From Prisoner to Si Chen

Chapter 64 Moon Burning Six

Gillan was indifferent to Maiev's cries.

With a cold face, he took out the revolver from his waist and shot the black goat several times in the head.

Hearing just a few bangs, the black goat's eyes remained indifferent, and its head with two curved horns shook twitchingly several times, throwing out blurry afterimages, and actually dodged the bullets!

This scene made Jilan's face tighten.

He has seen monsters that survived being shot, but he has never encountered an enemy that can dodge bullets... This is not about avoiding the preview in advance, but actually dodging bullets!

Guillen didn't fire again, knowing it would be useless.

At the same time, the black goat also rushed in front of him at a terrifying speed, stretched out four black hooves as sharp as daggers, and grabbed him head on!

Clang! !

Jilan quickly took out his triangular shield to block, only to hear a loud clanging sound, followed by a harsh friction sound.

The black goat's hoof claws scratched on the iron shield, causing sparks to fly.

Jilan felt an irresistible force and took several steps back, almost falling to the ground.

His left arm holding the shield felt sore, and he glanced down at the triangular shield. The originally pitted and scratched surface had four more deep claw marks.

If it gets hit by the black goat a few more times, it will definitely be damaged.

‘If you can’t beat them, retreat first. ’

Jilan found out that the Black Goat's strength was definitely superior to his own, so he decisively gave up the idea of ​​fighting with it.

He used his dexterity and speed to turn around and run.

Fortunately, Maiev has already run a certain distance and Gilan will not be dragged down. He burst out with all his strength for the first time and sprinted wildly. In the blink of an eye, he rushed ten meters away, leaving the black goat behind.

After escaping hundreds of meters in a straight line, Ji Lan saw a girl in a white dress standing in front of a wrought iron gate waiting, seemingly unable to get through, with a face full of anxiety.

The iron gate is four to five meters high, with thick cement walls on both sides. Four strings of arm-thick iron chains hang from the doorknob, sealing the door tightly.

According to the map, passing through this door means leaving Oldrav Village completely and entering the outside world.

When Gilan came to Maiev, he picked her up without any nonsense, then jumped up, stepped on the bar in the middle of the iron gate, and climbed over the gate lightly to go to the back. .


He stepped heavily on the stone tiles and then put Maiev down.

Immediately, he grabbed the girl and ran away without looking back.

Bang! !

Not long after the two left the iron gate, the black goat walking upright bumped into the door, making a loud noise.

The thick-armed iron fence pole was bent and deformed by the impact. The goat-headed monster grabbed the door and shook it vigorously, making constant noise. At the same time, it opened its mouth and let out a low and powerful roar at the backs of the two Gilans:


The roar spread far away, and Gilan did not look back. He just dragged Maiev, who was shaking, and walked in an unfamiliar environment.

After leaving Oldrav Village, he found that he seemed to have arrived at a slum-like corner of the city.

The place is dotted with cement bungalows, surrounded by silence. The dilapidated stone brick streets are lined with wooden hexagonal coffins that are wide at the top and narrow at the bottom.

At first glance, there are no less than a hundred people.

On each coffin, a red magic circle was painted with blood and tied with several crossed iron chains.

"Where is this?" Jilan frowned.

Maiev shook her head blankly.

Because the map only shows the inside of the village, there is no record of the exit to the outside world.

"Miss Maiev, do you recognize the magic circles on those coffins?"

Ji Lan stopped at this moment, pointed to the coffin and said.

Maiev glanced at him, then cautiously approached to take a closer look. After thinking for a moment, she turned back to Jilan and said:

"Several symbols in this magic circle mean 'prisoners', and the overall purpose seems to be to imprison the things in the coffin..."

When she finally said the word "thing", she was still a little hesitant.

Because no one knows what is in these coffins piled randomly on the roadside.

The two fell into silence.

Continue walking on the quiet streets, still surrounded by fog.

As I walked, I vaguely heard some movement.

It was the sound of human beings wailing in pain, not just one, but a group, coming from all directions invisible in the mist.

Maiev seemed a little scared and took a step closer to the blond young man.

Gilan walked forward as if nothing had happened.

He can leave the movie at any time, and nothing scares him.

Soon, the two passed through the thick fog and saw clearly the source of the wailing sound.

I saw some vague figures of the townspeople starting to appear on the roadside. They were almost all dressed in the clothes of the lower class, cheap blouses or jackets, long linen skirts or overalls.

But without exception, these people looked miserable.

They were either sitting on the ground, or facing the wall in a daze, or kneeling on the ground, or huddled up, and all of them covered their faces with their hands.

Screaming, wailing, and crying.

"These people..." Maiev covered her mouth and widened her beautiful eyes. "They are very similar to those crazy villagers in Oldrav Village. They are all contaminated by mysterious power and miasma. Moreover, Mr. Gillan, look at their skin!"

Gillan squinted.

Indeed, the local residents screaming around seemed to have gone crazy and lost all sense, and their exposed skin showed signs of severe burns.

There were even some residents who were scratching their faces or eyes with their hands, their faces covered in blood, which looked very scary.

These symptoms are very similar to those of the crazy villagers in the village.

"This place is too weird, don't stay." Jilan said solemnly.

Maiev nodded quickly.

As Gilan walked, his peripheral vision glanced at the astonishing number of screaming residents, and he couldn't help but feel a little anxious... These people can be corrupted into mysterious points.

But soon, he gave up this idea.

Because Gillan felt that he was not a madman, let alone an inhuman murderer, and these townspeople never wanted to harm him... Even though this was just a movie, it was too real, and Gillan chose to stick to his bottom line.

When the two of them walked to the end of the street amidst wailing one after another.

A tattered tent full of patches was suddenly camped in the middle of the road.

At this time, the tent curtain was opened, and an old homeless man in ragged clothes slowly walked out.

His hair was sparse, his face was like boot leather, and his gray beard was entangled on his chin like tree roots. His two cloudy, half-closed eyes stared at the two of Gilan.

"Outsiders?" the old man spoke, his voice hoarse. "You seem to have come to the wrong place. This is not a good place."

"Good morning, sir." Maiev said hesitantly. "Excuse me, what is this place?"

Hearing this, the old man grinned, revealing a mouth full of incomplete yellow and black teeth.

"Old Peel is a corner of the city that was abandoned during the war. It is also a blockade area, a concentration camp, and a pitiful place that is about to be destroyed." He smiled.

It’s just that smile that is indescribably meaningful.

"Old Town of Pier City?!" Maiev was shocked.

She was originally sent out of home by her mother to escape the persecution of the "Heavenly Evil Cult", and the place where she was arranged to go north to study was in Pierce City.

Unexpectedly, a war broke out here.

Moreover, it seems that an unknown mysterious force has descended on this area, causing local residents to go crazy and mutate, and everything has become broken and chaotic.

"Outsiders, I want to make a deal with you, how about it?"

The old beggar laughed and made a scary sound.

"What deal?" Jilan asked calmly.

"Well, I need heads. It doesn't matter whose they are, the more the better... I can exchange my treasures with you." The old man narrowed his eyes and smiled even more. "Look, I've collected quite a few!"

In Maiev's horrified eyes, the old man even opened the curtain of the tent, revealing the scene inside...

I saw that the tent was filled with heads!

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