From NPC To Overlord

Chapter 804: call

"Mie Chenzi, you are crazy!"

The moment when Shang Heyang, the king of the Five Ghosts, saw the twelve blood-colored flags, his complexion changed greatly, he hurriedly retreated, and then yelled loudly.

Even Gu Chong was speechless. Even if he didn't recognize this thing, he could guess that it was the Twelve Capital Heavenly Gods and Demons' Gate Formation that Mie Chenzi was relying on as his killer. Trapped in it, whether it is the enemy or me, it will burn all jade and stone.

Promoting this formation requires depleting the host's lifespan, and its power is also earth-shattering. Even if there is Taiyi Wuyanluo in hand, Gu Chong can't guarantee that he can persevere.

Without saying a word, the figure flashed, and there was a light thunder in the void, and the others disappeared.

"Nine Heavens Mysterious Classics, a way to escape from spiritual light!"

Mie Chenzi's face became even more ugly, and he shouted angrily:

"Boy, you are dead. Today, even if you lose a hundred years of life, this seat will refine you to death!"

After speaking, his face flushed, and then a mouthful of blood spurted out. It was divided into twelve pieces in the air and landed on the twelve mouths of the gods and gods. The blood cloud of ten acres rushed towards the void ban in Ziyun Palace. Gu Chong fled for his life just now and rushed directly into the void ban.

It wasn't that he didn't want to flee in other directions, but that there was a layer of light outside that blocked the hundreds of millions of tons of seawater outside, and also blocked the direction of his escape.

Although there is an exit to leave, there are other demon monks, and any obstruction is enough to trap him in the gods and evil formations.

He didn't dare to take this risk, so he could only re-enter the Ziyun Palace's void ban.

Re-entering the void, Gu Chong was familiar with the two swords that he knew well, and he forcibly ripped apart the void and entered the forbidden interlayer with one blow.

No way, when he fled, he saw that the edge of the void had been swallowed by blood, and the first layer of void ban would soon be melted through.

The second layer is the ban on the earth's yin fire. Taking the venomous side of the earth's fire elite into a ban, the flames seem to be vigorous, but in fact, they are extremely cold. Even if a steel ingot is placed in it, it will be frozen and melted.

Fortunately, his Taiyi Wuyanluo is worthy of being the master of Hunyuan's self-defense. There is no water in this defense, and he firmly blocks the yin fire of the earth, and he abruptly passes through this layer of prohibition and enters the next layer. .

Even breaking the two-layer ban, even if Gu Chong's current mana had to take a good breath, he turned his head to look at the yin fire of the extreme earth. Although he couldn't see a trace of blood, he could feel the blood rushing towards his face after the ban on the yin fire. .

"Crap, what kind of resentment, what kind of resentment, why don't you go to Emei for revenge?"

He was depressed to death, but there was nothing he could do about it. Chen Chenzi directly lost a hundred years of life and mobilized the gods of the twelve capitals. Even if Xuan Zhenzi fell into it, he would lose a layer of skin. Bad luck might fall into it. Maybe, he is only a mere third-generation disciple, how can he bear it.

The third layer of the outer prohibition of Ziyun Palace is a water curtain formed by a layer of thunder water. The thunder water that made his consciousness numb contains terrifying power. There is anxiety, for fear of being turned into nothingness.

One head dived into the thunder water, without the earth-shattering loud noise he imagined, just like ordinary water flowing through the protective treasure light, but Gu Chong's mana was consumed at an extremely fast speed, so fast that his heart skipped a beat.

Fortunately, the layer of thunder water is not very thick, and it finally passed when the mana consumption was close to two-thirds.

But he was not excited at all. Although Lei Ting restrained the magic door spell, if Chen Chenzi did not care about the cost, the thunder water layer could not stop him.

Looking at the fourth floor, Gu Chong's face immediately collapsed. In front of him was an indescribably thick layer of glazed crystal, which was indescribably hard.

With a single sword, a spark exploded on the glass crystal, and a gap the size of a pinhole appeared on it.

This layer of prohibition is very simple. It is a pure test of attack power. As long as the attack is enough, anyone can wear it.

But what Gu Chong lacked right now was time, and by the time he wore it through, the daylily would be cold.

Standing in front of the glass crystal wall, Gu Chong fell into deep thought.

There is no chance of cheating in this level. Looking at all the magic weapons and means on his body, none of them can be opened quickly.

After thinking for less than ten seconds, he suddenly turned his head and heard a 'crack' sound from the slowly flowing thunderwater. There is such a big reaction to the conflict.

"Or maybe try this?"

As Gu Chong thought about it, a little purple light suddenly lit up in the pupils of his eyes, which quickly expanded into purple flames that filled the pupils, and a circle of purple flames turned into purple golden lotus pieces that rolled around the edge of his pupils.

He stretched out his hand laboriously, stretched out his slender fingers, pressed it on the glass crystal light wall, a purple light seeped out and left traces on the glass crystal. The talisman is really edict!

The Emperor's Mansion Tianzhuan, Tushuangzhen Edict, the Imperial Mansion's Tushuangzhen Record!

In desperation, Gu Chong had no choice but to resort to this, and quickly drew on the glass crystal wall with his magic power, the Emperor's Mansion Tianzhuan and Tushangzheng, which represented his Xuanmen's direct lineage, hoping that Tianyi Jinmu could save his life.

He knew that Tianyi Jinmu in Lingkong Xianjie would definitely be able to see this scene. Ziyun Palace is still under the control of Jinmu now, so she knows that Sanfeng will associate with the monks of the magic sect and donate to Ziyun Palace. , Gu Chong was betting that his mother would not want to see this happen.

No, there is no need to gamble, Tianyi Jinmu will definitely not want to see this happen.

The Emperor's Mansion Tianzhuan and Tusuizhen took shape, and Gu Chong immediately sensed an incomparably powerful force coming. A circle of ripples appeared on the glass crystal wall in front of him, and a hazy appearance of a woman in palace attire slowly emerged. However, this must be the consciousness of Tianyi Jinmu, and she immediately bowed her hands and said:

"I was chased and killed by the abandoned disciples of Emei, and I asked Jin Mu to help me escape."

"You don't need to worry, little master, please come with me!"

Tianyi Jinmu's words made Gu Chong stunned for a moment. That familiar name, he... suddenly realized and asked:

"It turns out that the mother who heard the Tao was also there at the beginning?"

The woman in the palace dress waved her hand gently, and the glass crystal wall in front of Gu Chong separated like flowing water and turned into a portal. She motioned for him to come in, nodded and said:

"I was fortunate to listen to the sage preaching that day, and I happened to meet the little master!"

As he stepped into the glazed crystal wall, Gu Chong recalled that when he was in the Emei Patriarch's Hall, there were indeed dozens of people listening to the sermon when he was going to pass the emperor's mansion. Several female fairies, do not know whether there is Tianyi Jinmu.

However, it may not be very likely that Mother Jin tells After all, if you are not present, you can't know about it... Wait, Gu Chong suddenly reacted to what Tianyi Jinmu said, she said it was a sage preaching?

"Is he really a saint of Taiqing?"

Although he had already guessed it, he was still shocked when he was really sure.

And this is not the point. The point is that the sage of Taiqing was really preaching and teaching his own imperial palace Tushuangzheng and Taiqing Huangting Inner Jingjing. The meaning is very intriguing. Does the sage of Taiqing really want to accept himself as a direct disciple ?

"Yes, there will definitely be no fakes. There are so many immortals witnessing, there can be no fakes. This must be true. Although I don't know why, I am indeed attracted by the sage Taiqing."

"We, are you holding another thigh? Or the thick one?"

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