From scrap mecha to sci-fi heaven

Chapter 222 Atlas Acquisition Plan

"Are you sure?"

Just now, Noel was worried that Lin Yu had some plan, so he didn't say anything.

Until he saw him really walked out without looking back, he couldn't help but ask.

Similar to the Zhong family father and son, she also thought that Lin Yu was trying to break through Zhong Qihang's psychological defense.

"Get my reward ready, just wait and see."

Lin Yu threw back the cooperation agreement that Noel had given him before, and then left the Inspection Office directly.

After a busy night, it was now dawn.

However, the people in the Tianting Mecha Group had basically not rested yet.

Mo Dexian, Bai Wei, and Wang Xiaoliu were silently repairing and maintaining the Feijiang and the Flying Eagle after the war.

Even Xiaotian followed closely behind, helping to deliver tools and parts to the best of her ability.

Jova took Miller and Field Yingyue to arrange patrols and night shifts to prevent the aftermath and remnants of today's events.

Alena was holding Xu Xiaotu and preparing supper for everyone, which was a simple celebration banquet.

Looking at the people who were busy with their work in an orderly manner, Lin Yu could not help but stop for a moment.

Then, he stepped forward and walked into the room.


"Hello, boss!"

"Brother Lin!"

Everyone greeted him one after another.

Lin Yu also responded with a smile and joked.

Then he went to the mecha workshop to take a look and told Mo Dexian and the others not to rush to repair the flying general.

After all, he had obtained a nearly complete body of the Viking Battle Axe, so he would definitely upgrade the flying general.

At the same time, he also had to redesign its various system structures based on the materials he had on hand.

Going for repair and maintenance at this time would be a pure waste of time and energy.

"How is it, how much atlas data have you collected?"

After walking around Mo Dexian and the others, he immediately found Miao Xiaomao.

Miao Xiaomiao is responsible for various programs and systems on a daily basis. For convenience, her work area is basically placed in the mecha workshop, a circular workstation filled with various electronic equipment and a large number of computer groups.

Originally, there were a large number of electronic screens, but the holographic equipment was replaced before, and holographic images can be generated at will in the workshop. The physical electronic screens became unnecessary equipment and were thrown into the warehouse next door.

"As soon as I came back, I urged work. It really deserves to be a vampire capitalist."

Miao Xiaomiao drove the Skyhawk to help defeat the Viking Axe tonight, which can be said to be a great contribution. When she saw Lin Yu coming over, she pretended not to notice it, but in fact, she couldn't hide her face and asked for praise.

But when she heard Lin Yu asked about work as soon as he came over, she pouted in displeasure.

"I just asked about the progress, not to urge you to work."

Lin Yu was a little amused and reached out to her head, combing her long black hair into a mess, and her fox ears trembled slightly: "You performed well today, and you are the first credit."

"You just say nice things, who wants the first credit, don't, don't move, it's troublesome to comb your hair."

The little fox girl didn't really care about any credit. After her expectations were met, her insignificant temper disappeared instantly. Her cheeks were slightly red, and she looked embarrassed and disgusted, slapping away the mischievous hand.

"Can you answer my question now?"

Lin Yu said with a smile.

"Not very ideal, any slight change in brain waves has different meanings.

And because of individual differences, emotional fluctuations, physiological factors, etc., even if the meaning is the same, the brain wave activity will fluctuate within a certain range..."

Talking about business, Miao Xiaomao gradually became serious.

The map that Lin Yu asked about was naturally the foundation of the third-generation machine and the core of brain wave interaction technology - the brain wave map.

In short, it is a kind of comparative translation, and different brain waves correspond to what they mean.

The invasive brain-computer interaction device in her brain is essentially a sensor device implanted to capture the brain electrical activity of her brain, and then translate it into various easy-to-understand instructions and transmit it out.

What activity is translated into what instruction, this is the EEG spectrum.

It is just like the language translation between thoughts and machines.

Therefore, if you want to copy and master the brain electrical interaction technology, there is actually a simple way, that is, continuous observation and recording, recording all the translation comparisons, which is naturally equivalent to copying the entire EEG spectrum.

This is also the safest way.

After all, what Miao Xiaomiao has is an invasive device, which is implanted in the brain and even deeply integrated into the brain tissue.

He can't open her brain, and other electronic and program technical means can easily trigger the internal defense and encryption mechanism.

