From scrap mecha to sci-fi heaven

Chapter 221: Killing and destroying the heart

"How much?"

Noel was shocked by Lin Yu's 'conservative estimate'.

After all, he went to Lin Yu just to give it a try.

She didn't know that Xue Siqiao had successfully left a backdoor in Zhong Qihang's supercomputing center in just a few seconds.

It would be strange if she didn't get shocked to hear such a 'conservative' number at this moment.

"Let's go see Zhong Qihang first."

Lin Yu didn't repeat it, just stood up with the contract.


Noel calmed down, stood up as well, and took Lin Yu to the prison where Zhong Qihang was imprisoned.

The Inspection Bureau branch should actually be similar to a detention center, not a formal prison.

It's just that the military force is too abundant in this era.

Any battery can be used as a bomb.

Ordinary public security cases are also handled by electronic police, and it is not the turn of the Inspection Bureau to take action.

Therefore, even if it is a detention center for temporary detention of suspects, its security standards are extremely high.

The most basic are high-strength metal cast rooms, and the mezzanine also comes with measures such as shielding electromagnetic waves.

Unlike wide-area spaces where only signal interference can occur, in small enclosed spaces, the signal can be completely blocked by technologies such as Faraday cages.

That is to say, within this prison, whether it is hidden electronic devices or implanted chips or prostheses, they will be completely isolated from the information transmission of the outside world.

This is also an indispensable item for such detention facilities.

After all, there are too many people implanted with various prostheses and invasive devices in this era.

In addition, various hidden automatic firepower systems, various sensing systems, monitoring identification, etc., under the advanced intelligent technology, even the most basic imprisonment measures are so strict that ordinary people cannot escape at all.

Of course, Lin Yu is not a prisoner, and with Noel leading him, he naturally drove straight in.

Soon he came to the cell where Zhong Qihang and his son were imprisoned.

But the overall layout is more like an isolation observation room.

The interior is a full metal prison, which is thick enough to be a wartime bunker, and Zhong Qihang and his son are in it.

Outside, there is also an adjustable one-way and two-way transparent glass window, and the sound is also transmitted by a special speaker, so you can observe and interrogate directly while sitting outside.

When Lin Yu and Noel arrived, the observation window was still one-way transparent.

That is, the outside can see inside, but the inside cannot see outside.

Zhong Qihang and his son just sat against the inner wall, each slumped in a corner, vaguely showing a bit of silent confrontation, as if they had just quarreled.

Lin Yu stood in front of the observation window and watched quietly for a moment.

It felt like watching two monkeys imprisoned in a zoo.

"Turn on the interrogation mode."

Noel stretched out his right hand and pressed it on the observation window.

The place where the palm was pressed lit up with ripples and light blue palm prints.

This should be the authority recognition.

Because soon the entire observation window changed, as if a layer of diaphragm was removed and turned into two-way transparency.

Zhong Qihang and Zhong Yunfan saw Lin Yu standing quietly at the window almost at the first sight.

Lin Yu stood outside.

They sat slumped inside.

Like two monkeys being watched by tourists.

"It's you!!!"

Zhong Yunfan jumped up directly, and the whole person rushed over, slapping his hands heavily on the observation window.

Those eyes stared at Lin Yu.

As if he wanted to kill him with his eyes.

Once upon a time, Lin Yu was just a piece of cake in his eyes.

A small D-class pilot with no background.

Even if the mecha driving and fighting level is high, it is only D-class.

Without the mecha, it is nothing.

This should have been just a trophy harvested after he dealt with Zhong Fan, and it didn't even need to be included in the plan.

As a result, just because of this one person, he reversed the whole situation with his own strength.

Due to the power and escape ability of the flying armor, plus Zhong Fan and Barbosa were by his side, he couldn't get angry at that time.

But even then, he didn't care.

The same sentence.

A D-class pilot, even if he can drive a mecha, is not a threat to him who holds the card of Charson.

A pilot without a mecha is nothing.

However, today's determination to win has ended up with him being imprisoned.

He, who he regards as a cake, not even a prey, stands outside the window.

He is locked in a cage like a monkey.

This is definitely the most frustration and humiliation he has ever encountered in his life.

"Do you think he looks like a dog?"

Lin Yu, who was glared at by Zhong Yunfan, ignored him directly, just pretending to comment, and turned his head to look at Noel, who was standing next to him and was nearly half a head shorter.


Noel acted very seriously, and replied calmly and solemnly.

But he immediately followed it with a sentence: "Dogs are lovely and loyal pets."

