From NPC To Overlord

Chapter 810: Big win

Gu Chong's expression was slightly cold, and he stretched out his hand and pointed it out. The Taiji map that had expanded to the entire outer space of the water-preventing archway then swelled in a big circle, and the blood cloud wrapped most of it was swallowed into the image. The yin and yang two qi rolled into one volume, and the blood cloud quickly disappeared, almost a third of the blood cloud evaporated in an instant.

"not good!"

In the blood cloud, Di Hong's heart trembled, and he immediately rose into the air, and there were more than 20 acres of blood cloud quickly pulled up and flew upwards, delusionally trying to escape.

But his movements were fast, and Gu Chong's movements were even faster. The huge Tai Chi map closed in the blink of an eye to cover all the blood clouds, and Di Hong's exclamation came from inside:

"I admit defeat and spare my life!"

The answer to him was that the Taiji map shook slightly, the space inside the map was turned upside down, and everything was turned into yin and yang.

Reaching out his hand to take the Tai Chi map the size of a palm, Gu Chong turned to look at the three women and asked:

"How do you think about it, is it death or treasure?"

The three women looked at the Tai Chi map in his hand with a hint of fear in their eyes.

This Taiji map is one of the treasures given by the golden mother, but the golden mother also knew the characters of the three people and did not give them the opportunity to control the Taiji map, but Gu Chong was unexpectedly able to use it, which shows how much the golden mother trusts him.

In terms of strength, Di Hong could easily crush them to the point of being unable to move, but in Gu Chong's hands they were wiped to ashes without the strength to fight back.

They hesitated for a while, but in the end they didn't let him kill him, and obediently handed over the two magic weapons.

Then they used the power of Ziyun Palace to directly send them thousands of miles away. Now the exit outside the palace is blocked by the laughing monk Zhou Qingyun and others. The three of them are afraid that they will be blocked from there. According to the character of Emei disciples , if they disagree, there is a high possibility of a big fight, and the strength of their three girls will definitely not be able to beat Monk Xiao and others.

Gu Chong put away these two magic weapons first, Xuanguang ruler will let them discuss the distribution together with the magic weapons in the golden court jade column in Ziyun Palace, Taiyi Qingning fan he plans to leave to Rong Yunyi, and let her come by the way. Ziyun Palace practice.

These two magic weapons are very powerful. According to the settings in the Jiehai system, they are all sixth-order magic weapons, and they are considered top-level magic weapons in the sixth-order. Even if they are placed in the treasures of Ziyun Palace, they are considered to be the best. .

Recognized by Tianyi Golden Mother, Gu Chong inherited the Ziyun Palace. In theory, all the treasures in it are distributed by him, but he has a sect on it.

At the very least, Gu Chong himself had an idea to distribute a few pieces to several senior brothers in Tong Yuanqi's family, which was considered to be taking care of his classmates.

Fortunately, the treasure that can be placed in the golden court jade column of Ziyun Palace will not be lower than the fifth rank at worst. Even Tong Yuanqi, the earth immortal, has two or three magic weapons of the fifth and sixth ranks. Can cross.

With a thought, the surging spiritual power surged up through the center of the town house of Ziyun Palace, and re-completed the almost banished ban on the water-preserving archway. Gu Chong's figure disappeared in a flash.

Reappearing, he came to the waterless space that he first arrived at from the sea, and the water barrier film blocked the sea water. At this time, the golden fire in the space was boiling, and the huge skulls trembled. Sprayed the magic fire and hit the top.

As soon as Gu Chong appeared, he saw an incomparably thick cyan sword light separate from the demonic fire in the sky and slashed onto the ground.

Zhou Qingyun and the others had already fought with the demonic demons headed by Shang Heyang, the Heavenly King of Five Ghosts!

He hurriedly sent them a voice transmission and asked, only to know that four blood shadows flew out from it just now. They recognized the famous blood **** son, and decisively intercepted and destroyed two, and two escaped, but they also alarmed the five ghosts. Heavenly King Shang Heyang and other demon sects discovered an ambush outside, and a great battle began.

Gu Chong was quite surprised that Di Hong was so cautious, that he had hidden a few blood gods at the beginning. He was very sure that all the blood gods had been ground into ashes under the Taiji map, but if they were hidden outside at the beginning, then There is no way.

Through these two blood gods, Di Hong can quickly devour blood essence and recover, but to restore his original mana, it is estimated that it will take ten years of work, at least he will not meet him in a short time.

Gu Chong is not worried. When he recovers, he is only afraid that he has accumulated tens of thousands of years of mana, and can also exert the more powerful power of Taijitu. At that time, with the help of the power of Taijitu, even if he puts other blood gods on the 100,000,000 Thousands of miles away, it is also possible to trace the origin by imitating the Taiji map, and follow the connection between all the blood gods to destroy all the blood gods in one fell swoop.

Facing Gu Chong, the Five Ghost Heavenly King Shang He Yang finally showed the strength of his seniors in the face of other Emei juniors.

Five huge skulls sprayed magic flames back and forth in this waterless space, colliding back and forth like meteors, and the magic fire golden banner was pushed to the limit by him, and turned into a golden banner like a mountain peak. Down.

Qin Ziling sacrificed Taiyi Wuyanluo and turned it into a layer of clear light to cover all her classmates. Every time she smashed her pretty face, her pretty face turned It seemed that she was under a lot of pressure.

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When Taiyi Wuyanluo took them into the Ziyun Palace before, he returned it to her. With the Taiji map in hand, this itself is the first-class defense magic weapon in the world, and no other defense magic weapon is needed.

After watching for a while, he saw that although Shang He Yang, the king of the five ghosts, could not defeat the disciples of Emei, even though the demonic flames were overwhelming, Qin Ziling's Taiyi Wuyanluo was the main defense, Zhou Qingyun's Qingsuo Sword was the main attack, and From time to time, Monk Xiao's invisible sword slapped Leng Zi, and from time to time, demons and demons were destroyed and their bodies were destroyed, and the primordial spirit was trapped under it and could not get out.

The worst part is that many of the methods of the devil's way require the cultivator's primordial spirit. There are always people who secretly detain the primordial spirits of the dead demons. Five or six people have died, and none of the surviving primordial spirits are left.

This Primordial Spirit is not the Primordial Spirit, and it is not the same as the Primordial Spirit condensed by monks who have survived the great catastrophe and ascended to immortality. It refers to the spiritual soul of monks who have cultivated mana after death. Only monks who have survived the second catastrophe have Primordial Spirit, the soul of a person without mana will be reincarnated directly after death.

In his heart, there was a moment of silence for Shang Heyang, the five ghost heavenly kings. Gu Chong turned to look at the first floor of the outer layer of the Ziyun Palace, and saw a little blade embossed on the white light curtain, and then a little sword light pierced through the light curtain and exploded. A figure rushed out of it, it was Mie Chenzi who was chasing him before.

As soon as Mie Chenzi got out, he saw Gu Chong standing in the air with his hands on his back, and then looked at the chaotic battlefield behind him, with a cruel look on his face:

"Boy, you dare to appear in front of this seat, you are really asking for your own death!"

After speaking, he flipped his hand and threw out a bowl-like blood bowl, which quickly expanded several feet in size and turned over, spewing out endless blood and water. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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