was that he made a large circle of hundreds of kilometers on the seabed, and during that time, he sensed the figures of several Emei disciples, but he did not find any trace of Ziyun Palace.

It's not that no trenches have been found. There are actually many trenches under the sea, but most of them are limited in depth. His spiritual sense will soon hit the bottom, and obviously it will not be the eye of the sea.

Fast forward an hour, Gu Chong and Qi Lingyun stopped at a coral ring on the seabed. The coral ring was very beautiful, with a beautiful glow blooming on the seabed. He could see that Qi Lingyun liked it very much. He just stopped here after a break.

This is already tens of thousands of meters of seabed. It is a miracle that corals can survive here. Normal corals cannot survive in such a deep seabed, but the world of Shushan is a fairy world with abundant spiritual energy. The coral around them absorbs it. A large number of auras have mutated.

In fact, this large piece of coral has turned into a piece of spirituality. A steady stream of spiritual energy gushes out from the coral, and converges in the center of the coral ring to form something similar to a spiritual eye, forming a small vortex, and a large amount of spiritual energy gathers. With a powerful divine sense, Gu Chong sensed that there was a trace of life in this vortex. It seemed that this special environment was naturally nurtured, and a magical life was born.

Gu Chong was very interested, his consciousness slowly came into contact with this little being, and he immediately sensed a consciousness as pure as a newborn baby, curiously clinging to his consciousness to play.


It was fun to play with this little man, and Gu Chong also asked Qi Lingyun to tease this little life together, which was very interesting.

After playing for a while, he suddenly found that Qi Lingyun's face was very red. He was puzzled at first, but he immediately realized that the two of them were like this, as if they were teasing their own children.

Gu Chong tilted his head and thought about When he didn't expect it, he continued to play with the little life.

Just as he was having a good time, he suddenly sensed something looking up and saw a white light breaking through the sea from the sky and landing in Qi Lingyun's hands, she sensed it a little, the smile on her face immediately faded, and she said to him in a deep voice:

"Junior brother is not good. Senior Sister Qingyun sent a message. There were demons nearby who knew we were coming and surrounded them. Senior Sister Qingyun asked us to go back immediately."

"Then leave immediately."

Gu Chong subconsciously pulled her and stood up, then paused to look at the little life still entangled in his own consciousness, suddenly took out a flying sword, and slowly inserted it into the coral ring, beside the whirlpool. After thinking about it again, she focused the Emei Qi Refining Art and Emei Basic Sword Art directly into her consciousness, and said:

"You and I are considered to be destined to meet. With this method, you can cultivate to the realm of loose immortals. If you can practice successfully, you can come to Emei to find me."

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