He still looked serious.

Probably because of the surrounding monitoring facilities and the guarding agents.

"As expected of the special case team leader, you speak with level."

Lin Yu gave her a thumbs up in approval.

On the other side of the glass window, Zhong Yunfan's face turned red and blue.

"I've said it so many times, but you still can't keep your composure."

Behind Zhong Yunfan, a low and calm voice sounded.

Accompanied by footsteps.

Zhong Qihang, who was squatting in another corner, stood up slowly and walked over.

In fact, Zhong Yunfan was already middle-aged.

So Zhong Qihang's training of Zhong Yunfan and letting Zhong Fan live an ordinary life since childhood was, to some extent, a very wise way to avoid brothers fighting.

It's a pity that he is obviously not a qualified father and ignores human nature.

Let's get back to the topic.

Although Zhong Yunfan is already middle-aged.

But perhaps thanks to today's medical technology, Zhong Qihang actually looks like a middle-aged man, but the roots of his hair at the temples show a subtle paleness that is not easy to detect.

Lin Yu looked at him carefully.

He was not the decisive and ruthless business tycoon he imagined.

Instead, he had a gentle and bookish atmosphere.

He didn't look like a leader who sat in the office for a long time, but more like a person who often appeared in the library or the laboratory.

But it was in line with it.

The founders of various technology companies are often practitioners of related technologies themselves.

Zhong Qihang, who can lead the computing chip technology, must even be one of the best.

The two middle-aged men stood side by side, but Zhong Yunfan seemed to be a teenager, and was scolded so much that he shrank back and was completely speechless.

"It was you who... killed my son?"

After scolding Zhong Yunfan, Zhong Qihang looked at Lin Yu.

His calm attitude and emotionless tone seemed to be casually finding a topic to talk to a stranger he just met.

"That's right."

Lin Yu smiled and nodded, looking at him, but a little curious about what he wanted to do.

The result was beyond his expectations.

"Illegally stealing the body, attacking and murdering others, you should be prepared to be killed in legitimate defense."

Zhong Qihang actually just nodded calmly.

As if he agreed with this result.

But it was not the kind of hypocrisy that was impeccable.

It was a very obvious, false, and deliberate pose.

This kind of appearance that could be hidden but deliberately revealed the falseness was a dangerous atmosphere.

This was not a hypocritical feint, but a threat, or an implicit declaration.

A declaration of a fight to the death.

"You don't seem to be worried about your situation at all?"

Lin Yu also smiled, his eyebrows narrowed.

Zhong Qihang's performance only made him more determined.

This kind of person must never be given the opportunity to go out again.

Not only should he be sentenced to death for his crimes, but his spirit should also be completely destroyed.

"Zhong has always been a law-abiding businessman, so there is naturally nothing to worry about."

Zhong Qihang remained calm, and then explained: "What happened tonight was just a misunderstanding of the Inspection Bureau, and the attack on you was also the self-initiative of my useless son."

"Zhong Qihang! Don't be so arrogant!"

Before Lin Yu opened his mouth, the detective who was originally responsible for guarding and interrogating him couldn't help but scold him.

After all, they spent a lot of energy and resources to catch Zhong Qihang.

But according to the current situation, what Zhong Qihang just said is likely to become a reality.

The truth hurts the most.

They were unable to get Zhong Qihang to tell them where the hijacked mechas went, and the interrogation even passed various psychological and AI technology tests.

Zhong Fan's case can be completely explained as personal behavior, and cannot be blamed on Zhong Qihang.

In other words, if there is no solid evidence to convict him, the Inspection Bureau may really release Zhong Qihang without guilt.

This time, the enemy has been alerted, and it will be difficult to catch him next time.

Especially the stolen mechas, it is unknown how much trouble they will cause.

"You go out first."

Noel stopped the agent and motioned him to go out first.

The latter had no choice but to leave.

Her eyes fell on Lin Yu again.

"Useless son... I don't know what Zhong Fan would think when he heard that he ended up with such an evaluation in your mouth."

Lin Yu also spoke at this time, pondered, and then shook his head.

The truth hurts the most.

Zhong Qihang likes to tell the truth.

Coincidentally, he likes it too.

And this statement was surprisingly effective.

Zhong Qihang's body trembled slightly.

After all, they were father and son. How could he really scold someone for being useless when he had just died tragically because of him?

"Zhong Fan told me before the battle that he had never thought of competing for the inheritance."

"He has been studying and practicing desperately since he was eight years old, just to prove himself."

