From NPC To Overlord

Chapter 799: fierce


There was a loud noise, and the skull shook violently, and the small half of the skull face was cut off, and the thick and black magic flame gushed out from the wound.

"Junior looking for death!"

As soon as the skull was cut down, Shang Heyang, the king of five ghosts, sensed it and was furious:

"Dare to destroy my magic weapon, I will take out your soul today, so that you can't survive, you can't die!"

After speaking, the white bone lock hammer in his hand slammed down, and the five huge skulls were attracted to the center. The infinite demonic flames spewed out from the seven orifices of the skulls, and soon turned into a cloud of demons covering thousands of slopes. Heyang boy pressed his hand down, and the center of the tumbling demon cloud twisted and turned into a huge devil face. He opened his mouth and inhaled violently. A terrifying attraction came from the demon head, and the surrounding vitality quickly rushed towards the demon. The first gathering makes the devil even bigger.

Gu Chong stood on the void, and the attraction of the sky made his robes rattle. He grabbed his hands with no expression on his face, and suddenly there was a loud sword chant above the sky. It turned into a sword light that exceeded a thousand feet and fell from the sky, like cutting a cloth and tearing a large piece of devil cloud.

At the same time, a red light flashed behind him, and there was a thunderous roar from the sky, and a pillar of thunder and fire with a diameter of more than three meters suddenly fell from the sky and smashed through the magic cloud, and a large piece of the magic cloud was shattered.

The pillar of thunder and fire passed through the magic cloud, and the red light flashed into a flying sword made of thunder and fire, and flexibly circled around Gu Chong with the tip of the sword hanging in his white palm.

Another azure sword light also cut a demon cloud and flew to him, and also landed in the same palm of his hand. The two flying swords were so close together, but they didn't mean to reject them. Instead, they were extremely close. flow without hindrance.

The huge demon head in the sky stared at Gu Chong with eyes as big as two wheels, and the voice of Shang Heyang, the king of the five ghosts, came:

"Boy, what kind of flying sword are you?"

Gu Chong stretched out his hand and grabbed it, and the two immortal swords directly merged into his palm, then stretched out from behind and crossed his back.

With his hands behind his back, the gust of wind made his robes rattle, and his incomparably handsome appearance perfectly interprets the idiom of Yushu Linfeng.

"Sky Strike, Thunder Flame, I wonder if the Patriarch has heard of it?"

"Tianlei Double Swords?"

The figure of the Five Ghost Heavenly King suddenly emerged from the hideous devil's head, and said with a look of surprise:

"I heard that the Tianlei Shuangjian is the sword of the head of the fourth-generation core disciples of Emei appointed by Changmei. Could it be that you are... not right? Logically speaking, the fourth-generation disciples of Emei have not yet been born, and the double swords are separate. Why? Will it be all in your hands?"

Gu Chong smiled slightly, but did not answer the question. His eyes swept across the demonic cloud covering nearly a thousand slopes in the sky. When he turned his eyes, he saw a dozen figures in the sky in the distance. He suddenly chuckled, and he accidentally saw an acquaintance there. , Xuan Wuzi, the boss of the four evils in western Yunnan, who had met in Dafang Temple before, even ran here.

I don't know if Xuan Wuzi saw him, but even if he saw him, he wouldn't have the guts to trouble him. At this time, Gu Chong was not the little cultivator who didn't even condense his true essence, but a man who was capable of fighting with the five ghosts. Heavenly King Shang and Yang are the powerhouses facing the demons.

In fact, Gu Chong didn't use his full strength just now, so he used a golden lotus to protect himself, a few Zifu Shenlei to ward off demons, and even the Tianlei double swords did not fully motivate.

Anyway, these two flying swords are top-level flying swords that are not inferior to Ziying Qingsuo. How could the power be so little, not to mention the big killer of double swords, even if it is a single sword with all its strength.

Looking at the Five Ghost Heavenly King Shang Heyang again, Gu Chong's face became solemn, and he said with a serious expression:

"You have done a lot of evil, and when the calamity comes, it will be ashes, but God has the virtue of good life. If you want to put down the butcher knife and abolish your magic skills, you can let you go if you are not a murderer."

"Boy is arrogant!"

Shang Heyang was furious, his figure disappeared in a flash, the raised hideous demon head behind him swelled violently, and the thousand cloud of demons also twisted crazily, turning into a troll that penetrated the sky completely, and the huge demon claws moved towards him. He slapped it hard.

"Exactly what I want!"

Gu Chong never thought of letting them go. He didn't mean to anger Shang Heyang, the Five Ghost Heavenly King, but he just made a statement that he didn't act like other Emei disciples when they disagreed. He was still reasonable. , it's just that the magic door doesn't make sense.

The eyebrows were raised, the pupils of both eyes were occupied by one red and one blue, and two sword lights shot out from the pupils. Gone in a flash.

No one saw where he went, only to see a roar of rage and rage coming from the demon cloud in the sky, and a skull head bursting with demonic fire suddenly rushed out from the demon cloud and smashed down.

In the next second, the spectator only felt a stinging pain in his eyes, as if he was stabbed by an extremely sharp sword. Halfway, endless magic flames spewed out from it.

"Boom boom boom..."

A series of five earth-shattering loud noises shook everyone's eardrums. An indescribable force wrapped in black flames in the sky spread out like a tide of nearly ten kilometers, followed by a ring that quickly emerged from the magic cloud. Spreading out, it took less than three seconds to open the sky-filled cloud into a circular black cloud with a diameter of more than ten kilometers.

Just when everyone was shocked by this earth-shattering power, they only heard a loud 'click', the circular black cloud suddenly shook violently, and the huge magic cloud reflected in everyone's pupils suddenly split into two halves. , an invisible sword qi emerged out of thin air, and instantly expanded into a sword pillar that was connected to the sea at the bottom, and even the sky above the sky.

The violent hurricane swept across and blew away the cloud of demons, leaving only the sky-piercing sword pillar traversing between the heavens and the earth, and the eyes of the incomparably sharp sword qi were hurting.

A group of ghosts flew for several kilometers before stopping, revealing the figure of Shang Heyang, the king of five ghosts. At this time, the statue of Shura and evil ghosts on the golden flag of the devil fire he held in one hand was broken a lot, and the white bone lock hammer in the other hand was broken. The last five Liuyang Chieftains were all chopped up, and this magic treasure was almost abolished.

At this moment, his face was both horrified and a trace of fear appeared, and he took a deep look at the Tiantong Jianzhu, turned and fled.

Gu Chong's figure emerged from the sword pillar, and he stretched out his white right hand to watch. Two immortal swords, one red and one blue, appeared in front of him, while the sky-penetrating sword pillar behind him became transparent and disappeared as soon as the twin swords appeared, looking at the five ghosts. In the direction where Tian Wang Shang and Yang fled, he gently stroked the red Thunder Flame Sword with his right hand like a harp, and the Thunder Flame Sword disappeared in a flash.

Then he looked at the magic monk who was secretly retreating on the other side, stroked Zhan Lantian again to fencing, and the sword also disappeared.

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