This kind of key technology almost does not come with encryption and self-destruction mechanisms.

A device that goes deep into the brain tissue, even if it only uses its own micro-nuclear battery to discharge slightly, is enough to turn a person into an idiot.

He is not a person who can be completely cold-blooded for profit, and he can't do such a thing.

Therefore, the only method that can be used is the most conservative, simplest and most direct method, which is continuous observation and recording.

The translation dictionary is just a more vivid description.

The actual situation is countless times more complicated.

Individual differences, fluctuations in physical signs, emotional fluctuations, and even subtle external electromagnetic disturbances will affect and interfere with brain electrical activity.

So although it seems to be a comparison, the brain electrical activity shown each time is actually not exactly the same.

Besides, human consciousness is often very abstract, such as subtle changes in emotions, imaginary images in the mind, complex and random thoughts, etc., which are basically impossible for them to accurately describe.

In terms of substance, a simple physical movement, or the manipulation of an object, different directions, different strengths, extremely subtle strength changes, or even clever strength, etc.

Even the slightest changes will form completely different brain wave fluctuations and meanings.

This actually involves a series of preprocessing technologies such as filtering and noise reduction, feature extraction, etc.

It is difficult to accurately analyze these simply by comparing the records, and there are huge error rates and errors if you try hard.

At this level, let alone the interaction technology of the third-generation machine, I am afraid it is not even as good as the most basic somatosensory interaction.

In addition, in addition to outputting consciousness, brain-computer interaction equipment also has the function of converting audio, video, and even various sensor encoding information into five senses information and directly transmitting it to the brain.

This involves the conversion of machine encoding to real five senses signals, and involves a series of encoding and processing technologies.

Therefore, it is impossible to completely imitate brain-electric interaction technology by recording and analyzing alone.

It can only be said that some existing data have been collected, and many complicated or cruel human experiments have been avoided. In fact, there are still many difficulties that need to be overcome.

But, as I said, he can't be so cold-blooded as to gamble with Miao Xiaomiao's life.

The stupid way is always a way, but the progress is a little slower and more complicated.

Compared with other people who want to touch the EEG interaction technology, it is much better.

During this period, or in fact, since Miao Xiaomiao joined, they have basically been observing and recording in this regard when they have a little free time.

Of course, they really started to invest more energy during the design and development of the Skyhawk.

Today is the top priority.

The first actual combat of the Skyhawk, a large number of behaviors, emotions, and sensory changes that are difficult to think of and simulate in daily life will occur in the fierce battle, which can greatly promote the recording of EEG spectrum.

EEG interaction technology is related to the third-generation body, the Tiandun Sword Jue system, and a series of subsequent research and development plans. Lin Yu also attaches great importance to it.

Unfortunately, although the progress is relatively great, it is a drop in the bucket for the complete EEG spectrum data.

"It's not that there is no way."

Miao Xiaomiao seemed to have thought of something at this time and proposed an idea.

"What method?"

Lin Yu became interested.

"AI training, let's directly train an AI, use my EEG fluctuations and actual output instruction codes as training data, and train the AI ​​to perform recognition and judgment."

Miao Xiaomiao proposed his own method: "If the trained AI can complete high-precision comparison and recognition, it means that it has sorted out the most accurate EEG spectrum and preprocessing algorithm, and we will extract it from the AI."

"Good idea!"

Lin Yu's eyes lit up after hearing this.

Even from his point of view, Miao Xiaomiao's suggestion is very feasible.

As mentioned earlier, AI's judgment and recognition are essentially guessing puzzles.

Humans and machines are completely different in cognition. It is impossible for humans to teach AI anything. AI is essentially guessing puzzles through algorithms.

For example, let AI distinguish whether an object is an apple or a pear.

It is impossible for a human to explain and express the concepts of apples and pears to a program, and it is even more impossible to teach AI how to distinguish them like teaching children.

So there is training.

Just like a tyrannical teacher, he is not responsible for teaching, but only gives questions and reference answers, and lets AI do the questions by itself, and then compares the reference answers.

In the training of billions of questions, let it explore and summarize how to judge, or more precisely, how to guess more accurately. Parameters and formulas.

This method results in a black box. The people who designed it may not know the specific situation inside, and the answer is not a real derivation, but a guess.

Just like the formula for some people to answer multiple-choice questions in exams - choose the longest one among three short and one long.

