From Prisoner to Si Chen

Chapter 90 Farewell 2

Lowry's Apartments, 5 Fifth Street, Hostel.

"I know! Dad! I won't stay out all night!"

Miss Sparrow blushed and came out of the carved double doors of the apartment. Then, under the smiling eyes of the two maids in the yard, she shyly opened the wrought iron gate and walked out.

Came to Jilan's side.

Today she wore a light-colored long-sleeved round-neck shirt and a dark long skirt. Her blond hair was tied up, and only two strands of hair in front of her forehead fell from the sides of the lace band.

Looks extraordinarily pretty and cute.

Gilan turned his head and looked at the door of the apartment.

There stood a middle-aged man with gray hair, a suit and a goatee mustache, looking at himself with serious eyes.

He knew that it was Miss Sparrow's father, Mr. Fozzie Laurie.

Gilan ignored the other person's wary eyes, took off his hat, and saluted him from a distance.

Immediately, he took Miss Sparrow and walked away slowly.

The two of them walked along the way under the Davidia dove tree.

"Mr. Snow Owl, why did you come out to find me?"

Miss Sparrow stroked her hair slightly nervously, glanced at the young man beside her, and asked in a low voice.

"Well, let's go out for a walk and get some fresh air. By the way, we'll visit the club members."

Gillan laughed.

"I just went to Mr. Oystercatcher's clinic, and he enthusiastically checked my teeth."

"Ah?" Miss Sparrow raised her pretty eyebrows, then narrowed her eyes with a smile. "Haha, what happened? Did he compliment your teeth?"

"How do you know he praised me?"

Jilan turned his head and glanced at the girl who was half a head shorter than him.

Miss Sparrow, however, looked away with her cheeks flushed, and hesitantly said:

"I don't know, it's just that I think Mr. Snow Owl's teeth are pretty, white and neat... unlike me, one of the tiger teeth is crooked."

As she spoke, she bit her lower lip with her front teeth, revealing a small protruding tiger tooth, and then quickly closed her mouth.

His face was red throughout the whole process, and he seemed to realize that his behavior was somewhat unladylike.

"I think it looks good." Ji Lan comforted her. "There's a certain kind of cuteness that most ladies and young ladies don't have."


Miss Sparrow said with a smile as if she was elated:


Ji Lan was about to speak and say the reminder, but Miss Sparrow said first:

"Since Mr. Snow Owl finally came out for once, let me take you to eat some very interesting food!"

"What..." Jilan just started to ask.

"Come with me and you will know, hee hee!"

Miss Sparrow had already grasped his wrist and walked forward quickly.

After a while.

The two took a taxi and arrived at a luxurious restaurant near Daffodil Square.

This restaurant looks expensive at first glance, and its name is also very poetic:

"Cornflowers at seven o'clock"

After getting off the bus, Gillan paid the fare in a gentlemanly manner. Just when he thought Miss Sparrow would take him into the restaurant, the girl quietly walked to the door of the restaurant, looked around, and called in a low voice.

I saw a fat woman wearing a white headscarf walking out with a smile. She seemed to be familiar with Miss Sparrow. The two chatted in a low voice, and then the woman entered the restaurant again.

After a while, the woman came out holding two beautifully packaged cartons.

Miss Sparrow handed over four silver penny.

"Mr. Snow Owl, let's go!" Miss Sparrow came happily carrying a cardboard box, and then whispered:

"This is my secret, don't tell anyone else."

Jilan smiled and agreed in agreement.

Later, Miss Sparrow took Gilan to the Daffodil Square, and the two sat side by side on the bench by the fountain.

The girl first opened the paper box placed on her knees, revealing two smoked sausages fried crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, with some chili rings and rosemary sprinkled on top for decoration.

"Wow! It's Cabezas!"

Miss Sparrow said something in surprise, then turned to tell Gillan:

"In the Cornflower restaurant, a Cabezas sausage costs 8 pfennigs. This time you will make a lot of money!"

Then, she couldn't wait to look at Jilan's carton and said:

"Mr. Snow Owl, let's see what you have, right?"

"Yeah." Jilan agreed and opened his own carton.

Inside, was a haddock sandwich with caviar.

"Ah! This meal also costs 10 pfennigs. Mr. Snow Owl is so lucky!"

