From Prisoner to Si Chen

Chapter 65 Meditation


Gillan suddenly drew his gun and pointed it at the old man's head.

"Outsider, what do you mean?"

The old beggar was not afraid at all and was still smiling.

Just as Jilan was about to ask, she suddenly felt an inexplicable palpitation in her heart, as if some disaster was about to happen.

Looking up at the old beggar again, the old beggar's original unremarkable temperament seemed to have undergone subtle changes at this moment.

It has become unpredictable and dangerous.

"Mr. Gillan, let's go!" Maiev noticed something, her face changed slightly, and she quickly stretched out her hands to hold him and walked around the tent. "Ignore this guy. He must be contaminated by mysterious power and miasma. He is a madman!"

Gilan didn't resist at all and allowed Mavilla to lead him away.

It wasn't until the two of them were far away from the tent that Jilan suddenly came back to his senses. Thinking of everything just now, he was already covered in cold sweat.

He didn't even dare to look back, he just felt like a light on his back.

The two of them got into an alleyway and stopped. Gilan couldn't help but take a deep breath.

"What happened just now?" He asked the girl in a deep voice.

"Mr. Gillan, just suddenly showed a painful expression on your face, and then you pointed the gun at your head."

Maiev said nervously.

Ji Lan was shocked when he heard this.

He had no impression of this and no awareness of his own behavior.

‘Who is that old man? ! What did you do to me again? ! ’

In the next second, he quickly adjusted his emotions.

'Fortunately, Maiev pulled me away, otherwise I might have shot myself by the old man's mysterious method! ’

Exhaling with lingering fear, he turned to Maiev and said:


"You're welcome." Maiev smiled sweetly. "Didn't Mr. Gillan save me too? And more than once!"

Jilan was a little lucky that he had brought Maiev out of the village.

He was about to suggest continuing to explore the old city, but the familiar sound of air raid sirens interrupted everything at an inappropriate time.




Maiev groaned in pain, while Gilan frowned, covered his ears, and watched as noise and vertical spots began to appear in the surrounding scene.

‘Is it going to end early again? ’

He couldn't help but curse secretly.

However, when he returned to reality in the blink of an eye, he was shocked to see the credits and the list of actors for the curtain call scrolling on the curtain in the utility room.

In the movie, Maiev, a girl in a white dress and double ponytails, faces away from the camera, walking alone on a deserted street. Until entering the fog, the figure was submerged and disappeared.

‘This movie ended so hastily? ’

Ji Lan was a little surprised.

But soon, he understood something again.

'Yes, "Yuezhuo Village # 1" is the first part of a series of movies. It is not the whole story at all...perhaps it is just the beginning, the introduction, and it only tells the story of those train passengers in Oldrav Village. experience. ’

‘After I left the village with Maiev, the movie naturally ended. ’

Gillan mused.

Turning our attention to the curtain again, the cast list is almost all "played by myself", the same as the heroine Fima of "Black Lagoon".

He couldn't help but speculate whether everything that happened in the movie really happened, and the stories played by each actor were actually their own personal experiences.

As for the director’s words of thanks:

"I would like to dedicate this film to my dear friend William Gerrard. It is the prelude to your wonderful game and the first step towards the final victory of mankind."

Gillan's face showed confusion.

This sentence obviously had some deep meaning, but he couldn't figure it out.

At the same time, he had an inexplicable premonition that this series of movies was very special, and just like the colorful text describing it, there must be huge secrets hidden in it.

It's a pity that there is no follow-up.

It's just smoke and mirrors right now.

‘Anyway, I have this real film in my hand. As long as I have a projector and a mercury battery, I can watch it at any time. I can also slowly explore it in the future and get all the mysterious corruptible points in it. ’

‘Well… you can also try to understand more details of the movie through the perspectives of the other nine passengers. ’

This reminded Gillan of his own experience as a game anchor.

His gaming talent is actually not very good, but he excels in his perseverance.

Every late night after the broadcast, Jilan will be fully prepared in advance. When encountering a new game or copy, no matter how obscure and difficult it is, he will tirelessly try and explore it again and again.

