From NPC To Overlord

Chapter 826: New World: Cover the sky!

The Ming Temple is a space-time temple belonging to Gu Chong, and he can stay here forever.

But spending time is not the way to go.

So he looked at the world coordinates that covered the sky.

Right now, he can heal his wounds while descending to other worlds to enhance his strength.

Of course, the level of the world of covering the sky is not low, and there are immortals in it.

He will definitely not go there.

And this world has no incarnation of him.

This is a little trickier.

After thinking for a while, he decided to use his own flesh and blood to create a clone and send it to the world of covering the sky.

In this way, it has the power to protect itself, and it can also enhance the strength of the body when it returns to the body.

Three days later, a doppelganger with extraordinary talent and eight points similar to Gu Chong's body had already stood in front of Gu Chong.

Gu Chong entered into it with a shred of soul, and took this avatar into the world of covering the sky.


In the cold and dead vast universe.

The huge vortex of stars, the Milky Way lineage.

Although the universe is infinitely large, ancient stars with life are very rare.

However, humans on Earth have never given up searching for extraterrestrial civilizations. Since humans possessed aerospace technology, in the past fifty or sixty years, human civilizations on Earth have always been sending their own signals to the universe, actively exploring Traces of other civilizations.

But these things are not things that ordinary people care about.

In a city, people come and go, and everyone's expressions have a commonality, a kind of numbness that surrenders in front of life.

Most people may only care about whether wages will rise and whether housing prices will rise. Where can they think about life, practice, and the universe?

However, just because they don't think about it doesn't mean these things don't exist.

right in front of a building.


Gu Chong, who was wearing a white ancient robe, descended mysteriously on the street.

Because of Gu Chong's appearance, the surrounding people suddenly became noisy, and each took out their mobile phones in astonishment to take pictures.

There are not a few men and women who stared at Gu Chong and shouted loudly.

"Ah, look there, someone suddenly appeared!!"

"I can see clearly, he is like a ghost, he got out of the air!!"

Because this is the most prosperous place in the city's economy, and the flow of people is the largest.

Almost hundreds of people saw Gu Chong who suddenly appeared here.

In that ancient robe, her hair was like a waterfall due to her practice, and her skin was as crystal clear as jade.

"My God, he..."

"this person……"

"You saw it just now, what kind of fairy is this? Is there such a fairy-like little brother on our planet?"

"Hey hey hey, the focus is wrong, obviously it's even more terrifying when he suddenly appears in this incident!!!"


"This person is not really a fairy!"


The people around were talking and taking pictures of Gu Chong.

Gu Chong's eyes swept away, but he didn't do anything to these ordinary people, he just looked at the surrounding high-rise buildings in dismay.

The earth star that covers the world!

Earth star again.

Although it is not the same earth star, this unfamiliar sense of familiarity touched him very much.

After leaving the dragon and snake world, he once again came to the earth star in a universe.

Then, Gu Chong swept over these people again and stepped out.

Suddenly, he frowned slightly: "Sure enough, the laws in the universe are a little weird."

However, he still stepped into the void.

on the street.

Watching Gu Chong appear mysteriously, and then disappear into the void.

Immediately, there was a lot of screaming again.

"He he he he..."

"The gods have appeared in the world, and it must be the ancient gods who have come to the dust. With such a temperament, it is easy to enter and leave the space like this..."

"Does the era described in ancient history really exist?"

Ye Fan stepped down from the Mercedes-Benz and stood not far away to witness the scene of Gu Chong appearing and disappearing. His eyes suddenly showed infinite eagerness.

"What the **** did I see today!"

He never thought that a class reunion would actually allow him to meet such a fantastic scene here.

At this moment, the flow of people here has been dense to a certain extent.

Ye Fan's eyes flashed, he parked the car in the garage of the entertainment city, and quickly left.

If something like this happened here, it should alarm the state machinery soon. He didn't want to stay here for too long, lest he would be taken as a witness for investigation and questioning.

However, a certain seed that existed in Ye Fan's heart sprouted quietly.

"It turns out that there really is such a **** in the world, so, practice..."

In the past, even if he was willing to believe that there was such an ancient era when he read books, he also understood that it was a little unrealistic, but after seeing this scene with his eyes today, everything is different.

Today's scene made him believe in his pursuit!

There are not a few people who have the same thoughts as Ye Fan, especially the hundreds of people who have witnessed all this with their own eyes. They are all excited, and most of them are young people who love to read online novels.

Let's not talk about things on Earth.

At this time, Gu Chong had already left the Earth Star and came outside the Earth Star.

He stood in this cosmic starry sky and looked up, "The strange law of the universe is really the first time I have seen..."

He can be considered to have traveled through several cosmos worlds, and he has never seen such a strange cosmic law as the universe that covers the Gu Chong has already proved the immortal realm, and even surpassed it, he is actually here I felt a force of life suppression.

Recall the content of the original cover of the sky.

The "great emperor" who can overwhelm the universe with a single blow and shake the void of the universe has a lifespan of tens of thousands of years at most.

"Could it be that the method of being a seed has done too much damage to the universe, so that's why the universe has such restrictions?" Gu Chong looked at the universe in front of him.

He guessed silently.

Taking the body as the seed, not cultivating the laws of the universe, only taking the essence of the universe into the body, and achieving one's own small world and small universe...

To nourish one's own seeds with the origin of the great universe is to take back the calamity of the universe, so the universe has a limit on the lifespan of monks?

Well, this is like the great cleansing of the Emperor Universe. However, unlike Emperor Universe who has collected enough to clean up a certain amount, the will of the Universe is directly at the root of the problem. You are the commander of the vast Xingyu, and the universe is respected. You still have to die of old age. .

At this moment, I feel that my body is suppressed by some force in the universe, which has produced the limit of life.

However, Gu Chong is not worried at all, not to mention how young he is now, and besides, this limitation is only in this universe, and if you leave this universe, it will naturally disappear.

"But because of this lifespan limitation, countless amazing people have been born in this universe. People in other universes are immortal, but the most powerful emperor here is only 10,000 years old. Naturally, because of limited The time is limited, and there is pressure, and all kinds of wonderful and splendid lives erupt."

"Although the life of the people here is short, it makes each generation feel like they are living in the great world of cultivation."

Gu Chong is a visitor from other universes. Because of the contrast of other universes, he naturally feels this feeling particularly strongly, but he is very satisfied with this feeling.

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