From NPC To Overlord

Chapter 809: condition

Di Hong obviously took a fancy to the powerful effects of the Blood Shadow Magic Art, so he gave up the authentic blood nerves to practice the Blood Shadow Magic Art.

He is a player, and he doesn't need to care about the sequelae of the Blood Shadow Divine Art. Returning to the Jiehai system can remove the sequelae and only recover the purest blood and mana.

When it turned into a sea of ​​blood, Di Hong had already turned against Sanfeng. Sanfeng saw him as a human being, but he was no longer human after practicing the blood shadow magic. Right in front of Gu Chong, the two sides turned their faces and fought.

Di Hong turned into a sea of ​​blood and pressed down. I don't know which of the three phoenixes sacrificed one of Taiyi Qingning's fan. , bursting out ten thousand sword lights pierced into the sea of ​​blood, dividing Di Hong's face into two.

The third phoenix sacrificed a chi, and no accident should be Xuanguang ruler from Lianshan treasure house.

I have to say that Sanfeng is really in the midst of blessings, sitting on the treasure house of Ziyun Palace, two true immortals backing the mountains, two top-level Taoist methods, and one-hand top-level magic weapons.

If it is replaced by other motivated cultivators, if the qualifications are good enough, such as the core disciples of Emei, I am afraid that they will become immortals in five hundred years.

Even if the aptitude is a little short, as long as you have the will to practice, the earth immortal is not a problem. As for the mere scattered immortals, it is really a precious pearl. No wonder the secret of Zifu flew away as soon as it was born. .

Fortunately, the three of them haven't been stupid enough to send out the magic weapon to protect their bodies, otherwise Gu Chong can collect their corpses now.

But this is only a matter of time. Although the magic weapon of the three girls is powerful, but the cultivation base is too poor and the opponent is too powerful. Di Hong is now close to the blood nerve, and it is estimated that it is a little worse than the original Deng Yin. There is a sea of ​​blood, and the three girls do not have the support of Ziyun Palace, their mana will definitely be exhausted, and then...

But with Gu Chong there, there was no time to do so. He wouldn't just watch Di Hong defeat Sanfeng and take away the Taoist calligraphy treasure in their hands.

As soon as his mind moved, Di Hong was the first to notice that the clear light prohibition of the water-preserving archway they had worn for a long time expanded and turned into a portal, from which a familiar figure walked out, and a surprised voice came from the blood cloud in the sky:

"Emei Liu Jie?"

Gu Chong stood tall, with the jade tree facing the wind, his handsome and upright demeanor was even better than when Di Hong did not reveal the true body of the Blood God. Wearing a blood robe, he said in a deep voice:

"Ziyun Palace is already in your hands?"

He snapped his fingers:

"Yes, I have now been approved by Tianyi Jinmu to become the new owner of Ziyun Palace. I wonder if you have any advice?"

Di Hong's face was gloomy and he said in a deep voice:

"I don't dare to advise, I just want to see if you can get the approval of Tianyi Jinmu to enter the Ziyun Palace, how many pounds and taels, and whether you are worthy of being the Ziyun Palace Master!"


Gu Chong raised his head and laughed, and said coldly:

"Whether I'm worthy of being in this Ziyun Palace has nothing to do with you. You don't need to weigh it. I want to see if the famous blood nerve really claims that the blood **** son will never die if he doesn't die!"

As soon as his voice fell, a mass of yin and yang air flow spread out rapidly under his feet, and the surrounding vitality quickly revolved around him, and a huge Tai Chi pattern slowly emerged.

At the moment when his voice just fell, Di Hong also made a decisive move. The blood clouds in the sky skyrocketed, and countless strands of blood condensed into various weapon forms. Baoguang, supported by Taiyi Qingning fan and Xuanguang ruler, was pressed down steadily for the first time. Obviously, he hadn't shot with all his strength before.

But this was of no use. The Taiji map under Gu Chong's feet rose and expanded rapidly, and instantly rose to the top of his head. The smashed body and bones that were blown up on it were quickly ground by the yin and yang and turned into a gray airflow that merged into the vortex.

How high the Taiji map rose, how high the blood was supported, where did the Taiji map expand, and where the blood cloud was quickly consumed and transformed into gray and white yin and yang, there was absolutely no power to fight back.

Di Hong, who was in the cloud of blood, changed greatly, and looked solemnly at the rapidly expanding Tai Chi map below.

The grade of this imitation Tai Chi map is much higher than he imagined, which is a bit tricky.

Just when he was stunned, the Taiji map had expanded to several hundred acres, almost covering most of the space inside and outside the Ziyun Palace. At this time, Sanfeng had already put away the baby and retreated to a corner, and the three women's eyes swept across the sky. The Taiji map that completely blocked the blood cloud, Sanfeng suddenly transmitted a voice to the two sisters:

"Two sisters, this Ziyun Palace was supposed to be our immortal mansion, but now it's being occupied by outsiders, I'm not convinced, why don't we sneak in through the Shensha tunnel while he fights with the Gorefiend, and reoccupy the Ziyun Palace ?"

Dafeng shook his head and said:

"We are fascinated by After all the bad things have been done, the blessings have long been exhausted, otherwise the Golden Mother will not give up on me and give the Ziyun Palace to outsiders. Now your **** sand corridor is probably destroyed long ago. , the best option is to sneak away while they are fighting.

As long as I find a good place to practice seriously, I am afraid that it will be difficult, but it is not impossible for Earth Immortals, even if they cannot soar, they will be able to live happily for thousands of years. "

"If you could have thought that way earlier, you wouldn't have lost this Purple Cloud Palace!"

Gu Chong's voice appeared prominently in their minds, and Sanfeng raised her head in surprise, seeing his gaze.

He is far more powerful than them, regardless of his soul or mana, and it is possible that he can't hear the voice beside him.

Originally, he meant to settle them easily, but after listening to their words, although it was too late, he still repented, and for the sake of seeing Tianyi Jinmu donate to Ziyun Palace, he spared their lives.

But although they can spare their lives, but...

"I can let you go, but the Taiyi Qingning fan and Xuanguang ruler that Tianyi Jinmu took from the Lianshan treasure house on Yueer Island four hundred years ago, please return them!"

Forget the other treasures, and he doesn’t care about the ones that the Golden Mother collected from other places, but Xuanguang ruler and Taiyi Qingning fan must be taken back.


His request was inevitably rejected by them, but at this time Gu Chong had no time to talk to them. A huge devil emerged from the tumbling blood cloud, opened his mouth silently, and filial piety, one after another, blood shadows flew out of the big mouth, such as The blood-colored lightning slammed on the Taiji map. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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