From Prisoner to Si Chen

Chapter 89 Farewell

Leia? !

Ji Lan was suddenly startled.

According to the real deeds recorded in the secret notes, Agni Baldwin, the head of the four knights of the "Healing Knights" and the deputy leader of the "Silver Crown Knight", once broke the city alone and broke the solid wrought iron gate with one kick. .

That city is named "Leia"!

'So, in the movie world of "The Great Plague # 2", will we meet the "Healing Knights"? ’

Ji Lan's thoughts were racing rapidly, and an inexplicable emotion emerged in his heart.

It seemed as if I was about to span three hundred years and witness a certain period of history.

'If so, can I use this key clue to get more benefits from it...'

"Mr. Snow Owl?"

Mr. Stork couldn't help but wonder when he saw the blond young man was stunned.

"Well, Mr. Stork, I suddenly remembered something."

Ji Lan came back to his senses and said solemnly.

"I think the strange plague in the slums is probably related to Shabotai's death, so if you can, leave Brak City as soon as possible... I always have a bad feeling."

"You mean..."

Mr. Stork's pupils shrank, and he immediately thought of something.

"Same as in "Black Lagoon"?"

"Yeah." Jilan nodded. "Of course, this is just a guess on my part without any evidence."

"What you said makes me feel that there is a connection between the two..."

Mr. Stork pondered.

After a while, he nodded.

"After you leave Brak City, I will also temporarily dissolve the 'recording meeting' and go to other places with Old Jerry. We will check the situation after a while and then consider whether to come back."

Gillan never expected that Mr. Stork would trust his words so much.

"Although there is no evidence, there are some things that cannot wait until they are confirmed before taking action... because by then, I am afraid it will be too late."

Mr. Stork smiled.

"Let Miss Sparrow and the others be reminded of this matter. No matter how they choose in the end, whether to stay or go, they should know it."

"Yeah." Jilan nodded in agreement. "Mr. Stork, please rest in peace and recuperate. I will tell them."




After Mr. Stork went upstairs to his room, Gillan left the apartment.

Wearing a felt hat, a mask, a pair of dark brown leather gloves, and a black windbreaker that Jerry Sr. bought for him, he walked straight down Horst Third Street, heading south.

In order to be safe, he also ordered his messenger Mo Weiwei to put a "confusion spell" on him in advance, so that even if his face was seen, it would not matter.

The weather is fine today and the sun is shining brightly.

The gentlemen and ladies on the street seemed to be in a good mood, with rosy faces, chatting and laughing.

The sweet fragrance of milk wafts from the bakery on the street. Beautifully dressed ladies come in and out of clothing stores and perfume shops from time to time. The doorbells shake and jingle.

Carriages were driving up and down the road, carrying men smoking and reading newspapers, or a few ladies huddled together, chatting and laughing quietly behind brightly colored feather fans.

There were newsboys with large leather bags slung across their shoulders, selling cigarettes and newspapers along the way, and showing innocent smiles to every man who passed by.

Jilan looked at all this, raised his head while holding his hat, and glanced at the sun in the sky. His mood was indescribably peaceful and peaceful.

'It's beautiful. ’ He secretly thought. 'The future will be better...'

Thinking to himself, he took steps forward and walked more briskly.

Now that he has enough strength to protect himself, the burden and shackles on his heart seem to have quietly lightened a lot.

This is why he plans to go find the members of the society himself.

One is to remind them to leave Brak City as soon as possible, and the other is to go out and walk around in a real sense and feel the breath of freedom.

Not long after.

Gillan came to the fourth block and found a small clinic called "Zimmerman Private Dentistry" on the edge of the middle of the street.

To his surprise, there was a candy store on the left side of the clinic and a lemon and orange juice sparkling water store on the right side.

'It's no wonder Mr. Oystercatcher's business is not doing well...'

Ji Lan cursed secretly and pushed the door open.

"Wait a minute, I'll be there soon..." The strong man with short brown hair was sitting on a chair, wiping his sweat. As he spoke, he raised his head and saw the man coming in. "Eh? Mr. Snow Owl, why are you here?"

Mr. Oystercatcher smiled and stood up, inviting Gillan to sit down.

"Come out for a walk and stop by for a visit." Gillan smiled. "Not bothering you, right?"

"Of course not." Mr. Oystercatcher smiled heartily, and the beard on his chin trembled. "I just had a tooth extracted for a man, and there is no surgery for the time being... Oh my God, you don't know, that patient has five cavities, all of which are necrotic."

He shook his head and sighed.

"Mr. Snow Owl, since you are here, how about I check your teeth for free... You have to prevent this kind of thing in advance. If it is too late, you will have to extract the teeth."

"If an adult's teeth are extracted, they won't grow back. It takes a lifetime."

Mr. Oystercatcher didn't stop talking. He pulled Gillan and kindly pushed him to the lounge chair.

Ji Lan didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and didn't refuse.

He thought he was about to leave, so he decided to chat with Mr. Oystercatcher for a while.

Mr. Oystercatcher turned on the shadowless light, put on professional protective clothing and a mask, took a mouth mirror and tweezers, and opened Gillan's lips to observe in detail.

While checking, they also chatted:

"Hey, Mr. Snow Owl, you also saw the name of the is actually named after our family name. My real name is 'Weiner Zimmerman'."

As he spoke, Mr. Oystercatcher sounded proud.

"It is said that my ancestor was a dentist, but there was no specialized dental clinic at that time, but a barber shop... You know, the red, white and blue turning lights at the entrance of the barber shops now are actually equivalent to In the past, the blood-stained gauze hung outside the store, with red blood, white gauze and blue veins, were all 'signs' used to attract customers and attract customers."

"Ah, I'm sorry, I'm going off topic... It is said that our ancestors later passed on their skills to great-great-grandfather. He was a blacksmith, but he also worked as a dentist. Great-grandfather was a foot doctor, carrying a 'tooth drawer' on his back all day long to extract teeth. , the cabinets containing teeth are full."

"It wasn't until my grandfather started that he had his own clinic. It passed to my father and then to me... Although the address changed several times, I never changed the sign."

Mr. Oystercatcher laughed, but soon his laughter died down again.

Ji Lan caught the loneliness in his eyes and seemed to guess what was on his mind.

Mr. Oystercatcher actually longs for an extraordinary life, but he dares not completely give up the dental business that has been in his family for generations.

In his heart, he was actually extremely conflicted.

"Mr. Snow Owl, your teeth are very healthy!"

Mr. Oystercatcher quickly returned to his smile. He put down the examination equipment, took off his mask, and spared no effort in praising.

"White, neat, clean, and no smell. I haven't seen such perfect teeth in a long time!"

But he changed the topic and warned in a low voice:

"But please note, smoke less cigarettes, they are not good for your teeth."

"Thanks for reminding me, I will pay attention."

Gilan sat up and thanked him.

At the same time, he did not forget the purpose of his trip, so he reminded Mr. Oystercatcher that the plague in the slums was not simple. If possible, it was best to leave Brak City as soon as possible.

Gillan also informed him that Mr. Stork would temporarily disband the "Recording Meeting" in the near future and go to other places with Old Jerry.

Mr. Oystercatcher was silent for a long time after hearing this.

He finally nodded and smiled:

"Okay, thank you for the reminder, I will think about it carefully."

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