Miss Sparrow smiled.

However, Gilan didn't like fish, so he handed the carton over.

"Exchange good luck."

Miss Sparrow was startled, not knowing what she thought of, then she blushed and hummed.

She obediently accepted Gillan's carton.

Then he handed over the carton containing sausages in his hand.

"Actually, these foods are all leftovers from the restaurant that couldn't be sold yesterday."

Only then did Miss Sparrow carefully tell the truth.

"That's why they are very cheap, but you can't choose them. They can only be sold in cartons by the restaurant in advance."

She looked at the man next to her with a nervous expression and asked in a low voice:

"Mr. Snow Owl, do you mind?"

"What do you mind?"

Gillan picked up the sausage with his hand without grace and took a bite.

The food is hot and tastes very good.

"It's much better than the baked potatoes and inferior bread slices I had before, and it's so cheap..." He smiled with satisfaction.

Miss Sparrow watched him eating in rapt attention, and suddenly burst into laughter.

She also followed Gillan's example, not being ladylike, she picked up the sandwich with her hands, took a big bite, and then bulged her mouth, looking a little funny and cute.

Miss Sparrow didn't care.

Her smiling eyes were bright, reflecting the evening sun.

The fountain in the square exudes golden light, and a group of white doves flap their wings and fly over the edge of the pool.

Miss Sparrow has never felt so relaxed and happy. Perhaps, her secret is finally shared with someone.

“Most of my pocket money was donated, or used to buy bread and distribute it to the church’s donors… By chance, I learned that the Cornflower restaurant had cheap leftovers, so I would buy them occasionally. Some, for the cripples of the monastery.”

She said softly after swallowing the food.

Two slender calves dangled under the skirt.

"And I also like to eat leftovers. There are surprises every time, and I don't waste food... But I don't want my father to know about this, because this kind of behavior is not very ladylike and will embarrass him."

"Alas." Jilan couldn't help but sigh as he listened to the girl's words.

He felt that there were probably very few kind-hearted people like Miss Sparrow, whether in the previous life or in this other world.

"What's the matter, Mr. Snow Owl?" Miss Sparrow asked.

"I just feel that Mr. Foz has taught an excellent young lady."

Gillan laughed.

Miss Sparrow Xiafei said softly with her cheeks:

"Mr. Snow Owl, do you think I'm excellent?"

"Of course, I've hardly ever met one."

Ji Lan nodded and told no lies.

When Miss Sparrow heard this, she immediately became silent.

Her little hand hidden on her right hand tightly grasped the hem of her skirt, her heart beating like a drum.

But at this moment, she suddenly heard the young man slowly speak:

"By the way, Miss Sparrow, I may have to leave Brak City in a while."

"Ah?!" The girl's expression changed.

"Why...why do you want to leave?"

"I am wanted, and staying at the 'recording meeting' will only drag you down."

Gillan did not tell the truth. Miss Sparrow is not Mr. Stork, and knowing too much is not good for her.

"Please ask Miss Seagull for help, she may be able to..."

"It's useless." Gilan shook his head. "I have killed so many police officers, and it is impossible for the official to let me go easily... Moreover, the Lewis family is also looking for me."

"But..." Miss Sparrow was confused.

Gilan turned his head and solemnly told him about the plague and the reminder to leave as soon as possible.

Miss Sparrow was stunned.

She didn't expect that not only Mr. Snow Owl was leaving, but the "Recording Meeting" would also be disbanded, and Mr. Stork and Old Jerry were both leaving.

"How about, Mr. Snow Owl, please take me to elope!"

Miss Sparrow said something abruptly.

This time Jilan was stunned.

But soon, Miss Sparrow smiled:

"You're kidding!"

Her expression darkened.

"Dad won't listen to me... Moreover, there are so many industries here, and it's not easy to get rid of them. But I will try my best to persuade dad..."

Thanks to "Book Friends 20230323195207272" for the 1,800-point reward!

Thanks to "Yanjing Young Hero" for the 500-point reward!

Thanks to book friends 20220703211126167, Qiankun Taichung Dexiandao, 201725456wap, Big White Dog, Alien No. 1, Draw the Sword Immediately, Cachidiablo, and Kong Qixing for their rewards!

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