From NPC To Overlord

Chapter 825: against

The sword is unbreakable, and none of the masters in the field today can retreat!

If the martial arts have not yet been achieved, they can still endure, but now the masters in the field, which one is not the ultimate in the mortal realm, the person who has achieved great martial arts, today must be divided into a rival!

As for the siege, they have their own pride, but they still can't hold this face. Even if they lose in this battle, they will fight!

Of course, if Gu Chong grabbed and ran away, that would be another matter.

"Please!" Gu Chong waved his hand, just as he was talking, the lotus platform under his feet, Daoguang was also trembling.

This proves that when Gu Chong was fighting against people, he was still distracted to suppress the lotus platform, so as to prevent the lotus platform from escaping.


Although there was no sword in the field, everyone heard a sword cry, and an invisible sword energy bloomed from Zhong Yu's body, slashing the sky against the sky.

Afterwards, Zhong Yu turned into a sword light, slaying Gu Chong as if the Emperor of Heaven was approaching the Nine Heavens, suppressing all enemies, the sword light was icy cold, making people's hearts freeze.

And in the void, the sword light turns into one, two, four, four, eight... until infinity, just between the birth and death of one ten thousandth, the sword light turns into a majestic sea of ​​swords. In the sea, the meaning of yin and yang, life and death revolves, and Taoism is eternal!

In the end, the sword returned to one, returning to the eternal sword. This is Zhong Yu's stunt, and it is also the origin of his name. This sword can be called immortal and can prove eternal!

It shreds the heaven and the earth, condenses the black and yellow, shatters the reincarnation, annihilates the chaos, the sword light passes, and there is nothing left. This is the sharpest sword, slaying people and slaying souls!

Facing this eternal sword, Gu Chong stretched out his hand and grabbed it, and shot the sword light directly into the lotus platform under his feet.

Although it was just a simple grab, Zhong Yu could see that this was a magical power that was thousands of times more powerful and mysterious than the world in the palm of his hand. At that moment, the sword light in his body seemed to shatter trillions of layers. Void, but still unable to escape the palm of the opponent.

The square inch of the palm of the hand has formed a great reincarnation of time and space, and every move is a magical change, and the other party's magical attainments have reached the peak!


The last sword light flew out from the lotus platform, the Dao light above the lotus platform was completely shattered, and was directly put into his sleeve by Gu Chong, but the sword light turned into Zhong Yu.

At this time, his face was pale, his breath was sluggish, and he looked like he was about to be exhausted. Gu Chong borrowed his power to overwhelm Liantai, but he had to borrow it. The gap between them was too big!

"I lost!" Zhong Yu handed over and retreated directly. At this time, he was also convinced!

In the lotus platform, Gu Chongwei used his power to change his magical powers in an instant, but he was completely unable to control himself. This kind of god-like means made him amazed!

"Aren't you going to challenge me, Brother Gu!" In the crowd, Zhang Yishang suddenly laughed.

Her smile, like a hundred flowers blooming, made Su Xin sway inwardly.

"I'm not his opponent!" Su Li shook his head, he was not a fool.


At the same time, 30,000 miles away, in the endless field, there are faint clouds and mists.

There are neither flowing divine springs nor precious flowers and plants here, but only grassy green fields.

But if there are experts who are proficient in ventilation and water, they will find that the weather here is extremely good, and there is some kind of wonderful power in the dark!

The feng shui of heaven and earth is infinitely mysterious, and this is the mystery of the Tao.

At this time, on the wilderness, a huge black stone altar stood quietly. The altar was very rough, as if it was randomly piled up with ordinary black stones!

But in the rough, this altar has a very unusual sense of harmony, which is in harmony with heaven and earth, and is created by good fortune!

At the top of the altar, there are seven lamps and seven people. The lamps are dark and silver. The silver-white lamps are like the fate of heaven and earth. Life and luck are all in it. The lights are swaying in the breeze, as if they are communicating with the sky!

"I didn't expect that Gu Chong would actually improve his strength again. He's just a freak. Now I can't stand up to three moves in front of him!" day.

Among the seven people on the altar, there is him. They have a big plan this time, and they want to seize the opportunity to slaughter Zhenlong!

The so-called dragon is naturally the Dragon Emperor!

But he never expected that Gu Chong would be so powerful that even the Dragon Emperor was no match for him!

"Our method of slaughtering dragons with seven stars was originally to capture other people's creations. Since Gu Chong is stronger than the Dragon Emperor, there is nothing to say, it's him!" Yin Wuxie chuckled lightly.

This time, they had a plan for a long time. The Seven Star Dragon Slaying Technique is a formation technique handed down from the Immortal Realm.

If they succeed in slaughtering the dragon this time, all seven of them will have the opportunity to break into the realm of "dragon"!

Qi number, karma, karma... Not to mention other things, the current state of the Dragon Emperor alone requires too many things, and this time they want to take everything from Gu Chong to achieve themselves!


In the lotus sea, everyone was shocked by Gu Chong's strength.

Tianlong suddenly shone with seven stars, and then turned into seven suns, projecting seven beams of light, forming a formation that locked Gu Chong firmly.

Everyone was shocked. They didn't expect the mantis to catch the cicada, and the oriole was behind.

And Gu Chong felt a faint sense of life-and-death crisis in his The Seven Stars Divine Formation instantly turned this place into chaos, and Gu Chong only felt that there were seven thin lines, and began to extract things from himself.

True qi, qi blood, qi number, karma...

Everything seems to be fading away.

And Gu Chong tried to break the formation, but couldn't do it at all.

"My God, this is actually the Seven Star Dragon Slaying Formation!"

Finally someone recognized this formation.

It is rumored that this formation is notorious in the fairy world, and it can forcibly capture other people's creations, making countless immortals of the magical way flock to it.

Unexpectedly, someone in the Eight Desolations and Nine Regions actually got this formation.

"Unfortunately, such a talented person has to fall like a comet!"

Someone was very sorry.

After all, this is an immortal formation, so how can people in the mortal world break it?

"This is called a shot at the head, and even if you have your life to get the treasure, you will not die." Some people are gloating about the misfortune.

And the next moment, in the eyes of everyone's surprise.

Gu Chong disappeared out of thin air.

Wu Long and others, who presided over the Seven-Star Dragon Slaying Array, were shocked.

The Seven Star Dragon Slaying Formation can block the space, how could Gu Chong disappear?

"Don't panic, this person may have entered his inner world. We just need to isolate the energy of the world from the outside world and see how long he can last!" Yin Wuxie shouted, and now they have no turning back.

If Gu Chong escapes, they will surely suffer terrifying revenge, and now they can only stalemate to the end!


"Cough cough..."

In the Ming Temple, Gu Chong had bloodstains flowing from the corner of his mouth. The seven-star dragon slaughtering formation just now had hurt his origin. Fortunately, he came to the Ming Temple in time, otherwise it would not be impossible for the realm to go backwards!

Now the outside world is definitely not allowed to go out, and his own origin also needs time to recuperate.

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