Lin Yu continued to narrate calmly, paused slightly, and then added sarcastically: "To you."


Zhong Qihang's voice became a little hoarse, and he was just trying to maintain his calmness.

"He probably never thought that he thought his opponent was at most Zhong Yunfan, but he didn't expect that it would be you who took his life."

How could Lin Yu stop?

"Without hesitation, between the possibility of the supercomputing center being invaded and him, the person he most wanted to pay attention to and prove himself chose to give up on him directly and decisively."

"In the end, the final evaluation he got with his life was still - a useless son."

The plain narration, without any waves, was like a knife cutting the heart.


Zhong Qihang couldn't restrain himself at all and shouted loudly.

"Do you want to know Zhong Fan's last words?"

"He said, Mom, I'm in so much pain."

"I told you to shut up!"

"By the way, I stabbed his heart. Do you think my Fang Tian Hua Ji hurt more, or..."

"I say! Enough! Shut up!"

Breathing heavily, eyes reddened, Zhong Qihang's defense was completely broken.

"You can make me shut up, but you can't erase the facts that have already happened, let alone offset the despair before his death."

Lin Yu stood outside the isolation window.

No matter how manic and angry Zhong Qihang was, he couldn't even make his tone fluctuate.

"Calm down, Dad, calm down, he is just conducting a psychological offensive."

Zhong Yunfan maintained his rationality at this moment and began to comfort Zhong Qihang.

At the same time, he also looked at Lin Yu and said coldly: "Don't think I don't know what you are thinking. You are wishful thinking if you want to break through our psychological defenses and get the supercomputing center by this."

These words are very effective.

Not for Lin Yu, but for Zhong Qihang.


This is probably a psychological offensive deliberately created by the Inspection Bureau.

It is a trick of the enemy.

This allows him to comfort himself that he cannot fall into the enemy's tricks and cannot make his loved ones sad and his enemies happy.

Lin Yu's words may have been fabricated or deliberately processed.


Zhong Yunfan's words also made him completely sober.

All he had left... was the supercomputing center.

All he had left was the supercomputing center that he had exchanged for his son's life.

No matter whether what Lin Yu said was true or false.

These were already established facts. He had made a difficult choice and lost his son.

He couldn't lose the supercomputing center as well.

"I think you misunderstood."

Lin Yu said the last heart-piercing words lightly: "Reality is not a drama. Before killing someone, no one would give a notice in advance."

A strange smile gradually appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Zhong Yunfan didn't understand it at the first time.

Zhong Qihang was shocked.

Notice given in advance.

Advance... Notice...


This sentence, this word, seemed to be the whisper of a devil, echoing uncontrollably in his mind, and a terrible conjecture could not be suppressed.

"Preview, he wants to invade the supercomputing center, and he clearly knows that I might be monitoring from behind..."

"He invaded from Fan'er just for that short period of hesitation, so how could he say something like a warning in advance..."

"That is to say..."

A guess that made him tear his eyes and his brain seemed to explode, unwilling to admit it, but had to admit that it was possible emerged.

It is very likely that the other party had succeeded when he said that.

At least there was a possibility of success later.

So, when I made the decision, it was actually completely meaningless.

I sacrificed my son in vain...

I sacrificed him in vain in the most desperate and painful way.

When a relative passes away, there is often a sense of fantasy.

Even if you know that he is dead, you always feel that he is still there, he is still alive, and he seems to be there, as if he just went away.

This sense of fantasy can greatly dilute grief and other negative emotions.

But at this moment, this thin veil like a fig leaf was completely torn apart by Lin Yu.

Suddenly awake.

What on earth did I do...

"No, it's impossible. This is just a trick to break my psychological defense."

He bit his back teeth and raised his head suddenly. His eyes were red and bloodshot, like a dying beast.

He probably wanted to get a positive answer from Lin Yu's expression.

But he was disappointed.

When Lin Yu finished speaking, he turned and walked out of the cell.




A room where you can hear a pin drop.

The subtle footsteps echoed clearly.

One step after another, smooth, but without any lingering or sluggishness.

The footsteps seemed to step on Zhong Qihang's heart, mind, and buzzing ears.


As the door closed, a string seemed to be disturbed and completely broken.


The strange laughter suddenly began to echo in the cell.

Zhong Yunfan was startled: "Dad! Dad! Don't scare me!"

"Fan'er, be good, Fan'er, Dad is fine, Dad is very good, Dad loves you, be good, we will go home soon..."

"Dad, person has already left, there is no need to pretend, don't scare me."

"Be good..."

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