From NPC To Overlord

Chapter 808: plan

When his eyes fell on the boy, Gu Chong frowned slightly. The white bone lock hammer in the hands of the Eastern Devil Patriarch had been repaired for a while, and then he guessed that there were fewer demon monks in this group. What, I can't help but feel more murderous in my heart.

Moving his gaze again, under the blessing of the prohibition of the Ziyun Palace, his gaze could cover every inch of the area within a thousand kilometers with the Ziyun Palace as the center, and he soon saw the disciples of Emei at the sea eye.

With a thought in his mind, a divine light lit up in Ziyun Palace, reaching into the void.

Within the sea eyes, the disciples of Emei looked at the sea eyes like an abyss with a worried look on their faces, and their expressions were very low. Qi Liang, the middle of the five dwarfs in the east of Sichuan, smashed a fist on the stone wall, and said with hatred:

"We should have persuaded Junior Brother Liu not to take risks, so that Junior Brother Liu fell into danger. As a Senior Brother, I have a responsibility that I cannot shirk. If Junior Brother Liu has something to do, how can I explain it to the head?"

Qin Ziling frowned, with a hint of worry in her eyes, but she still cheered up and said to her fellow sect:

"Everyone, don't be too pessimistic. Although Junior Brother Liu has not responded, it does not mean that something is wrong. Maybe he is trapped in the eyes of the sea. His magic power is no less than that of your uncles, even the five ghost kings Shang and Yang. There is nothing I can do about my head, and now I have Taiyi Wuyanluo to protect myself, just be careful and protect yourself."

Zhou Qingyun nodded and said:

"Junior Sister Qin said that Junior Brother Liu has a superb cultivation base and is already above me, so nothing will happen."

"You guys have confidence in me!"

"Junior Brother Liu!"

Qin Ziling was the first to react, she turned her head with joy, and saw that Gu Chong appeared behind them out of nowhere.

"Stay safe!"

He laughed and greeted the crowd, opened his hands and raised his back, and said:

"Everyone, let me tell you some good news. I have met Tianyi Jinmu, who was recognized by Jinmu to inherit Ziyun Palace. Now I am the master of Ziyun Palace!"

Everyone was shocked, Qi Liang scratched his head, and said in disbelief:

"Junior Brother Liu, are you sure? This is not a joke."

However, he quickly realized that it was meaningless to ask him, he could tell if it was true or not, but Gu Chong didn't care, he just nodded and waved his hand.

In the next second, a layer of rays of light rose from the feet of everyone to support them. The sticky Guishui elites in the eyes of the sea split a road around, and the clouds quickly dived down, and they crossed a distance of tens of thousands of meters in less than a minute. Crash into a giant sun.

This isn't the sun, it's just that the defensive restrictions of the Ziyun Palace are too dazzling.

The disciples of Emei stood among the clouds and passed through the layers of the Ziyun Palace, exuding a restraint that made them feel the seasons. Cloud Palace.

Xiaguang flashed through the last layer of restriction and entered Ziyun Palace. When the Xiaguang dissipated, the female disciples were still reserved, and the male disciples were all looking around with excitement. He converged into a white snake into his nostrils.

"It really deserves to be one of the spiritual places of the nine palaces. The spiritual energy is too abundant. I'm afraid that the five palaces of Taiyuan in this sect can't compare!"

After the disciples were amazed, Gu Chong said:

"Brothers and sisters, please be safe. Although I have entered the Ziyun Palace, there are still many demons outside the palace that have not yet dispersed, and some are still attacking the immortal mansion. Kill the monsters one by one."

"Suppressing demons and eliminating demons is the duty of my generation, so don't worry about it, junior brother."

The laughing monk laughed and said:

"Junior brother opened a small mouth for restraint, and we sneaked out and attacked and killed them one by one, and we will definitely make them come and go."

Gu Chong waved his hands and smiled:

"Why do you need a sneak attack? With the Ziyun Palace's defense and prohibition in place, it's not difficult to defeat them, but the difficulty is that they can't escape. I will send you brothers and sisters outside and block them from the seabed water barrier. I will urge them again. Forbidden law to launch an attack, if anyone escapes, block it, don’t annihilate all these demons here in one fell swoop, to rectify the world!”

As soon as he finished speaking, the antique green cable immortal sword on Zhou Qingyun's back swayed gently and chirped. She glanced back, comforted her with her hand, and turned back and said neatly:

"Junior Brother Liu is right, please send us outside the water-dividing enchantment."

"Then I'll ask you brothers and sisters."

Gu Chong clasped his fists in both hands and waved his sleeves. A dazzling glow rose to wrap them around, turned into a meteor and flew out, disappearing instantly.

After sending off a few brothers and sisters, Gu Chong's figure disappeared in a flash, and he reappeared outside the inner restriction of the Ziyun Palace. Standing in the archway that avoided the water, there was a layer of light curtain on the beautiful archway door. Di Hong and Sanfeng were almost wiped out by the light curtain, only a thin layer remained.

He suddenly appeared in the archway of avoiding the water. Outside the archway, Di Hong and Sanfeng, who were constantly attacking the ban, were shocked when they saw the figure behind the light curtain. Countless rays of blood shot up into the sky, turning into a huge cloud of blood in mid-air that filled all the space outside the water shelter A huge face appeared on it, which was exactly what Di Hong looked like.

Seeing this scene, Sanfeng was shocked, and Gu Chong outside the Bishui Archway was also quite surprised. It was also the first time he saw the appearance of the blood nerve Dacheng.

Immediately afterwards, he saw Sanfeng talking loudly, pointing at Di Hong's face in the blood cloud in the sky, but he couldn't hear what he was being restrained across the water-preventing archway, but he guessed that he was probably accusing Di Hong of deceiving them. The shock was not pretentious, and it was estimated that they did not know that Di Hong was the disciple of the old blood god.

The blood nerve is the authentic magic of the magic way, the top secret method, and its status in the magic way is equivalent to the Jiutian Xuanjing Taiqing secret of Daomen, and its power is extraordinary.

The world's impression of blood nerves basically comes from the blood demon Deng Yin, but in fact, the blood nerves that the blood demon Deng Yin cultivated are not complete, only half of the blood nerves, and the training is not the authentic blood nerves, but the method of the side door— - Blood Shadow Magic.

Practitioners have to peel off their own skin, stab it with acupuncture, and use magic to refine their fleshly body, and finally become a blood man, called the blood god.

The blood **** is invisible and invisible. It can be divided and combined, and it can change freely. When it meets the enemy, it can instantly swallow the blood of the enemy and refine it into a blood **** child similar to a clone.

When enough blood gods are cultivated, the blood shadow magic at this time is extremely powerful and terrifying. The practitioner can resurrect on any blood **** at will. As long as a blood **** does not die, the practitioner can be immortal.

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