From NPC To Overlord

Chapter 803: magic door

This is the truth. After diving for about 10,000 meters, the eyes suddenly lit up, and the bottom of the incomparably dark abyss suddenly lit up with golden light. The viscous and almost substantial Guishui elites in the sea's eyes were slowly turning, and the further down they turned, the more The faster it reaches the golden source, it turns into a rapidly spinning vortex.

An extremely terrifying tearing force came from the vortex, and even the Taiyi Wuyanluo who was protecting his body was torn and deformed.

Gu Chong's powerful consciousness carried the tearing force and extended it into the vortex. Suddenly, his body flashed, and the whole person turned into a dazzling sword light and pierced into the vortex and disappeared.

In an extremely empty void, a dazzling sword light suddenly appeared, and the next second the void lit up, 'Boom', a laser-like lightning shot from the depths of the void and instantly hit the sword light, and struck it with one blow. Defeat, revealing Gu Chong's figure.

Before he could relax, two laser lightning bolts shot out from the depths of the void, and with two loud 'booms', he was beaten to pieces.

But in the next second, the void was twisted, and another Gu Chong stepped out of it, stretched out his hand, and a layer of smoke covered his whole body, blocking the three laser-like thunder that shot again.

This void is not a real void outside the realm, but a layer of defense restriction of Ziyun Palace. It looks like a void, but in fact...

When he thought about it, two sword lights, one blue and one purple, flew out from behind him, drew an arc on the top of his head left and right, and collided with the center, silently forming a azure blue thunder flame mixed with sword pillar, and fell straight down to kill him. Merging into it, a 'bang' sounded like a thunder blast, and the sword column flashed and dragged a long rainbow to cut through the void. Halfway into the depths of the void, it suddenly cut through the void and drew a long crack.

As this crack emerged, the void began to twist and deform, and soon collapsed and disappeared, revealing Gu Chong, who should have escaped through the void into another interface.

In fact, he did not escape into another interface, but just broke this layer of prohibition.

After two generations of True Immortals, Ziyun Palace has two layers of defense restrictions, the inner layer and the inner layer. I don't know how many layers of restrictions are in the inner layer, but the outer layer has at least a dozen layers of restrictions. He just passed the first layer.

The Taiji map is the innermost layer of the map.

According to the usual rule that the more powerful the outside, the more powerful the inside, Gu Chong didn't think he could enter the Purple Cloud Palace with his current strength.

In fact, he had two sixth-order flying swords to break the first floor. The two swords slammed into the wall and directly ripped apart the space. Even if the Luofu Seven Immortals arrived, they would be trapped in it.

So after passing through the first floor, he immediately stopped, looked at the seemingly raging but temperatureless flames of the second floor defense ban, wisely turned around and left, re-passed the first floor void ban, and came to the purple Outside the Cloud Palace.

Just after passing through the Void Confinement, there was a steep blackness in front of him, and a huge ferocious demon head bit down. He subconsciously raised his sword and swung it, and a sharp sword light cut the demon head in half, revealing a demon holding a white bone behind him. Fan, the stunned Demon Sect cultivator.

Gu Chong was also stunned when he saw the situation outside the Ziyun Palace. He passed through the sea eye and directly entered the first level of the Purple Cloud Palace. When he returned from the Void Ban, he entered the Purple Cloud Palace. The periphery is not returning to the sea.

The periphery of Ziyun Palace is not in the vortex in the depths of the sea eye as he imagined, but another waterless space on the seabed. A layer of blue light film blocks hundreds of millions of tons of seawater and props up this waterless space. There are still some inside. Attic pavilion.

But this is not the point. The point is that in this waterless space, dozens of monks from the side of the magic path have gathered, and they are all looking at him with dumbfounded expressions.

The two sides were stunned for only two seconds before they reacted, and there was a grin on the face of the magic monk holding the white bone demon flag:

"The mere Emei junior dares to come here alone, it's really self-defeating!"

After speaking, the white-boned magic flag swung violently in his hand, and the flag's face was free of wind, and a black vortex appeared on it. An evil spirit with a fierce aura almost condensed into substance climbed out of it. The cultivator pointed at Gu Chong and shouted:

"kill him!"

Gu Chong's eyelids drooped, he raised his sword and slashed, the incomparably sharp blue sword light drew a sword arc as long as a hundred meters to split the Li Gui who had just saved in two, with a crisp 'bang', followed by a scream , The cultivator holding the banner was divided into two halves together with the person and the treasure.

The easy killing of one person instantly shocked nearly half of the demon monks, but there were more than a dozen others who were not shocked, including an acquaintance.

The Five Ghost Heavenly King Shang He Yang recognized him when he saw him, and when he thought that the Bone Shattering Heart Hammer he had worked so hard to cultivate was abolished, he became angry, but he also had lingering fears about Gu Chong's fighting ability, so although the first Time recognized it, but he didn't do it the first time, but waited until another master of the magic path here got up before he got up.

Another expert in the magic way surprised Gu Chong quite a bit. It was the third disciple of the real Changmei, the abandoned disciple of Emei, Zen Master Xiaoyue, who is now nicknamed Miechenzi.

At the beginning, Chan Master Xiaoyue was unwilling to let Qi Shuming inherit the position of headmaster of Emei, so he betrayed the family in a fit of anger, and has been interacting with the demons of the demon sect. Now, not only does he have the superb Emei swordsmanship, but also the magic of the demon sect. The most famous one is It is the famous Twelve Capital Heavenly Gods Array, and its power is extremely vicious.

The Twelve Capital Heavenly Gods have nothing to do with the legendary Twelve Ancestral Wudu Heavenly Gods of the Great Desolate World, they just have the same name.

Seeing Gu Chong, an Emei disciple, Mie Chenzi's heart was filled with killing intent uncontrollably. After betraying his sect, he hated and disliked Emei disciples especially, the more outstanding Emei disciples were, the more they hated him. He was as handsome as Gu Chong. The outrageous third-generation disciple of Emei, the cultivation base is so strong, it is even more hated to the extreme, without saying a word, it is a sword.

Mie Chenzi was the third disciple of Changmei at the The cultivation base is profound, second only to the Three Immortals of the East China Sea. Now he also cultivates a magic Dafa, and his cultivation is even more superb. It is not so easy for Zhenzi ascetic tutu to take him down.

Although Gu Chong's cultivation was superb, he was still a little short of Chen Chenzi.

However, he has a magic weapon. The Tianlei Shuangjian was originally reserved for the core of the fourth generation of Emei. Taiyi Wuyanluo was the treasure of the Wutai Hunyuan Patriarch. They are all first-class magic weapons. No magic weapon can compare to him.

So even if his cultivation is a little worse, the magic weapon is enough to make up for the gap. With a backhand sword, he can easily block Mie Chenzi's sword, and he still has enough power to counterattack.

His block made Mie Chenzi stunned for a moment, and soon his face was covered with clouds. Suddenly, he took out an object from his pocket and tossed it. It was divided into twelve and spread out. It turned into twelve small blood-colored flags and quickly expanded. Nailed in the void, a stench of blood filled the air in an instant.

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