From Prisoner to Si Chen

Chapter 77 Familiar

In the first half of the channeling ceremony, "On the Phantoms of the Devil," it is explained that two kinds of mediums need to be prepared before the ceremony begins.

One, personal protective equipment.

For example, sliding doors, ceremonial black-handled or white-handled knives, staffs, bells, magic swords, magic books, and rings.

But these things are only an external form, what is needed in essence is actually the power of "consecration".

"Consecration" is to give sacred meaning to an object in the name of God Omer... The simplest way is to enshrine the appropriate object in the Church of Hope for a period of time, or to pour it with holy water.

But Gillan can skip these.

Because he has a ready-made, "consecrated" demon-hunting ax in his hand.

Second, summon supplies.

For example, a spiritual platform, Ouija board, crystal ball, magic triangle or brass pot, etc.

These Jilan can still be ignored, because the ritual has been improved countless times by the author Sade. It does not require the help of a medium, and it can take effect just by drawing the ritual magic circle she developed.

"This female magician is really a genius. She has simplified such a complex psychic ritual to the extreme... Even the dozens of ritual materials originally required have been reduced to seven, and they are all common materials."

Gillan sighed.

He went out and went downstairs, quietly searching and tinkering in the kitchen and utility room.

The necessary materials and utensils were quickly found, including salt, candles, silver plates, garlic, rosemary, bergamot, chalk, etc.

Return to the bedroom on the third floor.

Gilan locked the door and put the materials aside.

Immediately, he grabbed the edge of the bed with both hands and lifted it hard.


The muscles in Gilan's arms bulged and were as hard as iron. The double wooden bed, which weighed more than 300 pounds, was lifted sideways by him, then moved to the door and pressed against the door.


He carefully lowered the bed.

Then he picked up the chalk and drew a ritual magic circle on the wooden floor of the vacant bedroom.

With precise control over the strength of his wrist, Gillan copied the magic circle with a diameter of three meters according to the secret hand-drawing.

Drawn in the circle are two opposing isosceles triangles that meet in the middle to form a rhombus. The bottom of the triangle on the left is a double arc similar to a bracket, and the bottom of the triangle on the right is a horizontal ellipse.

This is the magic circle pointing to the "Twin Kite" in May.

Within this framework, various symbols and incantations that Jilan could not understand were densely written in the ritual array. Anyway, he copied the gourd and painted the scoop, and the results were perfect.

After doing this, Gillan lit five white candles and placed them at 12 o'clock, 2 o'clock, 10 o'clock, 8 o'clock and 4 o'clock, forming a five-pointed star.

Immediately, he dragged the silver plate with various materials in front of him, took out the demon hunting ax and carried it in his hand, and recited a long "magic summoning" spell towards the ritual magic circle.

This is ancient Shilu language, and Jilan does not understand it.

However, the author Sade very considerately explained the homophony of Bremen. According to her, Bremen was born out of the Hiru language and has root origins with the ancient Hiru language.

Even if it is not said in a standard way, it can make the spell effective and thus activate the psychic ritual.

After Jili Guala recited a bunch of incantations that Jilan himself did not understand, he scratched his index finger with the nail of his thumb and flicked a drop of blood into the ritual magic circle.

Bear! !

Five white candles as thick as arms suddenly erupted into a pillar of fire as tall as a man!

Just at this moment, a purple lightning flashed outside the window.

Click! !

Pale light entered the house.

In the blink of an eye, Ji Lan discovered a figure standing in the channeling ceremony!

As far as his naked eyes could see, there was nothing but the light of the candle.

But under the induction of gnosis, there was clearly a slender and slender person standing there.

That's a woman.

No, to be precise, it's a woman-like devil.

She has waist-length black hair and two spiral black horns that curve backwards on her forehead. She is naked, exposing her pink skin.

Its five fingers are slender, with long black nails. Its tail vertebra has a long, thin black tail covered with snake scales, and the tip of its tail is a cross-arrow-shaped hardened horn, which is quite sharp.

"Jiligua?" The female devil cast a cold gaze at Jilan and opened her mouth to speak in ancient Xilu language.

Ji Lan's heart trembled.

He knew that the time to test himself had come.

"Speak Bremen." He held the ax and said calmly.

The author Sade said in the second half of "Records of Devil's Summoning": After the spiritual ritual is successful, the first step is to "establish authority."

Create your own sense of mystery and warn the devil so that he does not dare to make mistakes.

"Huh?" The female devil raised her eyebrows and narrowed her pure black eyes. "It turns out to be a human from the Bremen Empire. Ha, interesting. Can you see me?"

"Didn't Mukla Usha Safiyo teach you that you should kneel down first when you see a wizard? Kneel down and talk to me!"

Ji Lan had no expression on his face and just said coldly.

The female devil was suddenly startled.

Mukla? !

That is a devil who has been born for a long time. Now he serves as a lord in "Hell Paradise" and is revered and admired by many devils.

The human in front of him actually knows the real name of the devil lord? !

Could it be that he is really a wizard...


Hehe, if you want to trick me out of some cleverness, you are probably just another brat who has seen a record of Mukla’s real name somewhere.

"Did you summon me from hell just to make me kneel down to you? Geez..." The female devil smiled and stretched out her long black tongue to lick her lips: "Would you like to play something more exciting, young man?" people?"

"I asked you to kneel down and speak, don't you understand?" Jilan said indifferently.

"You want to sign a contract with me, right? Haha...I can satisfy you, as long as you give--"

Before the female devil finished speaking, her smiling face was startled.

bass! !

The blond young man dodged, stood outside the magic circle, and swung the ax at a speed that was difficult for him to react.

A cold light passed by, and my left arm hurt!

The pink arm fell in response, and the black and red blood spattered onto the ground, immediately burning the wooden floor, rising into green smoke, and exuding a pungent smell of sulfur.


The female devil covered the broken left shoulder and screamed.

The "consecrated" ax caused severe damage to it and caused it to feel unparalleled pain.

"Damn human! I'm going to... kill you!!"

The female devil's beautiful face suddenly twisted into a ferocious expression.

It spun around and rushed towards Jilan across the afterimage. The five slender black nails on its right hand were like five steel drills, bound to pierce the head of the man in front of it.

Gillan stood erect.

His face is expressionless and he doesn't hide or dodge.

Just when those five fingers were about to touch his face, they suddenly stopped.

It was as if I had touched an invisible barrier.

The female devil suddenly retracted her hand, staring at the ritual magic circle at her feet with her dark eyes, and then she screamed:

"Pointed Demonic Evocation Ceremony! This is, this is Sade Balbina!"

"That damn witch's magic circle!!"

His voice suddenly stopped, and he knelt down on the ground with a plop, raised his charming face, and said with an extremely flattering smile:

"Honorable Lord Wizard, you called me here for something?"

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