From Prisoner to Si Chen

Chapter 78 Familiar 2

The female devil's facial features are actually very perfect, and she is a beautiful woman who conforms to human aesthetics. The premise is that if you can ignore the pink skin, dark eyes, lips and tongue.

Jilan lowered his eyes, just in time to look at the female devil.

The other party's flattering smile seemed humble.

But at this moment, red whirlpools appeared in the female devil's black eyes, and Gilan's gnosis was suddenly triggered, and she felt a sense of danger.

But he still didn't take a step back, or even blinked.

Still maintaining a look of indifference.

Instead, the female devil's dark eyes actually reflected a bonfire with a cross sword stuck in it.

Immediately, it screamed again:

"My power can't shake your heart?!"

"Really... really a wizard?!"

The female devil was really panicked now. She knelt down in the magic circle and lowered her head. A trembling voice came from under the black hair:

"I'm sorry, Lord Wizard, I shouldn't have offended you!"

"Don't give up yet!"

Ji Lan snorted coldly, squatted down, reached out with his big hand, grabbed the female devil's chin, and lifted her face up. He looked at it coldly and said indifferently:

"real name."

The female devil forced a smile on her face, stretched out her black tongue and carefully licked Gilan's hand, with obvious intentions, trying to please him.


Gillan slapped the devil in the face with his backhand.

"Did I allow you to lick me?" he said coldly.

"Yes...I'm sorry, Master Wizard."

"I said, real name." Gillan emphasized.

"Please let me go. Since I was born from hell, I have never harmed a human being."

the female devil begged.

Gillan thought of the precautions that Sade had noted in "Secret Records of the Branding Iron", one of which was very eye-catching:

“Beware that everything the devil says may be a lie.”

"The devil knows how to play with people's hearts and can easily see through the weaknesses of human nature. If you are not careful, you will be deceived and even bewitched by him."

"Remember, the devil is never kind, let alone pathetic."

Gillan took a breath and stood up.

Immediately, he threw the demon-hunting ax in his hand, turned the ax, and held the middle part.

He swung the ax handle and hit the female devil on the buttocks.

Snapped! !

"Ah!!" it screamed.

The "consecrated" cherry wood was like a hot iron rod, which caused so much pain that it knelt on the ground and twitched.

"Real name!" Jilan shouted.

The female devil pursed her lips, turned her head, and stared coldly with her dark eyes.

The ax handle whipped again.


"Ah!!" It screamed in pain again. "You damn-"

Snapped! !


Bang bang bang!

Bang bang bang! !

After being beaten for more than ten times in a row, the female devil finally couldn't bear it anymore and fell to the ground.

It curled up into a ball, shivering and looking pitiful.

At this time, Gilan noticed that its broken arm had turned into a pool of blood, burning a big hole in the wooden floor, and a brand new arm had regrown on its broken arm.

'As expected, it is a spiritual body that can heal quickly...but there must be a price. ’ Jilan secretly thought.

He tossed the ax, looked down at the female devil in the ritual magic circle with cold eyes, and said:

"For the last time, if you don't tell me, this ax will hit your neck."

The female devil was lying on the ground, with a pair of black eyes casting a fearful gaze from her long messy hair. Finally, she gritted her teeth and said:

"Ve...Vevi Nino Dofrenitan."

"It's true that you are dishonest. Forget it, let's change to another one."

Gillan sighed in disappointment.

Immediately, with a fierce look on his face, he took a step forward and swung the ax down with one hand.

Woo! !

"It's true!!" the female devil screamed in horror.

With a clang, the shiny ax blade stopped at its slender pink neck, just a few tenths of a centimeter away from touching the skin.

A long while.

Gillan slowly picked up the ax.

The female devil trembled and looked up at him in fear.

Ji Lan chuckled, squatted down, reached out and patted its head.

"Be good, don't be afraid."

The comfort did not work, and the female devil became even more frightened.

The black lips were trembling slightly, and the slender black tail was swaying restlessly.

Gilan shook his head and stood up, walked to the bedside table, picked up the handbag that was originally hidden under the bed, and found a sapphire ring in it.

This was taken from Curt Lewis's hand after killing him.

I originally planned to wait until the limelight had passed before selling it, but now it comes in handy.

Ji Lan walked back to the ritual magic circle, sat cross-legged, looked solemn, faced Weiwei, and recited a spell in ancient Xilu language.

That is a spell called "Covenant".

The accent is non-standard and very plastic, but that doesn't stop it from being effective.

This is the last step recorded in "Record of the Devil's Summoning", which is used to sign a reverse contract with the devil... But the record on the handwritten note is almost never used by Sade, because she will deliberately let the devil go every time and use it for the next step. research.

After reciting the mantra, Jilan took a deep breath, held her breath and concentrated, raised her hand and stretched out her index finger, and wrote words in front of her out of thin air.

To the naked eye, it looked like he was making gestures in the air.

Like a psychopath playing with himself.

But the gnosis was high enough to see, and his fingertips glowed scarlet, leaving red characters floating in the air, forming a contract text.

Of course Weiwei can see it too.

Seeing the strange and powerful blond young man in front of him actually write the reverse contract with his fingers, it became even more determined that the other party was a wizard!

Thinking of the warnings of those old devils in hell, you must run when you encounter a wizard, run at all costs...

Now, Weiwei understands.

But it was too late.

"Vivi Nino Dofrenitan."

The blond young man spoke softly.

Weiwei's heart felt something, and she couldn't help being surprised, and quickly responded in a low voice:

"Master Wizard, Weiwei is here."

"Sign this contract," Gillan ordered.

Weiwei glanced at the scarlet characters in the air, which pointed to the contract with May Sichen's "Twin Kite", which was enforced by the supreme "God of Listening and Witnessing".

The terms are very simple, always serve Gilan Yiros, always obey his orders, never violate it, never eat the master, otherwise the "countercurrent" of the contract will lead to immediate death.

"Yes, Master Jilan." Weiwei gritted her teeth and climbed up.

It knows that it has no choice. If it doesn't sign, the other party will kill it immediately.

Weiwei raised her thin black tail, and the hardened cross arrow moved in mid-air, leaving behind her true name.

The red contract, invisible to mortals, radiates light.

at this time--

"Ah ha ha..."

A clear and melodious girl's smile came from a distant place.


Immediately, the contract ignited an invisible fire.

Everyone present, including the devil, felt as if they were being swept away by real eyes.

Jilan's breath hitched.

That was just now...

Si Chen? !

God? !

‘Twin Kite in May just glanced at me? ! ’

He was astonished.

Looking at Weiwei in front of me, she was already so frightened that she knelt on the ground, huddled up, raised her plump and round buttocks, and buried her head deeply between her two long legs.

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