What is trained is a set of parameters that allow it to guess more accurately and as close to the correct answer as possible.

But no matter what, even if it is a guess, it is a guess that is infinitely close to the correct answer, and it can achieve extremely high accuracy with sufficient training data and support.

In other words, after training this AI, there will be a translation expert who has thoroughly mastered consciousness and mechanical language and is close to perfection.

He was unwilling to take risks on Miao Xiaomiao, but for a trained AI, whether it was testing or disassembling, it was natural to do whatever he wanted.

By then, with the knowledge and engineering skills he had mastered, plus the assistance of Miao Xiaomiao and Xue Siqiao, he could completely use this "translation expert" as a test product to re-derive and design the real EEG spectrum and preprocessing technology.

But there was a problem.

"To train an AI of this level, the computing power required is not ordinary."

Lin Yu looked at Miao Xiaomiao.

If you want to maintain true accuracy and high precision, then this AI is very demanding.

To train an AI of this level, you need extremely huge computing resources and reference data to provide it with repeated and synchronous massive training.

"That's why I'm bringing it up now."

Miao Xiaomiao also nodded, and after looking at Lin Yu, he paused in dismay: "... Well, in fact, it was just inspired by it."

"Now, it is even more necessary to take down the supercomputing center from Zhong Qihang's hands."

Lin Yu naturally knew what she meant by being inspired, and looked at each other and laughed.

There is nothing more suitable for training AI than the supercomputing center in the hands of Zhong Qihang.

It was probably because of the possibility of controlling this supercomputing center that Miao Xiaomiao thought about this plan.

"You and Sister Xue really gave me a huge gift today."

Lin Yu sighed with emotion and stretched out his hand to tangle Miao Xiaomiao's hair into a mess.

Supercomputing center.

Calculation chip technology.

There are also feasible solutions to truly master brain-electrical interaction technology.

Xue Siqiao and Miao Xiaomiao really gave him an unexpected surprise today.

Plus upgrades to the Viking battle ax and combat command skills.

Tonight's harvest can no longer be described as rich.

"It's too early to say this now. It still depends on whether the dead woman can handle Zhong Qihang's supercomputing center."

Miao Xiaomiao said with some duplicity.

She and Xue Siqiao were best friends who hurt each other but also fell in love with each other. They always refused to admit defeat verbally, but they still knew in their hearts that it was Xue Siqiao who really took the credit this time.

After all, she was the one who proposed the idea of ​​seizing the supercomputing center on the spur of the moment, and actually realized it.

Even the invasion technology of the Yin Soldier Armor was born from his suggestions.

If she hadn't suggested designing a new soul-binding chain system and controlling the Viking battle ax to finally hack into the Zhong family's supercomputing center, even if she thought of this method, she wouldn't have been able to realize it in the short term.

If the computing power is not enough, training an advanced AI will be an extremely long process, and it is impossible to achieve it in the short term, and it may even take years.

And to build a supercomputing center by yourself, the funds required are not ordinary and terrifying.

"In this case, I'll go up first to check on the progress, and you can rest early. No matter how important things are, there's no need to rush them at this time."

Lin Yu nodded, told Miao Xiaomiao to go rest early, and then went to the roof of the station.

Naturally, the Nantianmen stopped at the private airport on the rooftop.

Xue Siqiao and Hawke also stayed there, seizing the time to conquer the supercomputing center.

After all, Lin Yu didn't know whether Zhong Qihang had handed these to the Audit Office before going to the Audit Office.

If the Audit Office gets involved, things will become extremely troublesome.

Therefore, what they obviously want to do is to seize the time. The sooner they can break through the supercomputing center and take advantage of the situation, the better.

"Two great heroes, stop being busy and come have a cup of milk tea first."

Lin Yu specially took two cups of milk tea purchased by Alena from the table, and after boarding the Nantianmen, placed one cup each in front of Hawke and Xue Siqiao.

"Forget about the milk tea. If you want to lose weight, give me coffee to refresh yourself."

Xue Siqiao was not polite, and while quickly operating the large amount of code in front of him, he asked Lin Yu to change it.

"Coffee isn't good. I don't want you two to die of overwork."

Lin Yu pulled up a chair, sat down next to Xue Siqiao, and said, "There is nothing the Audit Office can do about Zhong Qihang. They will not get involved in the supercomputing center's affairs. Take your time."

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