From NPC To Overlord

Chapter 800: meet

In the distance, Xuan Wuzi, who was watching the battle with many of his fellow disciples, reacted and fled at the moment when the Five Ghosts Heavenly King was defeated. His reaction was very fast, but the speed of Tianjingjian was even faster. Almost instantly, he heard the sound from behind him. With a scream, when he turned around, he saw a demon cultivator whose cultivation level was not inferior to his own was chopped into two pieces, a strand of sword energy was twisted, and there were no bones left.

A trace of sweat came to his forehead, and he turned around almost without thinking and knelt down and shouted:

"I cast..."

The blue sword light swept across, his expression froze, and his figure slowly turned into powder and drifted away in the wind.


Gu Chong scratched his forehead and spread his hands apologetically:

"Sorry, I didn't respond!"

In the next second, his face sank and his murderous aura became stern. With a single pointing, a blue light burst violently in the distance. It was countless sword energy as thin as a cow's hair, rapidly expanding and swallowing up a radius of no less than 100 acres. Among them, one of the magic cultivators was one of them. Not all of it was swallowed, and when the sword balloon disappeared, the people inside disappeared.

A minute later, one blue and one red swords flew back and landed on his back, slowly landing on the Crescent Moon Island. All the disciples of Emei gathered around him with expressions of admiration.

Even Zhou Qingyun, who was in charge of the Blue Suo Sword, looked ashamed and said:

"It's amazing how high the cultivation level of the junior brother is. It is no wonder that the uncle in charge is highly regarded as a disciple."

Gu Chong was not humble, he put his hands behind his back, looked into the distance, and said:

"It's a pity that I couldn't keep the great devil, Shang Heyang, the five ghost kings, otherwise it would be a great achievement!"

The laughing monk laughed and said:

"Junior brother, you are ashamed to say that. Wait, the Five Ghost Heavenly King Shang and Yang Tangtang Dongfang Devil Patriarch have been defeated by you, and they have lost face. When the Ziyun Palace is opened this time, the junior brother can use the sea eye aura to further improve his cultivation. When I see him again, I will definitely kill him in one fell swoop."

"hope so!"

Gu Chong paused for a while, then turned to look at Qin Ziling. Although the woman was equally happy, but there was a trace of worry mixed in, he couldn't help asking:

"Why are you worried, Sister?"

Qin Ziling returned:

"Although junior brother is capable of defeating such big devils as the Five Ghost Heavenly Kings, I am worried that they are not only these people. Ziyun Palace is the place of Jiu Lingfu and the most abundant spiritual energy in the world. Now we have the opportunity to occupy this treasure land. , the Demon Sect will not let it go, I worry that there will be other powerful demons coming, and then..."


This is also what Gu Chong is worried about. In fact, he has long thought of it, so he did not continue chasing Shang Heyang, the five ghost heavenly kings, just because he was afraid of running into other masters of the devil path.

Of course, he was not afraid of himself, but worried about other Emei disciples. They didn't have the magic power and flying sword magic weapon as his own. If Shang and Yang were entangled in him, and there were two more masters of the same rank, it would be troublesome.

It is impossible to evacuate. The opening of the Purple Cloud Palace is just moments away, and it may be opened at any time. If they suddenly open when they leave the Purple Cloud Palace, it will be troublesome.

At this time, the smiling monk said again:

"Perhaps we can inform the teacher of the current situation, and ask the headmaster to decide?"

Is this looking for a parent?

Gu Chong was familiar with this routine. He had done it a few times himself, so of course he would not object, he nodded in agreement.

With Zhou Qingyun flying the sword to pass the book, he flew to the inner bay of Crescent Moon Island, stretched out his right hand, and the twin swords of Tianlei appeared out of thin air in the palm of his hand and swayed, thinking back to the feeling of the two swords joining the wall just now.

The strike just now directly shattered the white bone lock hammer of Shang Heyang, the king of five ghosts, and the cloud of demons was divided into two halves. It was the first time that he combined his swords and swords together, and then the two swords joined the wall, that kind of invincible terror. It can be intoxicating, but the mana consumption is a bit large, even with his pure mana that has more than two thousand years now, he feels that the consumption is a bit large.

After all, they are two top-level flying swords of the tenth order, and their mana consumption will be large. Combining the swords together increases the power, and then combining the two swords together, even with the assistance of the Taiqing Huangting Inner Scenery Scripture, it feels like a lot of consumption.

With his current mana, he can only hold on for twenty or thirty seconds with all his strength.

It seems to be very short, but in fact it is already exaggerated. Just a few seconds ago, the white bone lock hammer that destroyed the five ghost kings Shang Heyang was just a few seconds. Kill Shang Heyang.

"It's a pity it's not worth the experience!"

He looked at the system panel, and it showed that there were only 100,000 experience points. If 10,000 experience points increased his mana for ten years, he could only increase his mana for 100 years. For him now, the increase in strength was not great.

At present, the main channels for his experience points are Tiansui World and Yangshen World. Immortal Sword World has not yet been opened to players. Only players in these two worlds continue to provide him with experience points.

As the master of the world, as long as the player keeps doing tasks in his world, he will be given a share.

The experience value that is divided into is naturally a lot.

However, after a lot of consumption before, he basically used it completely.

It seems that it is time for the deity to go to the world of Tiansui and Yangshen to cut a wave of leeks.

The Sword World can also be opened to players earlier to facilitate the harvesting of experience points.

For the next period of time, they continued to wait on the Crescent Island while waiting for the opening of the Ziyun Palace, while waiting for the teacher's door to reply.

Gu Chong didn't wander around, because they had already noticed that there were monks from the Demon Sect appearing from time to time nearby and seemed to be monitoring them. He tried to catch up, but as soon as he appeared, the monitor immediately ran away and did not dare to fight him at all. Obviously The previous battle with Shang Heyang, the five ghost kings, has made him famous. These magic monks know his power and dare not ask for death.

Time passed by day by day, and one day, he did not wait for the opening of the Ziyun Palace or the arrival of the elders of the division. Instead, he waited for a message from the player and asked him to meet.

"No time, don't go!"

Gu Chong decisively refused. At this critical time, there are players who have an appointment with him, which must be for Ziyun Palace.

It didn't take long for someone to pass the book on Feijian again, and that person left a message on Feijian:

"Brother Liu, please don't have to see each other, and discuss the ownership of Ziyun Palace together! To show sincerity, Brother Liu can choose the place."

This sincerity...

Gu Chong held his chin in his hand and thought about said to Zhou Qingyun, Qi Lingyun, monk and others:

"Someone invited me to discuss the matter of Ziyun Palace, and asked Senior Brother Xiao and Senior Sister Qi to come with me."

He didn't ask them to help, just to avoid suspicion. After all, it was not good for him, the disciple of the headmaster of Emei, to meet the demon monk alone.

After they agreed, Gu Chong wrote back to the person and met on a reef out of the water more than 20 kilometers away from Crescent Island.

They reached the reef first. Gu Chong stood alone on the rock. After a while, he turned his head and saw a shadow of blood emerging from the sea water and turned into a masked man walking on the water. He made no sound. Flying to the reef to face Gu Chong, he said in a deep voice:

"I want to make a deal with you. I will tell you the exact location of Ziyun Palace, and you will help me kill my senior brother Di Yihong."

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