Until every detail in the game, every collectible element, every hidden clue and plot is found, and finally the whole picture is revealed.

During the live broadcast, he can easily and skillfully open hidden pathways or treasure chests, face powerful enemies with a pleasing appearance, finally pass the level, and talk to the audience about the game's story and hidden twists and turns.

This is also an important reason why he can stand out among many game anchors.

"Let's stop here for the moment while watching the movie."

Gillan stood up, turned off the projector, took out a mercury battery that had shrunk to the size of a fist, and then put the real film into the dimensional space.

After doing this, he turned on the light in the utility room and sat back on the sofa.

Immediately, he took out the "Secret Record of Branding Iron".

Because his gnosis was too low to read the writing on it, he turned it directly to the appendix at the end.

The content of "Iron Thorn Meditation Method" immediately caught Gillan's eyes.

He is quite yearning for those mysterious powers and fields, and he can't wait to find out more about them. What he needs to do now is to hone his gnosis first and reach the minimum threshold of being able to read secret records.


Ji Lan looked at the note intently.

In a short while, I roughly finished reading the meditation method.

There's not a lot of content in there, but there's a lot of attention to detail.

"Iron Thorn Meditation Method" has two core points.

The first is "compassion".

Be aware that the source of troubles is not outside but within, let go of regrets and nostalgia for the past and worries and expectations for the future, let the body and mind become one, immerse yourself in compassion for yourself and all things, and let this emotion gradually exuberant.

The second is "visualization".

Attached to the hand-written note is a complex hand-drawn pattern, with a large black iron sphere in the center, surrounded by hazy gray air and irregular radiating lines.

Amidst the madness, an inexplicable harmony was revealed.

A strong sense of mystery hit her face, making Ji Lan couldn't help but hold her breath.

I don’t know what method the painter used to make the static iron ball pattern squirm in Jilan’s eyes, with small bags bulging on the surface, as if it would explode at any time.

According to the meditation method, what Gillan has to do now is to empty his mind and visualize the iron ball with extreme compassion until he feels the "pain" in his soul.

The content was somewhat esoteric, but Gillan complied anyway.

He began to try to let go of his mind, and recalled his past life, and his experiences from childhood to adulthood...

When I first remembered, I lost my legs in a car accident due to the negligence of my parents who were just trying to have fun.

A long period of coma, resuscitation and heart-rending crying in the hospital.

Dazzling white lights, pungent smell, and deserted atmosphere.

The unintentional jokes and intentional ridicule from peers, the pitying eyes and deliberate greetings from others, the dislike and even intention of abandonment expressed by parents more than once.

Longing for love but not getting it, having a crush on girls and feeling low self-esteem, being beaten and scolded and feeling depressed.

All kinds of things, etc.

Gillan's vision blurred.

He felt the "pain" in his soul.

In his eyes, the surface of the black iron ball suddenly bulged, and an iron thorn seemed to come alive, drilling out of the page and piercing Jilan's eyebrows.

"Ho!" Jilan shouted in pain.

He rolled his eyes, his Adam's apple rolled, and collapsed on the sofa.

At this moment, Jilan felt that every part of his body was stinging, extremely stinging, especially his head. It was like a thorn was piercing, prying, and stirring his brain, and then boiling water was pouring in. It's like watering all the time.

There is nothing serious about the body, it is a phantom pain coming from the mind.

He opened his mouth wide, but no sound came out.

The veins on his forehead were exposed, and he was sweating profusely.

He didn't know how long it had been, but he couldn't feel his body anymore.

His consciousness seemed to float up and break away from the body... He even saw his twitching body on the sofa and his pitiful appearance from a bird's eye view.

His mind was inexplicably calm and he felt compassion.

Finally, some time passed and Gilan took control of his body again.

He closed his eyes tightly, only to feel his temples on both sides trembling, and he seemed to be vaguely aware of something tiny floating and swimming around his body, which bounced away after touching his skin.

'My gnosis seems to have been improved again...'

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